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ISSN: 0750-73211995 - VOLUME XXII<strong>BIOLOGIA</strong><strong>GALLO</strong>-<strong>HELLENICA</strong>
... r . I279Bi%gia Ga//o-/IC/lel/ica. vol. 22, pp. 279-289, 19945c CONGRES INTERNATIONAL SUR LA ZOOGtOGRAPI-lIE ET L'ECOLOGlE DELA GRtC E ET DES REG IONS AVOJSINANTES - Iraklion, Awil 1990MARINE GASTROTRICHA OF GREECE:A PRELIMINARY REPORTBy W.O. HUMMONIand E. ROIDOUIntroductionMarine Gaslrotricha arc free-lidng micromelazoans. many of which havehave highly ornamented e.\terior surfaces. They spend all their li\'es amid fineto coarse sands in tilloral beaches. or in sub-lilloral sediments of shallow todeep oceanic waters. Adults locomote using \'entral ciliary tracts and nearlyalways maintain contact with the substratum. There is no plaktonic dispersalstage, as the eggs arc deposited on grains of sediment and juveniles undergodirect development in the Sellne habitat as their parents. Gastrotrichs often rankfourth in abundance among meiofauna in whole-beach transects (HUMMON,1982), following nematodes, harpacticoid eopepods and either turbcllarians oroligochaetes. Ncar sewage ontfalls they may rank second or occasionally evenfirst in abundance (HUMMON. I'J7S)~ ho\\e\'er, in areas of e.\cessive pollutionthey can e\'en be e.\cluded from the lilloral region (HUMMON et a!., 1990).The literature on gastrolrichs is widely scallered. and species arc oftenpoorly illustrated or inadeCjuately described. Recent re\'iews of marine gastrotrichsinclude: O'HONDT. I'J71 ~HUMMON, IlJl\2: RENAUD-MORNA NT,19l\6; RUPPERT. Ins. Until recenlly, northern continenlal Europe has beenthe best known area on earth with respect to its m:lrine gastrotrich faun
2801978-79, this rose to 113 specics from lOG sites (71 M + 42 C). Followinghis continued studies in 1987-88, the st:ltus incrcased but slightly to 117 speciesfrom 137 sites (73 M + 44 C). This levelling ofT is rcal for those gastrotrichsthat arc restricted [0 the lilloral habitat of sandy beaches, but unfortunalclyis also parlly illusory, bec:luse the sublilloral habitats havc been undersampledin the British Isles, rebtive to those of northern continental Europe and Italy.FIG. 10 NORTHERN EUROPE FIG. Ie ITALY1>0'''''(f1 Vl'=:'100~IOOUUWWll. _-0 ll.(f14'-·:-' :",,-=_-:;: •• _~ (f1ciZ""••• !:,~,"'! --.'a:':"·""..-4o I '0 .0 160 1 ,~ 260 2~No. SITES150oZ'0o I ,0 ..0 1()O,II!>ONo. SITESFIG. lb ORITISH ISLES FIG. ld GREECEVIV1~100~IOOUww0. e - -=a.VI (f1o ~Oci !>OZZU?-~p' - ~'~'~'~'4"".t.,6''''',200oE ,i:.0 ,00 1~ :i&J 2~ 0 ~'o 100 ,~o 200 2~NO. SITE:S No. SITES""fig. I. Curvilinear rdationships bctm.:en the lllnnher of sites sampled and the numberof spccics round: a) lor continental northem Europ
·.281relating the resulting combin:ltion with material from southern Europe,specifically from Portugill and Hilly. Il
282in the \\'orld (lIIostly the United Siales): 25% arc shared between the BritishIsles/norlhern eOlllinental Europe and southern Europe (using the weslernPyrenees MOunl
283Gaslrolricha arc also known from seven sublilloral sites, all in Crete(AOInissos and Georgioupolis at 1.5 m deplh, Plakias at 1.0 and 1.5 01, andChania {35"3I'N/2-l"02'E}, Chrysi {3-l"'2'N/2SO:l5'E} and Rhelhymnon {35"22'NI24"28'E} at 20-30 111. The four shallower sites have a mean of 10.5 (std. error= 2.1) species of gaslrolrichs per beach, wilh 5.3 (s.c. = 0.9) in the OrderMacrodasyida and 5.2 (s.c. = U) in the Order Chaetonotida. The three dcepersites have a 1IIean of only 1.6 (std. error = 0.7) species of gastrotrichs perbeach, wilh 1.1 (s.c. = 0.3) in Ihe Order Macrodasyida and 0.3 (s.c. = 0.3)in the Order Chaetonolida. .·lcan/hodmys acu/ea/us. Dacty/opodo/a typh/e, andAfesodmys /il/oralis lended to be the 1IIOsl abundant gastrolrichs in the shallowsublilloral sites. Dip/odmys lIIinor in lhe deeper siles.SOllie IX diffcrenl species (5 M + n C) arc known from the two lilloralsitcs in Allica (Fig. Id), l-l oflhelll cOllling frolll Loutsa Beach, while 31 (IIM + 20 C) arc known from the twelve additional Crete sites, 12 from thelilloral site at Alllnissos and 15 fro1ll lhe sublilloral site at Plakias. Combined,these two regions of Greece yield a lowl of 39 dilTerent species (13 M + 26C), of which 17 species hm'e been found al only I locat ion. Of Ihe 18 speciesknown frolll Allica. II arc also known frOIll Crete, indicating a wide distributionof COOlll1on species within Greece. Indeed, of the 39 species known from lhesesites in Greece. lIsing micromorphological characlers as crileria, 37 arc alsoknown from Ilaly, 27 arc known frolll the British Isles, 31 are known fromnorthern continental Europe. and 26 arc known from elsewhere in N. Europe,and 26 arc knowlI from elsewhere in the World.The mean lIumber of species per lilloral site and per sublilloral site arc1.5 and 2.0 species greater lhan lhose found in unpolluted beaches in Italyduring lhe SUlllnler of 1999 (HUMMON et ai, 19(0), but in h
284TABLE I. Spccics and thc locations/sitcs ill Greccc at which they wcre found.Symbols: Locations - Attica: ED-Edclll. LT-LolltSCl: Crcte: PA-Pachia Ammos,KL-KaJalllaki, AM-Alllnissos. GR-Gcorgiollpolis, PL-Plakias. KR-Cluysi, RMRhcthymnon, XN-Chania. Sitcs: L-Littoral. B-LongsllOre Bar (1.0 m sublittoraldcpth), S-Shallo\V Sublittoral (1.5 111 sublittoral dcpth), D-Decper Sublittoral(20-30 m sublittoral dcpth).SPECIES LISTLOCATIONS/SITESED L1': I'A f.:L AMGR PL KR RM XNORDER MACRODASYIDA -- 13 spp.DACTYLOPOLIDAEDac~v/opada/a Iyph/c (Rcmanc. I 'J2 7) - L S - BSLEPIDODASYIDAEA1esodasys /ilforn/is Rc IIIanc. 1951 L - S BSMACRODASYIDAEAfacrodmys caudalus RClllanc. 1')27 L L L L S L SUradmys I'il'iparus Wilkc. 11)5.tDTHAUMASTODERMATIDAEAcanlhodn.\ys aCII/eallls RCIll:lIIC. 11)27 L S BDip/odmys lIIinor Rc III aIIC. 11)36 D D D. Telranchyrodcrllla al7/cnnntlllllLuporini, Maganini & Tongiorgi.I970 L LS LS BST papii Gcrlach. 195JLThaulllasladerJIla lIIedilerraneaRClllanc. 11)27 - STURBANELLIDAEParalurbanella Icissieri Sm::dm:lrk.11)5.t S S BSTurbal1ella all/bronensis RCIll:1I1C. 19.t3 LST camilla RClllanc. 192.tL L ST hyalil1a Schultze, 1853L
285ORDER CHAETONOTIDA -- 26 spp.CHAETONOTID AEAspidiophorJJs I/Iec!ilerrnneus Rcm~lJIc.1927 L LA. pnrnlllec!ilerrnneus HUIllOJOIl, 197~ L SChnelol1oluS npolelllll/os::, Hummoll,Bnlsamo & Todnro, 1992BSC. nlrox Wilkc. 195~ LC. Incul10sus Mock. 1979 LC. pnrlhel10peius Wilkc. 195~ L LS -C. vnriosfjllnlllnllls Mock, 11)7'.)SC. sp. E LC. sp. G L L LC. sp. HDHn/ichnelol1olus nCI//ijl'r(Gcrlnch. 1953) L LS SfI. hnlillifer (Luporilli. L BMagnnini & Tongiorgi. 1972)H. elrolOIl/II::; HUlllmon, Balsamo &Todnro, 19
· ,286AbstractAs of 1990, Gaslrolricha arc known from 10 localions (14 silCS, 7 lilloraland 7 sublilloral) in Grcccc. 2 in Allica (Louisa and Edcm, ncar Alhcns) and8 in Crclc (Amnissos. Chania. Gcorgioupolis, Kalamaki, Chrysi, Pachia Arnmos,Plakias, and Rhclh}mnon). A mcan of 7.-1 (sid. crror = 1.2) spccics occur persitc. Somc 18 diffcrcnl specics (5 Macrodasyida + 13 Chaetonolida) are knownfrom Ihc Allica localions, 14 of Ihcm from Ihe lilloral al Louisa Bcach, while31 (II M + 20 C) arc known from localions in Crcle, 15 from a shallowsublilloral sitc al PI:lkias and 12 fronl lhc lilloral sitc al Amnissos. Combincd,Ihc Iwo arcas yield a 10lal of 19 diffcrcnl spccics (13 M + 26 C), of \\hich17 ha\'c bccn found al only one localion. Of Ihc IR spccics known from Allica,II arc also knO\\"I1 from Crclc.Thc mcan nUlllber of spccics pcr 10c;Ilion and silc arc cornp:Hablc 10 Ihoscfound in unpollulCd bcachcs in Italy during Ihc summcr of 1989 (Hummonel al. 19')0). bUI in Ilaly Ihc spccics wcrc morc c\'cnly di\'idcd bClwccnmacrodasyids and chaclonolicts. Prcsenlly. 35 of Ihc 39 specics from GrcecchCl\'c also bccn fouud in Italy (all chaclonolids), whcre some 144 spccics arcnow known. Projccling from Ihc work donc in Grcccc to dalc. wc can c.\pccito find somc four limcs this many spccics. or ca. 200 species, bcforc the prescnlscrics of sludies is complclcd.II r.pIATJIjITJMr.XPl 1:0 1900, r.ixav avwpr.pOr.i f am:po1:p1Xa ane) I0 1:OnoO£Oir.~ (1401:aO~IOU:;, 7 napaAwKOl',:; Kat 7 l)nOnapaAlaKol~) onlY EAAoba, 2 01:llVAHIK1l (AOl)Wa Kal EI)r.~1 KOVHi 01:llV AO~va) Kat 8 01:llV Kp~1:ll (A~IVIOOO~,Xavlo, fr.wpYlOl'moAll, KaAawiKI, XpllOll, fTaxr.lo AIl~IO:;, nAaKIO:; KalP£OU~IVO). Lr. KclOr. 01:aO~IO Opr.Ch1Kr. iva:; ~lioo:; opo~ 7,4 (TUn. olpaAI.w=I,2)w'Xl>v. L\r.Kaon0> I)lalpopr.llKO r.i()ll r.ival yvwo1:a ana tTJV A tllK~ (5Macrodasyida + 13 Chaelonotida), 14 ana ta onoia ana 1:llV napaAia tll~Aou1:oa:;, r.V0> 31 (II M + 20C) r.{Val yVW01:cl ana tOnoOr.olr.~ tll~ Kp~1:ll~,ano ta onoia 15 anti 1:0 Pl1Xo unonapclAlo tOll nAaKla Kal 12 ana "1:0napaAlo 1:11:; A~IVIOOOl). ~llVOAIKci 01 (')1)0 nr.plOxi~ anibwoav 39 blWpopr.llKar.(1)1l (13M + 26C) cmo W onolct teL 17 OPf.Ol1Kav or. ~lla 1l0VO OioTJ. Ano1:a 18 r.(1)11 nOt> r.ival YVW01:cl ami 1:I1V AtllK11, 1:a II EXOUV Opr.Or.! Kat01:IlV K P1l1:ll.
287o ~1r.OOe;OpO::; TWV f.IIXDV ava om.O~IO KUl ToreoOr.oia EivaL oUyKpiOllloe;llf. alJTov reOl> Bpf.011Kf. one; KaOapte; 'impaAif.e; Tlle; haAiae; TO KaAOKaiptTOU 1989. (HulTIlTIon ct al. 1990) aAAa OTIlV [mAia m dOll ~mv TelOOIlOIOpOp(pa aVallf.Oa om Maerodasyida Kat ·w Chaetonotida.MtXPt o~wpa, 35 areo m 39 f.i&1l Til::; EUa8ae; r.xouv BpEOEi Ereiolle; KatOTIlV ImAia (oAa Chactonotida) oreol> dvUl yvwoTa 144 dOll. DpoBAireovme;areo TIlv f.pyaoia reou tXf.1 yiVf.1 ~1r.XPt OTlYIl~::; OTllv EAAaoa, avallEvOl>IlEva Bpot')W 4
288HUMMON W.O., 1977.- Introgrcssivc hybridi7.of Tetranchyroderma (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida). MicrofaunaAleereshodens (I (: 107-130.HUMMON W.O., 1982.- G:lslrotricha. Vol. I: 857-863. In: S.P. Pnrker, ed..~I·nopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, Ncw York.HUMMON W.O .. Marinc Gaslrotricha of thc British Islcs and Europe. Synopsisof nritish Fauna. No. :0:. D.M. Kcrmack & R.S.K. Barnes, cds. E.J. Brill,Lcidcn. (In preparation)HUMMON·W.D.. TODARO MAD.. BALSAMO M. & TONGIORGI P., 1990.Effccts of polhnion on marine Gastrotrieha in thc northwestern AdriaticSca. Afar.I'uII.LJ({II. 2 (: 2-11-2-13.LUPORINI P., MAGAGNINI G. & TONGrORGI P., 1'>71.- Contribution a laconnaissance des Gaslrotriehes dcs cotes dc Toscane. Cah. BioI. mar. 12:-1])--155.LUPORINI P.. MAGAGNINI G. & TONGIORGI P.. 1973a (for 1970).Gastrol richi macrod;lsioidei delle costc dclla Toscana. f'ubbl.Staz. zool. Napoli3H: 267-288.LUPORINI P.. MAGAGNINI G. & TONGIORGI P., 1973b.- ChactonotoidGaslrotrichs of lhc Tuscan coasl. !Joll.l.ool. -to: 31-40.LUPORINI P. & TONGIORGI P.. 11)72.- Observation au microscope a balayagede quelques G:lSlrOlriclles Cilaetonoides. Cah.lJiol./IIar. 13: 299-303.PAP I F., 1957.- The nuo\'i Gaslrolriclli meditcrranei. Pubbl.Staz. zool.Napoli30: 17(l-IX3.REMANE A.. 1927a.- Nellc Gaslrolrichen Macrod:lsyoidea. Zool.Jb. S:vsl. 5-t:203-2-12.REMANE A.. 1'>27b.- GaslrOlricha. In: G. Grimpc, cd. Die Tierll'ell der NordlindOstsee to (7d): I-56.REMANE A.. 195\.- .\ I('.ml!n.\ys. ci II neues Genus der Gaslrolricha Macrodasyoidcaaus dcr Kiclcr Bucili. A.·ider Jleeresjorsch. 8: 102-105; Tar. 29.RENAUD-MORNANT L I%8.- Presence du genre PO~\l/llerurus en milieum:lrill. deseriplion de deux espcccs nouvclles (Gaslrotricha, Chactonoloidae).J>ubMStaz.zooI.Napo!i 36: 1-1 I-lSI.RENAUD-MORNANT L In(l.- Gaslrolricha. pp. 86-109. In: L. Botosaneanu,cd. S'tygo/a({no .\ lundi. EJ. Brill. Lcidcn.RIEDL R.. 11)70.- Gaslrolric!la. pp. 2J6-218. In: Flora und Fauna del' Adria.2 Aull:Jgc. Parey. Halllblirg.RUPPERT E.E I')X8.- GaslrOlricha. pp. 302-311. In: R.P. Higgins & H. Thiel,cds. IntroduC1ion 10 the SI/Illv o/;\/eio/(/(({1O. Smithsonian Institulion Prcss,W:lshington, DC.SCHROM H.. I
289SCHROM H., 1972.- Nordadrialischc Gaslrolrichcn. He/go/tinder Wiss.Meereslinters. 23: 286-351.SOYER J.• 1985.- Mcdilerranean Sea meiobcnlhos, pp. 85-108. In: M. MorailouApOSlOlopouloll & V. Kiortsis (cds.), Mediterranean Marine Ecosystellls.Plenum. New York.TODARO M.A.D., TONGIORGI P. & BALSAMO M., 1988.- Tetranchyroderlllasardlill', a new species of the family Thallmastodermatidae. Boll. Zoot. 55:171-17-!.TONGIORGI P., 1975.- Two inleresling Macrodas)"oidca (Gaslrolricha) fromthe coast of Tuscany. BolI.Zoo/. ~2: 275-278.TONGIORGI P. & BALSAMO M. J'JX-!.- A ncw Tetranchyroderllla species(Gastrotrieha. Macrodasyoidea) from the Adrialic coast. BolI.Zoo/. 51: 335338.WILKE U.. ('J5-!.- Mediterrane Gastrotrichen. ZooUb.,~vst. 82: 497-550.Departlllent of /Ji%gica/ SciencesOhio Unil'ersitvAthens. Ohio -1570/USA2 Instilllte (!( Marine lJi%gyPO Box 22/-17/003 !raklion. CreteGreece