Product Info Sheet - Svanova Biotech AB

Product Info Sheet - Svanova Biotech AB

Product Info Sheet - Svanova Biotech AB


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SVANOVIR® BDV- AbControlling Pestivirus infections insheep and goat herdsSUMMARY | SVANOVIR® BDV- Ab is an indirectELISA for the detection of border disease in smallruminants. In a thorough evaluation study independentexperts found it to be highly effective indetecting Pestivirus infections. Control programsbenefit from the high sensitivity and dual functionalityof the assay, enabling parallel testing of bothserum/plasma and milk samples in the same assay.Your challenge is a high incidence of abortionin herdsPestivirus has a tropism to the respiratory and genital tract of ruminants,causing a disease called bovine virus diarrhoea (BVD) in cattle and borderdisease (BD) in small ruminants. In sheep and goats the infection is oftensub-clinical, however it can become economically important duringlambing season when it causes reproductive failure, abortions or birth ofsmall weak lambs with neurological disorders.Your goal is to identify herds with persistentlyinfected animalsTo control Pestivirus infections in ruminant herds, it is important toprevent in utero infections because this vertical transmission usuallyresults in lambs that are persistently infected (PI). PI animals shed largequantities of virus, posing a high risk for virus transmission to other smallruminants, cattle and swine.Detects antibodies to PestivirusinfectionHighly sensitive assay– minimising false negative resultsComprehensively validatedby the University of VeterinaryMedicine, ViennaEasy sampling – enables alsotesting of milk samplesASSAY OVERVIEWSVANOVIR® BDV-AbSpeciesOvine, caprineSamplesSerum and milkTypeIndirect ELISAArticle number Samples* Plates Format10-8100-02 88 2 Strips*Samples: Max. number of samples for analysis, wells for kit controls excludedPART OF BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM

SVANOVIR® BDV- Ab is a simpleand reliable tool for controllingPestivirus infections in smallruminants.Available in a 2-Plate formatDual functionality - testing of bothserum/plasma and milk samples in thesame assayPERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSSVANOVIR® BDV-AbComprehensive studies on serum from a large number of animalsfrom different herds and regions have shown good correlationbetween SVANOVIR® BDV- Ab and the virus neutralisation test.The assay has shown strong performance also in sheep and goatpopulations with low prevalence of Pestivirus (7.4 and 16.7 %positive animals, respectively) (Krametter et al., 2005). SVANOVIR®BDV- Ab demonstrated better specificity in comparison to anothercommercial ELISA, thus minimising the probability of falsepositive results.Effective handling – low samplevolume needed and results in

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