Adams v. Trustees UNC Wilmington, et al. - National Association of ...

Adams v. Trustees UNC Wilmington, et al. - National Association of ...

Adams v. Trustees UNC Wilmington, et al. - National Association of ...


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Dr. Gary Faulkner ("Faulkner") complimented aspects <strong>of</strong>plaintiff's teaching,categorizing it over<strong>al</strong>l as "average tomaybe above average," though he wondered if this fit thepromotion standard <strong>of</strong> teaching excellence ("distinguishedaccomplishment in teaching"). (Cook Dep . Ex . L.) Faulknercharacterized plaintiff's record <strong>of</strong> publications as "a tad bitsparse" but still a "tangible record <strong>of</strong> achievement." (Id. ) Hehighlighted that plaintiff had not received any grants and hadgiven three paper presentations.With respect to the servicecriterion, Faulkner indicated that plaintiff had served on three"rather minor" university committees, had "good" departmentservice, "seem [ed] to have good" faculty advisor service, andhad "weak" service to the community. Faulkner believed thatplaintiff's lectures around the country "should be acknowledged,however few are related to his academic field." (Id. )Faulkner would not say that plaintiff had a "reputation asan excellent teacher" and was "recognized as ascholar withinhis field." (Id. ) To Faulkner, plaintiff's credenti<strong>al</strong>s made "asomewhat weak case" for promotion, and he indicated he wouldfeel more comfortable supporting plaintiff "if he were to shoreup his research a bit and convince me a little more <strong>of</strong> hispedagogic<strong>al</strong> skills." (Id. ) He <strong>of</strong>fered his prediction that arecommendation by Cook to promote plaintiff would be rejected athigher levels <strong>of</strong> university review if the department could not19Case 7:07-cv-00064-H Document 146 Filed 03/15/2010 Page 19 <strong>of</strong> 39

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