Source Educational Evaluation Rubric (SEER) - PDF - Turnitin

Source Educational Evaluation Rubric (SEER) - PDF - Turnitin

Source Educational Evaluation Rubric (SEER) - PDF - Turnitin


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<strong>Source</strong> <strong>Educational</strong> <strong>Evaluation</strong> <strong>Rubric</strong> (<strong>SEER</strong>)Download the full study at http://pages.turnitin.com/evaluating_sources.htmlHighly Credible Credible Discreditable4 3 2 1 0AUTHORITATIVEHighly-regarded site thatWell-regarded site thatRegarded site that hasSite is slightly regarded-Site is not regarded--is referenced and linkedis well known in itsreputable information-does not necessarilyinformation or resourcesto by others. Informationcategory. Information isthat is referenced andhave information that isprovided are notis well-referenced, cited,referenced and cited,citedresearched, referenced,researched, referenced,and written by authorswith experts generatingor citedor citedwith expertise in thecontentCriteriacontent areaWeightEDUCATIONALSite is a leading sourceSite is a regarded sourceSite content meetsSite content does notSite content isVALUEof content that exceedsof content that meetsinstructional goalsmeet instructional goalsinappropriate or activelyinstructional goalsinstructional goalssubverts instructionalgoalsCriteriaWeightINTENTSite is a highly-respectedSite is a well-regardedSite provides content toSite promotes content;Site actively sells contentsource of contentsource of informationinform usersthe goal of the site is notprovided to inform userswhose job is to informto “inform” usersCriteriaWeightORIGINALITYSite is a primary sourceSite offers originalSite offers some originalSite aggregates orSite aggregates orof original content andcontent and viewpointscontent, combining itrepurposes contentrepurposes contentviewpointswith repurposed contentwithout appropriatecitation or referencesCriteriaWeightQUALITYSite content is highSite content is of goodSite content is ofSite content quality isQuality of content isquality (vetted,quality and there is goodquality and there islacking and good contentquestionable. Lackresearched, andcontent area coveragesome broader contentis in limited quantityof quality informationinformed) and enoughcoverageavailable.content is provided toestablish good coverageCriteriaWeight<strong>Rubric</strong> Score<strong>Rubric</strong> Percentage<strong>SEER</strong> by <strong>Turnitin</strong> is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.Based on a work at http://pages.turnitin.com/seer_rubric.html.sales@turnitin.com | turnitin.com

ExamplesBelow are three examples of <strong>SEER</strong> in practice. We evaluated three popular sites that appear in both secondary and highereducation papers. A total of 300 sites were reviewed as part of this study. Included in the analysis is the ranking by criterion, thenumber of matches this site produced against <strong>Turnitin</strong>’s index of the Web, and the overall score of the site based on <strong>SEER</strong>.Highly CredibleThe New York Timeshttp://www.nytimes.com# of Matches in Student Papers: 768,584CredibleeNoteshttp://www.enotes.com/# of Matches in Student Papers: 1,440,129Discreditable123HelpMe.comhttp://123helpme.com# of Matches in Student Papers: 2,370,843Total <strong>SEER</strong> Score: 3.6Total <strong>SEER</strong> Score: 2.20Total <strong>SEER</strong> Score: 0.46AUTHORITATIVE AUTHORITATIVE AUTHORITATIVEHighly-regarded site that isRegarded site that has reputable4.0 referenced and linked to by others. 2.0 information that is referenced 0.5Site is slightly regarded--does notnecessarily have information thatInformation is well-referenced,and citedis researched, referenced, or citedcited, and written by authors withexpertise in the content areaEDUCATIONAL VALUE EDUCATIONAL VALUE EDUCATIONAL VALUESite is a leading source of contentSite is a regarded source of content3.8 that exceeds instructional goals 3.0 that meets instructional goals 0.8Site content does not meetinstructional goalsINTENT INTENT INTENTSite is a highly-regarded source ofSite promotes content; the goal of3.3 information whose job is to inform 1.3 the site is not to “inform” users 0Site actively sells contentORIGINALITY ORIGINALITY ORIGINALITYSite is a primary source of originalSite offers original content and3.5 content and viewpoints 2.5 viewpoints 0.8Site aggregates or repurposescontentQUALITY QUALITY QUALITYSite content is of good quality andSite content is of quality and there3.5 there is a good content area coverage 2.3 is some broader content coverage 0.3Quality of content is questionable.Lack of quality information available.The New York Times has an industryleadingreputation for accurate, timely, andunbiased reporting.eNotes is a subscription-based site thatoffers authored content: literature studyguides, lessons plans, literary criticism, anddiscussions for users. The content is original,authored and published by eNotes.The intent of 123HelpMe.com is clearlyto share and sell essays for student use.Because of the lack of author information oressay/article bylines, the quality of the contentis questionable.*Examples from secondary instructor <strong>SEER</strong> reviews of sources.© 2013 iParadigms, LLC. All rights reserved. Version 0113.

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