Purgatory_SCHOUPPE - the Catholic Kingdom!

Purgatory_SCHOUPPE - the Catholic Kingdom!

Purgatory_SCHOUPPE - the Catholic Kingdom!


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&quot;THE DOGMA OF PURGATORY.Av&quot;^CHAPTER V.Location of <strong>Purgatory</strong> Revelations of <strong>the</strong> Saints St. TeresaSt. Louis Bertrand St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi.ST. TERESA had great charity towards <strong>the</strong> souls in Pujga.-.^tory,and assisted <strong>the</strong>m as much as lay in her power by herprayers and good works. In recompense, God frequently,showed her <strong>the</strong> souls she had delivered ;she saw <strong>the</strong>m.,aJL,,<strong>the</strong> moment of <strong>the</strong>ir release from suffering and of <strong>the</strong>irtrance into Heaven. Now, <strong>the</strong>y generally came forth<strong>the</strong> bosom of <strong>the</strong> earth. &quot;/ received tidings&quot;she writes,-. .&quot;of <strong>the</strong> death of a Religious who had formerly been Provin-_^_cial of that province, and afterwards of ano<strong>the</strong>r.. I wasacquainted with him, and he had rendered me great service. This intelligence caused me great uneasiness. Although this man was commendable for many virtues, I wasapprehensive for <strong>the</strong> salvation of his soul, because he hadbeen Superior for <strong>the</strong> space of twenty years, and I alwayswith <strong>the</strong> care of souls.fear much for those who are chargedMuch grieved, I went to an oratory ;<strong>the</strong>re I conjured ourDivine Lord to apply to this Religious <strong>the</strong> littlegood I haddone during my life, and to supply <strong>the</strong> rest by His infinitemerits, in order that this soul might be freed from <strong>Purgatory</strong>.&quot;Whilst I besought this grace with all <strong>the</strong> fervour ofwtnch I was capable, I saw on my right side this soul comeforth from <strong>the</strong> depths of <strong>the</strong> earth and ascend into Heavenin transports of joy. Although this priest was advancecTinyears, he appeared to me with <strong>the</strong> features of man who hadnot yet attained <strong>the</strong> age of thirty,and with a countenanceresplendent with light.This vision, though very short, left me inundated withjoy, and without a shadow of doubt as to <strong>the</strong> truth of whatI had seen. As I was separated by a great distance fromPrivate Use Only

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