Report of Operations - South West Alliance of Rural Health

Report of Operations - South West Alliance of Rural Health

Report of Operations - South West Alliance of Rural Health

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Corporate Services <strong>Report</strong>33RECORDSDuring the year Records’staff continued their studiesin Certificate III in Business(Medical Administration) withhalf the modules required nowsuccessfully completed. Theknowledge gained from thiscourse to date has been a usefulresource for Records’ staff andhas been applied in day to dayduties.In addition to the 300 healthcarerecords that were destroyed lastyear a further 200 healthcarerecords were identified fordestruction and disposed<strong>of</strong> accordingly. The task <strong>of</strong>identification, destruction andnotification <strong>of</strong> healthcare recordsin the compactus is ongoing andwill be a continual practice.In the coming year Records’staff will strive to complete theirscheduled training with a view forcompletion in late 2012.The Public Records Office <strong>of</strong>Victoria (PROV) has implementednew record standards relating tostorage. Records’ staff attendedtraining in these new standardsand will be taking steps andidentifying methods to ensurecompliance.The engagement <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Health</strong>Information Manager on acontracted basis has beenextremely beneficial to Otway<strong>Health</strong>. She has not only ensuredoptimum funding for all episodes<strong>of</strong> inpatient care but has providedvaluable training across theservice and assistance withquality and audit practices.FINANCEThe Finance team has once againsuccessfully closed the booksfor the 2010/2011 financial year.Oracle, the accounting s<strong>of</strong>twarepackage introduced in 2010 bythe State Government, is stillchallenging however, with thepurchase <strong>of</strong> Power Budget (anadditional reporting tool) we arenow able to produce user friendlyreports and budgets for theManagement Team.Two internal audits have beenconducted during the past year.The first audit undertaken wasfor Payroll and Human ResourceAdministration and the second forProcurement. Both audits werevery favourable for Otway <strong>Health</strong>with minimum recommendationsfor improvement.QUALITY MANAGEMENTAugust 2011 marks the end <strong>of</strong>an accreditation cycle for Otway<strong>Health</strong> and following a review,a new cycle will commence.‘Accreditation’ relates to beingaccredited against a set <strong>of</strong>standards. Otway <strong>Health</strong>, likemany other organisations, needsan accreditation certificate inorder to prove that standardshave been met, and in order forconsumers <strong>of</strong> our services tobe confident that Otway <strong>Health</strong>can meet their expectations. Anaccreditation certificate also hasa direct impact on the fundingfor our services and the ability to<strong>of</strong>fer a diverse range <strong>of</strong> services.Otway <strong>Health</strong> has chosenQICSA (Quality Improvement& Community ServicesAccreditation) to be theiraccreditation provider andin return Otway <strong>Health</strong> hasagreed to strive to meet the QICStandards. The QIC Standardsrequire us to demonstrate thatOtway <strong>Health</strong> has a qualitysystem. ‘Quality System’ is theterm used to describe the overallframework and the variouselements and processes involvedin quality improvement.To achieve accreditation anumber <strong>of</strong> systems need to be inplace and working well together.These systems are analysedand reviewed for effectiveness,accuracy and relevance at reviewtime and the feedback from thereview formulates the QualityWork Plan. The Quality Work Planbecomes a working document toguide the quality improvementprocess for the next three years,in addition to the various qualityinitiatives that staff, managementand our volunteers implementas they develop. Otway <strong>Health</strong>welcomes QICSA’s feedback andlooks to the next accreditationcycle to further improve our corefunctions and processes.

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