Issue 1, 2013 February-March - Investor.ge

Issue 1, 2013 February-March - Investor.ge

Issue 1, 2013 February-March - Investor.ge

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You have been to the NationalMuseum, checked out thegracefully crumbling architectureon the side streets, and walked pastthe ancient wall on Pushkin Street. Isthere anything else to do along RustaveliAvenue?In a word, yes. The 1930s was not ahappy time in Georgia’s history: Tbilisi(and other towns and villa<strong>ge</strong>s) werehit hard by the pur<strong>ge</strong>s, like most of theformer Soviet Union. While it may notbe a period many people enjoy discussing,there is a rich history to be exploredthrough the iconic buildings built duringo the decade, and through the homes offamous Georgians who suffered at thehands of the Soviet government. Formore information on Tbilisi during the1930s, and a map for a walking touraround neighborhoods with special tiesto the period, check out www.sovlab.<strong>ge</strong>.When workers started tearing downthe interior of the former Instituteof Marxism-Leninism to prepare thebuilding for its new life as a hotel, theystumbled upon a gruesome discovery:cemetery gravestones had been used tobuild the Institute’s interior walls andcolumns.Historians believe the gravestoneswere taken as construction material afterthe Soviet government destroyed threecemeteries in Tbilisi in the 1920s and1930s. But that was not the only secretthe former institute held. Deep underground in the courtyard, workers foundtunnels and cells that appeared tohavebeen used during the pur<strong>ge</strong>s in the 1930sas jails and holding rooms for politicalprisoners. The Institute, a branch ofMoscow’s Institute of Marxism andLeninism, was a pet project for LavrentiBeria, the first secretary of the SovietCommunist Party’s Regional Committee

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