Baumliste Mustergebiet - Weber Baum und Garten

Baumliste Mustergebiet - Weber Baum und Garten

Baumliste Mustergebiet - Weber Baum und Garten


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Thomas <strong>Weber</strong>GärtnermeisterTannenbergstraße 30a26127 Oldenburg<strong>Baum</strong>kontrolle Spielplatzkontrolle <strong>Garten</strong>planung Beratung<strong><strong>Baum</strong>liste</strong><strong>Mustergebiet</strong>Telefon 04 41 / 68 41 48-3Telefax 04 41 / 68 41 48-2Mobil 01 70 / 987 6565info@weber-baum<strong>und</strong>garten.dewww.weber-baum<strong>und</strong>garten.de<strong>Baum</strong>nr. <strong>Baum</strong>art Stammumfang <strong>Baum</strong>schutz0001 Quercus robur, Stiel-Eiche 110 Ja0002 Carpinus betulus, Hainbuche 100 Ja0003 Acer platanoides, Spitzahorn 250 Ja0004 Quercus robur, Stiel-Eiche 100 Ja0005 Quercus robur, Stiel-Eiche 110 Ja0006 Acer platanoides, Spitzahorn 70 Nein0007 Carpinus betulus, Hainbuche 60 Nein0008 Carpinus betulus, Hainbuche 80 Nein0009 Carpinus betulus, Hainbuche 95 Nein0010 Aesculus hippocastanum, Roßkastanie 150 Ja0011 Aesculus hippocastanum, Roßkastanie 270 Ja0012 Quercus robur, Stiel-Eiche 280 Ja0013 Acer platanoides, Spitzahorn 80 Nein0014 Alnus glutinosa, Schwarzerle 90 Nein0015 Quercus robur, Stiel-Eiche 40 Nein0016 Carpinus betulus, Hainbuche 60 Nein0017 Carpinus betulus, Hainbuche 100 Ja0018 Tilia cordata, Winter-Linde 130 Ja0019 Acer platanoides, Spitzahorn 65 Nein0020 Acer platanoides, Spitzahorn 70 Nein0021 Acer platanoides, Spitzahorn 110 JaMontag, 12. Dezember 2005 SEITE 1 VON 2

The 1 st Eco-Cities of the Mediterranean Forum was held in Jordan inOctober 2008. The Fora are an initiative of the Ministry ofEnvironment of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to bring togetherprivate and public sector representatives of the region, as well asnon-governmental organizations and intergovernmentalorganizations, to raise awareness, share experience andinformation on best practices and identify opportunities forinvestment and technology transfer in the environmental sector.For the second edition, a Kick-off Conference was held in December 2010 in Marseille,France, within the framework of the Mediterranean Economic Week. The conferencebrought together Eco-Cities partners and culminated in the identification of thethematic areas for the next Forum 2011 - Water and Waste Management.Eco-Cities are areas where urban planning and environmental management tools are applied topursue synergies in resource utilization and productivity, waste management, environmentalpreservation, industrial and economic development and a healthy living environment.WATERThe MENA region is considered to be the most water scarce region of the world andtherefore extra care must be taken to preserve and maximize resources. Figure 2illustrates the average annual rainfall in the Middle East.The MENA region has long struggled with water shortage; however climate change isexpected to have a significant effect on an already stressed resource. According to theIPCC the MENA region is expected to get hotter and drier, and the region is alreadyexperiencing more frequent droughts. The social, economic and political implications ofthis situation can not be ignored.The Eco-Cities Forum willexplore innovativeapproaches to waterresource management. Itseeks to present optionsof existing technologicalsolutions available tocities, as well assuccessful public-privatepartnerships that canserve as examples.Figure 2: Average annual rainfall in the Middle EastSource: New, M. et al (2002), University of East Anglia, UK

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