RUSH - Cygnus-X1.Net

RUSH - Cygnus-X1.Net

RUSH - Cygnus-X1.Net

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" ,Q[CE55RDSHPR '-'­ -- "I=! _ C _ OLI... 0 L' 1CHARLIE KENDALL:( C.K)Most of us will admit to dreaming about meeting someone weadmire and, occasionally, were given the opportunity.But imagine, meeting and becoming personal friends with themembers of your favourite rock band. Seeing them at workand at play. A case in point, is Source Correspondent, BillBanasiewicz. For the next 2hrs we'll share moments ofBill's adventures with Canada's premier rock band. Yourinvited to join us within this inner circle, because youhave got a 'Total Access Pass To Rush'.Today, Rush are one of the biggest names in Rock. Theirclimb to the top has been long, but steady, thanks to acore of fans so loyal other bands would have to envy.Syrs ago, Bill Banasiewicz .was captivated by the music ofRush and since then have seen them perform over 100 times.Eventually, even the band took notice and gave Bill a nick-name 'The B-Man' and a credit on their latest album,'GraceUnder pressure'. What you'll be hearing are excerpts fromBill's days with Alex, Geddy and Neil on the opening datesof Rush's S4-85 Grace Under pressure World Tour.Sam. Aboard the Rush tour bus travelling South west some-where between Albuquerque,New Mexico and Tucson,Arizona.Bill, with Drummer-Lyricist Neil Peart.BILL.B: The new album is titled 'Grace Under pressure'. H9w did youcome up with that title?NEIL.P: I'm not really sure. Its one of those phrases that sort ofcreeps into you, I think. I've run into it several times inthe descriptions of Heroes, in the literal sense, ashaving exhibited grace under pressure. And it also seems toturn up in the sports world a lot to, as being a particularquality of someone whose good in the clinch, you know.It applies as much to life as to sport and just thinkingabout a title early on in the writing of the songs, I sortof came upon that phrase again and thought how well thatapplied to all the songs that were written at the time andsort of suggested it to the other guys, and, with all thosekind of decisions, we never make it ..• we never say yes,thats the title. They just say ok, that sounds good, andthen you leave it for a while and sort of let it fermentin your mind, and it was the kind of title that got betterto you the more you thought about it, you know, and I foundwith Geddy and Alex and also with other people that I toldthe title to, they'd go 'Oh yes,Thats nice'. And then abouttwo weeks later, they'd say, 'You know, i really like thattitle' .'f­ ,-, r- _

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