RUSH - Cygnus-X1.Net

RUSH - Cygnus-X1.Net

RUSH - Cygnus-X1.Net

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effects go in the show. That's my style of designing. Also I designfor what we call saturated colour, so we have a nice beautifultechnicolour look on the show.I: I went back around (backstage ) when Pink Floyd was here and noticedjust an amazing amount of personnel and a lot of people in variousparts of the stage with computer screens and doing this ~nd that. Howmany people are there in the Rush crew, and what are some of thethings they do?H: We have a 40 man crew this year, and because of the band using a lotof sampling - Akai sampling systems - which enables you to takedifferent sounds and have them come out the keyboards and foot pedalsand various items on stage. We carry a synthesiser technician with uswho takes care of discs. t think basically what we're going throughis twelve discs per song on the Rush show, so you're having computers,at least twelve of those, twelve discs in that, we have 2 disc drivesfor our laser systems, I'm using computer lighting. There's probablyabout 22 computers on our show as well. It is the age of the computerright now, we're getting very high-tech in order to make thingshappen that are so surrealistic, that when you're sitting in theaudience you wonder why you react a certain way. It takes computersa lot of time. to help you do that. You're definately getting into the90's now with some great special effects.I: Yeah. I found the Pink Floyd show just truly amazing and knowing alittle bit about it, I was very appreciative of the amazing amount ofco- ordination and pre-planning that must have been involved. How longbefore you actually got on the road did it take to put this alltogether?H: Well usually it takes about two months of actually sitting downdesigning it. A month in your head and a month physically thinkingwhat you're gonna do and putting it on paper. As far as the "co-ordination goes, very similar to I guess an air traffic controllerbringing in planes at an airport; because we have over 25 peoplehearing communications on headsets during the show, and I'm thedirector, so I'm calling over to them, you know just as if you'redirecting a movie or anything else. You're constantly giving cues outto people to make the effects come down, plus I'm operating 4 boardsout from where I am, and with our sound tech's - the sound tech'sbecause of the quadrophonic sound - I mean we're using 72 channels,which means there are 72 microphones on stage, 29 on Neil Peart's drumkit; we have 2 sound engineers out there, one to deal with the quad,one to actually do the mix. It's pretty interesting and prettyexciting, especially when you hear that certain song go down and youhave that feeling of being encompassed by that sound; it really makesthe audience part of the show.I: How about in terms of power. Do you know how many watts for instanceof amplification does Rush employ these days?H: We can use up to 80,000 watts at our disposal. Not that we do use it.We don't want to dispose of our audience, you know, that's one of thethings, you can use it, we have the headroom to go as loud as we wantand what we try to do is we make it clear and clean. It's very hardsometimes in certain buildings that you play; in different areas ofthe country you get wild echoes and things that you just can't help.But we try to definately bring hi-fidelity sound in stereo and quad,nice and clean for the fans, best as possible. That's one of the

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