International Court of Arbitration Cour internationale d'arbitrage ...

International Court of Arbitration Cour internationale d'arbitrage ...

International Court of Arbitration Cour internationale d'arbitrage ...


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28However, some alleged breaches (for examples breaches c), d) and e)) rely onthe assertion that Vision N.V. and Vision B.V. breached the SPA by not holdingthe Core Minority Shareholders to strict compliance with the terms and provisionsregulating the exercise <strong>of</strong> their pre-emption rights, as provided for by theGeneral Agreement. In order to determine whether or not Vision N.V. and VisionB.V. breached the SPA by not strictly enforcing the General Agreement,the Arbitral Tribunal will need to review and interpret the General Agreement.Before reviewing these various breaches, the Arbitral Tribunal will determine thedate on which the SPA was signed.P. THE DATE OF THE SPA48. After the negotiations resumed in March 1999, Valvision and Vision N.V.exchanged various drafts (C.75, p. 20, C.75, p. 24).On April 11, 1999, Valvision approved all proposed terms and asked for a finalagreement for signature (C.75, p. 26).On April 15, 1999, the counsel for Vision N.V. faxed to Valvision an unexecutedcopy <strong>of</strong> the final agreement for execution (C.75, p. 27).The important exhibits were faxed at the same time but the entire package <strong>of</strong>exhibits was sent by courier and received by Valvision on April 19, 1999 (C.75,p. 28).On April 19, 1999, Valvision dated and executed the faxed SPA and faxed theexecuted copy back to Vision N.V. (C.75, p. 29 and 30).Vision N.V. required however that the down payment be made before it signedthe SPA itself (C.8 and R.1) whereas Valvision required receipt <strong>of</strong> a fully executedSPA before wiring the funds.Mr. Van der Hoeven testified that he signed the SPA on behalf <strong>of</strong> Vision N.V.,on April 21, 1999 (R.23).However, pursuant to C.6 and C.75, p. 61, the document bears the date <strong>of</strong> April22, 1999. Mr. Stumphius, Vision N.V.'s counsel for the sale, also confirmed thisdate (R.53).On April 22, 1999, at 19:12, Vision N.V. faxed to Valvision the faxed copy <strong>of</strong> theSPA now signed by both parties (C.75, p. 61).Another original version was signed by Vision N.V. on April 22, 1999 and wassent by mail (R.39; R.sub 2, p. 1).Valvision instructed its bank the next day, April 23, 1999, tment (C.75, p. 90).A02338488/0.31/16 Oct 2002jMMERCEINRTDti9Wire the down pay-COUR INTERNATIONALE D'ARBITRAGEINTERNATIONAL COURT OF ARBITRATIONc09T/n.'4L CHAMBER

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