Elenco Referenze - LQ - ENG.cdr - LAMBDA-INNO Kft.

Elenco Referenze - LQ - ENG.cdr - LAMBDA-INNO Kft.

Elenco Referenze - LQ - ENG.cdr - LAMBDA-INNO Kft.

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Filling a complete list of all the plans in which OddiciniIndustrie S.p.A. has played an active role in its long history is avery hard task.What you will find in the next pages is a selection of the moremeaningful realizations that have characterized the recenthistory of Oddicini Industrie S.p.A..

Job: “Loris Malaguzzi” International Centrefor Childhood - Reggio EmiliaProduct: MAXPARETE HSPYear: 2006The International Centre for Childhood is aproject of the Comune di Reggio Emiliaaiming at the development and diffusionof the potentialities and culture of children,adolescents, parents and teachers,by means of combined activities ofresearch, training, education and amusement.The project has implied the recovery ofthe buildings of the former works ofLocatellli, an agricultural and industrialbrand which had been a reference pointof the city for over fifty years. The plant isan example of good industrial architectureof the beginning of the past century.The main characteristics of the project areinspired to the creation of several levelsand to the flexibility of usage. Galleriesand catwalks are aimed at forming twosuperposed ground-floors, bothconnected with the outdoor greenspaces and partially independent as torunning and usage. On both levels it ispossible to create reversible, flexiblespaces, different according to activitiesand programmes. The general features ofthe intervention are simple and essential.Lighting, furniture and colours characterisethe different activities from time totime.

Job: Palazzo della Filanda - BibliotecaComunale di CornaredoProduct: ELEVFLOORYear: 2003News from the steam spinning mill inCornaredo span over almost two centuries:from a poster dated 1 April 1856 inwhich the structure is offered for rent toseveral changes as regards ownership,running and usage of these premises. Inthe 1950’s the spinning mill and the bodiesof the factory by the side of the formerSerbelloni Palace completely disappeared.After a fire in 1971, the same palacewas demolished in 1975. There was a newfire in 1997. After twenty years of completeneglect, in 1998 the remaining part ofthe chimney and the body of the factory,thdating back to the end of the 19 century,were also demolished.Further to a long negotiation between theowners and the Commune, during the lasttwo decades, the area was intended for“Public and Private” use. The commitment,today honoured, was to put an endto the decay of the ex spinning mill and togive it back to the citizens both as amemory of the past and a service for thepresent and the future of the city. Thenew building is developed on three levels,and contains, among other spaces, aLibrary, an equipped room for study andreading, an exhibition room, an auditorium,a hall for the City Council and a bar.

Job: Savoia Regency Hotel - BolognaProduct: MAXPARETE HIGHLIGHTYear: 2002Through the intervention at the SavoiaRegency Hotel the planner has intendedto create a particular atmosphere, farfrom the new multiplan hotels in glass andconcrete, often without personality. Theplan was born in 2002 when the SavoiaHotel Country House was no moresufficient in order to accommodate thenumerous affectionate customers ofSavoia Hotels. The adjacent land, centerof an abandoned small farm, was theideal area for a new complex that couldsatisfy the new requirements of the alwaysgrowing customers.All the choices have been oriented totypical materials of the XVIII century:venetian pavements, crystal lamps, widefurnished spaces with precious and richmaterials.The hotel disposes of a restaurant namedGarganelli (area of the hotel where youcan find a Maxparete HighLight operablespartition) which is set in the 60 and offerssome typical dishes of the Bolognesekitchen. It offers an ideal atmosphere forany occasion: wide spaces for weddings,ceremonies and conferences (maximumcapability 420 places).

Job: Albergo ristorante Vecchia Riva -VareseProduct: DOMINOYear: 2008Hotel Ristorante Vecchia Riva of Varese,dipped in the green and with a splendidsight on waters of the lake of Varese,arranges double and single rooms, allequipped of all the comforts, privateservices with shower, telephone,conditioned air, TV color and frigobar.Placed near the river of the Lake ofVarese it enjoys its magical tranquillityoffering to the hosts a refined atmosphereof and regenerating relax.The wide hall, characterized from elegantcoloumns and a roof with girders at sight,has been redesigned trying to obtain aflexible subdivision of the spaces andaccommodates a Domino operablepartition with elegant finishings.

Job: Geox S.p.A. - ShowroomProduct: DOMINOYear: 2007During a business trip to Reno, Nevada topromote the family’s wine business at atrade fair, Mario Moretti Polegato decidesto take a walk. Bothered by hisoverheated feet which were clad inrubber-soled shoes, he instinctivelypunctured holes into the soles to let airthrough. He had just discovered a simpleand effective way to let excess heat outof his shoes.Mr. Polegato then developed his idea inthe workshop of a small footwearcompany owned by the family. Once thisrubber-sole technology was in place hepatented the system right away to createthe world’s first “breathable shoe”. It's thestart of a new era in the history of thecompany from Montebelluna...Near the company main offices an oldbuilding has been recently restructured inorder to create a dynamic area wherethe always widening Geox products line isintroduced.The showroom, characterized by a wideopenspace, has been redesigned tryingto obtain a flexible subdivision of thespaces; the choice was a Dominooperable partition with alu natural profilesand panels in dark HPL.

Job: Beaulieu Lausanne ConferenceCenterProduct: MAXPARETE HSPYear: 2004Beaulieu Lausanne Conference Center isactive in organisation and hosting of alltypes of commercial and cultural eventssince 1920.2With 50,500 m of exhibition floor space itrepresents for sure one of the biggestconference center in Europe. Whetherfairs, conferences or cultural events,there’s always something happening atBeaulieu.At Beaulieu Lausanne you can find 30auditoria, conference, seminar andbanqueting rooms able to accommodatefrom 15 to 5,000 people; more, a 1,844seats theatre, 10 restaurants, anunderground car park with 580 places2and 12,000 m of gardens, a heaven oftranquillity in the city centre are availableto the public.The intervention has been studied in orderto obtain a flexible environment that canfit the shape of the existing buildings:relevant operable partitions with hiddenstacking areas and tracks fixed only to theceiling.When closed the partitions are perfectlyaligned and sound proofing.

Job: Laterizi Fauci - SciaccaProduct: ELEVFLOORYear: 2008Laterizi Fauci is a Gruppo Fauci subsidiarycompany and is the leader in Sicily asregards the manufacture of bricks andtiles, products in prestressed concrete forslabs and iron beams. It started from anancient handicraft tradition and turnedinto an industrial reality in 1975, by adoptingthe best technologies the world overand continuing the renewal of its ownplants. The group aims at the innovationof its own products by making them fit forthe present requirements of comfort,durableness and aesthetics. The projectfor the new headquarters of Laterizi Faucireflects the objectives of the companyand puts together some simple materials,such as bricks, tiles and glass, with innovativetechnologies applied to systems ofinternal and external transparencies thatgive lightness and elegance to a buildingin which details are a benchmark.The realization develops on three levelscovered by raised floors with a stonycoating in Carrara White Marble of excellentquality and glossy surface finishing;this gives the building a statuary effectcontrasting with the brickwork and reflectingitself in the glass dominating thewhole building, so creating a sensation ofvalue and extreme quality.

Job: "Alexander Girardi Hall" CongressCenter - Cortina d’AmpezzoProduct: MAXPARETE HSPYear: 2006The transformation of the formerwarehouse Pontechiesa sawmill in"Alexander Girardi Hall" congress centertakes start from an idea announcedpublicly by Regole d’Ampezzo in 2002and from the synergy between theCommunal Administration of Ampezzoand Comunità delle Regole, within aCommunitarian Program.The original building dates to the end of1800; with this restructuration the buildingformer-sawmill is fully recovered, while thewarehouse is completely reconstructed.The new layout is the answer to the searchof maximum flexibility: the large room isequipped with operable partitions thatallow to subdivide the area in three partsand to adequately satisfy the variousperformances demanded from the multifunctionality:conventions and conferences,shows, concerts, cinematographicprojections, etc.

Job: Hilton Molino Stucky - VeniceProduct: MAXPARETE HSPYear: 2007Venice Hilton Molino Stucky, enjoying aprivileged location in the isle of Giudecca,surely cannot pass unnoticed. It is animposing palace with an immense redbrickfaçade and characteristic windowsand sharp turrets. The original structurethdates back to the 19 century, when itplayed a very important role in thecommerce of flour in the city. Thebuilding, which originally was a mill, hasbeen recently finely restored andtransformed into a most attractive hotel.Molino Stucky offers its guests a total of380 rooms and some splendidly furnishedsuites, well beyond all expectancies as faras comfort and relaxation are concerned,together with the superior quality servicesthat are exclusive to the Hilton hotelchain.The brand-new Congress centre has beenrecently inaugurated. It is the latest onebuilt in the city of Venice and also thelargest one. The Centre (with its 14 meetingrooms, all of which with a perfectlyequipped event office and with the HiltonMeetings Quality certificate, the benchmarkof excellence as regards meetings)can afford comfortable hospitality to upto one thousand people and has modernmeeting rooms equipped with the mostinnovative technologies.

Job: Concordia Theatre - Venaria RealeProduct: MAXPARETE HSPYear: 2004The Concordia Theatre is in Venaria Reale,in the centre of the Puccini neighbourhood.It is a new building which is used asa theatre and a multifunctional room forfilm showings, concerts both of classicaland rock music, conventions, cabaretshows, fairs and exhibitions. The buildingyard was opened on 15 September 2003and the inauguration took place on 30April 2004: only 7 months for a structurethat had been planned in its slightestdetails in order to meet the manyrequirements of a multifunctional space.The name "Concordia Theatre" clearlyrefers to the ancient Greek culture. Thetheatre, actually, though completelymodern, has some architectural elementsthat are typical of Greek temples: acolonnade, a gable (made with a set ofbeams in foliated wood), a pronaos (theentrance to the theatre) and the lampsare shaped as capitals, made in steel andglass, with electric bulbs. The hall fortheatre and cinema shows is in the veryheart of this modern Greek temple. Thepit-stalls have movable supports so thatthey can be collected under the stage.When necessary, a wing of movable wallsallows to connect the hall with the foyer inorder to receive 1500 people in a uniquespace.

Job: Rubinetterie Zucchetti - GozzanoProduct: ELEVFLOOR - ALTHURAYear: 1999 - 2001The industrial complex of the RubinetterieZucchetti in Gozzano is a long series ofbuildings grown progressively through theyears. A “city of the job" that exists onboth sides of the provincial road, with anarticulated series of buildings in a largevariety of heights, volumes and technicaladditions.The new offices, more than 1.600 sqm, arecharacterized by glazed façades, chosento offer the best lighting system also in theinner parts. Also for the inner partitions theplanner has opted for a solution that, inthe respect of the subdivision of theworking places, allows privacy andtransparency. The planner has thereforeelaborated partitions that, starting from astandard production, have beencustomized to satisfy the emerging needs.Also for the raised floor the planner hastaken advantage of the compositivepossibilities offered by the modular constructionand by the rich finishing range incatalogue. The great floor surfaces of theoffices are paved in blue, with elementsrythmically spaced with tiles in cherrycoloured PVC. This way, the directionalareas, the offices and the showroom areclearly evidenced.

Job: Accadueò Gym - MilanoProduct: DOMINOYear: 2007Accedueò group is a center for the wellbeing,phisical and mental.A surface of more than 3000 sqm hosts 5swimming pools, 3 jacuzzi, sauna, solarium,relax area, massages, one room for fitnessactivities, 9 dressing rooms, a club house,a bar and a 400 sqm room for cardiofitness with 60 Technogym apparels.A center where a dynamic subdivision ofthe spaces represents the winning formulain order to bind together, between theothers, cardiofitness activities, toningclasses, spinning, dance and martial arts.

Job: Palazzo dei Congressi - StresaProduct: MAXPARETE HSPYear: 2000Stresa, the beautiful town pearl of theLago Maggiore, has always been oftourist and cultural interest. Thanks to theperfect organization of the receptivestructures, all high-quality, Stresa is thepreferred center for meetings, culturalconferences, manifestations.The Palazzo dei Congressi, a receptivestructure mail in the heart of the town, hasbeen for approximately 40 years (andcontinues to be) place of encounter andorganization of these manifestations.The polifunctional complex, with a 600places theatre and rooms for manifestationsand conventions, has been object ofa recent restructuration to value thearchitectonic image and to reorganizethe inner spaces in a functional way.The realized plan has been addressed tothe respect of the pre-existing architectoniccompositions, adding some meaningfulinnovations in the distribution of thenatural light and in the use of the innerspaces. Inside, the existing palace hasbeen emptied creating a volume wherean inner garden and the area for congressualactivities take place.

Job: N.A.T.O. Airbase - AvianoProduct: MAXPARETE HSPYear: 2004Aviano is one of the oldest Italian militaryairports. In fact it was established for thenewborns italian air forces in 1911 andwas initially used as training base forItalian pilots and construction facility foraircraft parts.In 1954, the U.S. and Italian governmentssigned a joint-use agreement thatbrought the base into the North AtlanticTreaty Organization (N.A.T.O.).Headquarters of the United States AirForces in Europe (U.S.A.F.E.) officiallyactivated the airfield on February 15, 1955thwith the activation of the 7207 Air BaseSquadron.During the last few years the base hasbeen object of some interventions ofwidening and requalification. Among theothers, we point out the restructuration ofthe multiroom in order to make coexist arestaurant and a theatre for the soldiers ofthe base itself.

Job: Former Customs Offices - TraforoMonte BiancoProduct: ELEVFLOOR - ALTHURAYear: 2004The reorganization of the Traforo delMonte Bianco interested, among others,the restructuration of the former customsbuilding. The site now accomodates thepolice offices and part of the pre-existingoffices.The plan has interested, in different times,both ground and first floors of the formercustoms building.Ground floor is tansformed to accomodateitalian and french police offices anditalian and french customs offices; accessto first floor is modified and now has adifferent layout.The original building, mainly in steel andglass, suffered from serious isolationdeficiences.The proposed restructuration realizes aneffective protection against atmosphericagents, acting mainly on the materials ofthe walls and on the quality of doors andwindows.All the described transformations havebeen realized without modifying the outeraspect of the building, with only smallinterventions on the existing structure.

Job: Devero Hotel - Cavenago (MI)Product: MAXPARETE HSPYear: 2008DeveroHotel Four-Star Executive is aboutto open its doors. This contemporary hotelleaves the clichés behind, creatinginstead a world that is in synch with themodern traveller – a world where thewelcome is exceptional and theattention-to-detail consummate.Equipped with state-of-the-art technology,the conference rooms provide customisedsolutions for meetings of between10 and 400 delegates.Personalised coffee breaks, lunches anddinners can all be laid on. In addition, onrequest, the hotel can offer complementaryservices including hostesses, secretaries,car hire (with or without driver) andtransfers to wherever you need to get to.

Job: Capgemini Offices - MilanoProduct: EXTESAYear: 2008The Capgemini Group is one of Europe’smost successful enterprises in the field ofconsulting services, informationtechnology and outsourcing, with morethan 40 years of history behind it andoffices in more than 36 countries.The company wished to reorganise itsoffices in Milan, and chose appropriatearchitecture focusing on interior spaceswith a composition characterised byformal sobriety, use of natural light andflexible use of space. The meeting areashad to be easy to divide up and grouptogether, and the materials used had tobe top quality and perfectly safe.Extesa was the obvious choice: amoveable wall of tempered glass offeringthe qualities of absolute stylistic rigour andgreat transparency, mitigated here by useof graphics featuring horizontal linescreated by alternating clear and etchedglass surfaces.

Job: Starhotels Rosa - MilanoProduct: MAXPARETE HSP PYROYear: 2009The Starhotels Rosa is located in the heartof Old Milan and looks on to PiazzaFontana, just a short distance from PiazzaDuomo, from the famous Via Montenapoleoneand from Teatro alla Scala. Some ofthe rooms offer unforgettable prospectiveviews over the Dome spires.The entrance to the 4 stars StarhotelsRosa, with its hall made precious bymarmors and mirrors, lit by the multifacetedcrystals of the enormous ceiling lamps,recalls the fascination of the old atmospherestypical of the classical interiors ofOld Milan.With its 3 meeting rooms, the hotel is theideal place for office and businnessmeetings and can afford comfortablehospitality to up to 220 people.The recent restructuration used a complexof Maxparete HSP Pyro operable partitionsas a milestone. The partitions grant a REI60 fireproofing level and a 56 dB soundproofinglevel and are characterized byan elegant finish in laminated color woodput down in work with crossed venature inorder to obtain a satisfying and aestheticalappeal.

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Qatar University Head Office - QatarRAS Assessorato del Lavoro di CagliariRichter Sys G.M.B.H.Riello BruciatoriS.I.A.E. - RomaSeconda Università di Napoli - NapoliSheraton Hotel - TaiwanTelecomThe Israeli Trade Fair - IsraelTiscali S.p.A.TNT TracoTribunale di Reggio Calabria - Aula BunkerUBS Italia S.p.A.Uffici Dogana di MilanoUnione Industriali di BiellaUnione Prov. degli Agricoltori di CosenzaUniversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - MilanoUniversità degli Studi di GenovaUniversità degli Studi di TrentoUniversità di CremonaUniversità di Forlì - Sede di Ing. Aerospaziale eMeccanicaUniversità di GenovaUniversità di GoriziaUniversità di PotenzaUniversità di TriesteUniversità Luiss - RomaUniversità Stranieri di PerugiaVodafoneWindXios Bank - Tsimiski - Grecia

Via XX Settembre, 186 - 28883 Gravellona Toce (VB) - ItaliaTel. +39 0323 - 864144 - Fax +39 0323 - 848277info@oddicini.com www.oddicini.com

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