OpenRoad Audi - OpenRoad Driver

OpenRoad Audi - OpenRoad Driver

OpenRoad Audi - OpenRoad Driver

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of religion, superstition, and the supernaturalto interfere with a true understandingof feng shui. I can think of so manythings… for example hanging mirrors toreflect bad energy, or placing a statue ofa lion in front of your house, this is notfeng shui, this is superstition.You have a very impressive client listand you’ve consulted on some very bigprojects. What project are you mostproud of?Undoubtedly the new Olympic Oval.(Pulls documents out of his desk andshows me his name, on the official list ofconsultants.) See, here it says “FortuneTeller & Associates” and Sherman Tai,feng shui. As far as I know, this is thefirst time that this type of work has beenofficially applied to and recognized by awestern organization like the Olympics.The first time.When you are approached by a client,big or small, how do you explain whatyou can do for them?Nearly all my clients come to me throughreferral so they already understand whatI do. I always explain that feng shui andfortune telling is not magic and it is not100% accurate. Although, I must admitI am very accurate. But, as I said before,I am a coach, not a magician. I can giveclear direction and guidance. I can helpyou achieve more out of life. Much morethan if you act alone.So how do you tell somebody that theyare not going to be successful?This has only happened once, a very longtime ago. I believe there is always opportunityfor success. The potential for everyindividual to get the most out of lifealways exists.Helping people get the most out of life,is that the most satisfying thing aboutyour job?Yes, I truly really enjoy helping peopleachieve more in their lives and helpingthem to improve. People trust me togive them good advice, to improve theirthinking, and their actions. I see this asmy mission.And how many other Feng Shui Mastersare there in the world that share yourskill set?Not many. Yes, there are many peoplewho are highly educated, extremely wellAs far as I know, this isthe first time that thistype of work has beenofficially applied to andrecognized by a westernorganization like theOlympics.trained, but don’t forget I have beenlearning this since I was 7 years old. Ihave had people offer me $1 million toteach them what I know. But I cannot.There is no book. The knowledge I possesshas taken me decades to acquire andunderstand. Very few share my experiences,my background.Okay this is a car magazine so I haveto ask you … what kind of car do youdrive? And did feng shui play a role inyour selection?I drive a Lexus, RX 330. (Laughing) Ofcourse. There are several reasons I chosethe Lexus. It is four wheel drive and thereis plenty of room for my German Shepards.And, of course, the colour I chose and thename Lexus matches me personally.Not to mention, that four GermanShepards don’t fit well in a Ferrari…No, not so well.Years ago, in an interview you said formany people surprises bring happiness,but that you have no surprises in yourlife. Do you still believe that there areno surprises in your life?Yes of course. But this does not meanthere is no happiness in my life. For me,my philosophy teaches me that there isno certainty in life…So in turn, there are no surprises.Exactly.Advertise in the next issue of...Contact Will Fong at:T: 604.232.5347wfong@openroadcanada.com<strong>OpenRoad</strong> driver |41

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