April 2011 - 104th Fighter Wing, Massachusetts Air National Guard

April 2011 - 104th Fighter Wing, Massachusetts Air National Guard

April 2011 - 104th Fighter Wing, Massachusetts Air National Guard

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APRIL <strong>2011</strong>AIRSCOOPA call for helpBy Maj. Matthew T. Mutti, Sexual Assault Response CoordinatorPAGE 10Statistics will show that sexual assaultsare the most commonly perpetratedviolent crime in the UnitedStates, more common then aggravatedbattery, abuse or homicide...many punditswould ask why.Experts would argue that manypeople do not report sexual assaultsbecause of the trauma, others arguethat social stigmas may make survivorsless likely to report the crime.The Department of Defense hastaken an aggressive approach to decreasethe risk for military members tobe assaulted through educational campaigns,and in the event a crime is perpetrated,trained resources for the survivor,aiding in their recovery.The SAPR (Sexual Assault Preventionand Response) program was institutedin 2003 and provides resourcesfor reporting options, support servicessuch as medical and psychological consolts,victim advocates that will workto aid the survivor of an assaultthrough the initial report to the pointwhere a prosecution may occur.Here are some people you can turnto if you have questionsabout the SAPRprogram or need help:Matt Mutti (413) 568-9151 x 1800Sandy Wakefield x1183Dominique Chapman x1300Marylyn Morales x1408Jennifer Juteau x1293Sue Fopiano x1200Maureen Dickenson x1292Travis Raby x160224-hour help line: (508) 889-6644Frequently asked questions of Retail SalesBy Master Sgt. Christopher Hagar, Retail SalesQuestion: What are your hours ofOperation?Retail Sales is open on Tuesday from1300-1630 and during the UTAs from0815-1100 and 1230-1600 on both days.Question: Who do I talk to if I haveany questions?The full-time point of contact for RetailSales is SrA Fabricio Ochoa. During normalRetail Sales hours you can contacthim at extension 1255 and when RetailSales is closed he can be reached at extension1358 or via email.Question: Do I need to turn in ABUuniforms and hats?Yes, if you have an unserviceable hat orABU uniform you need to bring the itemwith you prior to ordering another uniformitem. Unfortunately, if you do nothave the item to turn in, then your formcannot be accepted at Retail Sales. ABUshirts also need to have the nametape,<strong>Air</strong> Force tape and rank removed beforethey can be accepted by the Retail SalesSection of supply.Question: Do you have any uniformsin stock?Unfortunately, we are unable to stockuniforms unless there is a uniformchange. We currently have some ABUsand PT Gear on hand until they are exhausted.We do not stock blues of anykind.Question: Where are the Retail Salesorder forms and who has to signthem?LRS Form 16 and LRS Form 16ABU areavailable both in the Retail Sales officeand on the outside of the door if you happento come by after hours. In addition,many Resource Advisors also have copiesof these forms. Both forms need to besigned by the Resource Advisor prior toRetail Sales accepting these forms.Question: I am on a short notice listfor a school or deployment but Idon’t have all my required uniformitems. What should I do?We would recommend that before yousign up for a short notice school date ordeployment that you make sure you haveall the required uniform items. ForceSupport Squadron will provide you a listof all required uniform items for yourparticular school. The most current US-CENTAF Reporting Instructions willprovide you in detail what you need foryour deployment depending on your deployedlocation. Due to the lead time ofthe ordering process, Retail Sales needsas much time as possible to allow for theuniforms to come in. We ask for a MINI-MUM of 6 weeks. Because we have torely on outside agencies to get our clothingrequests filled, we absolutely cannotguarantee you will get your uniforms inon time before you depart for a short noticeschool or deployment. We will exhaustall means to try and accommodateeach individual in these circumstances,but sometimes these situations are justout of our control.Question: Everyone in my shop receivedthe velcro <strong>Air</strong> Force nametapeand rank tapes for the greenfleece jacket except for me or myrank is incorrect. What can I do?Last September, Barnes ANGB made aone-time purchase for these items due tothe recent change in the wearing of thegreen fleece jacket. If you arrived afterSeptember 2010 or your rank changedsince the order then we cannot orderthem. The only options for orderingthese items are for the affected individualto purchase the items themselves oryour squadron can buy them using organizationalmoney.Question: I recently got married.Can I order new nametapes for myblues or ABUs?Unfortunately, the metal engravedbrushed satin finish nametag worn onyour blues is only bought once per personand the individual is responsible for buyingthis item if it is needed again. Forthe laminated ultramarine blue plasticnametag and the ABU nametape, youcan submit a form we will order theseitems.

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