April 2011 - 104th Fighter Wing, Massachusetts Air National Guard

April 2011 - 104th Fighter Wing, Massachusetts Air National Guard

April 2011 - 104th Fighter Wing, Massachusetts Air National Guard

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APRIL <strong>2011</strong>This Month in HistoryThe back cover of the <strong>Air</strong>Scoop is dedicatedto the history of the unit and the <strong>Air</strong> Force.We will feature historic covers or articlesfrom the archives and highlight a fewhistoric headlines. (side note) From 1947 to1954 the Base Newspaper was named theThunderbolt. The first official Copy of the<strong>Air</strong>Scoop was published in January 1954.<strong>April</strong> Headlines:<strong>April</strong> 1958SAC activated its 1st ICBM Squadron, the576th Strategic Missile Squadron, for theAtlas missile at Cooke AFB, Calif.<strong>April</strong> 1976The last C-118A Liftmaster in the activeinventory went to Davis- Monthan AFB,Ariz. for storage.Apr 24, 1962The U.S. <strong>Air</strong> Force used an orbitingsatellite for the first time to transmittelevision photographs from Camp Parks,Calif. to Westford, Mass.<strong>April</strong> 1972<strong>Air</strong> Training Command activates theCommunity College of the <strong>Air</strong> Force atRandolph AFB, Texas.Apr 5, 1988Eight C-5s and 22 C-141s airlifted 1,300security specialists from the U.S. toPanama through <strong>April</strong> 8, where politicalinstability threatened the safety ofthousands of Americans. The deploymentincluded 45 missions.<strong>April</strong> 1995The Global Positioning System satelliteswere declared fully operational. Thissystem provides accurate geographicalcoordinates.<strong>April</strong> 1998The U. S. <strong>Air</strong> Force accepted the first of twoC-38A aircraft. Two <strong>Air</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>pilots from the 201st <strong>Air</strong>lift Squadron flewthe aircraft from St. Louis to AndrewsAFB, Md., to replace the older C-21.AIRSCOOPPAGE 18Originally Published <strong>April</strong> 1962MASSACHUSETTSAIR N ATIONAL GUARDBarnes <strong>Air</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> Base175 Falcon DriveWestfield, MA 01805Phone: (413) 568-9151Fax: (413) 572-1515E-mail: 104fw.PA@ang.af.milOfficial Web: www.104fw.ang.af.milSocial Media Sites:www.facebook.com/barnesangwww.twitter.com/104fighterwingwww.flickr.com/photos/barnesangbwww.westfieldairshow.netPRIDE,PROFESSIONALISM,PATRIOTISMWe’re on the WebWWW.104FW.ANG.AF.MILCopyright (c) 2010 <strong>104th</strong> <strong>Fighter</strong> <strong>Wing</strong> <strong>Air</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>.All rights reserved. This funded <strong>Air</strong> Force newspaper is anauthorized publication for members of the U.S. Militaryservices. Contents of the <strong>Air</strong>scoop are not necessarily theofficial views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, theDepartment of Defense, the Department of the <strong>Air</strong> Force orthe <strong>Air</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>.

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