cv ancuta vamesu - FPDL

cv ancuta vamesu - FPDL

cv ancuta vamesu - FPDL


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CURRICULUM VITAEFamily name:First names:Nationality:VamesuAncutaRomanianDate of birth: 19 August 1965Education:InstitutionPolytechnic Institute BucharestSept. 1983 – Sept. 1988University of Bucharest in cooperation with GeorgetownUniversity WashingtonFeb. 2004 – March 2006National University of Ireland, Galway(Department of Economics)April – June 2006Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:Master of Chemical EngineeringMaster in Public AdministrationCertificate in Policy and PlanningEvaluationLanguage skills: (mark 1-5 for competence, 5 being the highest)Language Reading Speaking WritingEnglish 5 5 5French 4 3 3Romanian 5 5 5Present position: Free lance trainer and consultantKey qualifications:More than 15 years senior-level experience in program strategic planning, development andimplementation of innovative reform projects, management of EU funded programmes and projectsMore than ten years senior-level experience in managing non-profit organizations and civil societydevelopment programsTrainer and consultant for donors, local governments and NGOs in Romania and SouthEast EuropeSpecific Eastern Countries experience: Romania, Moldova, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia andMontenegroProfessional experience record:Date: from/to (month/year)LocationCompanyPositionDescriptionJanuary 2008 – to dateRomaniaFoundation Partner for Local DevelopmentFree lance trainer and consultant- Leading strategic planning activities at the level of an extendedgroup of 1 city and 10 communes- Organisational development consultant for Donors ForumRomania – a federation of national and int’l donors focusing oncivil society in Romania- Consultant for Civil Society Development Foundation – a 5 milEuro grantmaking program for NGOs funded by the NorwegianGovt. EEA Grants – the NGO Fund- Evaluation of CEE Trust for Civil Society – grant-making forRomaniaDate: from/to (month/year) December 2005 – December 2007LocationRomaniaCompany WORLD LEARNING FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT –

(Ancuta Vamesu)USAID Romania Civil Society Strengthening Program RCSSPositionAdvocacy AdvisorDescription Responsible with the advocacy and outreach component of a $6million program funded by USAID in support of organizations thatmonitor as well as perform advocacy and public policy developmentfunctions. Responsible with design and technical implementation ofa combined assistance plan of grants, technical assistance andtraining for coalitions of NGOs that develop new advocacy initiatives,conduct policy analysis or promote policy/legislation changes, and tocoach smaller organizations to increase their civic involvement andadvocacy activities.Date: from/to (month/year) December 2002 – March 2005LocationRomania, SerbiaCompanyPromeso on behalf of DFID and European Training FoundationPositionStrategic Planning Consultant, EvaluatorDescription- Designed and facilitated participatory strategic planning workshopof the anti-poverty commission in Alba county in a DFID anti-povertyproject- Trainer and Consultant for institutional building of RegionalDevelopment Agencies South and NorthEast Regions - preparationfor implementation of the partnership principles in the managementof EU Structural Funds. Designed a Partnership Framework –guidelines for partnership development for the Agencies Board andstaff; Trained staff in partnership development;- Designed and facilitated strategic planning process of the RegionalDevelopment Agency NorthEast Region- Conducted field evaluation for a regional programme to promotethe culture and practice of social dialogue and of participation of civilsociety in South-East EuropeDate: from/to (month/year) November 2004 - February 2005LocationMoldovaCompanyHTSPE UKPositionConsultantDescriptionEC Framework contract assignment - Drafted terms of reference fora EU funded civil society development national programmeDate: from/to (month/year) 2002 – 2005LocationMacedonia, Kosovo, Moldova, MontenegroCompanyPartners Foundation for Local Development <strong>FPDL</strong>PositionAssociate Trainer and ConsultantDescriptionDesigned and delivered the following training programmes:- Training of Trainers TOT programmes on Participatory Planningfor trainers of the European Association of Local DemocracyAgencies (a joint programme of the Council of Europe and theCommittee of Regions) and their affiliates in the Balkan countriesALDA trainers- Training of Trainers TOT programmes on Participatory Planningfor local government consultants from Soros Foundation/EuroBalkan Institute in Macedonia- Training Course on Conflict Management for local governmentofficials in Kosovo- Training Course on NGO Management and Partnership for ALDAand their affiliate NGOs in the Balkan countries.- Training of Trainers TOT on Managing Conflict in ParticipatoryPlanning for USAID IREX Program on Participatory CommunityDevelopment in Moldova- Assessment of NGO Advocacy (Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia,Romania) – consultant for Romania3

(Ancuta Vamesu)Date: from/to (month/year) January - September 2004LocationRomaniaCompanyPartners Foundation for Local Development <strong>FPDL</strong> – UN HabitatUnited Nations Programme for Human SettlementsPositionProject Manager and Strategic Planning ExpertDescriptionCoordinated pilot project for development and testing of a manual forLocal Economic Development through Strategic Planning in aregional programme for Central and Eastern Europe available atwww.unhabitat.org section on Strengthening TrainingInstitutions/Training Tools.Managed capacity building project for the Association of Students inPublic Administration ANSSA and facilitated the strategic planningprocess of the organisation. Guided ANSSA to conduct the firstassessment of placement in public service of the PublicAdministration graduates in Romania.Date: from/to (month/year) January – February 2003, January - February 2004LocationRomaniaCompanyUSAID - World LearningPositionFacilitator, Partnership Consultant/EvaluatorDescriptionDesigned and facilitated workshop of NGO Grantees and LocalGovernment Partners (50 participants) to identify Effectivemechanisms to mobilize communities and increase citizens’participation in community life; Practical methods for improvingcooperation and fostering partnerships between NGOs and publicadministration at the local level; Innovative methods to attract localresources (financial and in-kind) for community projects.Teamed with a US expert to conduct an assessment of the USAIDfunded Romanian-American Sustainable Partnerships Program(RASP) and produce a guide for building and managing partnershipsDate: from/to (month/year) November 2003 - March 2004LocationMoldovaCompanyNetwork of Social NGOs – UK Department of InternationalDevelopment DFIDPositionStrategic Planning ConsultantDescriptionWork with local experts to design a strategy for development ofNGOs working in social field and their networkDate: from/to (month/year) June- September 2003LocationRomaniaCompanyCivil Society Development FoundationPositionEvaluator, member of Grants Evaluation CommitteesDescriptionEvaluated project proposals for grants in the framework of PhareCivil Society Development Programme 2001 - RO004.002Date: from/to (month/year) May – November 2002LocationRepublic of MoldovaCompanyNational Centre for NGO Assistance CONTACTPositionTrainer and ConsultantDescriptionEvaluation of Community Development ProgrammeTraining workshop on Programme Development (Design, Marketing,Planning)Date: from/to (month/year) May 1996 - February 2002LocationRomaniaCompanyCivil Society Development FoundationPositionExecutive DirectorDescriptionFounded and was the first executive director of the organisation.4

(Ancuta Vamesu)Provided overall leadership and direction to the organization in theimplementation of the strategy established by the Board.Responsible for Foundation results, quality service improvements,overall management of strategic change and motivation ofemployees.Provided the necessary guidance and vision to take advantage ofstrategic opportunities, ensuring sustained growth.Overall management of EU Phare civil society developmentprogrammes (Phare civil society development 1994, 2000 and2001, Phare Access 1999 and 2000 consisting mainly ofgrant-schemes for NGOs – overall budget 20 MEuro )Date: from/to (month/year) November 1994 / April 1996LocationRomaniaCompanyEuropean Commission Delegation in RomaniaPositionPhare OfficerDescriptionManaged Phare programmes for NGOs (Phare Democracy, PhareLIEN and Phare Partnership) and Delegation’s relations with theNGO sector and social partnersDate: from/to (month/year) March – October 1994LocationRomaniaCompanyDialogue Development, DenmarkPositionConsultantDescriptionTeamed with a Danish consultant to prepare a national Phareprogramme for civil society development for Romania and theestablishment of Civil Society Development Foundationwww.fdsc.roDate: from/to (month/year) March 1993 – March 1994LocationRomaniaCompanyInternational City Managers Association – USAID local governmentprogrammePositionCoordinator for Romania – part-timeDescriptionCoordinated in-country work of US consultants in a USAID fundedprogramme of assistance to local governments in Romaniaconsisting mainly in technical assistance and training in fields suchas public service management, local budgets, etc.Date: from/to (month/year) May 1991 – March 1994LocationRomaniaCompanySOROS Foundation for an Open SocietyPositionProgramme coordinatorDescriptionManaged several scholarship and internships programmes, initiatedand developed NGO and local government capacity buildingprogrammes.5

(Ancuta Vamesu)Publications• The first NGO Directory in Romania in 1992 and subsequent editions in 1994, 1995, 1998 -publisher• Handbook of Non-profit Legislation - International Centre of Not for Profit Law, consultant1995;• Romanian Civil Society: An Agenda for Progress - Civicus Index on Civil Society -Occasional Paper series, issue 9 – 2001 co-author• Building and managing partnerships : lessons learned from the Romanian-Americanpartnership program (RASP) managed by World Learning - an assessment and guide,USAID, 2004 – co-author with Stark Biddle and Mark Lopes• Horezu micro-region – Study on development potential 2008MembershipsMember of the working group for draft law for associations and foundations (1994-1995), of theorganizing committee of the Forum of NGOs in Romania 1996-2001, of Prime Minister’s AdvisingCommittee for Relations with NGOs 1998 – 1999Founding member of:- Foundation for Local Development & Public Services, currently Foundation Partners for LocalDevelopment <strong>FPDL</strong> since 1994;- CeRe Resource Centre for Public Participation since 2006,- PACT Foundation- Association in support of Hearing Impaired Children and Youth in Romania since 2006;Board member of- the Euro-Carpathian Region Fund (1995 - 1996)- CeRe- National NGO Centre in Moldova CONTACT since 20036

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