Annual report for download - CoreGRID Network of Excellence

Annual report for download - CoreGRID Network of Excellence

Annual report for download - CoreGRID Network of Excellence


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46Management and Scheduling, <strong>CoreGRID</strong>Technical Report, TR-0116, November 8, 2007.Kai Kumpf, Theo Mevissen, Oliver Wäldrich,Wolfgang Ziegler (Fraunh<strong>of</strong>er SCAI), SebastianGinzel, Thomas Weuffel (University <strong>of</strong> AppliedSciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg), Philipp Wieder(University <strong>of</strong> Dortmund), Multi-ClusterText Mining on the Grid using the D-GridUNICORE environment, Institute on ResourceManagement and Scheduling, <strong>CoreGRID</strong>Technical Report, TR-0109, November 9, 2007.Eugenio Cesario (ICAR-CNR), AntonioCongiusta, Domenico Talia, Paolo Trunfio(University <strong>of</strong> Calabria), Designing dataanalysis services in the KnowledgeGrid, Institute on Knowledge and DataManagement, <strong>CoreGRID</strong> TechnicalReport, TR-0118, November 26, 2007.Louis-Claude Canon, Emmanuel Jeannot(LORIA, INRIA, Nancy University, CNRS),Rizos Sakellariou, Wei Zheng (The University<strong>of</strong> Manchester), Comparative Evaluation<strong>of</strong> the Robustness <strong>of</strong> DAG SchedulingHeuristics, Institute on Resource Managementand Scheduling, <strong>CoreGRID</strong> TechnicalReport, TR-0120, December 5, 2007.Yi Zhu, Alessandro Bassi (Hitachi SophiaAntipolis Lab), Philippe Massonet (CETIC),Domenico Talia (Universita Della Calabria),Mechanisms <strong>for</strong> High Volume Data Transferin Grids, Institute on Knowledge andData Management, <strong>CoreGRID</strong> TechnicalReport, TR-0121, December 5, 2007.Daniela Barbalace, Pasquale Cozza, DomenicoTalia (Università della Calabria), CarloMastroianni (ICAR-CNR), A P2P Job AssignmentProtocol <strong>for</strong> Volunteer Computing Systems,Institute on Knowledge and Data Management& Architectural Issues: Scalability,Dependability, Adaptability, <strong>CoreGRID</strong> TechnicalReport, TR-0117, December 13, 2007.Carlo Bertolli (University <strong>of</strong> Pisa), J. Gabarró(Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya), On theCost <strong>of</strong> Task Re-Scheduling in Fault-TolerantTask Parallel Computations, Institute onProgramming Model, <strong>CoreGRID</strong> TechnicalReport, TR-0114, December 18, 2007.Peter Kacsuk (MTA SZTAKI), Tamas Kiss(University <strong>of</strong> Westminster), Towards ascientific workflow-oriented computationalWorld Wide Grid, Institute on Grid Systems,Tools and Environments, <strong>CoreGRID</strong> TechnicalReport, TR-0115, December 18, 2007.Hassan Rasheed, Ralf Gruber, VincentKeller (EPFL), Oliver Wäldrich, WolfgangZiegler (Fraunh<strong>of</strong>er Institute SCAI), PhilippWieder (University <strong>of</strong> Dortmund), PierreKuonen (EIF), Marie-Christine Sawley,Sergio Maffioletti, Peter Kunszt (CSCS),IANOS: An Intelligent Application OrientedScheduling Middleware <strong>for</strong> a HPC Grid,Institute on Resource Managementand Scheduling, <strong>CoreGRID</strong> TechnicalReport, TR-0110, December 28, 2007.Paolo Trunfio, Domenico Talia (University <strong>of</strong>Calabria), Ali Ghodsi (Swedish Institute <strong>of</strong>Computer Science), Seif Haridi (Royal Institute<strong>of</strong> Technology), Implementing DynamicQuerying Search in k-ary DHT-based Overlays,Institute on Architectural issues: scalability,dependability, adaptability, <strong>CoreGRID</strong> TechnicalReport, TR-0119, December 28, 2007.Oliver Wäldrich, Wolfgang Ziegler (Fraunh<strong>of</strong>erInstitute SCAI), Alexander Papaspyrou,Philipp Wieder, Ramin Yahyapour (University<strong>of</strong> Dortmund), Novel Approaches <strong>for</strong>Scheduling in D-Grid – Towards aninteroperable Scheduling Framework,Institute on Resource Managementand Scheduling, <strong>CoreGRID</strong> TechnicalReport, TR-0122, December 28, 2007.Christian Grimme, Joachim Lepping, AlexanderPapaspyrou (Dortmund Technical University,IRF), Philipp Wieder, Ramin Yahyapour(Dortmund Technical University, ITMC),Ariel Oleksiak (Poznan Supercomputingand <strong>Network</strong>ing Centre), Oliver Wäldrich,Wolfgang Ziegler (Fraunh<strong>of</strong>er SCAI), Towards astandards-based Grid Scheduling Architecture,Institute on Resource Managementand Scheduling, <strong>CoreGRID</strong> TechnicalReport, TR-0123, December 31, 2007.BookPeter Kacsuk, Thomas Fahringer andZsolt Németh. Distributed and ParallelSystems. Cluster and Grid Computing.Pages 300, Springer Verlag, 2 edition,March 2007, ISBN-10: 0387698574.Radu Prodan and Thomas Fahringer. GridComputing. Experiment Management,Tool Integration, and Scientific Workflows.(4340):317, Springer Verlag, February2007, ISBN 978-3-540-69261-4.Peter Kacsuk, Thomas Fahringer andZsolt Németh editors. Distributedand Parallel Systems: From Cluster toGrid Computing. Pages 223, SpringerVerlag, 1 edition, May 2007.Giancarlo Fortino, Carlo Mastroianni andGuillaume Pierre editors. UPGRADE ‘07:Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the second workshop on Use<strong>of</strong> P2P, GRID and agents <strong>for</strong> the development<strong>of</strong> content networks. ACM Press, New York,NY, USA, June 2007, ISBN 978-1-59593-718-6.In BooksCatalin Dumitrescu, Jan Dünnweber, PhilippLüdeking, Sergei Gorlatch, Ioan Raicu andIan Foster. Simplifying Grid ApplicationProgramming Using Web-Enabled CodeTransfer Tools. In Toward Next GenerationGrids, Chapter 6, Springer, 2007.Nikos Parlavantzas, Vladimir Getov,Matthieu Morel, Fabrice Huet, FrancoiseBaude and Denis Caromel. Componentisinga Scientific Application <strong>for</strong> the Grid. InAchievements in European Research on GridSystems, Pages 109-122, Springer, 2007.Jeyarajan Thiyagalingam, S<strong>of</strong>ia Panagiotidi,Olav Beckmann, John Darlington andVladimir Getov. Domain-Specific Metadata<strong>for</strong> Model Validation and Per<strong>for</strong>manceOptimisation. In Achievements in EuropeanResearch on Grid Systems, Pages 165-178,Springer, 2007, ISBN 978-0-387-72811-7.Katarzyna Rycerz, Marian Bubak, Peter M.A.Sloot and Vladimir Getov. Problem SolvingEnvironment <strong>for</strong> Distributed InteractiveApplications. In Achievements in EuropeanResearch on Grid Systems, Pages 55-56,Springer, 2007, ISBN 978-0-387-72811-7.ArticlesA.I.D. Bucur and Dick Epema.Scheduling Policies <strong>for</strong> Processor Co-Allocation in Multicluster Systems. InIEEE Trans. on Parallel and DistributedSystems, Vol. 18:958-972, 2007.Ranieri Baraglia, Renato Ferrini, NicolaTonellotto, Laura Ricci and Ramin Yahyapour.A Launch-time Scheduling Heuristics <strong>for</strong>Parallel Applications on Wide Area Grids.In Journal <strong>of</strong> Grid Computing, 2007.Michael Resch, Natalia Currle-Linde,Uwe Küster and Beneditto Risio.Computational Mechanics Applicationsin a Novel Grid Framework. In WSEASTransactions on In<strong>for</strong>mation Scienceand Application, Vol. 4, 2007.Erika Yang, Brian Matthews, Amit Lakhani,Yvon Jégou, Christine Morin, Oscar DavidSanchez, Carsten Franke, Philip Robinson,Adolf Hohl, Bernd Scheuermann, DanielVladusic, Haiyan Yu, An Qin, Rubao Lee andErich Focht. Virtual Organisation Managementin XtreemOS: an Overview. In Proceedings <strong>of</strong>the <strong>CoreGRID</strong> Symposium 2007, LNCS, 2007.Demetris Zeinalipour-Yazti and V. Kalogeraki.pFusion: A P2P Architecture <strong>for</strong> Internet-Scale Content-Based Search and Retrieval.In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and

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