Annual report for download - CoreGRID Network of Excellence

Annual report for download - CoreGRID Network of Excellence

Annual report for download - CoreGRID Network of Excellence


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50Grid and Pervasive Computing, GPC 2007Conference, Vol. 4459:716-723 <strong>of</strong> LNCS,Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Paris, France,May 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-72359-2.Carlo Mastroianni, Domenico Talia andOreste Verta. Evaluating Resource DiscoveryProtocols <strong>for</strong> Hierarchical and Super-PeerGrid In<strong>for</strong>mation Systems. In Proc. <strong>of</strong> the15th EUROMICRO International Conferenceon Parallel, Distributed and <strong>Network</strong>-BasedProcessing (PDP’07), Pages 147-154, IEEEComputer Society, Naples, Italy, February 2007.Wei Xing, Oscar Corcho, Carole Goble andMarios D. Dikaiakos. Active Ontology: AnIn<strong>for</strong>mation Integration Approach <strong>for</strong> HighlyDynamic In<strong>for</strong>mation Sources. In EuropeanSemantic Web Conference 2007 (ESWC-2007), Innsbruck, Austria, June 2007.Wei Xing, Oscar Corcho, Carole Gobleand Marios D. Dikaiakos. ActOn: ASemantic In<strong>for</strong>mation Service <strong>for</strong> EGEE.In Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the 8th IEEE/ACMInternational Conference on Grid Computing(Grid 2007), Pages 81-88, 2007.Wei Xing, Oscar Corcho, Carole Goble andMarios D. Dikaiakos. In<strong>for</strong>mation QualityEvaluation <strong>for</strong> Grid In<strong>for</strong>mation Services. In<strong>CoreGRID</strong> Symposium 2007. In conjunctionwith EuroPar 2007, Pages 165-174, 2007.Peter Kacsuk, Zoltan Farkas, GergelySipos, Gábor Hermann and Tamas Kiss.Supporting Workflow-level PS Applicationsby the P-GRADE Grid portal. In Thierry Prioland Marco Vanneschi editors, TowardsNext Generation Grids - Proceedings<strong>of</strong> the <strong>CoreGRID</strong> Symposium 2007,Pages 253--263, Springer US, 2007.Zoltán Balaton, Gabor Gombás, Peter Kacsuk,Adám Kornafeld, Jozsef Kovacs, Attila CsabaMarosi, Gábor Vida, Norbert Podhorszkiand Tamas Kiss. SZTAKI Desktop Grid: aModular and Scalable Way <strong>of</strong> Building LargeComputing Grids. In IPDPS, Pages 1-8, 2007.Peter Kacsuk, Zoltan Farkas, GáborHermann and Tamas Kiss. Workflow-levelparameter study support <strong>for</strong> productiongrids. In O. Gervasi and M.L. Gavrilovaeditors, Computational science and itsapplication - ICCSA 2007. Internationalconference. Part III. Kuala Lumpur, 2007.(Lecture notes in computer science4707), Pages 872--885, LNCS, 2007.Denis Caromel and Mario Leyton. FineTuning Algorithmic Skeletons. In 13thInternational Euro-par Conference:Parallel Processing, Vol. 4641:72--81<strong>of</strong> Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Springer-Verlag, Rennes, France, 2007.Derrick Kondo, Filipe Araujo, PatricioDomingues and Luis Moura Silva. ResultError Detection on Heterogeneous andVolatile Resources Via IntermediateCheckpointing. In <strong>CoreGRID</strong> IntegrationWorkshop, Crete, Greece, June 2007.Derrick Kondo, Filipe Araujo, Paul Malecot,Patricio Domingues, Luis Moura Silva, GillesFedak and Franck Cappello. CharacterisingError Rates in Internet Desktop Grids.In Proceedings <strong>of</strong> EUROPAR’07, Rennes,France, May 2007, Best Paper Award.Nadia Ranaldo and Eugenio Zimeo. AFramework <strong>for</strong> QoS-based Resource Brokeringin Grid Computing. In C. Pautasso and T.Gschwind editors, 5th IEEE ECOWS, the2nd Workshop on Emerging Web ServicesTechnology, Halle, Germany, 2007.Nadia Ranaldo and Eugenio Zimeo. A Timeand Cost-based Matching Strategy <strong>for</strong> DataParallelizable Tasks <strong>of</strong> Grid Workflows.In 3rd IEEE International Conferenceon e-Science and Grid Technologies(eScience2007), Pages 295--303,Bangalore, India, 10-13 December 2007.Francesco D’andria, Josep Martrat, TomKirkham, Syed Naqvi, Julian Gallop andAlvaro E. Arenas. The Evolving Use <strong>of</strong> ServiceLevel Agreements and the Influence <strong>of</strong>Trust within the Support and Development<strong>of</strong> Grids to Enable a Next Generation <strong>of</strong>Business Models. In International Workshopon Service Oriented Computing: a Lookat the Inside (SOC@Inside’07), 2007.Javier Alonso, Jordi Torres and Luis MouraSilva. Carrying the crash-only s<strong>of</strong>twareconcept to the legacy application servers. In<strong>CoreGRID</strong> Workshop on Grid ProgrammingModel, Grid and P2P Systems Architecture,Grid Systems, Tools and Environments,Heraklion, Crete (Greece), June 2007.Javier Alonso, Jordi Torres, Luis Moura Silvaand Paulo Silva. Dependable grid services:A case study with ogsa-dai. In <strong>CoreGRID</strong>Symposium 2007. In conjunction withEuroPar 2007, Pages 291-300, August 2007.Gábor Kecskeméti, Gabor Terstyanszky,Tamas Kiss, Thierry Delaitre and PeterKacsuk. Automatic Service Deployment UsingVirtualisation. In Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the UKe-Science All Hands Meeting 2007, Pages718-725, Nottingham, UK, September 2007.Nikos Parlavantzas, Vladimir Getov, MatthieuMorel, Francoise Baude and Denis Caromel.Design Support <strong>for</strong> Componentising and GridenablingScientific Applications. In WorkshopHPC Grid programming Environments andComponents and Component and FrameworkTechnology in High-Per<strong>for</strong>mance and ScientificComputing (HPC-GECO+COMPFRAME), inconjunction with ACM SIGPLAN ooPSLA2007, Pages 31--38, ACM Digital Library,2007, ISBN 978-1-59593-867-1.Maciej Malawski, Marian Bubak, FrancoiseBaude, Denis Caromel, Ludovic Henrio andMatthieu Morel. Interoperability <strong>of</strong> gridcomponent models: GCM and CCA casestudy. In Towards Next Generation Grids,proceedings <strong>of</strong> the <strong>CoreGRID</strong> Symposiumin conjunction with Euro-Par 2007, Pages95--106, Springer Verlag, August 2007.Denis Caromel, Alexandre di Costanzo,Laurent Baduel and Satoshi Matsuoka.Grid’BnB: A Parallel Branch & BoundFramework <strong>for</strong> Grids. In Proceedings <strong>of</strong>the HiPC’07 - International Conference onHigh Per<strong>for</strong>mance Computing, 2007.Denis Caromel, Guillaume Chazarain andLudovic Henrio. Garbage Collecting theGrid: a Complete DGC <strong>for</strong> Activities. InProceedings <strong>of</strong> the 8th ACM/IFIP/USENIXInternational Middleware Conference,Newport Beach, CA, November 2007.Francoise Baude, Denis Caromel,Ludovic Henrio and Paul Naoumenko.A Flexible Model and Implementation<strong>of</strong> Component Controllers. In <strong>CoreGRID</strong>Workshop on Grid Programming Model,Grid and P2P Systems Architecture, GridSystems, Tools and Environments, 12-13 june 2007, Pages 12--23, 2007.Francoise Baude, Ludovic Henrio andPaul Naoumenko. A Component Plat<strong>for</strong>m<strong>for</strong> Experimenting with AutonomicComposition. In First InternationalConference on Autonomic Computing andCommunication Systems (Autonomics2007), ACM Digital Library, October 2007.Simone Pellegrini, Francesco Giacomini andAntonia Ghiselli. A Practical Approach <strong>for</strong> aWorkflow Management System. In <strong>CoreGRID</strong>Workshop on Grid Middleware, SpringerVerlag, Dresden, Germany, June 2007.Francoise André, Hinde Bouziane, JérémyBuisson, Jean-Louis Pazat and Christian Pérez.Towards dynamic adaptability support <strong>for</strong>the master-worker paradigm in componentbased applications. In <strong>CoreGRID</strong> Symposiumin conjunction with Euro-Par 2007 conference,Rennes, France, 27-28 August 2007.Julien Bigot and Christian Pérez. EnablingCollective Communications betweenComponents. In CompFrame’07: Proceedings<strong>of</strong> the 2007 symposium on Component andframework technology in high-per<strong>for</strong>manceand scientific computing, Pages 121--130, ACMPress, New York, NY, USA, 21-22 October 2007.Raúl López Lozano and Christian Pérez.Improving MPI Support <strong>for</strong> Applications onHierarchically Distributed Resources. In RecentAdvances in Parallel Virtual Machine andMessage Passing Interface, 14th EuropeanPVM/MPI User’s Group Meeting, Pages187-194, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Paris,France, 30 September - 3 October 2007.

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