May - Whatcom County Democrats

May - Whatcom County Democrats

May - Whatcom County Democrats


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Democratic Club Launched in<strong>Whatcom</strong> <strong>County</strong>The first meeting of the 40 th LD sponsored <strong>Whatcom</strong><strong>County</strong> Democratic Club was held 4/22/06 at the Beall’sin Bellingham. Approximately 30 local <strong>Democrats</strong>attended.After mingle and mix, we shared a bit about ourselves,what we’d done politically, our areas of interest, and any“special talents.” Several people were relatively new orvery new to politics, others were seasoned veterans,and a couple were sorting out their political bent. Nearlyeveryone expressed deep concern regarding thedirection of our nation under the Bush Administration,and many expressed interest in and belief that buildingstrength at our grassroots is vital to the restoration of ahealthy Democracy.Dan Weekly, Chair of the 40th LD shared his vision forDemocratic Clubs throughout <strong>Whatcom</strong>, Skagit and SanJuan Counties. His idea is that PCOs and other interested<strong>Democrats</strong> will develop and guide these clubs. Iffunds are raised, they will be properly documented, andchanneled through the LD or Central Committee per thewishes of the donor. But the main goal of these clubs isto build our grassroots communities, our knowledge andunderstanding of issues, our political acumen, and ourclout!Attendees expressed interest in future meeting topicsincluding:1. Understanding our local party platform and theDemocratic Party structure (local, state, and national);2. Speaker focused meetings (e.g.: Clyde Ford)3. Seminar Series (meetings with a designated focus),may include films4. “Both Sides Now” meetings where those with diversepolitical points of view are brought together to discusstheir perspectives; and/or sponsored debates onspecific topics5. More gatherings which are more like parties thanmeetings6. Fund raisers using local Democratic talent7. “World Café” © type meetings designed to help usdeepen our sense of our Democratic Values and honeour communication skills8. Invite local politicos to schmooze and share theirpolitical points of view9. Invite our Committee Man and Woman to share theirexperience of working in the Washington State Democraticstructure10. Use email distribution and get-togethers as acommunication nexus for sharing news and announcementswhich may be of interest to members.It was also noted that these Democratic Clubs are agreat place to practice expressing our political views,and a place to get to know each others political temperamentsand communication style. As such, it’s aplace where we can find those who may be willing tostep into the political fray and actually run for office.Cheryl Hockett served as note taker, and Roni offeredto write up the event and put the attendees in a dedicatedemail group to ease communications betweenmembers. Maggie Hanson encouraged using a phonetree in addition to e-mail which was well received.The next meeting of <strong>Whatcom</strong> Counties DemocraticClub was set for 4 p.m., <strong>May</strong> 20, at the home of BertMonroe and Charley Dyer. All <strong>Whatcom</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Democrats</strong>are welcome to this potluck event, but RSVP to738-6439.Elected OfficialsWe can’t fit all the elected officials here, so each month we will lista different group. If you would like a complete list, incudingmailing and email addresses, pick up a League of Women Voters“They Represent You” brochure at the office or most libraries andgovernment offices.Telephone area codes 360, unless otherwise noted.State Legislators40 th District <strong>Whatcom</strong> Olympia E-mail prefix*Sen Harriet Spanel (D) 733-9457 786-7678 Spanel_haRep Dave Quall (D) 428-1023 786-7800 Quall_daRep Jeff Morris (D) 428-1022 786-7970 Morris_je42 nd DistrictRep Kelli Linville (D) 738-6177 786-7854 Linville_keSen D. Brandland (R) 966-4803 786-7682 Brandlan_daRep D. Ericksen (R) 786-7980 Ericksen_do*E-mail addresses: use the e-mail prefix, followed by@leg.wa.gov. For example: spanel_ha@leg.wa.govThanks to wonderful volunteersOffice Volunteers: Leslie Veitch, Jo Pullen, Karen Price,Emma Conlee, Roni Beall, Cheryl Hockett-Prelle,Natalie McClendon, Steve Schuck, Chris Tucker, BoydCollings, Jerry Brownfield, Abe Jacobson, Bert Monroe,Ed Jungblom, Rosemary Woodyard, Robbie Robbinson,Jo Morgan, Carolyn Martin, Nancy Ging, Velma Wendt,Jean BrechanConvention preparation: Rosalee Lewis, Reg Lewis,Jean Brechan, Christina Tucker, Robin McGarrity, JakeSagar, Michelle Kamerer, Rosemary Woodyard, JoPullen, Sharon Alford, Carolyn Martin, Catherine Chambers,Zetta Bracher, Charlene Warren, Lori Province,Merrilyn Jones, David Dopps, John McGarrity, NatalieMcClendon, Hugh Beatty, Charley Dyer, Bert Monroe,Roni Beall, Ron Beall, Robin Bailey, Steve Schuck, RBPorter, Cheryl Hockett-Prell, William Prell, AbeJacobson, Carole Jacobson, Ann Mosness, JillianTrinkas, John McGarrity, and Sharon Alford . Thank youto Jim Fox for countless hours building shelves in oursupply room. They're beautiful, and bomb-proof!

THE ESSENCE OF BEING A DEMOCRAT by Miranda KeefeWhat is the essence of being a Democrat in<strong>Whatcom</strong> <strong>County</strong> in 2006? I’ve been pondering thisquestion lately after attending my precinct caucus, thecounty convention, my legislative district caucus, and theApril 13 th Central Committee meeting that debated theresolutions that came out of the caucuses and theconvention. At these various gatherings I heard manydifferent diverse people share their concerns and passionsthat have motivated them to participate in the politicalprocess as <strong>Democrats</strong>. As I’ve pondered and reflectedit’s as if I am hearing different voices answering thequestion.“For me the essence of being a Democrat isincluding all people of all races and backgrounds, includingthe immigrant, in the American dream.”“For me the essence of being a Democrat isstanding up for working people and unions.”“For me the essence of being a Democrat ispreserving our environment from destruction through greedor ignorance.”“For me the essence of being a Democrat isworking for the advancement of small, local businessesinstead of giant corporations.”“For me the essence of being a Democrat isprotecting equal rights for women, especially a woman’sright over her own body.”“For me the essence of being a Democrat isfinding ways to work together with those who differbecause we respect and honor diversity.”“For me the essence of being a Democrat is notforgetting society’s obligation to the poorest among us.”“For me the essence of being a Democrat is actingfor peace and speaking out against adventurism thatmakes us all less safe.”“For me the essence of being a Democrat isadvancing good and equal public education for all ourchildren.”“For me the essence of being a Democrat isresisting any attempt to destroy our Constitution andweaken our civil liberties.”“For me the essence of being a Democrat is justthat, being a democrat, with a small ‘d,’ who believes inthe democratic process, in listening, dialoging, debating,compromising, voting, organizing and mobilizing.”As I try to make sense of these various voicesspeaking out their passion, I continue to ponder what unitesus. What makes us connected? I’m convinced we arenot just a coalition of different interests. I’m convinced wehave a meta-essence that unites us. I’m convinced thateach of these passions is just a different reflection of thesame reality, a different telling of the same story, a differentarrangement of the same melody.What I’ve concluded is that the essence of beinga Democrat is seeing that we are more than just individualsliving in the same area. We are a community and whataffects some of us affects all of us. Like St. Paul said: thehand can’t say to the foot, “I have no need of you.” We allneed each other and so we all need to look out for eachother, help each other, and work for the American Dreamfor each other. <strong>Democrats</strong> believe in the social contractthat our nation’s founders called the justification for agovernment’s existence. We do not believe that we aresimply a bunch of individuals each seeking our own selfinterest.We are connected, connected with each otherand with the earth we live in.Connection. That’s the essence of being aDemocrat.Thanks to the Platform Committee for theirhard work prior to <strong>County</strong> Convention:Nancy Ging, Chair; Hue Beattie, Vice Chair; DebiCovert-Bowlds, Recorder. Other members: Charles Law;Maggie Hanson; Peggy Borgens; Faye Bartlett; JamieAmend;Susan Gelhar; Zetta Bracher.The committee work involved meeting twice a week forthree weeks for 3-4 hours each time. Most of thesepeople were at each and every meeting. They deserveour deep gratitude for their dedication and commitmentto the work of the Party.URGENT: VOTE YES ONGREENWAYS BY MAY 16<strong>Whatcom</strong> <strong>County</strong>Democratic Central CommitteeExecutive BoardOfficersChair Barry Buchanan 734-6639Vice Chair Robin Bailey 715-3775Treasurer Natalie McLendon 671-6851Recording Sec. Joan Ging 758-4190Corresponding Sec. Eleanor Long —Standing Committees Chairs and other voting members of theExecutive BoardAffirmative Action Rosalinda Guillen 738-0893Campaign Tim Douglas 676-8530Candidates John McGarrity 738-9695Finance Jennifer Deshaies 933-1998Information Technology (open)Issues/Resolutions Nancy Ging 758-2529Membership Ann Mulvey 366-0314Zetta Bracher 734-1487Communications Abe Jacobson 734-5019State Committewoman Maggie Hanson 733-2539State Committeman Larry Kalb 927-.2729Women’s Club Zetta Bracher 734-1487Western <strong>Democrats</strong> (WWU) Chiho Lai wwudems.org42 nd Legislative District Rep. Shannon O’Brien 671-256640 th Legislative District Rep. Dan Weekly 734-9809

<strong>Whatcom</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Democrats</strong>CALENDARAll events at the <strong>Whatcom</strong> <strong>Democrats</strong> office, 1220Bay Street, Suite B-27, Bellingham, unlessotherwise noted.<strong>May</strong>6 42nd Legislative District meeting, 10 amMachinists Hall, Vista Drive, Ferndale, ShannonO'Brien, 671-2566.6 Eleanor Roosevelt Fundraising Dinner, 6:30 pmSpeaker, Ron Sims, King <strong>County</strong> Executive, BestWestern Lakeway Inn, Bellingham., Tickets $25-$100.Jen Deshaies, 933-1998 for tickets or theoffice, 647-7661.8 Women’s Club, 11:30 am, Food Garden, 4151Meridian, Zetta 734-1487.10 Central Committee Meeting, 7 pm, Garden StreetFamily Center, Bellingham ALL <strong>Democrats</strong>welcome.18 Communications Committee, 7:30 pmBellingham Co-housing, 2604 Donovan AveBellingham, Abe Jacobson, 734-5019.20 <strong>Whatcom</strong> <strong>County</strong> Democratic Club, 4 pm, BertMonroe and Charley Dyer's home. All <strong>Whatcom</strong><strong>Democrats</strong> welcome to this potluck. RSVP 738-6439.31 E-board meeting, <strong>Democrats</strong> office, 5:30 pm.June2-3 State Democratic Convention, Yakima. BarryBuchanan, 734-6639.14 Central Committee Meeting, 7 pm, Garden St.Family Center, Bellingham. ALL <strong>Democrats</strong>welcome.Vote with your wallet!Don’t like the war? Don’t buy mid-east gasoline.Only one major oil producer is a democracy:Venezuela. The American government of, by andfor mega-corporations does not like Venezuela’sdemocracy partly because it has so far refused toprivatize its state oil company (the Iraq invasionwas, among other things, a forced privatization ofthe Iraqi state oil company). In addition, the Venezuelanstate oil company sells inexpensive oil tostruggling Carribean countries and provides lowcostheating oil to struggling East Coast Americans.In the United States, Venezuela sells petroleumproducts through Citgo, a brand that is more visibleon the East Coast. Bellingham has exactly oneCitgo station, on Northwest Avenue at Birchwood,about three blocks north of Yeager’s SportingGoods. Prices are usually among the lowest intown. Readers outside Bellingham can find theirnearest Citgo station at www.citgo.com/citgolocator/storelocator.jsp. (contributed by Steve Schuck)URGENT: VOTE YES ONGREENWAYS BY MAY 16<strong>Whatcom</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Democrats</strong>215 Holly Street, Suite B-27P.O. Box 3095Bellingham, WA 98227RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED2006Democratic Election CalendarJune 2-3July 28URGENT: VOTE YES ONGREENWAYS BY MAY 16PRSRT STDUS POSTAGE PAIDBELLINGHAM, WAPERMIT NO. 28<strong>County</strong> Fair preparation- callRobin Bailey (715-3775) to helpwith <strong>Democrats</strong>’ booth.State Party Convention/CongressionalDistrict Caucuses, YakimaLast day for all candidates to file foroffice, including PCO positionsAugust <strong>Whatcom</strong> <strong>Democrats</strong> vote to endorsenonpartisan candidates & ballotmeasuresSeptember 19 State PrimaryNovember 7 State General ElectionWednesday, <strong>May</strong> 10, @7 PM,Central Committee MeetingGarden Street Family Center, BellinghamALL <strong>Democrats</strong> welcome

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