Talk About Assessment - Assessment - Nelson Education

Talk About Assessment - Assessment - Nelson Education

Talk About Assessment - Assessment - Nelson Education

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<strong>Talk</strong> <strong>About</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>Strategies and Tools to Improve Learning<strong>Nelson</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>Damian CooperGrades K–8A comprehensive program to simplify, demystify, and shift thinkingaround assessment!Conducting effective assessment has long been perceived as time-consumingand confusing. Damian Cooper’s new must-have resource <strong>Talk</strong> <strong>About</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>simplifies, demystifies, and shifts thinking around assessment for elementarystudents. With a firm focus on making your own assessment practices moreeffective and efficient, <strong>Talk</strong> <strong>About</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> gives you the tools to help yourstudents improve their learning.Featuring a comprehensive book, DVD, CD-ROM, and customizable professionaldevelopment courses, <strong>Talk</strong> <strong>About</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> is an all-in-one solution for yourassessment needs.The professional development courses use the book as a foundation to furtherexplore assessment topics relevant to teachers in today’s classrooms.4PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT RESOURCESwww.nelson.comFeatures of the Book,DVD, and CD-ROMUsing case studies, classroomexamples, and reality-based dialogues,<strong>Talk</strong> <strong>About</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> clarifiesassessment concepts for both new andexperienced teachers. To make thesebig assessment concepts comprehensible,<strong>Talk</strong> <strong>About</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> is based aroundeight “big ideas.”The Eight “Big Ideas”:1) <strong>Assessment</strong> serves differentpurposes at different times2) <strong>Assessment</strong> must be plannedand purposeful3) <strong>Assessment</strong> must be balanced andflexible4) <strong>Assessment</strong> and instruction areinseparable5) For assessment to be helpful tostudents, it must inform them inwords, not just numerical scoresor letter grades6) <strong>Assessment</strong> is a collaborativeprocess7) Performance standards are anessential component of effectiveassessment8) Grading and reporting studentachievement is a caring, sensitiveprocessIn addition to offering simple, engagingstrategies to help you implement thevery best assessment practices in yourclassroom, Damian Cooper hascompiled a comprehensive toolssection featuring outstanding examplesof assessment tools, including:• Checklists• Anecdotal recording tools• Rubrics• Ready-to-print sample units• “Backwards-design” templates forprogram planningA companion DVD includes 10professional video clips that illustrateand model best practice in assessment,and the CD-ROM features customizableand reproducible versions of the toolsfor your individual classroom use.<strong>Talk</strong> <strong>About</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>Professional DevelopmentTo get the best use and value fromyour resource, <strong>Nelson</strong> ProfessionalLearning and Damian Cooper willwork with you to build a professionaldevelopment solution around <strong>Talk</strong><strong>About</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> for your schoolor district.©2006 9780176289164 $84.95

Brain-Compatible <strong>Assessment</strong>sSecond EditionCorwin PressDiane RonisNewGive students a clear road map forfuture success!Diane Ronis, a recognized expert inbrain-compatible learning andassessment, goes beyond the world ofstandardized testing to show educatorshow to build and use targetedassessments based on the latestneuroscientific research. Updated toreflect recent findings about how thebrain learns, Brain-Compatible<strong>Assessment</strong>s, Second Edition providesreaders with revised tools for assessingachievement in ways that allow forbrain differences within any classroomsetting. Showing teachers how toconstruct rubrics that are based onstandards and reflect principles ofbrain-compatible learning, this secondedition:• Applies brain research to improveformative and summativeassessment in the classroom• Provides how-to's for designing topquality rubrics• Incorporates technologyClassroom Literacy <strong>Assessment</strong>Making Sense of What StudentsKnow and DoGuilford PressEdited by Jeanne R. Paratore,Rachel L. McCormackShowcasing assessment practicesthat can help teachers planeffective instruction, this bookaddresses the real-world complexitiesof teaching literacy in Grades K–8.This resource provides workablenuts-and-bolts ideas for incorporatingassessment into instruction in all majorliteracy domains and with diverselearners, including students in highpovertyschools and those withspecial learning needs. It is illustratedthroughout with helpful, concreteexamples.©2007 9781593854386 $45.95NewReading and RespondingSecond Edition<strong>Nelson</strong> <strong>Education</strong>Fayne Brownlie, Sharon JeroskiGrades 4–6Reading and Responding is designedto help integrate assessment andinstruction in ways that supportpowerful learning. This practical andeasy-to-use resource will help:• Focus reading instruction aroundkey strategies• Plan instruction based on students’strengths and needs• Offer specific feedback and directionto students• Develop the skills and processes ofself-assessment• Inform students and families abouttheir progress©2006Ontario EditionsLevel 4 9780176290139 $127.45Level 5 9780176290146 $127.45Level 6 9780176290153 $127.45B.C. EditionsLevel 4 9780176306809 $127.45Level 5 9780176306816 $127.45Level 6 9780176306823 $127.45PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT RESOURCESEducators will discover how toeffectively apply practical high-levelassessments in a standards-basedenvironment to help all studentsrealize their potential and succeed.©2007 9781412950213 $41.45www.nelson.com 5

6PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT RESOURCESReading <strong>Assessment</strong> andInstruction for All LearnersGuilford PressEdited by Jeanne Shay SchummWeaving together the latestknowledge and best practicesfor teaching children to read, thisindispensable text and professionalresource provides a complete guide todifferentiated instruction for diverselearners. Uniquely integrative, thebook places the needs of Englishlanguage learners and students withdisabilities front and centre instead oftreating them as special topics.Accessible chapters on each of the corecomponents of literacy clearlydemonstrate how to link formal andinformal assessment to evidence-basedinstruction.©2006 9781593852900 $65.95www.nelson.comDrafting and Assessing PoetryA Guide for TeachersPaul Chapman <strong>Education</strong>al PublishingSue DymokeDrafting and Assessing Poetry offers arange of teaching strategies fordeveloping students’ poetry writingskills, and guidance about assessmentapproaches. Critical commentariescombine with illustrations of successfulclassroom practice to consider thisessential but under-explored aspect ofEnglish teaching. Based on theory butwith a practical dimension, the bookengages readers in current criticaldebates about poetry teaching andits place in an assessment-drivencurriculum.©2003 9780761948551 $37.95Teaching Writing With RubricsPractical Strategies and Lesson Plansfor Grades 2–8Corwin PressLaura A. Flynn, Ellen M. FlynnTake the guesswork out of writinginstruction and assessment!The step-by-step instructions,scheduling guidelines, lesson plans,rubric assessments, and reproducibleforms in this guide are the result ofyears of research, planning, and finetuningin the classroom. Inspiringstudent creativity while addressingstandards and meeting the needs ofevery student has never been so easy!©2004 9780761931843 $43.45

Designing <strong>Assessment</strong> forMathematicsSecond EditionCorwin PressEileen DepkaNewEnhance students’ understanding ofmath concepts through rubrics andhands-on learning!Designing <strong>Assessment</strong> for Mathematics,Second Edition demonstrates howto drive instruction and successfullyboost achievement levels by providingstudents with experiences that impacttheir learning and performance. In thissecond edition, Eileen Depka clarifiesthe purpose of rubrics in mathinstruction. Also provided are reflectiveactivities to use with students formetacognitive processing, tips fordifferentiating performance tasks, and“how-to’s” for student-created rubrics.Each chapter offers easy-to-usestrategies, suggestions, creative sampleproblems, and tasks to engage studentsin hands-on learning while allowingthem to have fun in the process.Weaving Science Inquiry andContinuous <strong>Assessment</strong>Using Formative <strong>Assessment</strong> toImprove LearningCorwin PressMaura O’Brian Carlson, Gregg E.Humphrey, Karen S. ReinhardtExperience the delight and professionalgrowth that comes from engagingdeeply with your students!Weaving Science Inquiry andContinuous <strong>Assessment</strong> exploresthe nature of continuous assessmentin the context of science inquiry andcontains specific tools and techniques,along with stories and strategies inteachers’ own words. Chapters coverthe latest information and most currentteaching environment.©2003 9780761945901 $34.45Assessing Student Understandingin ScienceA Standards-Based K–12 HandbookCorwin PressSandra K. Enger, Robert E. YagerFinally! An accessible and practicalapproach to assessing scienceeducation.Educators need a way to betterassess science curriculum,teaching, and student learning to helpour students become leaders, not justfollowers, in their technological future.Sandra Enger and Robert Yager, twoexperts in the field, provide the way.Enger and Yager deftly weave togethertheory and real-life practice usingexamples created by teachers in thefield. A rich resource section offers anin-depth glossary and examples andsamples specific to grade levels.©2000 9780761976493 $43.45PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT RESOURCES©2007 9781412952750 $43.95www.nelson.com 7

8PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT RESOURCESLeading Schools ina Data-Rich WorldHarnessing Data for SchoolImprovementCorwin PressLorna M. Earl, Steven KatzTurn skepticism about data intoknowledge for true educationalreform!More versatile than mere numbercrunching and statistics, data canbe an effective tool, even a powerfulcatalyst, for change within a school.Lorna M. Earl and Steven Katz showeducators how to become comfortablewith data and provide valuable toolsfor school improvement teams to use intheir work.To improve schools, data can and shouldbe a vital force in the change process.Using this essential resource, schoolleaders, school teams, study groups, andstudents of education can all makesense of data to plan and reform formaximum benefit.©2006 9781412906463 $34.45www.nelson.comData Driven Differentiation inthe Standards-Based ClassroomCorwin PressGayle H. Gregory, Lin KuzmichA step-by-step guide to designingdifferentiated instruction to help allstudents grow and succeed!This timely and comprehensiveguide to collecting, analyzing,and using data to design curriculum,instruction, and assessment offerseducators the step-by-step strategiesand planning tools they need to helpall students learn what they mustknow and be able to do. The authorsalso provide a generous collection oftemplates, grids, rubrics, organizers,and planners to make this book anessential resource for every teacher,curriculum designer, and instructionalleader who wants to designdifferentiated instruction with studentsuccess in mind.©2004 9780761931584 $43.45Differentiated <strong>Assessment</strong>StrategiesOne Tool Doesn’t Fit AllCorwin PressCarolyn Chapman, Rita KingEmpower students to self-assessand improve performance withthese ready-to-use assessmentstrategies and tools!Packed with tools, surveys, checklists,questionnaires, assignments,organizers, guidelines, and rubrics,Differentiated <strong>Assessment</strong> Strategiesaddresses informal as well as formalassessments, and assessments before,during, and after learning for learnersof all types and levels, including K–12,special needs, and gifted students. Inaddition to application of the latestresearch, you’ll become skilled innovel assessment tools that provideimmediate feedback.©2004 9780761988915 $43.45

What Every Teacher ShouldKnow <strong>About</strong> Student <strong>Assessment</strong>Corwin PressDonna Walker TilestonHow do teachers know thatstudents know? Donna Tileston’sinnovative guide to building braincompatibleassessments can help everyteacher identify and enhance studentunderstanding.Topics include building and aligningstandards-based assessment, tests formultiple intelligences, building andusing rubrics and performance tasks,teacher observations, and studentself-assessment.©2003 9780761931232 $24.95The Data Guidebook for Teachersand LeadersTools for Continuous ImprovementCorwin PressEileen DepkaCollect multiple forms of data andconnect data to improved studentachievement!The Data Guidebook for Teachers andLeaders accentuates the importanceof data collection of multiple types, notjust from standardized tests, and analysiswithin any educational setting. Databecomes a dynamic tool for changewhen you learn how to incorporate itinto your continuous improvementprocess.©2006 9781412917551 $32.95Assessing English LanguageLearnersBridges From Language Proficiencyto Academic AchievementCorwin PressMargo GottliebDiscover how to bridge the gapbetween equitably assessing linguisticand academic performance!This well-documented textexamines the unique needs ofEnglish-language learners anddescribes strategies for implementinginstructional assessment of languageand content. With both depth andbreadth, this practical resource covershow to equitably and comprehensivelyassess the language proficiency andacademic achievement of Englishlanguagelearners. Use this timely textto advance the academic languageproficiency of English-languagelearners through enhanced teachingand assessment techniques.PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT RESOURCES©2006 9780761988892 $45.95www.nelson.com 9

PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT RESOURCESFrom Standards to Rubricsin 6 StepsTools for Assessing StudentLearning, K–8Corwin PressDr. Kay BurkeUse proven, practical tools tosuccessfully translate standardsto rubrics!Internationally recognizedassessment expert Dr. Kay Burkeoffers a practical, comprehensive sixstepwalk-through of how to createtasks that promote learning for all.Dr. Burke demonstrates how to builda performance task unit as the idealcurriculum framework for clusteringstandards and differentiatinginstruction within a single cohesiveunit of study. She shows how toshare checklists and rubrics withstudents for ongoing formative selfassessment.©2006 9781412917797 $49.95NewAddressing Test Anxiety in aHigh-Stakes EnvironmentStrategies for Classroomsand SchoolsCorwin PressGregory L. Cizek, Samantha S. BurgWhat can we do about test anxietythat will help our students?Testing is expanding at every levelof education and into every cornerof social and vocational enterprise,and test anxiety can have devastatingeffects on students’ test scores,confidence, and motivation to learn.Addressing Test Anxiety in a High-StakesEnvironment provides straightforwardexplanations, practical suggestions,and reasonable recommendations foraddressing test anxiety.©2005 9781412908900 $40.95Common Formative <strong>Assessment</strong>sHow to Connect Standards-BasedInstruction and <strong>Assessment</strong>Corwin PressLarry Ainsworth, Donald ViegutCommon Formative <strong>Assessment</strong>s —the centrepiece of an integratedstandards-based system!Now you have powerful means toclosely align curriculum,instruction, and assessment to thestandards essential for student success.You will learn how teams of teachersin the same content area or grade levelcan collaboratively develop, test, andrefine common formative assessmentsin order to gain reliable and timelyfeedback on student progress. Theresults provide teachers with criticalinsight into how well students areunderstanding the standards, whatchanges are needed in instructionalstrategies, and how to best meet theneeds of every student!©2006 9781412915786 $40.9510www.nelson.com

Balanced <strong>Assessment</strong>Corwin PressRobin FogartyBalanced <strong>Assessment</strong> is ideal forteachers who are moving towardmore authentic assessments but arereluctant to completely abandonmore traditional models. Thisresource demonstrates how using theTri-<strong>Assessment</strong> Model that combinesportfolio and performance assessmentswith traditional assessments canprovide a truer, more holistic look atstudents. Author Robin Fogarty alsoprovides several in-depth strategiesand activity suggestions that can beused in any classroom to tap into thefull range of students’ potential.©1999 9781575171289 $9.45How to Assess AuthenticLearningFourth EditionCorwin PressDr. Kay BurkeRenowned author and educatorDr. Kay Burke supplies teacherswith a wide range of alternativeassessments that can be implementedeasily and immediately into theirclassrooms. She takes readers stepby-stepin building a conceptualunderstanding of this approach, anddemonstrates practical applications ofassessment strategies.©2005 9781575179407 $49.95Reality CheckAssessing for AchievementRubiconBrenda Protheroe, Doug HilkerThis book is about learning and,more particularly, about one of theactivities that is at the heart oflearning: giving students timely andspecific feedback on their work.• Presents teachers with ideas onhow to implement assessment inthe Grades 4–12 classrooms• Offers suggestions for designingeffective formative assessments thatwill enable teachers to maximize thepositive impact of their feedback totheir students• Features Reality Checks thatillustrate practical teaching andlearning situations, and offeropportunities for teachers tocollaborate and share their ownideas and experiences• Includes What Students Say, directquotes from students of a Grade 12class. These students share theirthoughts on how their teachers havemost effectively helped them improvetheir work in any subject area.Their views can act as catalysts forconversations among teachers inlooking at the whole instructional/assessment program.PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT RESOURCESReality Check: Assessing for Achievementis written with the aim of helpingstudents on their journey to literacy.It recognizes that student learning—like their full participation in theeconomics, cultures, and future of ourworld—cannot be left to chance.©2005 9781554481569 $24.95www.nelson.com 11

PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT RESOURCESHow to Grade for LearningLinking Grades to StandardsCorwin PressKen O’ConnorTeachers will never look at gradingthe same way again. In this revisededition of the bestselling How to Gradefor Learning, Ken O’Connor shows howto link grades and standards. Heupdates his eight models, which assistteachers in designing and conductinggrading practices that help studentsfeel more in control of their academicsuccess.©2002 9781575178165 $45.95Learner-Centered ClassroomPractices and <strong>Assessment</strong>sMaximizing Student Motivation,Learning, and AchievementCorwin PressBarbara L. McCombs, Lynda MillerThis lively new guide to the learnercentreredclassroom offers teachersa full complement of strategies forinstruction and assessment. Includedwithin the volume are interactivetraining exercises for teachers, selfassessments,reflection tools, agenerous collection of illustrations,glossary, research resources, index,and more.©2006 9781412926911 $40.95Performance Tasks, Checklists,and RubricsCorwin PressCindy StergarIntegrate curricular, instructional, andassessment goals to authentically assessstudent learning!Performance Tasks, Checklists, andRubrics gives teachers the essentialtools they need to develop a completeassessment system for their classrooms.This book examines the nature ofperformance tasks, checklists, andrubrics and how to use them in theclassroom to assess student learning.It is packed with tools and templates tohelp teachers implement an effectiveassessment system for their students,and each assessment tool is explainedin-depth. Samples are provided.©2005 9781575178578 $36.9512www.nelson.com

The Portfolio ConnectionStudent Work Linked to StandardsSecond EditionCorwin PressDr. Kay Burke, Robin Fogarty,Susan BelgradThis second edition of The PortfolioConnection: Student Work Linked toStandards offers practical advice anduser-friendly strategies for includingportfolios in the classroom. With afocus on incorporating standards intothe portfolio process, teachers willlearn to collect portfolio pieces to meetstandards, and develop checklists andrubrics to monitor student progress.©2002 9781575174396 $45.95Student-Led ConferencingUsing Showcase PortfoliosSecond EditionCorwin PressBarbara P. Benson, Susan P. BarnettThe increasing focus on standardsand accountability has brought anew ‘category’ of challenges: educatorstoday must not only engage students,but also their parents; they must notonly provide authentic assessments,but also communicate them inmeaningful ways. With the help of thisupdated edition of a bestseller,educators can achieve this and more asthey turn student work into insightfulshowcase portfolios, and transform theoft-dreaded parent conferences intopowerful learning and assessmentopportunities.©2005 9781412906074 $43.45The <strong>Assessment</strong> BridgePositive Ways to Link Teststo Learning, Standards,and Curriculum ImprovementCorwin PressPearl G. SolomonWe must ensure that tests servethe needs of education—notforce education to fulfill needs of testcreators.The <strong>Assessment</strong> Bridge is award-winningeducator Pearl Solomon’s penetratingand cogent examination of today’shigh-stakes standards-based testingmovement, which seems tocompromise effective teaching andlearning rather than improve it.Committed teachers know theimportance of student assessment as aguide to classroom instruction.Restoring assessment to its properplace in the curriculum is the goal ofthis clear-headed analysis.PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT RESOURCES©2002 9780761945949 $40.95www.nelson.com 13

PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT RESOURCESScoring Rubrics in the ClassroomUsing Performance Criteria forAssessing and Improving StudentPerformanceCorwin PressJudith Arter, Jay McTigheA practical guide to more effectiveassessment for improved studentlearning.Learn how to be more consistent injudging student performance, andhelp your students become moreeffective at assessing their ownlearning! This book offers a practicalapproach to assessing challenging butnecessary performance tasks, likecreative writing, “real-world” researchprojects, and cooperative groupactivities. Teachers and administratorswill find this an essential resource inincreasing teacher effectiveness andstudent performance.Detecting and PreventingClassroom CheatingPromoting Integrity in <strong>Assessment</strong>Corwin PressGregory J. CizekNo-nonsense, practical advice foridentifying and deterring cheating!Who cheats and why? How dothey cheat? What are theconsequences? What are the ways ofstopping it before it starts? Detecting andPreventing Classroom Cheating is a onestopresource for everything educatorsneed to know about this ever-presentdetriment to learning and assessment–from what constitutes cheating tofuture steps on how it can beeradicated.©2003 9780761946557 $36.95Developing Grading andReporting Systems for StudentLearningCorwin PressThomas R. Guskey, Jane M. BaileyTeachers, parents, students,administrators, and communitymembers all agree that we need bettergrading and reporting systems. Oftenthese systems are inadequate becausethey are part of a tradition that can gounexamined and unquestioned foryears. Here is the first serious look atthe issue, written to provide all thoseinvolved, especially teachers, with acoherent and thoughtful framework.©2000 9780803968547 $43.45©2000 9780761975755 $43.4514www.nelson.com

Essential <strong>Assessment</strong> Conceptsfor Teachers and AdministratorsCorwin PressJames H. McMillanA powerful tool to document andenhance learning!<strong>Assessment</strong> is at the forefront ofreform in education. Now arenowned expert in the field ofassessment shows how to effectivelyintegrate assessment with teachingand learning to attain today’seducational goals. James McMillanillustrates essential assessmentconcepts in a concise manner thatcan be understood and applied byteachers, administrators, and otherschool personnel.©2000 9780803968400 $34.45The New Taxonomy of<strong>Education</strong>al ObjectivesSecond EditionCorwin PressRobert J. Marzano, John S. KendallA thoroughly updated guide to thenature of knowledge!Developed by Robert Marzano andJohn S. Kendall, internationallyrecognized experts in the developmentand improvement of standards foreducation, this field-tested and provenreference contains the most currentresearch on the nature of knowledgeand cognition and a reflection of themovement to standards-basededucation. Based on three domains ofknowledge: information, mentalprocedures, and psychomotorprocedures; and six levels ofprocessing: retrieval, comprehension,analysis, knowledge utilization,metacognition, and self-systemthinking, this essential guide offersspecific applications for: designing andclassifying educational objectives,creating assessments, formulatingcurriculum, and outlining a thinkingskillscurriculum.Holistic AccountabilityServing Students, Schools,and CommunityCorwin PressDouglas B. ReevesAccountability is more than justtest scores!<strong>Assessment</strong> expert Dr. Douglas B.Reeves offers a comprehensiveprogram of holistic accountability, asystem that includes not only testscores but also the instructional andleadership practices at a school. Thisessential guide explores the fourbuilding blocks of accountability:structure, collaboration,implementation, and communication.©2001 9780761978329 $30.45PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT RESOURCES©2006 9781412936293 $41.45www.nelson.com 15

PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT RESOURCESAssessing Students in GroupsPromoting Group Responsibility andIndividual AccountabilityCorwin PressDavid Johnson, Roger JohnsonCooperative groups work to makeeach member a more successfulstudent.Assessing Students in Groups explainshow to form productive groupsand assess individual studentperformance in group work.David Johnson and Roger Johnson,prominent experts in cooperativelearning, provide many practicalresources that teachers can put toimmediate use, including scoringsheets, observation forms, learningcontracts, classroom activities, andquestionnaires.©2003 9780761939474 $43.45<strong>Assessment</strong> as LearningUsing Classroom <strong>Assessment</strong> toMaximize Student LearningCorwin PressLorna M. EarlTake the confusion out of assessment,and make it work to enhance thelearning process—every day!<strong>Assessment</strong> and evaluation arecentral to educational reform, andthey represent major shifts in thinkingabout learning, about schools, andabout teaching. <strong>Assessment</strong> as Learningrepresents one of these crucialchanges, but it encompasses more thanjust using a variety of new techniques.The concept of <strong>Assessment</strong> as Learningallows teachers to use their judgmentabout children’s understanding, toinform the teaching process and todetermine what to do for individualchildren.This timely resource takes the mysteryand confusion out of assessment byreframing its purpose in studentevaluation and learning.Implementing Student-LedConferencesCorwin PressJane M. Bailey, Thomas R. GuskeyStudents and parents benefit from thispowerful communication tool!Jane Bailey and Thomas Guskey,leaders in the field of studentassessment, address a nagging issue forboth beginning and veteran teachers—how to effectively communicate toparents the learning progress of theirchildren. Now there is a way forstudents to take responsibility incommunicating their progress and forparents to get the satisfaction theydeserve. In this new approach, theteacher serves as facilitator as studentslead their parents through a discussionof their work. An important benefit inthis innovation—students are requiredto evaluate and reflect upon theirwork!©2000 9780803968561 $32.95©2003 9780761946267 $34.4516www.nelson.com

Large-Scale <strong>Assessment</strong>Dimensions, Dilemmas, and PolicyCorwin PressEdward KiferNew advances in interpreting results!Edward Kifer, an expert in the fieldof large-scale assessment, helpsmake sense of assessments that oftenvary in context and subject, servemultiple purposes and multipleaudiences, and were built on complexstatistical and measurement ideologies.With the help of assessment grids,charts, and frameworks for eachassessment story, educators are enabledto judge the merits of complex reports.©2000 9780803968349 $32.95<strong>Assessment</strong> Strategies forSelf-Directed LearningCorwin PressArthur L. Costa, Bena KallickAre we preparing students for a lifeof tests or for the tests of life?<strong>Assessment</strong> Strategies forSelf-Directed Learning providessuccessful methods for assessingstudents’ progress toward becomingself-managing, self-monitoring, andself-modifying learners. Using practicalexamples drawn from a variety ofclassrooms and schools, renownedauthors Arthur L. Costa andBena Kallick present educators withstrategies for designing diverse ways ofgathering, organizing, and reportingevidence of continual learning.©2003 9780761938712 $40.95Natural Classroom <strong>Assessment</strong>Designing Seamless Instructionand <strong>Assessment</strong>Corwin PressJeffrey K. Smith, Lisa F. Smith,Richard De LisiAssess classroom learning andimprove instruction with comfort andease!Now there is a fresh perspective onassessment that starts from yourstrengths in the classroom and resultsin improved instruction and learning.Even the beginner teacher can learnhow to use assessment to helpstudents focus on strengths andovercome weaknesses.Natural Classroom <strong>Assessment</strong> waswritten to illustrate how assessingclassroom learning can be a naturalextension of the teaching process.Learn how to analyze results in yourclassroom using your own particularteaching style and learn how toevaluate the assessments of others.PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT RESOURCES©2000 9780761975878 $34.45www.nelson.com 17

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