sujets-anglais-vpt-2.. - Bts Tourisme

sujets-anglais-vpt-2.. - Bts Tourisme

sujets-anglais-vpt-2.. - Bts Tourisme

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Preserving treasures in the tropicsLife in the British VirginIslands (BVI) of today ishow it ahys used to be inother parts of the Caribbean.There has been no majordeveloprnent, mass tourism orindustry to spoil this group ofaround 60 islands.The islanders want to keep itthat way - unspoilt, unmwdedand unpolluted.The BVI is the Catibbeancenter for 'bare-boat'chartering, where vessels areself-crewd. Around 1,000yachts are based hem and thehamr is king developed toaccommodate larger vessels.This would fh in nicely with theBVI's plans to becorne anirnporlant regional saiiingcenter," says Stanley Gordon,chaiman of the BVI TouristBoard.The islands are expensive,yet touflsm has been growingat a phenomenal rate. Thenumber of visitors in thesecond quarter of last yearrose by 38.8 percent since thesame pend in 1999 to702,866. Cruise shippassengers totaled 57,450, up163.6 percent on the secondquarter of 1999.Much of mis increase is dueto more Europeans visitingduring the summer monfhs.Tradiüonally, the BVI havebeen a poputar winter escapefor North Amencans, but todaythe islands are a year-rounddestination.Stanley Gordon says thattout-ism, acwunting for 55percent of governmentrevenues, is the biggestemployer and the majorcontributor to the economy.The govemment is tooking atAmerlcans corne here to escape iheir vvinterways to increase visitornurnbers, which includeopening a brand-name hotelwith a conference center onthe main island, Toriola.There are plans for a multimilliondollar healîh Spa andfive-star resort on Beef Island.The groject, known asBougainvillea Clinic, wouidemploy more than 200 peopleand construcüon could start aseady as ais summer.The BVI offer a range ofupmarket pursuits, such assailing and other watersports.You can also charter bats orexplore undenvater in one ofseveral weikknown divinglocations.Man y visitors areprofessional couples in their30s and 40s, some of whomcorne to the islands to getmarried or for theirhoneymoon. The BVI are idealfor those vacationers hoping to'get away from it aB'. Youmight have a tropical island al1to purself for a day, and ttiereare hundreds of desertedbeaches to choose from.Attractions on Tortola includea folk museum, botanicalgardens and Sage Mountain -at 1,870 ft, the highest point inthe BVI. There are historicruins to explore, includingabandoned plantations and agun emplacement built by theDutch in the l? cenbiry.Virgin Gorda islandoffers a healîhy walk thrnugh anational park to its highestpeak at 7,500 ft. This waswhere RMS Rhone, a 330 fkRoyal Mal ship, set off from inA887 before it sank in ahumcane. The site is now anational marine park, and theremains of the vesse1 havebecome popular with divers.The coral abll of Anegada isrenowned for miles ofuninterrupted beaches. Itboasîs several goodrestaurants and bars, but theisland mainly attracts diverswho corne tu search the 80shipwmcks beyond the reef.Other islands include JostVan Dyke, with its paintedwooden houses, and theuninhabited Norman Island,reputedly the setting for RobertLouis Stevenson's TmasureIslands.Adapted from Time MagazineJune 2004

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