Thank You - Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum

Thank You - Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum

Thank You - Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum


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Financial Statement 2011<br />


AUBURN<br />






INC.<br />

INC. INC.<br />

Statements of Functional Expenses<br />

Schedule Schedule of Schedule For of Functional of the Functional of Year Functional of Ended Expenses Functional Schedule Expenses<br />

December Expenses of Expenses Functional 31, 2011 Expenses<br />

For For (With the For the Year For Comparative For the Year For the Year Ended the Year Ended Year December Totals Ended December For Ended December for the December the December 31, Year December Year 31, 2011 31, 2011 Ended 31, 2011 31, 2011 December 2011 31, 31, 2010) 2011<br />

(With (With Comparative (With Comparative (With (With Comparative Comparative Totals (With Totals for Totals for Comparative the Totals for the Year for the Year for the Year Ended the Year Totals Ended Year December Ended December for Ended December the December 31, Year December 31, 2010) 31, 2010) Ended 31, 2010) 31, 2010) December 2010) 31, 2010)<br />

2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2011 2010 201<br />

Collection, Collection, Total Total Collection, Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Tota<br />

<strong>Museum</strong> <strong>Museum</strong> <strong>Museum</strong> <strong>Museum</strong> Research Research and Research and Research and and and Interpretation Research Interpretation Interpretation and Program<br />

Interpretation Program Program Program Program<br />

Program Program Progr<br />

Store Store Store Store Store Events Events Events Store Events Events Literature Literature Events Literature and and Education and Education Literature and Education and and Education Services<br />

and Services Education Services Services Services<br />

Services Services Servi<br />

nd s aries Salaries and wages Salaries and wages and wages and and wages wages Salaries and wages $ $ $ 47,689 $ 47,689 $ 47,689 47,689 47,689 $ $ $ 21,741 $ 21,741 $ 47,689 21,741 21,741 21,741 $ $ $ $ $ 21,741 $ $ $ 353,256 $ 353,256 $ $ 353,256 353,256 353,256 $ $ $ 422,686 $ 422,686 $ 353,256 $ 422,686 422,686 422,686 $ $ $ 440,858 $ 440,858 $ $ 440,858 422,686 440,8 4<br />

xes roll Payroll taxes Payroll taxes Payroll taxes taxes Payroll taxes 3,495 3,495 3,495 3,495 3,495 2,339 2,339 3,495 2,339 2,339 2,339 2,339 26,319 26,319 26,319 26,319 26,319 32,153 32,153 26,319 32,153 32,153 32,153 37,398 37,398 37,398 32,153 37,3<br />

nefits s Benefits Benefits Benefits 8,879 8,879 8,879 8,879 8,879 8,879 39,258 39,258 39,258 39,258 39,258 48,137 48,137 39,258 48,137 48,137 48,137 52,250 52,250 52,250 48,137 52,2<br />

ubtotal Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal 60,063 60,063 60,063 60,063 60,063 24,080 24,080 60,063 24,080 24,080 24,080 24,080 418,833 418,833 418,833 418,833 502,976 418,833 502,976 502,976 502,976 530,506<br />

530,506 502,976 530,5 5<br />

nk harges ges Bank charges Bank charges charges Bank charges 7,701 7,701 7,701 7,701 7,701 5,188 5,188 7,701 5,188 5,188 5,188 170 170 5,188 170 170 170 2,204 2,204 2,204 170 2,204 2,204 15,263 15,263 15,263 2,204 15,263 15,263 15,055 15,055 15,055 15,263 15,0<br />

ilding g Building aintenance maintenance Building maintenance maintenance Building maintenance 440 440 440 440 440 7,098 7,098 7,098 440 7,098 7,098 7,098 35,857 35,857 35,857 35,857 35,857 43,395 43,395 35,857 43,395 43,395 43,395 45,965 45,965 45,965 43,395 45,9<br />

cks argebacks backs Chargebacks and Chargebacks and discounts and discounts and discounts and and discounts Chargebacks discounts and discounts 2,505 2,505 2,505 2,505 2,505 2,505 2,505 2,505 2,505 2,505 2,505 934 934 2,505 934 9<br />

llection ion Collection additions Collection additions Collection additions additions Collection additions 73,966 73,966 73,966 73,966 73,966 73,966 73,966 73,966 73,966 73,966 60,531 60,531 60,531 73,966 60,5<br />

ctual ntractual al Contractual services Contractual services services services services Contractual services 42 42 42 42 42 6,640 6,640 6,640 42 6,640 6,640 6,640 3,534 3,534 3,534 3,534 3,534 10,216 10,216 10,216 3,534 10,216 10,216 11,420 11,420 11,420 10,216 11,4<br />

nventions ns Conventions tions Conventions and Conventions and workshops and workshops and workshops and and workshops Conventions workshops and workshops workshops152 152 152 152 152 152 2,615 2,615 2,615 2,615 2,615 2,767 2,767 2,615 2,767 2,767 2,767 3,235 3,235 3,235 2,767 3,2<br />

preciation ion iation Depreciation Depreciation 2,253 2,253 2,253 2,253 2,253 31,545 31,545 31,545 2,253 31,545 31,545 31,545 180,258 180,258 180,258 180,258 214,056 180,258 214,056 214,056 214,056 205,358<br />

205,358 214,056 205,3 2<br />

ons nations Donations Donations 8,144 8,144 8,144 8,144 8,144 8,144 8,144 8,144 8,144 8,144 8,144 8,323 8,323 8,323 8,144 8,3<br />

es Dues Dues Dues 325 325 325 325 325 325 3,345 3,345 3,345 3,345 3,345 3,670 3,670 3,345 3,670 3,670 3,670 3,739 3,739 3,739 3,670 3,7<br />

uipment t Equipment ent Equipment maintenance Equipment maintenance maintenance and maintenance and rentals Equipment and rentals and rentals and and rentals maintenance rentals and 710 rentals 710 710 710 710 3,981 3,981 3,981 710 3,981 3,981 3,981 22,011 22,011 22,011 22,011 22,011 26,702 26,702 22,011 26,702 26,702 26,702 27,910 27,910 27,910 26,702 27,9<br />

hibit pplies Exhibit supplies Exhibit Exhibit supplies supplies supplies Exhibit supplies 3,716 3,716 3,716 3,716 3,716 3,716 3,716 3,716 3,716 3,716 3,311 3,311 3,311 3,716 3,3<br />

urance ce Insurance Insurance 741 741 741 741 741 3,892 3,892 3,892 741 3,892 3,892 3,892 36,477 36,477 36,477 36,477 36,477 41,110 41,110 36,477 41,110 41,110 41,110 43,045 43,045 43,045 41,110 43,0<br />

erest t Interest Interest Interest 10 10 10 10 10 146 146 146 10 146 146 146 833 833 833 833 833 989 989 833 989 989 989 499 499 499 989 4<br />

nd Legal professional al Legal and professional Legal and professional and and professional Legal and professional 115 115 115 115 115 1,610 1,610 1,610 115 1,610 1,610 1,610 9,200 9,200 9,200 9,200 9,200 10,925 10,925 10,925 9,200 10,925 10,925 6,816 6,816 10,925 6,816 6,8<br />

enses nd Licenses s Licenses and fees Licenses and feesand fees and and fees fees Licenses and fees 1,095 1,095 1,095 1,095 1,095 1,095 1,993 1,993 1,993 1,993 1,993 3,088 3,088 1,993 3,088 3,088 3,088 1,935 1,935 1,935 3,088 1,9<br />

ing rketing Marketing Marketing 1,103 1,103 1,103 1,103 1,103 5,527 5,527 1,103 5,527 5,527 5,527 5,527 35,028 35,028 35,028 35,028 35,028 41,658 41,658 35,028 41,658 41,658 41,658 38,578 38,578 38,578 41,658 38,5<br />

and als Meals mileage Meals and mileage Meals and mileage and and mileage mileage Meals and mileage 1,740 1,740 1,740 1,740 1,740 1,740 1,740 1,740 1,740 1,740 717 717 1,740 717 7<br />

laneous scellaneous eous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 209 209 209 209 209 29 29 209 29 29 29 29 106,188 106,188 106,188 106,188 106,426 106,188 106,426 106,426 106,426 12,865 12,865 106,426 12,865 12,8<br />

supplies ice Office plies Office supplies Office supplies supplies Office supplies 1,049 1,049 1,049 1,049 1,049 1,148 1,148 1,049 1,148 1,148 1,148 112 112 1,148 112 112 112 4,454 4,454 4,454 112 4,454 4,454 6,763 6,763 4,454 6,763 6,763 6,763 4,603 4,603 4,603 6,763 4,6<br />

tage Postage Postage Postage 594 594 594 594 594 264 264 594 264 264 264 264 4,666 4,666 4,666 4,666 4,666 5,524 5,524 4,666 5,524 5,524 5,524 5,556 5,556 5,556 5,524 5,5<br />

gnting Printing Printing Printing 124 124 124 124 124 55 55 124 55 55 55 55 3,808 3,808 3,808 3,808 3,808 3,987 3,987 3,808 3,987 3,987 3,987 4,114 4,114 4,114 3,987 4,1<br />

sSupplies plies Supplies Supplies Supplies 2,575 2,575 2,575 2,575 2,575 912 912 2,575 912 912 912 11 11 912 11 11 11 19 19 11 19 19 19 3,517 3,517 3,517 19 3,517 3,517 4,806 4,806 4,806 3,517 4,8<br />

operty Taxes es property Taxes - Taxes property - - property - property Taxes - property 1 1 1 1 1 20 20 20 1 20 20 20 115 115 115 115 115 136 136 115 136 136 136 136 136 136 1<br />

one ephone Telephone Telephone 418 418 418 418 418 190 190 418 190 190 190 190 3,016 3,016 3,016 3,016 3,016 3,624 3,624 3,016 3,624 3,624 3,624 3,668 3,668 3,668 3,624 3,6<br />

eer lunteer Volunteer supplies Volunteer supplies Volunteer supplies supplies supplies Volunteer supplies 4,288 4,288 4,288 4,288 4,288 4,288 4,288 4,288 4,288 4,288 4,759 4,759 4,759 4,288 4,7<br />

slities Utilities Utilities Utilities 1,002 1,002 1,002 1,002 1,002 14,032 14,032 14,032 1,002 14,032 14,032 14,032 81,497 81,497 81,497 81,497 81,497 96,531 96,531 81,497 96,531 96,531 96,531 91,843 91,843 91,843 96,531 91,8<br />

Total Total Total Total Total Total $ $ $ 82,132 $ 82,132 $ 82,132 82,132 82,132 $ $ $ 115,596 $ 115,596 $ $ 115,596 82,132 115,596 115,596 $ $ $ $ 293 115,596 $ 293 293 293 $ $ 293 1,039,661 $ 1,039,661 $ 1,039,661 $ 1,039,661 293 1,039,661 $ $ 1,237,682 $ 1,237,682 $ 1,039,661 1,237,682 $ 1,237,682 $ $ 1,140,227 $ 1,140,227 $ 1,140,227 1,237,682 $ 1,140,2 1,1<br />

The The Notes The Notes The Notes to The Notes to Financial Notes Financial to Notes Financial to Financial to Statements The Statements Financial Statements Notes Statements to Financial Statements<br />

(Continued)<br />

(Continued (Contin<br />

The <strong>Museum</strong> Collections are are an are an integral are integral an are are integral an part integral an integral part integral of part of the part the of are statements. part the of statements. of an the statements. the of integral the statements. part of the statements.<br />

The collections of the museum directly reflect and support the museum’s mission.<br />

Automobile<br />

Small Artifacts<br />

- 19 - 19 --<br />

-19<br />

- 19 -19<br />

- -19<br />

- - - 19 -<br />

The museum owns more than 100 vehicles, which are The small artifact collection contains items relevant to<br />

combined with other vehicles on loan, to create its exhibits. the activities of the <strong>Auburn</strong> Automobile Company, its<br />

Exhibits are centered on six primary areas:<br />

automobiles and its associates. Many of these are used in<br />

the museum’s exhibits.<br />

7<br />

1. <strong>Auburn</strong>, <strong>Cord</strong> and <strong>Duesenberg</strong> cars of the classic era.<br />

2. Other cars made by the <strong>Auburn</strong> Automobile Company.<br />

3. Cars made in <strong>Auburn</strong>, Indiana.<br />

4. Cars made in Indiana.<br />

5. Classic cars of the <strong>Auburn</strong>, <strong>Cord</strong> and <strong>Duesenberg</strong> era.<br />

6. Cars of special interest, with significant historical impact.<br />

Archives<br />

The archives collection contains<br />

books, factory literature, original<br />

photographs, sales materials,<br />

correspondence and periodicals<br />

related to <strong>Auburn</strong>s, <strong>Cord</strong>s and<br />

<strong>Duesenberg</strong>s as well as the larger<br />

automotive industry.<br />

Building<br />

The museum building was constructed by the <strong>Auburn</strong><br />

Automobile Company in 1929, after a design by A.M.<br />

Strauss of Fort Wayne. It is one of the finest examples of art<br />

deco architecture in the Midwest. The <strong>Auburn</strong> Automobile<br />

Company administration building housed the corporate<br />

showroom, executive and general<br />

offices, engineering and experimental<br />

departments, design studios<br />

and telephone switchboards until<br />

the company’s end in 1937. The<br />

museum building is considered to<br />

be its most significant artifact.

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