FIDH Report: Exiles from Libya flee to Egypt

FIDH Report: Exiles from Libya flee to Egypt

FIDH Report: Exiles from Libya flee to Egypt


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NationalityNumberof thoseinterviewedYears in<strong>Libya</strong>Age(approx.)Profession<strong>Report</strong>ed ViolationsSomalia 1 1 30 Farm Worker Victim: Termination of employment.Friends all fled due <strong>to</strong> generalclimate of fear.Witness: Threats by a group of 20young <strong>Libya</strong>ns with knives drivingaround farms.Somalia 1 2 18 MaintenanceOfficerVictim : Attacked by a <strong>Libya</strong>n.Accused of being a mercenary.Saved by another <strong>Libya</strong>n.Termination of employment without2 months’ pay.Nigeria 1 18 48 Welder Evacuated <strong>from</strong> Misrata withpregnant wife.House was bombarded in Misrataby Gaddafi’s forces.Nigeria 1 3 30 Soccer Player Evacuated <strong>from</strong> Misrata.Witness : Targeted attacks againstblack Africans who were asked ifthey were pro-Gaddafi. Money andtelephone s<strong>to</strong>len. Shot a woman inher neighborhood while she wastrying <strong>to</strong> <strong>flee</strong> after an attack on herhouse.Nigeria 1 8 39 Mechanic Victim: Before the rebellion, victiimof racial discrimination.After the oubreak of rebellion,termination of employment withoutpay.Nigeria 1 10 36 Electrician Victim: Before the rebellion,imprisoned for 11 months withouttrial. Since February, apartmentwas looted and owner asked him<strong>to</strong> leave.Witness: Saw pictures of a blackAfrican with a severed head inBenghazi in April.Ethiopia-OromoEthiopia-OromoEthiopia-Oromo1 2 20 Coffee ShopVendor1 2 30 MarketVendorWitness: Attacks by gangs againstblack Africans suspected of beingpro-Gaddafi.General climate of fear. Soughtrefuge at the Red Crescent inBenghazi for 1 month.Victim: Detained for 1 year forirregular migration status in2010. Escaped on 19 February.Threatened by a guard with a gun.Fled <strong>to</strong> Port Juliana and was savedby the <strong>Libya</strong>n Red Crescent.1 2 40 Not Available Victim: Detained <strong>from</strong> January2010 <strong>to</strong> February 2011 forirregular migration status.Violence in prison where there wereapprox. 4,000 undocumented blackAfricans.Witness: On 19 February, rebelsentered the prison. The police killeda Chadian man.<strong>FIDH</strong> – EXILES FROM LIBYA FLEE TO EGYPT / 23

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