Operator's manual - Jonsered

Operator's manual - Jonsered

Operator's manual - Jonsered

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FEDERAL EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTY STATEMENTYOUR WARRANTY RIGHTS ANDOBLIGATIONSThe EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency),Environment Canada and <strong>Jonsered</strong> are pleased to explainthe emissions control system’s warranty on your 2010 andlater small off-road engine. In U.S. and Canada, newequipment that use small off-road engines must be designed,built, and equipped to meet the applicable Federal stringentanti-smog standards. <strong>Jonsered</strong> must warrant the emissionscontrol system on your small off-road engine for the periodlisted below provided there has been no abuse, neglect orimproper maintenance of your equipment. Your emissionscontrol system may include parts such as the carburetor,ignition system, catalytic converter, fuel tank, filters and otherassociated components. Also, included may be hoses, belts,connectors, sensors, and other emission-related assemblies.Where a warrantable condition exists, <strong>Jonsered</strong> will repairyour small off-road engine at no cost to you includingdiagnosis, parts and labor.MANUFACTURER′S WARRANTYCOVERAGEThe emissions control system is warranted for two years. Ifany emissions-related part on your equipment is defective,the part will be repaired or replaced by <strong>Jonsered</strong>.OWNER′S WARRANTY RESPONSIBILITIES• As the small off-road engine owner, you are responsiblefor performance of the required maintenance listed in youroperator’s <strong>manual</strong>. <strong>Jonsered</strong> recommends that you retainall receipts covering maintenance on your small off-roadengine, but <strong>Jonsered</strong> cannot deny warranty solely for thelack of receipts or your failure to ensure the performanceof all scheduled maintenance.• As the small off-road engine owner, you should howeverbe aware that <strong>Jonsered</strong> may deny you warranty coverageif your small off-road engine or a part has failed due toabuse, neglect, or improper maintenance or unapprovedmodifications.• You are responsible for presenting your small off-roadengine to a <strong>Jonsered</strong> distribution center or service centeras soon as the problem exists. The warranty repairsshould be completed in a reasonable amount of time, notto exceed 30 days. If you have any questions regardingyour warranty coverage, you should contact HusqvarnaForest & Garden, at 1-800-487-5951 or visitwww.charlotte.usa.jonsered.com.WARRANTY COMMENCEMENT DATEThe warranty period begins on the date the engine orequipment is delivered to an ultimate purchaser.LENGTH OF COVERAGE<strong>Jonsered</strong> warrants to the ultimate purchaser and eachsubsequent owner that the engine or equipment is designed,built, and equipped so as to conform with all applicableregulations adopted by EPA, and is free from defects inmaterials and workmanship that causes the failure of awarranted part for a period of two years.WHAT IS COVEREDREPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF PARTS Repair orreplacement of any warranted part under the warranty mustbe performed at no charge to the owner at a warranty station.Warranty services or repairs will be provided at all <strong>Jonsered</strong>distribution centers that are franchised to service the subjectengines. Throughout the emissions warranty period of twoyears, <strong>Jonsered</strong> must maintain a supply of warranted partssufficient to meet the expected demand for such parts.WARRANTY PERIOD Any warranted part that is scheduledfor replacement as required in the maintenance schedule, iswarranted for the period of time prior to the first scheduledreplacement point for that part. If the part fails prior to the firstscheduled replacement, the part will be repaired or replacedby Husqvarna Forest & Garden at no cost. Any such partrepaired or replaced under warranty is warranted for theremainder of the period prior to the first scheduledreplacement point for the part. Any warranted part that is notscheduled for replacement as required in the maintenanceschedule, is warranted for two years. If any such part failsduring the period of warranty coverage, it will be repaired andreplaced by Husqvarna Forest & Garden at no cost. Any suchpart repaired or replaced under the warranty is warranted forthe remaining warranty period. Any warranted part that isscheduled only for regular inspection in the maintenanceschedule will be warranted for a period of two years. Astatement in such written instructions to the effect of ”repair orreplace as necessary” will not reduce the period of warrantycoverage. Any such part repaired or replaced under warrantywill be warranted for the remaining warranty period.DIAGNOSIS The owner must not be charged for diagnosticlabor that leads to the determination that a warranted part isin fact defective, provided that such diagnostic work isperformed at a warranty station.CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES <strong>Jonsered</strong> is liable fordamages to other engine components proximately caused bya failure under warranty of any warranted part.EMISSION WARRANTY PARTS LIST1 Carburetor and internal parts2 Intake pipe, airfilter holder and carburetor bolts.3 Airfilter and fuelfilter covered up to maintenance schedule.4 Spark Plug, covered up to maintenance schedule5 Ignition Module6 Muffler with catalytic converter7 Fuel tankWHAT IS NOT COVEREDAll failures caused by abuse, neglect or impropermaintenance are not covered.ADD -ON OR MODIFIED PARTSAdd-on or modified parts that are not exempted by EPA maynot be used. The use of any non-exempted add-on ormodified parts will be grounds for disallowing a warrantyclaim. <strong>Jonsered</strong> will not be liable to warrant failures ofwarranted parts caused by the use of a non-exempted add-onor modified part.HOW TO FILE A CLAIMIf you have any questions regarding your warranty rights andresponsibilities, you should contact your nearest authorizedservicing dealer or call Husqvarna Forest & Garden, at 1-800-487-5951 or visit www.charlotte.usa.jonsered.com.WHERE TO GET WARRANTY SERVICEWarranty services or repairs are provided through all<strong>Jonsered</strong> authorized servicing dealers.MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT ANDREPAIR OF EMISSION-RELATED PARTSAny replacement part may be used in the performance of anywarranty maintenance or repairs and must be providedwithout charge to the owner. Such use will not reduce thewarranty obligations of the manufacturer.MAINTENANCE STATEMENTThe owner is responsible for the performance of all requiredmaintenance, as defined in the operator’s <strong>manual</strong>.English – 19

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