Exploring Globalization - McGraw-Hill Ryerson

Exploring Globalization - McGraw-Hill Ryerson

Exploring Globalization - McGraw-Hill Ryerson


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NOTE: The primary specific knowledge-and-understanding outcome that will be addressed in each chapter ishighlighted in bold.<strong>Exploring</strong> <strong>Globalization</strong>Annotated Table of Contents and Curriculum CorrelationThis framework demonstrates the integration of issue, inquiry, skills, andcontent as they relate to the outcomes within the 10-1 Program.PrologueKey Issue: To what extentshould we embraceglobalization?An introduction to the structure of the textbook; i.e., that it is built around the four relatedissues, which are used as exploration tools to help students develop their awareness andunderstanding of the key issue. The ideas and concepts contained in the key and related issuesare unpacked and examined. The concept “What is an issue?” is explored through a studentfriendlydialogue. The prologue reviews the development and use of inquiry questions throughthe understanding of criteria formulation and use to enhance students’ ability to think criticallyand make reasoned judgments. The related issues examined throughout the text always linkback to the key issue of the course.Related Issue 1Related Issue 1: To what extent should globalization shape identity?General Outcome Students will explore the impacts of globalization on their lives.Related Issue 1 Challenge: A presentation (e.g., a video, an oral report, a website, or usingcomputer presentation software) on the related issue: To what extent should globalization shapeidentity?<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school

Chapterand Chapter IssueChapter 1<strong>Globalization</strong> andIdentityTo what extent doesglobalization shapeyour identity?Specific Outcomes Inquiry Focus Highlights of Related Content andFeaturesValues and Attitudes1.1 acknowledge andappreciate the existence ofalternative viewpoints in aglobalizing world (GC,CC)1.2 appreciate why peoplesin Canada and otherlocations strive to promotetheir cultures, languagesand identities in aglobalizing world (I, CC,GC)1.3 appreciate how theforces of globalizationshape, and are shaped by,identities and cultures (I,CC, GC)Knowledge andUnderstanding1.4 explore ways in whichindividuals andcollectives expressidentities (traditions,language, religion,spirituality, the arts,attire, relationship toland, ideological beliefs,role modelling) (I, CC,LPP)1.5 explore understandingsWho are you?How do you express whoyou are?How do collectivesexpress who they are?Exploration of students’ ownidentities and factors that haveshaped them (traditions, language,religion, spirituality, the arts, attire,relationship to land, ideologicalbeliefs, role modelling)Includes discussion of JoaneCardinal-Schubert’s collage “Beforeand After”Exploration of how students expressvarious aspects of their identities(traditions, language, religion,spirituality, the arts, attire,relationship to the land, ideologicalbeliefs, role modelling)Includes an exploration of factorsthat influence the way identity isexpressed in various situationsIdeas and Your Turn: Three Albertastudents discuss the question: Doesyour identity change when youspeak a different language?Exploration and overview of whatconstitutes a collective; howcollectives (informal and formal)express their identity (traditions,language, religion, spirituality, thearts, attire, relationship to land,ideological beliefs, role modelling)Includes an exploration of<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/schoolSkill Focus 1Developing an InformedPosition2

Chapter 2Identity and theForces of<strong>Globalization</strong>To what extent doidentity and theforces ofglobalization shapeeach other?and dimensions ofglobalization (political,economic, social, othercontemporary examples)(PADM, ER, CC)Values and Attitudes1.1 acknowledge andappreciate the existence ofalternative viewpoints in aglobalizing world (GC,CC)1.2 appreciate why peoplesin Canada and otherlocations strive to promotetheir cultures, languagesand identities in aglobalizing world (I, CC,GC);1.3 appreciate how theforces of globalizationshape, and are shaped by,identities and cultures (I,CC, GC)Knowledge andHow are identitiesconnected throughglobalization?What are some forces ofglobalization?How is identity affectedby some economic,political, environmental,and social dimensions ofglobalization?community, national, and globalaspects of identityImpact: The Struggle of the LubiconCree to Affirm Their IdentityIntroductory exploration of howglobalization connects individualsand collectives and how theseconnections affect identity (e.g., laFrancophonie)Points of View: Long Litt Woon,Satya Das, and Kofi Annan on theeffects of globalization on cultureand identity around the worldProfile: Aysha Wills — GlobalCitizenIntroductory exploration of someforces of globalization and how theyaffect identity and students’ dailylivesForces include trade, transportation,communication technology, and themediaIdeas and Your Turn: Three Albertastudents discuss the question: Howare the ideas expressed by the word“glocal” reflected in your identity?Exploration of how economic,political, social, environmental, andsocial dimensions of globalizationaffect identity (e.g., economies ofscale; the WTO; environmentalstewardship and biodiversity;displacement of Indigenous peoples)Making Choices: Guillermo ToumaDetecting Bias<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school3

Chapter 3Identity, the Media,and CommunicationTechnologyTo what extent isidentity affected bycommunicationtechnology and themedia in aglobalizing world?Understanding1.5 exploreunderstandings anddimensions ofglobalization (political,economic, social, otherexamples)1.7 analyze opportunitiespresented by globalizationto identities and cultures(acculturation,accommodation, culturalrevitalization, affirmationof identity, integration) (I,CC, GC)1.8 examine challengespresented by globalizationto identities and cultures(assimilation,marginalization,accommodation,integration,homogenization) (I, CC,GC)Values and Attitudes1.1 acknowledge andappreciate the existence ofalternative viewpoints in aglobalizing world (GC,CC)1.2 appreciate why peoplesin Canada and otherlocations strive to promotetheir cultures, languagesand identities in aHow do some forces ofglobalization presentchallenges to identity?How do some of theforces of globalizationprovide opportunities tosustain and promoteidentity?How is identity affectedby opportunities tocommunicate withpeople around the world?— Speaking Out about the BananaWarsIntroductory exploration of howsome forces of globalizationpresent challenges to identitysuch as assimilation,homogenization, andacculturation (e.g., creation ofthe Métis Nation and the Inuktitutlanguage in danger)Points of View: Benjamin Barberand Tyler Cowen on<strong>Globalization</strong> and CulturalDiversityIntroductory exploration of howsome forces of globalizationprovide opportunities to affirmand promote identity (e.g.,cultural revitalization and theMétis and cultural revitalization inBolivia)Profile: Evo Morales — Peace withSocial JusticeExploration of how communicationtechnology helps people developand maintain a sense of communityand enables people from variouscultures to share and affirm theirbeliefs and traditions (e.g.,communication technology andchoices; the digital divide; theAboriginal Peoples TelevisionNetwork)Making Choices: One Laptop perAssessing the Authorityand Validity of InternetInformation and Voices<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school4

globalizing world (I, CC,GC);1.3 appreciate how theforces of globalizationshape, and are shaped by,identities and cultures (I,CC, GC)Knowledge andUnderstanding1.5 explore understandingsand dimensions ofglobalization (political,economic, social, othercontemporary examples)(PADM, ER, CC)1.6 examine the impact ofmedia andcommunicationstechnology on diversity(universalization of popculture, hybridization,diversification) (I, CC,GC)How is diversityinfluenced by the mediaand communicationtechnologies?How is identity affectedby media coverage ofworld events?How is diversity affectedby the dominance ofAmerican media?ChildProfile: Marshall McLuhan —Living in the Global VillageExploration of how communicationtechnology affects cultural diversityboth positively and negatively (e.g.,global media concentration;Aboriginal peoples at the WorldSummit in Switzerland in 2003; Al-Jazeera; francophones in Alberta;techno-isolation)Points of View: Taking ITGlobalExploration of how internationalmedia coverage helps developawareness, compassion, and a globalsocial consciousness (e.g., theassassination of John F. Kennedy;September 11, 2001; Maher Arar;Make Poverty History and Live 8;Africa Calling; global coverage ofdisasters such as the tsunami ofDecember 24, 2004 and the situationin Darfur)Exploration of how the dominanceof American media (news,entertainment) shapes the waypeople view themselves and othersand how it affects local cultures onboth personal and collective levels(e.g., Pop culture; Sesame Street andhybridization; anima and manga;<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school5

Korean pop culture)Ideas and Your Turn: Three studentsdiscuss the question: How does whatyou choose to watch on televisionaffect your point of view ondiversity?Chapter 4Affirming Identity,Language, andCultureTo what extent canpeople respond toglobalizing forcesthat affect identity?Values and Attitudes1.1 acknowledge andappreciate the existence ofalternative viewpoints in aglobalizing world (GC,CC)1.2 appreciate why peoplesin Canada and otherlocations strive to promotetheir cultures, languagesand identities in aglobalizing world (I, CC,GC)1.3 appreciate how theforces of globalizationshape, and are shaped by,identities and cultures (I,CC, GC)Knowledge andUnderstanding1.4 explore ways in whichindividuals and collectivesexpress identities(traditions, language,religion, spirituality, thearts, attire, relationship toland, ideological beliefs,role modelling) (I, CC,How do people affirmand promote theirlanguage in a globalizingworld?How do people affirmand promote their culturein a globalizing world?How do governmentsaffirm and promoteExploration of ways languageshapes — and is shaped by —individual and collective identity inthe face of globalization (e.g.,endangered languages; dominanceof English in certain spheres; effortsto protect endangered languages)Includes “Magic Carpet,” a story byMitali PerkinsExploration of initiatives taken byindividuals and collectives to affirmand promote their culture in aglobalizing world (e.g., Ukrainianculture in Alberta, the Haisla people,and the KainaiAkaitapiiwa/Ancestors exhibit)Ideas and Your Turn: Three Albertastudents discuss the question:Should museums return Aboriginalartifacts to the people who originallycreated and used them?Impact: The Ladakhi — How anIsolated Community Responds to<strong>Globalization</strong>Exploration of how governmentshave responded to challenges ofglobalization by promotingPredicting LikelyOutcomes<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school6

LPP)1.7 analyze opportunitiespresented by globalizationto identities and cultures(acculturation,accommodation, culturalrevitalization, affirmationof identity, integration) (I,CC, GC)1.8 examine challengespresented by globalizationto identities and cultures(assimilation,marginalization,accommodation,integration,homogenization) (I, CC,GC)1.9 evaluate efforts topromote languages andcultures in a globalizingworld (language laws,linguistic rights, culturalcontent legislation,cultural revitalization,linguistic revitalization)(I, CC)languages and cultures ina globalizing world?How do internationalorganizations affirm andpromote languages andcultures in a globalizingworld?languages and cultures withinCanada (e.g., policy ofmulticulturalism and language lawsin Canada, Quebec, and Nunavut;controlling Canadian content in themedia)Profile: Bobby Kenuajuak: Tellinghis People’s StoryExploration of ways internationalorganizations contribute to culturaland linguistic affirmation andrevitalization (e.g., InternationalNetwork for Cultural Diversity; laFrancophonie; Declaration on theRights of Indigenous Peoples)Points of View: Young people speakfrom All Different, All Unique:Young People and the UNESCOUniversal Declaration on CulturalDiversity<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school7

Related Issue 2Related Issue 2: To what extent should contemporary society respond to thelegacies of historical globalization?General Outcomepeoples.Students will assess impacts of historical globalization on Indigenous and non-IndigenousRelated Issue 2 Challenge: A four-corners debate to discuss, analyze, and evaluate responses to the chapterissue: To what extent should contemporary society respond to the legacies of historical globalization?Chapterand ChapterIssueChapter 5Foundations of<strong>Globalization</strong>To what extent didearly globalizationaffect peoples ofthe world?Specific Outcomes Inquiry Focus Highlights of Related Contentand FeaturesValues and Attitudes2.1 recognize and appreciatehistorical and contemporaryconsequences of Europeancontact, historicalglobalization and imperialismon Aboriginal societies (TCC,CC, I, GC)2.2 exhibit a globalconsciousness with respect tothe human condition (GC, C)2.5 recognize and appreciatevarious perspectivesregarding the prevalence andimpacts of Eurocentrism(TCC, CC, I)Knowledge andUnderstanding2.6 examine impacts ofcultural contact betweenWhy and how didglobalization begin?How did the foundationsof historical globalizationaffect people?Exploration of views on the originsof early globalization (e.g., earlytrade along the Silk Road; adoptionof Indo-Arabic numbering system;various points of view on theorigins of globalization)Exploration of the foundations ofhistorical globalization (e.g.,emerging European middle class;new technologies; competition fortrade; mercantilism; capitalism;early European colonization; effectsof colonial settlement)Ideas and Your Turn: Three Albertastudents discuss the question: Iscultural imperialism, whichsome people define as a non-violentform of imperialism in which onecountry imposes its values and<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/schoolSkill FocusAnalyzing Historicaland ContemporaryPerspectives within andacross Cultures8

indigenous and nonindigenouspeoples (exchangeof goods and technologies,depopulation, influences ongovernment and socialinstitutions) (TCC, CC, GC)2.7 explore the foundationsof historical globalization(rise of capitalism,industrialization,imperialism, Eurocentrism)(TCC, ER, PADM)2.8 explore the relationshipbetween historicalglobalization and imperialism(TCC, ER, LPP, PADM)2.9 examine multipleperspectives on the political,economic and social impactsof historical globalization andimperialism (I, LPP, PADM)How did theconsequences ofhistorical globalizationaffect people?beliefs on another, nothing but adifferent form of colonization?Exploration of some specificpolitical, social, and economicconsequences of historicalglobalization (e.g., results ofcontact; depopulation; slavery;Bartolomé de Las Casas’s pleas forjust treatment of Indigenouspeoples; social effects ofindustrialism and imperialism onIndigenous and non-Indigenouspeoples including child labour,indentured labour; abolitionistmovements; the Grand Exchange;the Industrial Revolution)Profile: Olaudah Equiano — FromKidnapped Child to Global CitizenImpact: Cheap Labour — TheLifeblood of Historical<strong>Globalization</strong>Making Choices: WilliamWilberforce — Spearheading theCampaign to End SlaveryPoints of View: John Stuart Mill,Jimmy Durham, and TundeObadina on the changingconsequences of historicalglobalization.<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school9

Chapter 6Legacies ofHistorical<strong>Globalization</strong>To what extent dothe legacies ofhistoricalglobalizationaffect peoples ofthe world?Values and Attitudes2.1 recognize and appreciatehistorical and contemporaryconsequences of Europeancontact, historicalglobalization and imperialismon Aboriginal societies (TCC,CC, I, GC)2.2 exhibit a globalconsciousness with respect tothe human condition (GC, C)2.4 recognize and appreciatethe validity of oral histories(TCC, CC)2.5 recognize and appreciatevarious perspectivesregarding the prevalence andimpacts of Eurocentrism(TCC, CC, I)Knowledge andUnderstanding2.6 examine impacts ofcultural contact betweenindigenous andnonindigenous peoples(exchange of goods andtechnologies, depopulation,influences on governmentand social institutions)(TCC, CC, GC)2.9 examine multipleperspectives on the political,economic and social impactsof historical globalization andWhat are some legaciesof historicalglobalization?How has cultural contactaffected people?How has the exchange ofgoods and technologiesaffected people?Exploration of what a legacy is;how cultural contact andimperialism affected peoples (e.g.,ethnocentrism, Eurocentrism andexported social values; empirebuilding; spread of Europeanlanguages and empires;depopulation; King Léopold and thescramble for Africa)Ideas and Your Turn: Three Albertastudents discuss the question: Howethnocentric are you?Exploration of the effects ofimperialist policies and practices inthe Americas, Africa, and India(e.g., consequences of colonial rulefor Indigenous peoples; patterns ofhistorical change; languagelegacies; legacies of migration,displacement, and depopulation)Profile: Chinua Achebe — ThingsFall ApartPoints of View: Dadabhai Naoroji,Atiku Abubakar, and the DalaiLama on the legacies that imperialpowers leave to conquered peoplesExploration of contact and culturalchange and imperialist economicpolicies (e.g., exchanging goodsand technologies; imperialism andcolonialism in North America,Identifying andAnalyzing Cause-and-Effect Relationships<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school10

imperialism (I, LPP, PADM)2.10 examine imperialistpolicies and practices thataffected indigenous peoples(British rule in India, Britishand French rule in Canada,post-colonial governments inCanada) (TCC, PADM, GC)How are the legacies ofhistorical globalizationcontinuing to affectpeople?India, and Algeria; the East IndiaCompany; Mohandas Gandhi andthe cotton trade in India)Exploration of the effects ofimperialism and colonialism onsocieties today (e.g., British rule inIndia; effects on colonizer andcolonized; exported social values;exported language and educationsystems; Indian independence;economic and humanitarianlegacies in Myanmar; continuingconflicts in India, Pakistan, andKashmir)Impact: Aung San Suu Kyi andDictatorship in Myanmar (Burma)Chapter 7Impacts ofHistorical<strong>Globalization</strong> onCanadaTo what extenthave the legaciesof historicalglobalizationaffected Canada?Values and Attitudes2.1 recognize and appreciatehistorical and contemporaryconsequences of Europeancontact, historicalglobalization and imperialismon Aboriginal societies (TCC,CC, I, GC)2.4 recognize and appreciatethe validity of oral histories(TCC, CC)2.5 recognize and appreciatevarious perspectivesregarding the prevalence andimpacts of Eurocentrism(TCC, CC, I)How did historicalglobalization affectCanada?What are some legaciesof historical globalizationin Canada?Exploration of the earlyrelationships between First Nationspeople and Europeans in Canada(e.g., early contact; driving forcesbehind exploration of NorthAmerica; First Nations and theland; trading alliances and the furtrade; the Beothuk)Impact: The Governor andCompany of Adventurers ofEngland Trading into Hudson’s BayExploration of the consequences ofimperial economic policies inCanada (e.g., legacies of the Frenchin early Canada; legacies of theComparing Similaritiesand Differences amongHistorical Narratives<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school11

Knowledge andUnderstanding2.10 examine imperialistpolicies and practices thataffected indigenous peoples(British rule in India, Britishand French rule in Canada,post-colonial governments inCanada) (TCC, PADM, GC)2.11 analyze contemporaryglobal issues that haveorigins in policies andpractices of post-colonialgovernments in Canada andother locations(consequences of residentialschools, social impact onindigenous peoples, loss ofindigenous languages, civilstrife) (GC, CC, TCC, I)2.12 evaluate variousattempts to addressconsequences of imperialistpolicies and practices onindigenous peoples in Canadaand other locations (GC,PADM, TCC)2.13 examine legacies ofhistorical globalization andimperialism that continue toinfluence globalization (TCC,GC)How has historicalglobalization affectedIndigenous peoples inCanada?How do some historicallegacies of globalizationcontinue to affectCanada?British in early Canada;consequences of the Seven Years’War; British colonialism; Europeanimmigration)Exploration of the imperialistpolicies and practices that affectedIndigenous peoples (e.g.,depopulation and redistribution ofIndigenous peoples; legacies of thenumbered treaties; colonialgovernments in Canada; residentialschools; the Indian Act)Ideas and Your Turn: Three Albertastudents discuss the question: Arethere any positive outcomes ofEuropean settlement in Canada?Profile: Phil Fontaine: AboriginalLeaderPoints of View: Mbathio Sall,Andrei Simic, and DeborahSchwartz discuss the value of oralhistoryExploration and evaluation of theconsequences of historical andcontemporary globalization (e.g.,Canada as a multicultural society;land claims and treaties;Quiet Revolution in Quebec)Making Choices: Tom Jackson —The “Huron Carole”<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school12

Chapter 8Living with theLegacies ofHistorical<strong>Globalization</strong>To what extenthave attempts torespond to thelegacies ofhistoricalglobalization beeneffective?Values and Attitudes2.1 recognize and appreciatehistorical and contemporaryconsequences of Europeancontact, historicalglobalization and imperialismon Aboriginal societies (TCC,CC, I, GC)2.2 exhibit a globalconsciousness with respect tothe human condition (GC, C)2.3 accept socialresponsibilities associatedwith global citizenship (C,GC)2.4 recognize and appreciatethe validity of oral histories(TCC, CC)2.5 recognize and appreciatevarious perspectivesregarding the prevalence andimpacts of Eurocentrism(TCC, CC, I)Knowledge andUnderstanding2.12 evaluate variousattempts to addressconsequences of imperialistpolicies and practices onindigenous peoples inCanada and other locations(GC, PADM, TCC)2.11 analyze contemporaryglobal issues that haveorigins in policies andHow effectively havepeople responded to thelegacies of historicalglobalization?How effectively havegovernments respondedto the legacies ofhistorical globalization?Exploration and evaluation of somecontemporary individual andcollective responses to the legaciesof historical globalization (e.g.,Rwandan genocide; internationalresponse to the genocide; Rwandansrebuilding their society; justice andreconciliation; Rwandans rebuildingeconomic development fromwithin; international support).Points of View: Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Roméo Dallaire, and EstherMujawayo on globalresponsibilities 10 years afterRwandan genocideExploration and evaluation ofpolitical responses to legacies ofhistorical globalization (e.g., UnitedNations and Indigenous peoples;South Africa redressing inequities;racism as government policy inSouth Africa during apartheidregime; elections andreconciliation; Truth andReconciliation Commission;historical globalization legacies inCanada — internment of people ofUkrainian and German descent andinternment people of Japaneseheritage; addressing legacies of theIndian Act).Profile: Nelson MandelaExpressing andDefending an InformedPosition<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school13

practices of post-colonialgovernments in Canada andother locations(consequences of residentialschools, social impact onindigenous peoples, loss ofindigenous languages, civilstrife) (GC, CC, TCC, I)2.13 examine legacies ofhistorical globalization andimperialism that continue toinfluence globalization (TCC,GC)2.9 examine multipleperspectives on the political,economic and social impactsof historical globalization andimperialism (I, LPP, PADM)How effectively haveorganizations respondedto the legacies ofhistorical globalization?How does historicalglobalization continue toaffect the world?Exploration and evaluation oforganizational responses to legaciesof historical globalization (e.g.,non-governmental organizationsand their responses to legacies ofhistorical globalization; differentperspectives on the effectiveness ofNGOs; Doctors withoutBorders/Médecins sans Frontières).Impact: Muhammad Yunus and theGrameen BankExploration and evaluation of somecontinuing economic and sociallegacies of historical globalization(e.g., global income inequity;income inequity in Canada; globalforeign aid; Canadian foreign aid).Ideas and Your Turn: Three Albertastudents discuss the question: Howcan I respond effectively to thelegacies of historical globalizationand imperialism?<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school14

Related Issue 3Related Issue 3: To what extent does globalization contribute to sustainableprosperity for all people?General Outcome 1 Students will assess economic, environmental and other contemporary impacts of globalization.Related Issue 3 Challenge: A persuasive essay that analyzes and evaluates the extent to which globalization contributes to sustainable prosperityfor all people.Chapterand Chapter IssueChapter 9Foundations ofEconomic<strong>Globalization</strong>To what extent didworld events shapecontemporaryeconomicglobalization?Specific Outcomes Inquiry Focus Highlights of Related Contentand FeaturesValues and AttitudesStudents will3.1 recognize and appreciatealternative viewpoints thatexist with respect to therelationships among politics,economics, the environmentand globalization (GC, ER,PADM)3.2 recognize and appreciateimpacts of globalization onthe interdependentrelationships among people,the economy and theenvironment (GC, ER,PADM)Knowledge andUnderstandingStudents will3.3 explore understandings ofcontemporary economicglobalization (GC, ER)What does economicglobalization mean?How did 20th-centuryworld events shapeExploration of variousdefinitions and understandingsof the meaning — and effects— of contemporary economicglobalization including anexpansion of the ideas firstintroduced in the prologue (e.g.,perspectives on globalization asan economic phenomenon;aspects of economicglobalization related tostudents’ lives; factors affectingglobal economy)Ideas and Your Turn: ThreeAlberta students discuss thequestion: Is economicglobalization what globalizationis all about?Exploration of understandingsof contemporary economicglobalization (e.g., how 20th-<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/schoolSkill Focus 1Problem Solving andDecision Making15

Chapter 10Expanding<strong>Globalization</strong>To what extent docontemporary3.4 examine thefoundations ofcontemporary globalization(F.A. Hayek, BrettonWoods, Conference, MiltonFriedman) (TCC, PADM,ER)3.5 analyze factorscontributing to the expansionof globalization since theSecond World War(international agreements,international organizations,transnational corporations,media and transportationtechnologies) (TCC, GC, ER,PADM)3.6 analyze political andeconomic challenges andopportunities of globalization(trade liberalization, foreigninvestment, economicgrowth, privatization,outsourcing, knowledgeeconomy) (ER, PADM, GC)3.9 analyze multipleperspectives on sustainabilityand prosperity in aglobalizing world (ER, PP,GC)Values and AttitudesStudents will3.1 recognize and appreciatealternative viewpoints thatexist with respect to therelationships among politics,contemporary economicglobalization?What factors laid thefoundations ofcontemporary globaleconomics?How does contemporaryeconomic globalizationshape people’s lives?What forces contribute toexpanding globalization?century events — World Wars;Communist Revolution inRussia; Great Depression;World War II — shapedpeople’s economic lives and ledto contemporary economicglobalization)Impact: China — FromCommunism to CapitalismExploration and analysis ofsome specific factors that laidthe groundwork forcontemporary economicglobalization (e.g., BrettonWoods Conference, Keynes;Hayek, Friedman, World Bank,IMF, GATT, WTO)Points of View: Various views ofsustainable development, theWorld Bank, and the IMF)Exploration of responses tocontemporary economicglobalization (e.g., examinationof some general and specificexamples with connections tocoverage in Chapters 10, 11,and 12)Exploration of forces thatcontribute to expandingglobalization (e.g., communicationtechnologies; trade; transportation,the media; speed of electronicbanking and cellphoneBuilding Consensus<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school16

factors contribute toexpandingglobalization?economics, the environmentand globalization (GC, ER,PADM)3.2 recognize and appreciateimpacts of globalization onthe interdependentrelationships among people,the economy and theenvironment (GC, ER,PADM)Knowledge andUnderstandingStudents will3.3 explore understandings ofcontemporary economicglobalization3.5 analyze factorscontributing to theexpansion of globalizationsince the Second WorldWar (internationalagreements, internationalorganizations,transnational corporations,media and transportationtechnologies) (TCC, GC,ER, PADM)3.9 analyze multipleperspectives onsustainability andprosperity in a globalizingworld (ER, PP, GC)How do internationalagreements andorganizations contributeto expandingglobalization?How do transnationalcorporations contributeto expandingglobalization?How do communicationtechnologies contributeto expandingglobalization?communication)Re-examine factors developed inchapter 2 through new focusImpact: The Maquiladoras ofMexicoExploration and analysis of effectsof international agreements andorganizations (e.g., WTO;NAFTA; EU; trade liberalization;APEC; FTTA; Grameen Bank)Exploration and analysis of the roleof transnational corporations inexpanding globalization (e.g.,power and influence oftransnational corporations;transnationals and reducingpoverty)Points of View: Ed Broadbent,Maude Barlow, and Kofi Annan onthe power of transnationalcorporationExploration and analysis of the roleof communication technologies inexpanding globalization(e.g., Digital divide; e-commerce;media, personal communication,business communication;knowledge economy; outsourcingtelemarketing and IT help to India)Ideas and Your Turn: ThreeAlberta students discuss the<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school17

Chapter 11<strong>Globalization</strong> andSustainabilityTo what extent doesglobalization affectsustainability?Values and AttitudesStudents will3.1 recognize and appreciatealternative viewpoints thatexist with respect to therelationships among politics,economics, the environmentand globalization (GC, ER,PADM)3.2 recognize and appreciateimpacts of globalization onthe interdependentrelationships among people,the economy and theenvironment (GC, ER,PADM)Knowledge andUnderstandingStudents will3.3 explore understandings ofcontemporary economicglobalization (GC, ER)3.7 explore multipleperspectives regardingthe relationship amongpeople, the land andglobalization(spirituality,stewardship,sustainability, resourcedevelopment) (LPP, CC,ER, GC)3.8 evaluate actions andWhat does sustainabilitymean?How are globalizationand sustainabilityrelated?How successful haveefforts been to promotesustainability?question: How do my personalcommunication systems make mepart of expanding globalization?Exploration of variousunderstandings of sustainability(e.g., ecological footprints inCanada and developingcountries; stewardship)Making Choices: The Kogipeople of Colombia struggle forenvironmental stewardshipExploration of the relationshipbetween globalization andsustainability (e.g., world tradeand sustainability; role oftransnationals; wastemanagement; shipbreaking)Points of View: Three writers orspeakers on shipbreakingExploration and evaluation ofvarious actions and policiesaimed at promotingsustainability (e.g., KyotoProtocol; waste management;environmental legislation;Cochrane High SchoolSustainable DevelopmentCommittee)Profile: Wangari Maathai andthe Green Belt movementIdeas and Your Turn: ThreeAlberta students discuss the<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/schoolAnalyzingRelationships inGeography18

Chapter 12SustainableProsperity:Challenges andOpportunitiesTo what extent canglobalization bringsustainableprosperity to allpeople?policies associated withglobalization that impact theenvironment (land andresource use, resourcedevelopment agreements,environmental legislation)(LPP, ER, GC)Values and AttitudesStudents will3.1 recognize and appreciatealternative viewpoints thatexist with respect to therelationships among politics,economics, the environmentand globalization (GC, ER,PADM)3.2 recognize and appreciateimpacts of globalization onthe interdependentrelationships among people,the economy and theenvironment (GC, ER,PADM)Knowledge andUnderstandingStudents will3.3 explore understandings ofcontemporary economicglobalization3.6 analyze political andeconomic challenges andopportunities ofglobalization (tradeliberalization, foreigninvestment, economicWhat is sustainableprosperity?What political andeconomic challenges andopportunities areassociated withglobalization?question: Should laws similar tothose in Canada be mademandatory across the globe?Exploration of understandings andmeasures of sustainable prosperity(e.g., Measures of prosperity, UNHuman Development Index (HDI);Gross National Happiness (GNH);GDP; Genuine Progress Indicator(GPI)Points of View: Three speakers orwriters on interpreting HDI,including HDI and AboriginalpeoplesExploration and analysis of variouspoints of view and perspectives onthe political and economicchallenges and opportunitiespresented by globalization (e.g.,Economic growth as underlyingdriving force; trade liberalization;new economies; role of WTO andtransnationals; Jane Jacobs; foreigninvestment, privatization;outsourcing; revisit “glocal”)Profile: Naomi KleinExploration, analysis andevaluation of the relationshipFormulating a Positionon an Issue<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school19

growth, privatization,outsourcing, knowledgeeconomy) (ER, PADM,GC)3.9 analyze multipleperspectives on sustainabilityand prosperity in aglobalizing world (ER, PP,GC)What choices areassociated withsustainable prosperity?between expanding globalizationand sustainable prosperityImpact: Climate Change in theArctic: Rachel A. Qitsualik on theInuit approach to the challengeIdeas and Your Turn: ThreeAlberta students discuss thequestion: Is sustainability an ideaworth supporting?<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school20

Related Issue 4Related Issue 4: To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond toglobalization?General Outcome 4 Students will assess their roles and responsibilities in a globalizing worldRelated Issue 4 Challenge: Develop and present a blog or journal that clearly demonstrates understandings of globalization andevaluates the extent to which it should be embraced. Work with a small group to create a statement that reflects the group’s opinion onthis issue. Then work with the class to create a statement that reflects the consensus of the class.Chapterand ChapterIssueChapter 13Human Rights,Democracy, and<strong>Globalization</strong>To what extenthave democracyand humanrights shaped —and been shapedby —globalization?Specific Outcomes Inquiry Focus Highlights of Related Contentand FeaturesN.B. Evaluation component willbe embedded in chapter and endof-chapteractivities.Values and Attitudes4.1 recognize and appreciate theimpact of globalization on thequality of life of individuals andcommunities (GC, C)4.2 recognize and appreciate theimportance of human rights indetermining quality of life (GC, C)4.3 accept political, social andenvironmental responsibilitiesassociated with globalcitizenship (C, GC, ER)Knowledge and Understanding4.4 explore various understandingsof quality of life (GC)4.7 evaluate relationshipsbetween globalization andWhat are humanrights?How are ideas abouthuman rights anddemocracy related?Exploration of various concepts ofhuman rights (e.g., Cyrus of Persia;human rights as a Western concept;rise of middle class and capitalismand their relationship to the growth ofideas about individual rights andhuman rights)Ideas: Does anyone have the right tobestow human rights?Exploration, analysis, and evaluationof how ideas about human rights arerelated to democratic ideals (e.g.,Haudenosaunee Great Law of Peaceand influence on AmericanConstitution; John Locke; rise ofWestern democracies; UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights; Charterof Rights and Freedoms)Exploration of how ideas about<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/schoolSkill Focus 1Practising Leadershipduring Discussions21

democratization and humanrights (GC, PADM)4.11 develop strategies todemonstrate active,responsible global citizenship(C, GC, PADM, ER)human rights have been applieddifferently to different groups (i.e., thecolonizer and the colonized)Profile: John Peters Humphrey andthe Universal Declaration of HumanRightsMaking Choices: The Tank Man andTiananmen SquareChapter 14GlobalAwarenessTo what extentdoes globalawareness affectquality of life?Values and Attitudes4.1 recognize and appreciate theimpact of globalization on thequality of life of individuals andcommunities (GC, C)4.2 recognize and appreciatethe importance of humanrights in determining qualityof life (GC, C)4.3 accept political, social andenvironmental responsibilitiesassociated with globalcitizenship (C, GC, ER)Knowledge and Understanding4.4 explore various understandingsof quality of life (GC)4.5 analyze impacts ofHow are globalization,human rights anddemocracy related?How has globalizationaffected awareness ofissues?How has globalawareness affectedgender issues?Exploration and analysis of howglobalization shapes — and isshaped by — ideas about humanrights and democracy (e.g., throughtransportation more people areexperiencing different realities;through communication more peopleare aware of what is going on; rightsand responsibilities; individual andgroup voting rights)Points of View: Fareed Zakaria andAmartya Sen on the ideal and thereality of democracyExploration and analysis of how theforces of globalization (e.g., trade,transportation, the media,communication technologies) haveinfluenced the spread of ideas andawareness of issues by increasing thespeed of movement of ideas, data,and peopleIdeas: Three Alberta students discussthe question: Is fostering an increasein global awareness enough?Exploration of how global awarenessof issues has affected women (e.g.,glass ceiling, Taliban in Afghanistan,new jobs, new responsibilities,changing attitudes, entrepreneurship)Profile: Behishta Mushtaq — FromRefugee to Teacher of People WhoAre Deaf<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/schoolInitiating ConflictResolution Strategies22

globalization on children andyouth (awareness of global issues,employment issues, identity) (GC,C, PADM, ER, I)4.6 analyze impacts ofglobalization on women(gender issues, labour issues,opportunities forentrepreneurship) (GC, C,PADM, ER, I)4.7 evaluate relationshipsbetween globalization anddemocratization and humanrights (GC, PADM)How has globalawareness affectedlabour and employmentissues?How are globalawareness and qualityof life related?Exploration and analysis of howglobal awareness has affected jobsand labour (e.g., changes in kinds ofjobs people do, new economy,migration of jobs, labour laws, unions,effects on children and youth)Impact: The Fair Trade MovementExploration and analysis of immediateand long-term effects of globalawareness on quality of life (e.g.,revisit HDI, GNH, etc.) and how theserelate to global awareness; analysisof whether changes resulting fromgrowing awareness are positive foreveryonePoints of View: Naomi Klein, IndurGoklany, and Eric Reguly on theeffects of globalization and quality oflifeChapter 15GlobalConnectionsTo what extentdo globalconnectionsaffect people?Values and Attitudes4.1 recognize and appreciatethe impact of globalization onthe quality of life ofindividuals and communities(GC, C);4.2 recognize and appreciatethe importance of humanrights in determining qualityHow does globalizationchange communities?Exploration and analysis of what acommunity is (e.g., revisit the idea ofcollective; how communities influenceidentity; effects of forces ofglobalization on communities:multiculturalism, immigration, andpluralism)Ideas: Three Alberta students discussthe question: Has globalizationchanged ideas about community?<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/schoolCommunicatingEffectively to Lead andPersuade23

of life (GC, C)4.3 accept political, social andenvironmental responsibilitiesassociated with globalcitizenship (C, GC, ER)Knowledge and Understanding4.4 explore various understandingsof quality of life (GC)4.8 analyze how globalizationaffects individuals andcommunities (migration,technology, agricultural issues,pandemics, resource issues,contemporary issues) (GC, LPP)4.10 evaluate means by whichindividuals, governments,organizations and businessescould address opportunitiesand challenges ofglobalization (proglobalizationactivism, antiglobalizationactivism,legislation, agreements,consumer activism, corporateresponsibility4.11 develop strategies todemonstrate active,responsible global citizenship(C, GC, PADM, ER)How have resourcesbecome a global issue?How has health becomea global concern?How have peopleresponded to globalissues?Exploration and analysis of howglobalization presents bothchallenges and opportunities toresource development (e.g., jobs andthe environment; agriculture; fishing;environmental change — Kyoto, FortMcMurray and how variousindividuals, groups, and governmentshave responded; introduce thread ofactivism)Impact: Fort McMurray and the OilBoomExploration and analysis of howglobalization presents bothchallenges and opportunities to health(e.g., transportation and migration,communication, pandemics,environmental issues)Points of View: Stephen Lewis andothers on global solutions to AIDScrisis in AfricaExploration and analysis of howvarious individuals, groups,governments, and businesses haveresponded to various globalchallenges (e.g., WHO, internationalconflicts, legislative solutions,consumer activism, corporateresponsibility)Profile: Samantha Nutt and War ChildCanada<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school24

Chapter 16The GlobalCitizenTo what extentshould Iembrace globalcitizenship?Values and Attitudes4.1 recognize and appreciatethe impact of globalization onthe quality of life ofindividuals and communities(GC, C);4.2 recognize and appreciatethe importance of humanrights in determining qualityof life (GC, C);4.3 accept political, social andenvironmental responsibilitiesassociated with globalcitizenship (C, GC, ER)Knowledge and Understanding4.9 explore multiple perspectivesregarding the civicresponsibilities that individuals,governments, organizations andbusinesses may have inaddressing opportunities andchallenges presented byglobalization (GC, C, PADM)4.10 evaluate means by whichindividuals, governments,organizations and businessescould address opportunities andchallenges of globalization (proglobalizationactivism, antiglobalizationactivism,legislation, agreements,What does “globalcitizenship” mean?What does a globalcitizen do?Where is globalizationtaking the world?Exploration of various ideasabout global citizenship (e.g.,difference between legaldefinition of citizen and idea ofglobal citizenship, bothvoluntary and involuntary)Ideas: Is there such a thing asglobal citizenship?Exploration of actions that mightdefine a global citizen and of therelationship between local andglobal citizenship (i.e., return toexploration of concept of“glocal” as well as the idea ofactivism as a response (e.g., proandanti-globalization activism,consumer activism)Making Choices: Irshad ManjiExploration and analysis ofvarious current global issues thatare likely to affect students’identities in the future (e.g., warand global terrorism;environmental concerns;outsourcing; the “ingenuitygap”)<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/schoolActing to EnhanceCommunity Wellbeing25

consumer activism, corporateresponsibility) (GC, C, PADM,ER)4.11 develop strategies todemonstrate active,responsible global citizenship(C, GC, PADM, ER)What is my role in theglobalizing world?Points of View: John RalstonSaul, Thomas Homer-Dixon, andRick Salutin on whereglobalization is taking the worldExploration of how students mightrespond to globalization in the future(i.e., actions students can take torespond to globalization on both apersonal and broader level —employment, awareness, personalresponsibility, environmentalstewardship)Note Each benchmark skill is profiled explicitly within one or more of the skill focuses that appear within each chapter. On this chart, onebenchmark skill is highlighted, but each skill focus also helps students develop, practise and reinforce other skills in the subset. Subsets of theseskills are developed, practised, and reinforced through analysis, questions, and activities throughout the text. Reflect and Respond, Explorations,Dialogues, and Web Connection activities will help students develop their critical thinking and creative thinking skills (focus on S.1 skills andprocesses). End of chapter activities will help students develop their Thinking (S.1–S.4), Participation (S.5 and S.6), Research (S.7) andCommunication (S.8 and S.9) skills and processes. These activities also present frequent opportunities for students to relate concepts and contentback to related issues and key issue of the course. Additional support and templates for skill development will be included in the teacher’sresource. The skill focus in each chapter scaffolds students’ learning in preparation for completing the culminating activity of each related issue.<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school26

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