IFRS: What should boards and audit committees be ... - IAS Plus

IFRS: What should boards and audit committees be ... - IAS Plus

IFRS: What should boards and audit committees be ... - IAS Plus


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––<strong>What</strong> steps are <strong>be</strong>ing taken to educate theorganization? Generally, training that is timely <strong>and</strong>specific to individual needs yields the greatest <strong>be</strong>nefit.If training is too general <strong>and</strong> too early, informationlearned may not <strong>be</strong> retained. Timely education for theboard <strong>and</strong> its <strong>committees</strong> is also important. Building<strong>IFRS</strong> proficiency will enhance board mem<strong>be</strong>rs’ abilityto lead productive dialog <strong>and</strong> provide useful insights in<strong>IFRS</strong> planning discussions.• Focus on the process. Both the board <strong>and</strong> <strong>audit</strong>committee mem<strong>be</strong>rs <strong>should</strong> focus early on in overseeingthe company’s approach, timeline, <strong>and</strong> budget fortransition. The amount of time companies have toprepare may <strong>be</strong> less than many would expect, <strong>and</strong> athoughtful approach to conversion can help to controlcosts. Encourage management to consider short- <strong>and</strong>long-term planning issues in determining what thecompany needs to do now versus later. Be mindful ofopportunities in the <strong>IFRS</strong> conversion process that couldtranslate into longer-term <strong>be</strong>nefits.Key questions to consider raising with managementinclude:––Has a PMO <strong>be</strong>en established? A dedicatedproject management office provides a single pointof coordination that can help companies adhere to aunified plan by: establishing milestones <strong>and</strong> monitoringperformance against them; facilitating a globallyconsistent application of <strong>IFRS</strong>; fostering the creation of<strong>and</strong> deploying st<strong>and</strong>ard templates; <strong>and</strong> coordinatingtraining activities.––Is management taking a fresh look at policies?<strong>IFRS</strong> provides an opportunity to refresh accountingpolicy implementation, with a focus on achievinggreater transparency <strong>and</strong> more timely financialreporting. (See Appendix, “Issues Guide,” for a moredetailed view of key <strong>IFRS</strong>/U.S. GAAP differences.)––Is the company monitoring evolving st<strong>and</strong>ards?The Financial Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards Board (FASB) <strong>and</strong>the International Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards Board (<strong>IAS</strong>B)are working toward convergence of their st<strong>and</strong>ards.There are currently several active projects, some ofwhich may result in significant impacts. While a goalof the projects is to achieve full convergence, somedifferences may remain upon their completion. Whena company adopts a new U.S. GAAP st<strong>and</strong>ard, it<strong>should</strong> also <strong>be</strong> considering the related <strong>IFRS</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard,<strong>and</strong> addressing the impact of the differences thatremain <strong>be</strong>tween the two st<strong>and</strong>ards. Management<strong>should</strong> also consider anticipated changes related to theconvergence agenda—<strong>and</strong> incorporate those into anylong-term plan.––Will the company <strong>be</strong> ready by the transitiondate? Under the SEC’s proposed Roadmap, largeaccelerated filers would <strong>be</strong> required to file their 2014financial statements using <strong>IFRS</strong>, along with comparativefinancial statements for 2013 <strong>and</strong> 2012. For suchcompanies, this would mean an adoption date ofDecem<strong>be</strong>r 31, 2014, with a transition date of January1, 2012. To efficiently <strong>and</strong> properly transition to <strong>IFRS</strong>,it is advisable to run parallel <strong>IFRS</strong> <strong>and</strong> U.S. GAAPreporting, <strong>and</strong> this would mean finalizing the <strong>be</strong>ginningbalance sheet by the transition date.–Is the independent <strong>audit</strong>or involved?– The early<strong>and</strong> continued involvement of the independent<strong>audit</strong>or can prevent future surprises <strong>and</strong> can providemanagement with a well-informed source of assistancethat has a deep knowledge of the company.<strong>IFRS</strong>: <strong>What</strong> <strong>should</strong> <strong>boards</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>audit</strong> <strong>committees</strong> <strong>be</strong> considering now? 7

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