David O. Anderson, PhD, CIH, CSP, QEP, CPEA - Texas A&M ...

David O. Anderson, PhD, CIH, CSP, QEP, CPEA - Texas A&M ...

David O. Anderson, PhD, CIH, CSP, QEP, CPEA - Texas A&M ...


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CURRICULUM VITAE<strong>David</strong> O. <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>PhD</strong>,<strong>CIH</strong>, <strong>CSP</strong>, <strong>QEP</strong>, <strong>CPEA</strong>Assistant Professor – TAMU-CEngineering and TechnologyOffice: AG/ET 213-BPhone: (903) 886 - 5471Email: david.anderson@tamuc.eduEDUCATION:University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OklahomaDoctor of Philosophy (<strong>PhD</strong>), Environmental and Occupational Health, 1976.University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OklahomaMasters of Public Health (MPH), Environmental Health, 1973.University of Central Oklahoma (formerly Central State College) Edmond, OklahomaBachelor of Science (BS), Funeral Service Education; minor in Public Health, 1970.EXPERIENCE:2007 - Present:Assistant Professor - Engineering and Technology<strong>Texas</strong> A&M University-CommerceCommerce, <strong>Texas</strong>Teaches both undergraduate and graduate-level courses in Technology and Management,primarily environmental, occupational health and safety and regulations, including ISO18000 and ISO 31000. Classes are held in a classroom setting as well as computercourses on-line. Serves as Undergraduate Faculty Advisor. Serves on various Universitycommittees, including Departmental Scholarship Committee, Departmental GraduateAdvisory Board, Library Representative, Graduate School Representative, UniversityResearch & Creative Activities Advisory Committee, Undergraduate Advisor, Chair,Institutional Biosafety Committee, Faculty Senate, Faculty Senate Executive Committee,and University Biosafety Officer.1994 - Present:President and CEOAdvanced Environmental Services, Inc.<strong>Texas</strong> and NevadaProvided sales, marketing and technical services for consultation program developmentCurriculum Vitae for 1<strong>David</strong> O. <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>PhD</strong>, <strong>CIH</strong>, <strong>CSP</strong>, <strong>QEP</strong>, <strong>CPEA</strong> 7/13

and implementation for various clients, ranging from private industries such as metalfabrication, circuit boards, aircraft engine repairs, food processing/production, pipelinetesting operations, oil and gas operations, to municipal, state and federal governmentalagencies to international educational institutions. Some of the activities includeddevelopment and international presentation of customized training and written health andsafety programs; risk assessments, including exposure measurements and assessments;EPA/OSHA compliance packages, such as HAZCOM, HAZWOPER, lock out-tag out,process safety management reviews, emergency response plans and international safetyreviews, PPE assessments, oversight for environmental applications and assessments,lead health and safety programs, facility/program audits, and ergonomic evaluations andtraining. Conducted numerous indoor air quality investigations for residential,commercial, and governmental buildings. Successfully won eight competitive U.S. Navytraining contracts for multiple years, addressing health, safety, management, fireprotection, and confined space safety. Further, expert witness services included litigationaddressing numerous health, safety, industrial hygiene, toxicology, ergonomic, indoor airquality, and environmental topics.2004 - 2007General ManagerEnvironmental Health Services, Inc.Las Vegas, NevadaManagement of a comprehensive ES&H consulting business, providing industrialhygiene, environmental, training, and safety consulting services to chemicalmanufacturers, health care facilities, general industry, utilities, governmental entities,financial services, hospitality industry and environmental and construction defectattorneys. Directed professional staff in daily activities. Accepted as an expert witness inindustrial hygiene, environmental and fungal contamination cases in multiplejurisdictions.1994 – 2003Instructor and Adjunct Assistant Professor<strong>Texas</strong> Engineering Extension Service, <strong>Texas</strong> A & M UniversityDeveloped OSHA training courses and presented courses throughout Region VI for theOSHA Training Institute, Southwest Education Center. Assisted in the development ofseveral courses for the CP-12 program and conducted training for undergraduate andgraduate programs at Ft. Rucker, Alabama, for US Army personnel.1987 - 1994Director of Industrial HygieneBurlington Northern RailroadOverland Park, Kansas and Fort Worth, <strong>Texas</strong>Curriculum Vitae for 2<strong>David</strong> O. <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>PhD</strong>, <strong>CIH</strong>, <strong>CSP</strong>, <strong>QEP</strong>, <strong>CPEA</strong>7/13

Planned, directed and managed the industrial hygiene programs, including ergonomicsand safety overlap, for over 32,000 employees in 25 states. Directed activities associatedwith contractors, such as consultants, to assist in program development andimplementation. Recognized, evaluated, recommended and implemented policies andprocedures for health risk assessment, monitoring and minimized chemical, biologicaland physical hazards and diseases present, and participated in various emergencyresponse operations. Conducted numerous exposure assessments for chemical hazards(diesel exhaust, lead, silica, welding fume, solvents, iaq) and physical hazards (noise,heat and cold stress, radiation, vibration, etc). Reviewed and instituted as appropriateenvironmental health and safety standards promulgated by FRA, OSHA, EPA, DOT, andState programs. Supervised capital and expense budgets, personnel and their professionaldevelopment. Served as designated Corporate representative in litigation cases.1985 - 1987Regional Industrial Hygienist and Interim Department Head, EH&SPacific Gas and Electric Company, Geothermal OperationsSanta Rosa, CaliforniaResponsible for developing, directing, and supervising environmental, health, and safetyefforts with respect to preserving the environment and protecting the health and safety ofemployees and the public. Established programs to preserve the quality of life bycorrecting and improving various areas of environmental concern. Coordinated activitiesand performed joint audits with steam supplier (UNOCAL), including drilling andpipelines. Insured compliance with all environmental health and safety standardspromulgated by both the State of California and the Federal government. Assisted withenvironmental testing, construction permitting, license applications, and communityaffairs, while balancing financial concerns and management of a professional staff in twolocations.1980 - 1985Safety Supervisor/Environmental Coordinator; Senior Industrial/EnvironmentalHygienistCelanese Chemical Company Technical CenterCorpus Christi, <strong>Texas</strong>Responsible for development, training, implementation, and management of safety,industrial hygiene/toxicology, medical, and environmental health programs for thischemical / petrochemical research and development facility, which were designed toprotect the health and safety of the employees and community. Reviewed proposedresearch projects for implication with personnel and community health, keeping in mindenvironmental issues such as treatment and disposal. Coordinated transfer of EH&Stechnical information to petrochemical production facilities. Maintained effectiveCurriculum Vitae for 3<strong>David</strong> O. <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>PhD</strong>, <strong>CIH</strong>, <strong>CSP</strong>, <strong>QEP</strong>, <strong>CPEA</strong> 7/13

communications with regulatory agencies including FDA, EPA, OSHA, NRC, and TDH,which enhanced RCRA and air emissions permitting and compliance. Developedemergency and notification alarm system for chemical, personnel, fire, biological agents,and natural disaster emergencies, supervised both budget and health personnel.1978 - 1980Industrial/Environmental HygienistAT&T (Teletype) Little Rock WorksLittle Rock, ArkansasPlanned, directed, implemented and managed industrial hygiene and environmentalpermit and compliance programs for electronics manufacturing facility. Developed inhouseindustrial hygiene laboratory. Reviewed and incorporated corporate policies andregulatory agency requirements, such as OSHA, EPA, DOD, etc. Reviewed newchemicals for risk exposure to both employees and the environment. Conducted variousindustrial hygiene investigations of employee complaints and concerns.1976 - 1978Senior Industrial Hygienist, Little Rock Area OfficeIndustrial Hygienist, Oklahoma City Area OfficeU.S. Department of Labor, OSHALittle Rock, Arkansas and Oklahoma City, OklahomaDirected industrial hygiene compliance program for the area of jurisdiction. Managedstaff of seven industrial hygiene compliance officers. Conducted various OSHAcompliance / enforcement activities for industries, including oil and gas activities such asexploration and drilling, compressor stations, refining operations, metal fabrication andrepairs, chemical processing and blending, furniture manufacturing, hazardous wasteincineration, pesticide formulations, paint manufacturing, catastrophe / fatalityinvestigations, and others.1970 - 1976Head of Enforcement, Air Quality Control; Registered Professional SanitarianOklahoma City-County Health DepartmentOklahoma City, OklahomaInstrumental in developing a control, permitting, source inventory, and enforcementprogram for air pollution emissions in a geographical area of 986 square miles.Successfully obtained EPA funding for program development and implementation.Conducted compliance audits for various industrial operations including numerousprocess evaluations. Conducted public health inspection for water, waste water treatmentCurriculum Vitae for 4<strong>David</strong> O. <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>PhD</strong>, <strong>CIH</strong>, <strong>CSP</strong>, <strong>QEP</strong>, <strong>CPEA</strong>7/13

facilities, reviewed air pollution permit applications, and conducted isokinetic stacksampling for compliance activities.PUBLICATIONS:Submitted: Pending Peer Review:<strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. , “Impact of OSHA’s Globally Harmonized System (GHS) on SafetyManagement Curriculum,” Submitted to ATMAE for presentation and publication,November, 2013, New Orleans, LA., pending peer review.Accepted for Publication (Peer-Reviewed):Cotner, John R. and <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O., “Quantitative Comparison of First ResponderDecontamination Procedures”, Journal of the Clandestine Laboratory Investigating ChemistsAssociation. Vol. 22, No. 2-3, April-June 2012.Pinheiro, Angelo B., and <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O., “Improving Your Workplace ViolenceProgram”. Occupational Health and Safety. Vol. 81, No.3, March 2012, Pages 40-41.Cotner, John R. and <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O., “Thermal Testing of Fire Resistant Fabrics afterthe Application of Flammable Solvents”. Journal of the Clandestine LaboratoryInvestigating Chemists Association. Vol. 22, No. 1, January 2012, Pages 20-28.<strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. and Pinheiro, Angelo B., “Ergonomics on Drilling Rigs”. TheEncyclopedia of Energy Engineering & Technology, (DOI: 10.1081/E-EEE-120047688),Taylor and Francis Group, New York. Scheduled for publication 4th Quarter, 2012.<strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. and Pinheiro, Angelo B., “Fire Protection for Off-Shore and Land-Based Drilling Rigs”. The Encyclopedia of Energy Engineering & Technology, Taylor andFrancis Group, New York. 4 th Quarter, 2011.Nelson, D.I., Mirer, F., Bratt, G. and <strong>Anderson</strong>, D.O.: “Chapter 8: Occupational andEnvironmental Health Risk Assessment/Risk Management.” The Occupational Environment:Its Evaluation, Control, and Management, 3 rd Ed. Daniel H. Anna, <strong>PhD</strong>, Ed. AmericanIndustrial Hygiene Association. ISBN: 978-1-935082-19-4, October 31, 2012.Pinheiro, Angelo B., Cranor, Ben D., and <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O., “Assessing Risk: ASimplified Methodology for Prejob Planning in Oil & Gas Production.” Professional Safety.Vol. 58, No.9, September 2011, Pages 34-41.<strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. and Pinheiro, Angelo B., “Comparison of Fire Protection:Deepwater and Shore-based Oil and Gas Drilling Rigs”. Fire Safety World. Fall 2011, pp 4-8, and presented at Offshore Europe 2011 Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland.Curriculum Vitae for 5<strong>David</strong> O. <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>PhD</strong>, <strong>CIH</strong>, <strong>CSP</strong>, <strong>QEP</strong>, <strong>CPEA</strong> 7/13

Elam, M. <strong>Anderson</strong>, D., Lamphere, J. & Wilkins, B. (2011, Spring). Process ImprovementUsing Arena Simulation Software. International Journal of Business, Marketing, andDecision Sciences, 4(1). 1-17.Pinheiro, Angelo B. and <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. “A Review of Fire Protection and Life SafetyArrangements Onboard a Deepwater Oil and Gas Drilling Rig in the Gulf of Mexico”.Presentation and paper; the ATMAE 2010 Conference, Panama City, FL, October 27-30,2010. Proceedings published.Cates, Steven V. and <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. “OSHA’s Effects on Human ResourceManagement”. International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines(IABPAD) Conference. Presented April, 2010, in Dallas, TX. Proceedings published in ISSN1547-4836: Vol. 7, No.2.Elam, Matthew, <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong>, Lamphere, Jess, and Wilkins, Robert. “ProcessImprovement Using Arena Simulation Software”. International Academy of Business andPublic Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Conference. Presented April, 2010, in Dallas,TX. Paper submitted for publication. Proceedings published in ISSN 1547-4836: Vol. 7,No.2.<strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. and Duckworth, Diana. “A Comparative Analysis: Women inTechnological Leadership Positions and in other Industrial Sectors”. International Academyof Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Conference. Presented April,2010, in Dallas, TX. Proceedings published in ISSN 1547-4836: Vol. 7, No.2.Alexander, Christine A., Pryor, Mildred Golden, and <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. “Introduction toMIS: The Case of ABC Furniture A Skills Development Exercise”. International Academy ofBusiness and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Conference. Presented October,2009, in Memphis, TN. Paper awarded Research Award. Proceedings and paper published inISSN 1547-4836: Vol. 6, No.1.McGuffey, Megan D., Cranor, Ben D., <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. and Harp, Derald A. “MeasuringLeaf Temperatures in <strong>Texas</strong> Green Roofs Using Thermal Imagery”. Paper Number 128.Presented at the 7 th Annual Pathways Student Research Symposium, <strong>Texas</strong> A&M UniversityInternational University, Laredo, TX. Presented November 13-14, 2009.Dunlap, Christopher, McGuffy, Megan D., <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. and Harp, Derald A.“Thermal Evaluation of Green Roofs”. Paper Number 525. Presented at the 7 th AnnualPathways Student Research Symposium, <strong>Texas</strong> A&M University International University,Laredo, TX. Presented November 13-14, 2009.Doan, Huy, Kim, Sukwon, and <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. “Noise Level Survey at On-CampusPrintshop and Critique”. XXIst Annual International Occupational Ergonomics and SafetyConference 2009 (ISOES). Presented June 12, 2009, in Dallas, TX. Proceedings published inISBN: 97809652558-4-4.Curriculum Vitae for 6<strong>David</strong> O. <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>PhD</strong>, <strong>CIH</strong>, <strong>CSP</strong>, <strong>QEP</strong>, <strong>CPEA</strong> 7/13

<strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. and <strong>Anderson</strong>, John D. “Case Study: Abrasive Blasting ExposureAssessment During Pipeline Construction”. XXIst Annual International OccupationalErgonomics and Safety Conference 2009 (ISOES). Presented June 12, 2009, in Dallas, TX.Proceedings published in ISBN: 97809652558-4-4.<strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. “Technological Effects on Industrial Management for the 21 st Century.”Paper Number 141; International Academy of Business and Public AdministrationDisciplines (IABPAD) Conference. Presented April 24, 2009 in Dallas, TX. Proceedingspublished in ISSN Number 1547-4836.<strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. and Cranor, Ben D. “The Skilled, The Valued, and The Educated.”Paper Number 140; Accepted by the International Academy of Business and PublicAdministration Disciplines (IABPAD) Conference. Presented January 6, 2009 in Orlando,FL. Proceedings published in ISSN Number 547-4836.<strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. “DOL’s Proposed Risk Assessment Standard.” American Society ofSafety Engineers, Region III Newsletter. Accepted September 18, 2008.Smith, Sally, Junker, Lisa, <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong>, et al. “Certification 101: EnvironmentalCredentials.” The Synergist: Vol. 14, No. 10, pp. 12-17, October 2003.Nelson, D.I., Mirer, F., Bratt, G. and <strong>Anderson</strong>, D.O.: “Risk Assessment in the Workplace.”The Occupational Environment: Its Evaluation, Control, and Management, 2 nd Ed. SalavatoreR. DiNardi, Ed. American Industrial Hygiene Association, ISBN 1-931504-43-1. 2003.<strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. and Webb, Terry L. “Firefighter’s Health and Safety During OverhaulOperations,” Occupational Health & Safety; Vol. 66, No. 8, August 1997.<strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. “Limiting Diisocyanate Exposure,” Occupational Health & Safety:Vol. 66, No. 1, pp 52 -54. January 1997.<strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O.: “Establishing an Ergonomics Program,” Workplace Ergonomics: pp.25 - 27, September/October, 1996.COPYWRIGHTED PUBLICATIONS<strong>Anderson</strong>, D.O., “Confined Space Safety,” 2011-2013. Prepared as partialrequirement for Navy Safety and Environmental Training Center Contract. (5Editions). Published by Advanced Environmental Services, Inc.<strong>Anderson</strong>, D.O., “Life Safety and Fire Prevention,” 2010-2012. Prepared as partialrequirement for Navy Safety and Environmental Training Center Contract. (4Editions). Published by Advanced Environmental Services, Inc.<strong>Anderson</strong>, D.O., “Introduction to Industrial Hygiene for the Safety Professional,”Student Manual and Reference Manual, 2008 - 2011. Prepared as partial requirementCurriculum Vitae for 7<strong>David</strong> O. <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>PhD</strong>, <strong>CIH</strong>, <strong>CSP</strong>, <strong>QEP</strong>, <strong>CPEA</strong> 7/13

for Navy Safety and Environmental Training Center Contract. (3 Editions).Published by Advanced Environmental Services, Inc.<strong>Anderson</strong>, D.O., “Respiratory Protection Program Management,” Student Manualand Reference Manual, 1998 – 2006. (4 Editions). Prepared as partial requirement forNavy Safety and Environmental Training Center Contract. Published by AdvancedEnvironmental Services, Inc.<strong>Anderson</strong>, D.O., “Introduction to Industrial Hygiene for the Safety Professional,”Student Manual and Reference Manual, 1999 – 2007. (3 Editions). Prepared as partialrequirement for Navy Safety and Environmental Training Center Contract. Publishedby Advanced Environmental Services, Inc.<strong>Anderson</strong>, D.O., “Principles of Safety Management,” Student Manual, 1999 – 2007.(4 Editions). Prepared as partial requirement for Navy Safety and EnvironmentalTraining Center Contract. Published by Advanced Environmental Services, Inc.SELECTED EXAMPLE PRESENTATIONS:PENDING:<strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O., “Impact of OSHA’s Globally Harmonized System (GHS) on SafetyManagement Curriculum,” Accepted by and scheduled for presentation, ATMAEConference, November, 2013, New Orleans, LA.PRESENTATIONS:Alexander, Christine and <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O., “Effectiveness of Ergonomics in Healthcare:Do I need an Ergonomics Program?” Submitted to Decision Sciences Institute, November,2012, San Francisco, CA.<strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. and Alexander, Christine, “Impact of OSHA’s Globally HarmonizedSystem (GHS) on Safety Management Curriculum,” Submitted to Decision Sciences Institute,November, 2012, San Francisco, CA.,Pinheiro, Angelo B. and <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. “A Review of Fire Protection and Life SafetyArrangements Onboard a Deepwater Oil and Gas Drilling Rig in the Gulf of Mexico”.Presented the ATMAE 2010 Conference, Panama City, FL, October 27-30, 2010.Cates, Steven V. and <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. “OSHA’s Effects on Human ResourceManagement”. International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines(IABPAD) Conference. Presented April, 2010, in Dallas, TX.Elam, Matthew, <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong>, Lamphere, Jess, and Wilkins, Robert. “ProcessImprovement Using Arena Simulation Software”. International Academy of Business andPublic Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Conference. Presented April, 2010, in Dallas,TX.Doan, Huy, Kim, Sukwon, and <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. “Noise Level Survey at On-CampusCurriculum Vitae for 8<strong>David</strong> O. <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>PhD</strong>, <strong>CIH</strong>, <strong>CSP</strong>, <strong>QEP</strong>, <strong>CPEA</strong> 7/13

Printshop and Critique”. XXIst Annual International Occupational Ergonomics and SafetyConference 2009 (ISOES). Presented June 12, 2009, in Dallas, TX.<strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. and <strong>Anderson</strong>, John D. “Case Study: Abrasive Blasting ExposureAssessment During Pipeline Construction”. XXIst Annual International OccupationalErgonomics and Safety Conference 2009 (ISOES). Presented June 12, 2009, in Dallas, TX.<strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>David</strong> O. “Technological Effects on Industrial Management for the 21 st Century.”Paper Number 141; International Academy of Business and Public AdministrationDisciplines (IABPAD) Conference. Presented April 24, 2009 in Dallas, TX.“Confined Space Training”, Value Products Group, Bonham, <strong>Texas</strong>, August, 2010.“Respiratory Protection and Fit Testing,” Value Products Group, Bonham, <strong>Texas</strong>,January, 2010 and January, 2009.“Chemical Weapons and Respiratory Protection,” presented to the Nevada LocalSection, American Industrial Hygiene Association. November 2005. Member andInvited Speaker.ACADEMIC COURSES / ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS:Assistant Professor: <strong>Texas</strong> A & M University – Commerce. Department of Engineeringand Technology. (Tenure-track). 2007 – Present.Chair, Institutional Biosafety Committee, <strong>Texas</strong> A & M University – Commerce.Department of Engineering and Technology. 2009 – Present.Faculty Senate Member, Fall 2011 – Present.Institutional Biosafety Officer, <strong>Texas</strong> A & M University – Commerce. 2010 – Present.Graduate Faculty Review Board, Department of Engineering and Technology, <strong>Texas</strong>A&M University-Commerce, 2012 – Present.Undergraduate Faculty Advisor, Technology Management, Department of Engineeringand Technology, <strong>Texas</strong> A & M University – Commerce. Department of IndustrialEngineering and Technology. 2007 – Present.Graduate Faculty Representative, Dissertation Proposals and Final Defenses, <strong>Texas</strong>A&M University – Commerce. 2007 – Present.Educational Committee Member, College of Business and Technology, <strong>Texas</strong> A & MUniversity – Commerce. 2009 - 2011.Curriculum Vitae for 9<strong>David</strong> O. <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>PhD</strong>, <strong>CIH</strong>, <strong>CSP</strong>, <strong>QEP</strong>, <strong>CPEA</strong> 7/13

On-Line Computer Training CoursesComputer-based training courses distributed and marketed by Eduneering, Inc. Princeton,N.J., Primary Author and Reviewer, 1999 – 2007.Courses were sold to various petrochemical, manufacturing, and service sectors as onlinetraining for employees. The courses developed and monitored are entitled:“Asbestos”“Benzene”“Personal Protective Equipment”“Respiratory Protection”ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS:American Industrial Hygiene AssociationNorth <strong>Texas</strong> Local Section, American Industrial Hygiene AssociationAmerican Academy of Industrial HygieneAmerican Society of Safety EngineersEast <strong>Texas</strong> Local Section, American Society of Safety EngineersBoard of Certified Safety ProfessionalsAir and Waste Management AssociationNorth <strong>Texas</strong> Section, Air and Waste Management AssociationBureau of Environmental AuditorsMember, Risk Assessment Committee, American Industrial Hygiene Association (1998-Present)OFFICES HELD:Member, Risk Assessment Committee, American Industrial Hygiene Association, (1998-Present).PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS:<strong>CIH</strong> - (Certified Industrial Hygienist) - American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH)Certification in the Comprehensive Practice of Industrial Hygiene (May 1979).Certificate Number 1526. Re-certified and Current.<strong>CSP</strong> – (Certified Safety Professional) - Board of Certified Safety Professionals (B<strong>CSP</strong>)Certification in the Comprehensive Practice of Safety (May 1994). Certificate Number12529. Re-certified and Current.<strong>QEP</strong> – (Qualified Environmental Professional) - Institute of Professional EnvironmentalPractice. Air and Waste Management Association. 1994. Certificate number 10960206.Re-certified and Current.<strong>CPEA</strong> – (Certified Professional Environmental Auditor) - Health and Safety, Board ofEnvironmental Auditors, 2000. Certificate Number 500615-166. Re-certified andCurriculum Vitae for 11<strong>David</strong> O. <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>PhD</strong>, <strong>CIH</strong>, <strong>CSP</strong>, <strong>QEP</strong>, <strong>CPEA</strong> 7/13

Current.Curriculum Vitae for 12<strong>David</strong> O. <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>PhD</strong>, <strong>CIH</strong>, <strong>CSP</strong>, <strong>QEP</strong>, <strong>CPEA</strong> 7/13

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