Arpita Mukherjee Ramneet Goswami January 2009 - icrier

Arpita Mukherjee Ramneet Goswami January 2009 - icrier

Arpita Mukherjee Ramneet Goswami January 2009 - icrier


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the automatic route, while the same is allowed for natural gas or LNG pipelines with the<br />

approval of the FIPB.<br />

In the renewable energy sector, up to 74 per cent foreign equity is allowed through a<br />

joint venture with Indian partners for financial and/or technical collaboration through the<br />

automatic route and 100 per cent foreign investment is allowed with the approval of the FIPB.<br />

Foreign investors can also set up a liaison office in India, and the government is encouraging<br />

foreign investors to set up renewable energy-based electricity generation projects on a buildown-and-operate<br />

basis.<br />

In the electricity sector, 100 per cent FDI is allowed in generation, transmission,<br />

distribution and electricity trading subject to the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003.<br />

In the nuclear energy sector, 74 per cent FDI is allowed for mining and mineral<br />

separation (through FIPB approval and subject to guidelines issued by the DAE), value<br />

addition and integrated projects (through joint ventures with central/state PSUs in which<br />

equity holding of at least one PSU is not less than 26 per cent). In exceptional cases, FDI<br />

beyond 74 per cent is permitted subject to clearance by the Atomic Energy Commission<br />

before FIPB approval.<br />

The FDI regime by sub-sectors is given below.<br />

Table 3.2.1: FDI Regime across different Energy Services<br />

W/120 CPC<br />

No.<br />

Description FDI Regime<br />

1.A.e 8672 Engineering services No cap and entry through automatic<br />

route<br />

1.A.f 8673 Integrated engineering services No cap and entry through automatic<br />

route<br />

1.C.a 85103 Research and experimental No cap and entry through automatic<br />

development services on natural route<br />

sciences and engineering and<br />

technology for casting, metal,<br />

machinery, electricity,<br />

communications, vessels, aircraft,<br />

civil engineering, construction,<br />

1.F.c 86509<br />

information, etc.<br />

Management consulting services No cap and entry through automatic<br />

route<br />

1.F.d 86601 Services related to management No cap and entry through automatic<br />

consulting<br />

route<br />

1.F.e 8676 Technical testing and analysis No cap and entry through automatic<br />

(partial) services<br />

route<br />

1.F.h 883 Services incidental to mining No cap and entry through automatic<br />

route<br />

5115 Site preparation work for mining No cap and entry through automatic<br />

route<br />

1.F.j 887 Services incidental to energy No cap and entry through automatic<br />

distribution<br />

route<br />


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