La piattaforma Prisma (presentazione) - Snam

La piattaforma Prisma (presentazione) - Snam

La piattaforma Prisma (presentazione) - Snam


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Conferimento di capacità Day-AheadSan Donato Milanese, 5 - 6 Marzo 2013snamretegas.it


I Introduzione – Evoluzione del Servizio di TrasportoEvoluzione modalità gestionali:GESTIONE CARTACEAPORTALE CAPACITA’Lug 2001 Giu 2006 Set 2008 Lug 2009 Dic 2011 Apr 20133


Riferimenti normativiDelibera AEEG 536/2012/R/gas• Dal 1 aprile 2013, conferimento di capacità giornaliera day-ahead presso PdE/PdU diTarvisio• Accesso garantito agli Utenti SRG:adempienti agli obblighi contrattuali del Codice di Rete edotati di adeguate garanzienon richiesta documentazione/informazioni sui contratti di importazione• Riferimento tariffario: corrispettivo mensile di capacità del PdE/PdU riproporzionatosu base giornaliera• Proposta di aggiornamento del Codice di Rete• AEEG-E-Control Guideline on a day-ahead allocation mechanism at the AT/IT border5

Riferimenti normativiAEEG- E-Control GuidelineCriteri in materia di conferimento di capacità (mercato primario):•offerta di capacità di trasporto giornaliera su base day-ahead presso il Punto di Tarvisio in formacongiunta (bundled) tra i TSO interconnessi•Offerta di capacità giornaliera interrompibile in subordine a capacità continua•Capacità congiunta determinata come il valore minore tra le capacità giornaliere disponibili inciascuno dei sistemi interconnessi•Adesione dei TSOs a <strong>piattaforma</strong> comune, accessibile agli utenti delle reti di trasporto dei TSOprevia abilitazione•Processo di conferimento con meccanismo d’asta secondo modalità del Codice CAM•Ripartizione del corrispettivo tra TSO secondo accordi approvati da NRAs•Sottoscrizione contratti, conferimento ed erogazione del servizio presso ciascun TSO6

Codice di ReteConferimento di capacità giornaliera presso i PdE/PdU interconnessi con l’esteroConferimento della capacità di trasportoCapitolo 5, par. 5.4, del Codice di ReteRiformulazione del programma giornaliero7

CAPITOLO 5Conferimento di capacità (1)Criteri di conferimento•Conferimento di capacità continua•Conferimento di capacità interrompibile a seguito di esaurimento capacità continua•Specifici requisiti per il conferimento•Utilizzo della <strong>piattaforma</strong> PRISMA•Assegnazione della capacità secondo criteri CAM procedure d’asta ‘a prezzo uniforme’ Prezzo di riserva (corrispettivo capacità mensile pro quota sul giorno) Selezione offerte secondo valore economico decrescente sino a capacità offerta SRG Premio d’asta (corrispettivo unitario offerto relativo all’ultima offerta selezionata) Valorizzazione delle offerte selezionate = prezzo di riserva + premio d’asta8

CAPITOLO 5Conferimento di capacità (2)Oggetto del conferimentoè la capacità per il trasporto di gas naturale sulla rete di SRG nel corso di un Giorno-gas:• presso TUTTI i PdE/PdU interconnessi con gasdotti esteri• Capacità Giornaliera Continua; e• in assenza di disponibilità di Capacità Giornaliera Continua, Capacita Giornaliera Interrompibile• Capacità espressa in Sm 3 /gDeterminazione della capacità di trasporto giornalierapresso PdE/PdU interconnessi con l’estero1. Capacità Giornaliera Continua = capacità non conferita per il Giorno-gas G2. Capacità Giornaliera Interrompibile = capacità non programmata nel Giorno-gas GPresso PdE/PdU di Tarvisio1. Capacità Giornaliera Continua = quota in forma congiunta + quota in forma non congiunta2. Capacità Giornaliera Interrompibile = quota in forma congiunta + quota in forma non congiunta9

CAPITOLO 5Conferimento di capacità (3)Determinazione della capacità di trasporto giornaliera Tarvisio: esempio *Capacità GiornalieraContinuaofferta da SRGSRGcapacità continuadisponibile per ilgiorno ‘G’TAGcapacità continuadisponibileper il giorno ‘G’in forma non congiuntain forma congiuntaCapacitàGiornalieraContinuaofferta da SRG* N.B. Schema esemplificativo al solo scopo di mostrare la determinazione della eventuale quota di capacità per il conferimento in forma noncongiunta10

CAPITOLO 5Processo di conferimento di capacità (1)Requisiti per la partecipazione al conferimento• Titolarità Contratto di Trasporto con SRG/credenziali di accesso Portale Capacità• Abilitazione Piattaforma PRISMA• Adeguatezza delle garanzie per il servizio di trasporto (Limite di Conferimento)• Rispetto obblighi del Codice condizione EPSu K< MEPSu K in regola con i pagamenti• Contratto di trasporto con TAG (in caso di richiesta di capacità in forma congiunta)• regole di allocazione presso il Punto definite e controfirmate dagli UtentiRichiesta• Impegnativa• Max 10 offerte per asta1. capacità oggetto dell’offerta di acquisto2. capacità minima accettabile3. corrispettivo unitario offerto (addizionale al Prezzo di Riserva)• Σ Offerte entro il Limite di Conferimento11

CAPITOLO 5Processo di conferimento di capacità (2)Assegnazione capacità di trasporto•Svolgimento di una o più aste in base a prodotto offerto richieste pervenuteEsito del conferimentoEsito dell’asta Esito del Conferimento• comunicazione a ciascun soggetto partecipante di: capacità conferita, e relativo corrispettivo• Pubblicazione esiti del conferimento in forma aggregata• Ai fini del conferimento di capacità congiunta verifica presso TSO interconnessoN.B. Nel rispetto delle Guideline, non viene dato corso al conferimento all’Utente in caso di mancata sottoscrizione delcontratto presso l’operatore interconnesso.12

Codice di ReteRiformulazione del programma giornalieroProcesso di conferimento di capacitàRiformulazione del programma giornalieroCapitolo 8, par. 6.7, del Codice di Rete13

CAPITOLO 8Riformulazione del programma giornaliero nel G-1Cicli di programmazione e riprogrammazione per il Giorno-gas GEntro le ore 19:00 del Giorno-gas G-1 l’Utente puòriformulare il proprio programma di trasporto per il GiornogasG presso tutti i Punti della rete di trasporto SRG.11:3012:00 13:00 14.00/16:00 17:30 19:00 21:30G-1 tBilancioprovvisorioTermineregistrazionial PSVChiusuradellaprenotazioneAggiornamentoinformazioniTSOConfermadellaprenotazioneChiusurariformulazionedellaprenotazioneEntro le ore 21:30 del Giorno-gas G-1 SRG effettua laverifica del programma così riformulato e comunicaall’Utente la relativa confermaConfermadellaprenotazioneN.B. <strong>La</strong> prenotazione di capacità congiunta presso SRG non comporta l’automatica prenotazione dicapacità presso sistemi interconnessi. E viceversa.14

CAPITOLO 8Riformulazione del programma giornaliero nel giorno Gciclo di riprogrammazione nel Giorno-gas G (chiusura ore 17:00)Entro le ore 17:00 del Giorno-gas G l’Utente può riformulare il proprioprogramma di trasporto per il Giorno-gas G presso i Punti diinterconnessione con lo stoccaggio e presso i punti di riconsegna14:00 16:00 16:30 17:0019:0020:00GPubblicazioneinformazioniTSOAggiornamentoinformazioniTSOTermineregistrazioniPSVriformulazionedellaprenotazioneHub stoccaggio +PdRAggiornamentoinformazioniTSOTermineOfferte Utentipresso PB-Gast15

Proposta di aggiornamento n. 18http://www.snamretegas.it/it/servizi/Codice_di_rete/Aree/aggiornamento.htmlGrazie per l’attenzione


AgendaASPETTI COMMERCIALI E APPLICATIVI SRG• Requisiti per il conferimento di capacità• Tempistiche Aste di capacità giornaliera day-ahead• L’offerta di capacità day-ahead• <strong>La</strong> richiesta di capacità day-ahead• Criteri di assegnazione• L’eventuale interruzione della capacità• Esiti conferimento sul Portale Capacità18

Requisiti per il conferimento di capacità (1/3)Requisiti per la partecipazione al conferimento• Titolarità Contratto di Trasporto con SRG/credenziali di accesso Portale Capacità• Abilitazione Piattaforma PRISMA• Adeguatezza delle garanzie per il servizio di trasporto (Limite di Conferimento)• Rispetto obblighi del Codice condizione EPSu K< 90% MEPSu K in regola con i pagamenti• Contratto di trasporto con TAG (in caso di richiesta di capacità in forma congiunta)• Regole di allocazione presso il Punto definite e controfirmate dagli Utenti19

Requisiti per il conferimento di capacità (2/3)Limite di Conferimento<strong>Snam</strong> Rete Gas determina ed invia giornalmente alla <strong>piattaforma</strong> PRISMA ilLimite di Conferimento per ogni Utente.Non sarà possibile per l’Utente effettuare offerte per il conferimento cheeccedono il suo Limite di Conferimento.Il Limite di Conferimento non si applica in caso di possesso di Rating Creditizio.20

Requisiti per il conferimento di capacità (3/3)Regola di allocazione<strong>La</strong> regola di allocazione presso il Punto deve essere registrata in Entry Allocation entro le 10:00 delgiorno G-121

Tempistiche Aste di capacità giornaliera day-aheadSono previste due sessioni di asta di capacità giornaliera:•1a sessione: capacità continua•2a sessione (eventuale): capacità interrompibile<strong>Snam</strong> Rete Gas pubblica i prodotti di capacità di trasporto oggetto di conferimento dayaheadin tempo utile per le richieste degli Utenti:•Sul sito di SRG•Tramite la <strong>piattaforma</strong> PRISMA (capacità convertite in KWh/h)22

L’offerta di capacità day-ahead1° Asta - Offerta <strong>Snam</strong> Rete GasCapacità GiornalieraContinuacontinuabundledcontinuaunbundled2° Asta - Offerta <strong>Snam</strong> Rete GasCapacità GiornalieraInterrompibile(Solo in caso di completa assegnazionecapacità continua)Interromp.bundledInterromp.unbundled23

<strong>La</strong> richiesta di capacità day-aheadRichiesta•Impegnativa•Max 10 offerte per asta1. capacità oggetto dell’offerta di acquisto2. capacità minima accettabile3. corrispettivo unitario offerto (addizionale al Prezzo di Riserva)•Σ Offerte entro il Limite di ConferimentoL’Utente può:•registrare fino a 10 richieste di acquisto per ogni prodotto offerto inasta (capacità-prezzo);•presentare, modificare o ritirare le richieste durante ciascunasessione d’asta;•indicare un quantitativo minimo di capacità da allocare in caso nonsia allocata tutta la capacità richiesta.24

Criteri di assegnazioneAlgoritmo Uniforme Price :•ordinamento delle offerte secondo i relativi prezzi decrescenti;•soddisfacimento delle richieste fino alla concorrenza della capacità offerta;•definizione del clearing price pari al prezzo dell’ultima offerta accettata;•applicazione del criterio pro-quota in caso di parità di prezzo di offerta e richiestesuperiori alla capacità offerta.Il corrispettivo applicato all’Utente sarà pari a:•somma del clearing price (premio d’asta) e del prezzo di riserva;• prezzo di riserva, in caso di richiesta totale uguale o inferiore alla capacità offerta.25

L’eventuale interruzione della capacità•<strong>La</strong> rinomina delle 19:00 è aperta a tutti gli Utenti anche non partecipanti alle aste.•L’utente può rinominare la capacità conferita, non nominata nel primo ciclo di nomina,che risulta assegnata su base interrompibile nella seconda sessione d’asta day-ahead.•<strong>La</strong> capacità interrompibile assegnata è ridotta pro-quota agli utenti aggiudicatari sullabase della rinomina, in caso di superamento della capacità complessivamente disponibile.•Il corrispettivo applicato tiene conto della riduzione di capacità.26

Esiti conferimento sul Portale Capacità (1/2)Attraverso apposita reportistica dedicata disponibile sul Portale Capacitàciascun Utente potrà visualizzare:•l’esito di tutte le aste di sua competenza;•le offerte di vendita di <strong>Snam</strong> Rete Gas;•le richieste di acquisto di sua competenza;•i quantitativi di capacità aggiudicati in esito all’asta;•il prezzo di assegnazione;•la tipologia di capacità;•il periodo di conferimento;•l’eventuale quota di capacità interrotta a valle del processo di rinomina.27

Esiti conferimento sul Portale Capacità (2/2)SNAM RETE GAS S.p.A. Cod.: 0020003054Auctions ReportHelp On LineOffer ID +Utente: Daniele Capizzi Deal ID +Auction ID +Direction Entry - Entry Point interconnected with foreign pipeline +Point Tarvisio - 35718301 +MENU' Shipper +Home Valid From - Valid To (Timeframe) 01/06/2012 01/06/2012+ Processi di Conferimento e transazioni Offer Status Not Assigned ++ Reportistica Request Status Not assigned+ Gestione Anagrafica+ Altre funzionalità+ Accesso Regime Bilanciamento+ Aste di Capacità Execute- Report Storico Assegnazioni AsteLINK UTILIWWW.SNAMRETEGAS.IT<strong>Snam</strong> Rete Gas S.p.A. 2009 - Partita IVA IT: n. 1023829100828

Aspetti commerciali e applicativi SRGhttp://www.snamretegas.it/it/servizi/Annotermico_2012_2013/Conferimento_Transizione_A_T_A_T_avviato/conferimenti_capacita_giornaliera_day_ahead.htmlGrazie per l’attenzione

Shipper Training SessionSan Donato Milanese,5 & 6 March

Agenda1 Welcome2 Basic Principles of PRISMA3 Role Definitions4 Registration5 Capacity Products6 Booking Process6.1 Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)6.2 Bundled Products Booking ProcessShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 31

WelcomeThe new platformPRISMA stands for an integrated European PRImary and Secondary MArketShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 32

Agenda1 Welcome2 Basic Principles of PRISMA3 Role Definitions4 Registration5 Capacity Products6 Booking Process6.1 Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)6.2 Bundled Products Booking ProcessShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 33

Basic principles of PRISMAPRISMA shareholdersFollowing TSOs are shareholders of PRISMA:Austria:Belgium:Denmark:France:Germany:Italy:BOG, Gas Connect Austria, TAGGRTgazFluxys BelgiumEnerginet.dkBayernets, Gastransport Nord, Fluxys Tenp, GascadeGastransport, Gasunie Deutschland Transport Services, GRTgazDeutschland, Nowega, ONTRAS, Open Grid Europe, terranets bw,Thyssengas<strong>Snam</strong> Rete GasThe Netherlands: Gasunie Transport ServicesPRISMA is an open cooperation that allows all European TSOs to participate in thecooperationShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 34

Basic principles of PRISMABackground of the initiativeForeseeably in 2015, the Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms(developed by ENTSOG) will come into force for all European countries.The goal of the platform is an early implementation of the Network Code on CAMThe new platform will serve for the booking of primary capacity products on all IPs of adjacentEntry Exit Systems in accordance with CAM.−−Primary market features for points out of the scope of CAM can be envisaged.In addition the platform will be able to handle regional regulatory specifics ofdifferent countries (e.g. FCFS).The partners are also working on the secondary market functionalities to be offered on the newplatform.April 2013, GO-live of initial platform, releases with new features foreseen in thefutureNot all of the products will be available right awayUntil NC CAM comes into force the platform will also handle regional regulatory specificsof different countriesShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 35

Basic principles of PRISMATimeline PRISMA primaryPRISMA creation,New websites &Additional registrationinformation on theplatform<strong>La</strong>unch of theEuropean CapacityPlatform PRISMA& auction startFirst YearlyAuction onPRSIMA primary*Registrationstart forEuropean TSOsStart of rollingMonth-Ahead andDay-Aheadauctions*First QuarterlyAuction onPRISMA primary*Start of Within-Day Auctions**Jan2013FebAprilMayJune2014 2015* Restrictions of TSOs can be seen in separate Interconnection Point Overview that will be available in the downloadsection of the platform** Start of within-day auctions scheduled for 2014 but not fixed yetShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 36

Basic principles of PRISMAApplication of ENTSOG Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (CAM)CAM applies to all interconnection points between adjacent Entry/Exit Systems (EE IPs)Standard Products regarding auction calendar:Annual Yearly (first auction envisaged: May 2013 (extraordinary with some TSOs),March 2014 (ordinary) Annual Quarterly (first auction envisaged: June 2013) Rolling Month-Ahead (first auction envisaged: April 2013) Rolling Day-ahead (first auction envisaged: April 2013) Within-Day (foreseen first auction earliest 2014/2015)Domestic Points can be marketed on the platform on FCFS Basis, if neededFCFS process part of the platformFirm and Interruptible Products will be auctioned at EE IPsInterim period until CAM becomes effective due to national legislation possibleShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 37

Basic principles of PRISMAMarketing structureShipper AShipper BBookingTSO 1AuctionTSO 3RegistrationTSO 1, TSO 4AuctionTSO 1BookingTSO 4Capacity PlatformTSO 1 TSO 2…TSO NThe platform offers two different market models (auctions and first-come-first-servedbookings). Additionally, standardized registration, network and contract informationservices are available.Shipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 38

Basic principles of PRISMAOverview of the functionalities of PRISMA primaryPRISMA PlatformShipperregistrationOverviewof interconnectionpointsDisplay ofcontractpositionsFCFS BookingsBookingrequest toTSODisplay offreecapacitiesBookingOverviewof auctionsCapacity Bundling,Upgrade,SurrenderAuctionsExecutionof auctionsProcessingof auctionresultsShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 39

Agenda1 Welcome2 Basic Principles of PRISMA3 Role Definitions4 Registration5 Capacity Products6 Booking Process6.1 Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)6.2 Bundled Products Booking ProcessShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 40

Role DefinitionsPlatform RolesPlatformOperatorPlatformAdminTSO Shipper EveryoneTSOAdminTSOUserUserGuest(unregistered)Guest (unregistered) Everyone – No registration and login is required. Guests can look at all the published data as well as atall publicly available information.Shipper User Shipper role with the right to trade capacities with the TSOs. A shipper can have multiple users.TSO User Role for performing non-configurative tasks for the TSOs like activating/deactivating transportcustomers.TSO Admin Admin role for the configuration of TSO specific values and the management of documents.Platform Admin Super user of the platform used for support and operations. This user can not trade.Shipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 41

Role DefinitionsRole rights matrixShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 42

Agenda1 Welcome2 Basic Principles of PRISMA3 Role Definitions4 Registration5 Capacity Products6 Booking Process6.1 Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)6.2 Bundled Products Booking ProcessShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 43

RegistrationThe Registration ProcessA single user of a shipper can only acquire transport capacities on theplatform and on behalf of their company once they have been activated bythe respective TSO.Users of a shipper who would like to join the platform have to pass theregistration process.If a shipper company is not yet registered, the registration of the shippertakes place with the registration of its first user. A separate registration ofthe shipper company is not possible.If no longer needed, the shippers as well as their users can be deactivatedIn order to register to the platform shippers need an EIC CodeAfter a registration the user receives a personal account and token.The account must not be shared with other company members and thetoken is not transferrable to other users!Shipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 44

RegistrationRegistration facts for the new platformDoes a shipper already registered to TRAC-X primary have to re-registerto PRISMA primary?Customers successfully registered to the former TRAC-X primary do not have to re-register toPRISMA primaryBut: shippers need to submit additional information to allow the platform to comply with Europeanstandards for shipper identificationEIC Code (substitutes DVGW-Code as primary key)VAT NumberIBANBICAfter logging in with the usual authentication method (user name, token-code) the platform will askfor the additional information.An EIC Code can be obtained at the Central Office or one of the national offices. For a full list, seehttp://www.eiccodes.euPlease note that you will need to enter this information until 15 th March 2013, otherwise youwill not be able to book capacities on PRISMA primary from 1 April 2013.Shipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 45

RegistrationProcess modelShipperRegistrationrequest(online)EnteringIdentificationCodeEnteringextendedmaster data(for a newcompany)Addingmaster data(user-based)AcceptingPRISMAprimaryGTCsSelectingTSOsAcceptingGTCs of TSO(link to TSOhomepage)Filling outand sendingTSO specificdocumentsPRISMAprimaryManualEvaluationof EIC/othercodesDoes thecompanyalreadyexist onPRISMA?noForwardingcustomermaster data toTSO*ProvidingTSO specificdocuments(mandate/creditrating)*Activatingshipper userfor TSO onPRISMAprimaryTSOAddingshipperdata insystemCheckingmandate /credit ratingActivation* When requested by TSOShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 46

RegistrationUser interfaceIn case a shipper is not yet registered on PRISMA primary, the registration of theshipper takes place with the registration of the first shipper user.A separate registration of the shipper company is not possible.1Enter EIC Code2Information to apply foran EIC CodeShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 47

RegistrationUser interfaceStep 1: Check and complete the company dataEnter company data1Shipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 48

RegistrationUser interfaceStep 2: Check and completion of the contact persons1Add more contacts for theshipper company (e.g.Dispatching, Billing). It ismandatory to add at leastone contact per category.Enter the detailsof further contactpersons23Shipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 49

RegistrationUser interfaceStep 3: Enter the user detailsEnter userdetails12Shipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 50

RegistrationUser interfaceStep 4: Select one or more TSOsAlternative 1:Select allTSOsAlternative 2:Select individualTSOsFor a successfulregistration the GTCsof the selected TSOsneed to be acceptedSNAM Rete GasS.p.A.Shipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 51

RegistrationUser interfaceStep 5: Check your entered data and enter national identifiersChecking the enteredinformation1<strong>Snam</strong> Rete GasEnter national identifiercodes, e.g. DVGW code(depends on the TSOsyou selected).2Shipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 52

RegistrationUser interfaceAfter the registration you will receive a registration confirmation by PRISMAYou will be informed about more required documents for the TSOsShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 53

RegistrationFinalise registration & following steps1The shipper user sends all required documents to theTSO (set by each TSO: e.g. mandate/ solvency check).Filling outand sendingTSO specific… documents 12The TSO checks the documents and activatesthe shipper user.3Activatingshipper userfor TSO onPRISMAprimary3With activation by the first TSO the shipper willbe sent a token (electronic PIN generator) withwhich the user can log onto PRISMA primary.The shipper user is now able to trade on theprimary capacity platform.2Checkingmandate /credit ratingActivationShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 54

Agenda1 Welcome2 Basic Principles of PRISMA3 Role Definitions4 Registration5 Capacity Products6 Auction Booking Process6.1 Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead))6.2 Bundled Products Booking ProcessShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 55

Capacity ProductsGeneralThere are yearly, quarterly, month-ahead and day-ahead products.Where possible capacity will be bundled.Firm and interruptible capacity will be auctionedInterruptible capacity can be converted to firm capacityReturn/surrender of firm capacity is possible*Shipper Training Session* At the moment not relevant in the Italian market05&06.03.2013 | Chart 56

Capacity ProductsGeneralAll products are auctioned at predefined (different) points in time that can be found inthe auction calendar.The publication of the specific products which will be auctioned takes place in due timebefore the auction starts (1 month for annual products, 1 week for quarterly andmonthly products, no advance publication for day-ahead products).There are two different algorithms for actions: the ascending clock auction algorithm foryearly, quarterly, and month-ahead products and the uniform-price algorithm for dayaheadproducts.The ascending clock auction takes place in at least one bidding round (is the demandin the first bidding round higher than the capacity offered more bidding rounds will beused).The duration of an ascending clock bidding round is one hour (exception: duration ofthe first bidding round is three hours)The number of bidding rounds in an ascending clock auction that are needed until anallocation is possible depends on the course of the auction.Day-ahead capacity is auctioned in a single bidding round via the uniform pricealgorithmInterruptible capacity auctions are optional until NC CAM comes into force and are untilthen subject to national variationsShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 57

Capacity ProductsAuction typesMonthly, Quarterly and Yearly products are auctioned by using an ascendingclockauctioning processAuctioning takes place in (multiple) bidding rounds.In each bidding round a bid for a certain quantity of capacity at a given price issubmitted.The price steps are determined by the platform.Day-Ahead products are auctioned in a process using the uniform-pricealgorithmThere is only one bidding round.A shipper can submit up to 10 bids per auction.The platform evaluates all bids in a descending-order according to their price.The lowest price of all awarded bids is considered the clearing price.Shipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 58

Capacity ProductsAuction Times OverviewProductFrequency ofauctionsNumber ofproducts perauctionStart of theauctionBidding roundPublicationamount ofcapacityPublication ofallocationresults toindividualsAuctionalgorithmYearQuarterannualY1 to Y15Q1 to Q4Auction Calendar for firm capacity products1st Mondayof March1st Mondayof JuneMonth monthly M1 3rd MondayFirst round 3h:09:00-12:00Then 1h:13:00-14:0015:00-16:0017:00-18:001 month beforethe auctionstarts*1 week beforethe auctionstarts *Day daily D1 16:30 16:30-17:00 * 16:30no later thannext businessday *no later than30 minutes *Ascending ClockauctionUniform PriceauctionAuction Calendar for interruptible capacity productsY,Q,M see above see aboveThe day afterclosure ofrespective firmproduct 09:00.see aboveThe day afterclosure ofrespective firmproduct (7:00)no later thannext businessday *Ascending ClockauctionDay daily D1 17:30 17:30-18:00At the timethe auctionstartsno later than30 minutes *Uniform Priceauction*09:00 *after closing ofthe bidding roundTime zone for all times: CE(S)T – Central European (Summer) TimeShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 59

Capacity ProductsAuction Calendar for Day-Ahead ProductsMarketing of dayaheadD+1 (e.g.Tue for Wed)constantlyFeb MarApr MaytD for D+1Parameter Calendar entry Valid for:Publication FIRM: On the day of the auction until 16:30CE(S)TD+1INTERRUPTIBLE: On the day of the auction until17:30 CE(S)TStart of auctionFIRM: Recurring daily 16:30 CE(S)TD+1INTERRUPTIBLE: If offered, daily 17:30 CE(S)TFirst auction 01 April 2013 02 April 2013Shipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 60

Capacity ProductsBidding roundsYearly, quarterly and monthly products Day 1:09:00 – 12:00 1 st bidding round12:00 – 13:00 processing & publishing13:00 – 14:00 2 nd bidding round14:00 – 15:00 processing & publishing[…]17:00 – 18:00 4 th bidding round As of day 2:09:00 – 10:00 5th bidding round10:00 – 11.00 processing & publishing[…]17:00 – 18:00 x bidding roundDay-Ahead productsSingle-step approach (uniform priceauction algorithm) Start 16:30Bid-list allowing max. 10 additivebids„Fill-or-kill“ option subject tominimum amount conditionPro-rata allocation in case ofequally-ranked bids Price increment € 0,00001Same price for all successfulbiddersShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 61

Capacity ProductsAuction calendarThe auction calendar can be found in the customer centreThe auction calendar gives an overview of the auction starts and the auctionpublication dates as well as the transport duration of the productsThe overview of thedifferent dates can befiltered by productsShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 62

Agenda1 Welcome2 Basic Principles of PRISMA3 Role Definitions4 Registration5 Capacity Products6 Booking Process6.1 Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)6.2 Bundled Products Booking ProcessShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 63

Booking ProcessOptions for booking capacityTwo possibilities to book capacities on PRISMA primary: At Interconnection Points (Market area interconnection points and Cross-Borderpoints) firm capacity is marketed via auctions. Interruptible capacity will, until NC CAM comes into force, only be offered bysome TSOs via auctions. The German TSOs still offer to book capacities according to the “first-come-firstserved“principle (FCFS) at points to end consumers, production and storagefacilities (Grid Access Points). Furthermore, you can book interruptible capacitiesaccording to the FCFS principle at German Interconnection Points.Different possibilities to start one of the booking processes:Auction overview : From a list of all available auctions you can directly accessthe screen for submitting a bid for a certain auction (booking process I)Master data browser for interconnection points: see next slideShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 64

Booking ProcessMaster data browser for interconnection pointsThe master data browser can be found in the section „Network Information“Search for networkpoints according tocertain criteriaDisplays the differentpossible actions thatare available at aspecific network pointShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 65

Booking ProcessMaster data browser for interconnection pointsWhen you select an interconnection point all details of this point are displayed.In case of a bundled interconnection point a link will guide you to the two involvedunbundled interconnection points.<strong>Snam</strong> Rete GasTarvisioItalyEntry<strong>Snam</strong> Rete Gas0Shipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 50 66

Agenda1 Welcome2 Basic Principles of PRISMA3 Role Definitions4 Registration5 Capacity Products6 Booking Process6.1 Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)6.2 Bundled Products Booking ProcessShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 67

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Process mapShipperSubmit a bidReceiveconfirmationPlatformStart auctionEvaluatebiddingroundSend resultto TSO andShipperPublishresultTSOEvaluateavailablecapacityDesignstandardproductsTransfer toplatformBook capacityand setupcontractShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 68

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Day-Ahead bidding processPlacing bidssurchargeBidder AAvailablecapacitysurchargeBidder BAvailablecapacityA1A2Pricecomponent ofa bidB1B2B3amountamountVolumecomponent ofa bidShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 69

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Day-Ahead bidding processPlacing bidssurchargeBidder AAvailablecapacityMinimumamountssurchargeBidder BAvailablecapacityA1A2Pricecomponent ofa bidB1B2B3amountamountVolumecomponent ofa bidShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 70

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Day-Ahead bidding processPlacing bidssurchargeBidder AAvailablecapacitysurchargeBidder BAvailablecapacityA1A2B1B2B3amountamountRanking according to price componentssurchargeAvailablecapacityA1B1A2B2B3amountShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 71

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Day-Ahead bidding processDetermination of the Clearing PriceExample 1: Fill-or-kill: „fill“surchargeAvailablecapacityA1B1A2B2B3Shipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 72

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Day-Ahead bidding processDetermination of the Clearing PriceExample 1: Fill-or-kill: „fill“surchargeAvailablecapacitysurchargeAvailablecapacityA1B1A2B2B3amountA1B1A2B2XB3amountB2 = equilibrium bidMinimum amount < rest B2 filled B3: price component < clearing price No consideration of B3Shipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 73

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Day-Ahead bidding processDetermination of the Clearing PriceExample 1: Fill-or-kill: „fill“surchargeAvailablecapacitysurchargeAvailablecapacityA1B1A2B2B3amountA1B1A2B2XB3amountB2 = equilibrium bidMinimum amount < rest B2 filledClearing price = price component of B2 B3: price component < clearing price No consideration of B3Shipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 74

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Day-Ahead bidding processDetermination of the Clearing PriceExample 2: Fill-or-kill: „kill“surchargeAvailablecapacityA1B1A2B2B3amountShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 75

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Day-Ahead bidding processDetermination of the Clearing PriceExample 2: Fill-or-kill: „kill“surchargeAvailablecapacitysurchargeAvailablecapacityA1B1A2B2B3A1B1A2B3XB2amountamount B3 = equilibrium bid Full allocation B2: Minimum amount > rest B2 killedShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 76

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Day-Ahead bidding processDetermination of the Clearing PriceExample 2: Fill-or-kill: „kill“surchargeAvailablecapacitysurchargeAvailablecapacityA1B1A2B2B3A1B1A2B3XB2amountamount B3 = equilibrium bid Full allocationClearing price = price component of B3 B2: Minimum amount > rest B2 killedShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 77

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Day-Ahead bidding processDetermination of the Clearing PriceExample 3: Pro-rata allocation between equally ranked bidssurchargeAvailablecapacityA1B1A2B2A3amountShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 78

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Day-Ahead bidding processDetermination of the Clearing PriceExample 3: Pro-rata allocation between equally ranked bidssurchargeAvailablecapacitysurchargeAvailablecapacityA1B1A2A1B1A2B2A3B2A3amountamountPro-rata allocation between B2 and A3as long as minimum amount condition isfulfilled for both bidsShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 79

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Day-Ahead bidding processDetermination of the Clearing PriceExample 3: Pro-rata allocation between equally ranked bidssurchargeAvailablecapacitysurchargeAvailablecapacityA1B1A2A1B1A2B2A3B2A3amountamountClearing price = price component of B2 or A3respectivelyPro-rata allocation between B2 and A3as long as minimum amount condition isfulfilled for both bidsShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 80

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Day-Ahead bidding processDetermining the Clearing PriceClearing price in case of no intersection between demand curve and availablecapacityIn general, the market clearing price equals the price component of the lowestsuccessful bidIn case no intersection between demand curve and supply curve (available capacity)exists, the starting price of the respective auction (e.g. regulated tariff) will beconsidered as the clearing pricetariff / surchargeAvailablecapacityClearing price = starting priceA1B1amountShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 81

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Details of a Day-Ahead auctionFor day-ahead auctions a simplified auctioning method is used.This means that there is only one bidding round in which you enter the desiredcapacity that you are prepared to buy up to a certain price. It is possible to place up to10 bids per shipper for a day-ahead auction.Enter your bidEnter yourmaximum capacityamountEnter yourminimum capacityamountShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 82

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Comfort Function for Day-Ahead auctionsBy using the so-called day-ahead comfort function you have the possibility to submitbids for day-ahead auctions in advance.The comfort function can be started from the auction details screen or from “Comfortbids” in the “My PRISMA primary” sectionCreating anewcomfort bidin advanceShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 83

Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)Comfort Function for Day-Ahead auctionsWhen using the comfort function for day-ahead auctions you have to select a timeperiod during which you want to automatically use your defined bid for certain dayaheadproducts.Entering a time period inwhich a bid is placedautomatically for a dayaheadproductShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 84

Agenda1 Welcome2 Basic Principles of PRISMA3 Role Definitions4 Registration5 Capacity Products6 Booking Process6.1 Uniform Auction Process (Day-Ahead)6.2 Booking Process for Bundled ProductsShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 85

Booking Process for Bundled ProductsBundled capacity processTSO 1 PRISMA Shipper* Bilateralcoordinationbetween TSOsCreate & matchbundled andunbundledproductsUpload rawdata orstandardproductAssign productsto auctionroundsStart auctionBookcapacity[ ]Receive auctionresultSend result toshipper andTSOSetupcontractReceivecontract fromTSO 1Receivecontract fromTSO 2TSO 2* Bilateralcoordinationbetween TSOsUpload rawdata orstandardproductBookcapacitySetupcontractShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 86

Booking Process for Bundled ProductsBundled capacity: tariffingThe payable price after auction consists of:Regulated capacity tariff TSO 1+ Additional fees TSO1+ Regulated capacity tariff TSO2information from TSOs+ Additional fees TSO2= Starting price+ Auction premium(Surcharge through price steps)division factor between TSO1 & TSO2(default 50% / 50%)= Payable price for shipperShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 87

Booking Process for Bundled ProductsAuction DetailsThe bundling of capacities takes place at all possible interconnection pointsIn case of a bundled auction you will be informed about it in various placesThe way a bundled product is displayed is different that of an unbundled product2 interconnectionpoints, market areas,TSOs, capacity types,prices etc. are shownShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 88

Booking Process for Bundled ProductsSubmitting a bidWhen submitting a bid for a bundled product you have to accept the GTCs for eachTSO and enter (optionally) a balancing group / portfolio code for each TSO.Enter a balancing groupfor TSO 1 (dependingon the TSO optional ormandatory)Enter a balancing groupfor TSO 2 (dependingon the TSO optional ormandatory)Accept the GTCs ofTSO1 & TSO 2Shipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 89

ContactContact informationInformation before registering on the platformPRISMA HotlineTel.: +49 341 699 2990 66primary@prisma-capacity.euFor technical issues after registrationUser Help DeskTel.: +49 341 699 2990 69support-primary@prisma-capacity.euFor TSO related issuesPlease call your individual TSO contactShipper Training Session05&06.03.2013 | Chart 90

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