LaTeX Beamer, xfig, xmgrace

LaTeX Beamer, xfig, xmgrace

LaTeX Beamer, xfig, xmgrace


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February 25, 2010 CAPS 490-11 Spring 20101. Sample File(s) for Latex <strong>Beamer</strong>In-Class Work: Talk ToolsCopy~kvollmay/classes.dir/capstone_s2010.dir/talks_graphics.dir/beamer_example.tex~kvollmay/classes.dir/capstone_s2010.dir/talks_graphics.dir/fig1.eps~kvollmay/classes.dir/capstone_s2010.dir/talks_graphics.dir/fig2.eps~kvollmay/classes.dir/capstone_s2010.dir/talks_graphics.dir/fig3.epsinto your working directory. Have a look at beamer_example.tex.2. CompileThe commands for compiling this sample file and for looking at the resulting pdf-file areas comments at the beginning of beamer_example.tex. Since I will teach you graphictools with which you will make eps-files, choose option (A). Paste the commands on thecommand line and hit Enter.3. Adjust For Your Talk Copy the beamer_example.tex to a second tex-file whichwill be for your talk. Change the title to the title of your talk and similarly change author,date and sections.4. <strong>xfig</strong>Main commands I will guide you through: To get started: Type on the command line:<strong>xfig</strong>This will open a new window. I will guide you through drawing tools: background grid,circle, line, text, picture, grouping, scaling, copying, editing. To save an <strong>xfig</strong> session useFile → SaveAs and give your <strong>xfig</strong>-file a name ending with .fig. You can get back to thissession any time on the command line with <strong>xfig</strong> filename.fig or within <strong>xfig</strong> with File→ Open. To make an eps-file out of your figure use File → Export, make sure to choose“EPS (Encapsulated Postscript)” and choose the same filename but with the ending .eps.(This eps-file can then be included in your latex file for the paper and similarly into yourlatex beamer file.)Comment to advanced <strong>xfig</strong> users: In case you would like to use latex commandswithin <strong>xfig</strong>, please use the link on our capstone course web page “Computer Tools(PHYS329/330 Junior Lab)”. In the section for <strong>xfig</strong> use the link “Using <strong>LaTeX</strong> using<strong>xfig</strong>” and on that page go all the way to the last section “How to use <strong>LaTeX</strong> within <strong>xfig</strong>- Perl Script Option”. Use <strong>xfig</strong>2eps.Start making a figure which you will use for your talk (and/or paper). Even if your figureis not finished yet, safe the fig-file and make an eps-file of your figure and include it inyour latex beamer file.

5. <strong>xmgrace</strong>To have some data and an example xmgr-file copy~kvollmay/classes.dir/capstone_s2010.dir/talks_graphics.dir/Noft_Moore.data~kvollmay/classes.dir/capstone_s2010.dir/talks_graphics.dir/Noft_vonNeumann.data~kvollmay/classes.dir/capstone_s2010.dir/talks_graphics.dir/fsqt.xmgrTo get started with <strong>xmgrace</strong> type on the command line <strong>xmgrace</strong> &. To pull in a datasetuse Data → Import → ASCII and under Selection add Noft_Moore.data then click OK.I will show you next: data: labels, symbols, line symbols, axis changes: line width, labelincl. size and frequency, and legend positioning. To save an <strong>xmgrace</strong> session use File →SaveAs (use a filename which ends with .xmgr). It is important to use SaveAs the firsttime because default is to overwrite your data-file! For the second time saving you mayuse Save. To continue an <strong>xmgrace</strong> session use File → Open. To make an eps-file useFile → Print setup and choose as device EPS. This only sets up the printing, do getthe eps-file printed use File → Print.You may also want to play some with the example fsqt.xmgr. Make a figure of N(t)with the Noft_Moore.data which would satisfy the expectations on figures for scientificpublications and talks. Make an eps-file and include it in your latex beamer file. If timeis left you may also want to play some with fsqt.xmgr.6. Picture From Screen To make an eps-file of any part of your screen (e.g. of aDynamicLattice picture) use on the command lineimport picturefilename.epsand use the left mouse button to pick the area (drag & let go). This will create the filepicturefilename.eps.

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