December 2010 - Allegheny West Magazine

December 2010 - Allegheny West Magazine

December 2010 - Allegheny West Magazine


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BY PAT JENNETTEPHOTOS BY DAVE KNOERIf a picture says a thousand words, these picturessurely tell a story that could be a book.And, if angels do exist, then Lloyd and Patty Faux ofClinton would be among them.Since 1993, the annual Christmas Light-Up Celebrationin Clinton Park, Findlay Township, has dazzled thousandsof visitors who come to drive through this one-mile lightextravaganza.There are no major sponsors, although there are manygood-hearted businesses and organizations in theneighborhood who donate products,services, equipment, and in some cases,cash, to help.Christmas in the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Allegheny</strong>neighborhood isn’t complete without a visitto the light display.It is a true labor of love, spearheadedby Lloyd and Patty, 80 and 74 respectively,and with the help of local residents,youths, scout troops, moms, and schoolchildren who help string the lights, carrythe decorations out of the shed, put itemsin place, and do whatever is needed tobring it back to life each season.The vision and inspiration for theChristmas Light-Up Celebration began in1993 as the couple and others visualized the park lit upin celebration of the birth of Christ at Christmas.Its mission is simple: to generate unity within thecommunity by celebrating the Christmas spirit together.And its goal is simple: to help those who are in physical,emotional, spiritual, and financial need as well asorganizations, individuals, and groups who need suchsupport.Many have donated over the years, either throughtheir time, talents, or dollars. All money raised goes rightback into the community to help with a variety of differentTHE DETAILS:Clinton ParkFindlay TownshipRoute 30, 1/2 mile westof ClintonPost OfficeDaily, 5-10 p.m.,including holidays$7/car<strong>West</strong> <strong>Allegheny</strong> ShowChoir performs in thepark on <strong>December</strong> 11(724) 899-3602needs and activities. On average, the group donates about$20,000 annually.Among the beneficiaries have included a diverse group ofcharities, groups with various needs, families or individualswith serious health challenges, and scholarships forstudents.Early on, the volunteers formed a committee to ensurethe funds are disbursed each spring, and throughout theyear on a case by case basis.“We try to help others in our own neighborhoods whoneed it, and are glad to donate when thesituation arises where someone is in aserious situation,” Lloyd explained.After New Year’s Day, weather permitting,volunteers, coordinated by Lloyd andPatty, head back out to the park to beginthe dismantling process. It’s akin to takingdown one’s Christmas decorations, buthundreds of times over.What’s more, after the park project is inplace, Lloyd and Patty put up their owndecorations at their home just down thestreet from the park on Route 30.Findlay Township worked with Lloyd andPatty to provide a parcel within the parkthat enabled the Light-Up committee topurchase and build a large storage barn where thedecorations can be stored until next year.Said Patty, “We always need help setting up the display inthe fall and taking it down in the winter.”This all-volunteer community gem that started with avision has become an integral part of the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Allegheny</strong>neighborhood during the Christmas season.BELOW: Some of the displays arepurchased and donated to theevent by families who wish tohonor the memory of a loved oneLEFT: Patty Faux greets a visitor atthe gate.BELOW:Children can drop their letters toSanta in his special mailbox whenthey come with their families to seethe lights; the Santa Claus displaywas created in memory of the lateRoger Mance of Imperial, who wasknown as the community’s SantaClaus for many years;<strong>December</strong> <strong>2010</strong> <strong>Allegheny</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> 53

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