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FREEDOM<strong>Access</strong>-a-<strong>Ride</strong>FOR YOURTD’s <strong>Access</strong>-a-<strong>Ride</strong>service provides transitoptions for peoplewith disabilities.Contact us for moreinformation about routes,schedules, fares, and services.303.299.6000TDD 303.299.6089rtd-denver.comm.rtd-denver.comRegional Transportation District1600 Blake StreetDenver, Colorado 80202<strong>Access</strong>-a-<strong>Ride</strong> providestransportation alternatives toindividuals with disabilities whoqualify for certification underthe guidelines established bythe Americans with DisabilitiesAct (ADA) of 1990.La información contenida en estefolleto esta a disposición en español.Llame al numero 303.299.6000.Effective 1.1.20113221-03-01- <strong>Access</strong>-a-<strong>Ride</strong> Brochure 1/11 DB 5005

LET US HELP YOU GET THERE<strong>Access</strong>-a-<strong>Ride</strong>In this busy world, weall have places to goand things to do.<strong>Access</strong>-a-<strong>Ride</strong> provides localbus transportation for peoplewith disabilities. We helpindividuals who cannot accessour fixed-route bus and lightrail system to maintain theirfreedom to travel aroundthe metro area.Where can I go on <strong>Access</strong>-a-<strong>Ride</strong>?<strong>Access</strong>-a-<strong>Ride</strong> offers flexible optionsto fit all types of needs. You canschedule a trip within Adams,Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver,Douglas and Jefferson counties, as longas your starting point and destinationare within 3/4 mile of RTD’s Localfixed-route transit system. Somerestrictions apply; call 303.299.2960for details.Available services<strong>Access</strong>-a-<strong>Ride</strong> is available during thesame days and hours as our Localbus service. We offer curbside anddoor-to-door service with driverassistance if requested, as well assubscriptions for passengers who makeregular trips to the same destination.Once you’ve been approved, use ourconvenient reservation system to bookyour travel at least one day and upto three days in advance, as tripsare pre-scheduled.<strong>Access</strong>-a-<strong>Ride</strong> fares (one-way)Local Express Regional DIA$4.50 $8.00 $10.00 $26.00<strong>Access</strong>-a-<strong>Ride</strong> fares can be paid in cash,with exact change or with 10-<strong>Ride</strong> ticketsat time of boarding. An aide who accompaniesa disabled passenger rides free. Passengerswith <strong>Access</strong>-a-<strong>Ride</strong> IDs ride free on all otherRTD fixed-route bus and light rail service.Who is eligible for <strong>Access</strong>-a-<strong>Ride</strong>?To travel on <strong>Access</strong>-a-<strong>Ride</strong>, you mustmeet one of the following criteria:1 Be unable to get to and froma bus stop or on and off alift-equipped bus by yourselfHave a cognitive disability thatprohibits your understanding ofhow to complete bus trips2 Apply todayYou must complete a functionalevaluation, in person, and provide aphysician’s statement to verify yourdisability. Once approved, you willreceive a photo ID card, whichyou must show to the driver ateach boarding.Learn more about the<strong>Access</strong>-a-<strong>Ride</strong> applicationprocess. Please contact us,Monday – Friday,8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.303.299.2960TTY 303.299.2980rtd-denver.com

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