Full report (pdf) - People's Union for Civil Liberties

Full report (pdf) - People's Union for Civil Liberties

Full report (pdf) - People's Union for Civil Liberties

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Following the raid the Probationary Dy. S. P.stated that some of the accused revealed thatthey worked at Suraksha and so theProbationary Dy. S. P. immediately went tothe Suraksha office where without a searchwarrant he conducted a search of thepremises. Finding nothing after a cursoryexamination of the records of Suraksha,which included confidential in<strong>for</strong>mation ofsexworkers including their area of residence,area of operation, health status, he left thepremises.The version of the arrested women.We briefly reproduce the statements by thearrested women on the events of the 2ndJune, 2007.Chikkathayamma (Drop-In-Centre (DIC)Supervisor at Suraksha): I have been incharge of condom distribution and HIVtraining <strong>for</strong> 3 years at Suraksha. I am 40 yearsold. I contested the village panchayatelections and won as an independent, andwas working as a gram panchayat member. Ihave lost the elections <strong>for</strong> village panchayatpresident once earlier. I would have beenelected president this time.Radhika and I were close friends. I went toher house to collect money <strong>for</strong> an officialfunction of Suraksha. Radhika’s neighbourshaven’t complained about us be<strong>for</strong>e; it musthave been others in the town. During theraid, 2 men and 4 women were arrested, andproduced be<strong>for</strong>e the magistrate at 11 p.m.During the raid, we women were shouted atby the police but they beat up the men. Wewere in judicial custody <strong>for</strong> 7 days. We weretreated well in Central Jail. We haven’t donesexwork in the house. Everyone knew aboutmy work <strong>for</strong> Suraksha and praised me.The newspapers have <strong>report</strong>ed that we werefound naked with men in the bedrooms. Thisis simply not true. All this publicity willdestroy me, what’s the use of living afterthis? I wanted to commit suicide, but when Ifound that Suraksha had staged a dharna <strong>for</strong>us, I decided not to. I was shattered andgrief-stricken in jail. I want to fight <strong>for</strong> justicesince I haven’t done anything wrong.Chandrakala: I am 26 yrs old, and am aresident of Channapatna. Chandrammabrought me to Suraksha to seek somemedical help. On that day, we reachedRadhika’s house in the afternoon and werechatting <strong>for</strong> about 10 minutes be<strong>for</strong>e thepolice raid at 2.45 p.m. There was Preethi,(Radhika’s daughter), 2 small children,Chandramma and Chikthayamma and hersister. Two men came and stood outside thehouse discussing some financial matter. Soonafter they left, the police descended on usfrom all sides. They pounced on one of themen who had come in a car and was talkingto Chandramma, and beat him up badly. Thepolice took us to the police station; theydidn’t produce any warrant. They draggedthe women out of the house. There were 2women inspectors and a number ofpolicemen.In Channapatna, from the moment westepped down from the jeep, they startedshooting pictures. People were also let in,they all took pictures of us. We were seatedon the bench, and the TV camera man tookpictures.I don’t know if my aunt with whom I’mstaying will let me back into her home, nowthat I’ve been subjected to public exposure.She might, though, <strong>for</strong> the sake of my 2children. I’d like to take up work atSuraksha. I will seek Suraksha’s help andface the world.Shanthamma ( Community Mobilizer atSuraksha): I’m 31 years old, a resident ofChannapatna and I live with my mother. Myhusband was a policeman who wasdischarged after 8 years of service due to hisalcoholism. I have left him, and I have 4children, 2 girls 19 and 17, one of whom ismarried, and a 14 year old son. The secondgirl works in a garment factory. At Suraksha,I provide in<strong>for</strong>mation about HIV tosexworkers, and I bring poor people to theclinic <strong>for</strong> treatment. On that day I came to theoffice at 10.30 and left <strong>for</strong> the field to make5

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