Human and Social Devt.5.pdf - Pasay City Government

Human and Social Devt.5.pdf - Pasay City Government

Human and Social Devt.5.pdf - Pasay City Government

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<strong>City</strong> of <strong>Pasay</strong>SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROFILEfuture. The city would need about 1 to 4 health units in the next ten years tomeet the st<strong>and</strong>ard.In terms of health personnel, the city is a lot better than the country or NCR interms of number of physicians <strong>and</strong> dentists, (Table 5.6). In nurses it is betterthan NCR but worse off compared to the Philippines in general. In midwives it isbetter than NCR but worse off compared to the country. On sanitary inspectorsthe city’s ratio is more than the st<strong>and</strong>ard of 1:20,000, which means it doesn’t haveenough inspectors to check the sanitary condition of residences <strong>and</strong>establishments. The city also lacks pharmacists <strong>and</strong> nutritionists.Table 5.1Health Indicators, 1996-2000 (per 1,000 population)Indicators 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Average PhilsCrude Birth Rate (live births) 23.6 22.5 20.1 21 23 22.0 26.2Crude Death Rate 4.6 4.7 4.4 4.5 5 4.6 5.8Infant Mortality Rate (live births) 17.1 18.6 18.3 18.1 15 17.4 17.0Maternal Mortality Rate (live births) 0.2 0.2 0.24 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.9Note: Philippine figures for CBR <strong>and</strong> CDR is year 2001, for IMR <strong>and</strong> MMR is year 1997Source: <strong>City</strong> Health Office <strong>and</strong> Department of HealthTable 5.2Leading Causes Of Morbidity, 5-Year Average, 1996-2000Diseases Number Rate/ 10,0001. Dermatologic 5,388 138.52. EENT 3,399 87.43. Nutritional Deficiency 3,362 86.44. Respiratory 2,867 73.75. Gastro- intestinal 2,648 68.16. Genito- urinary 2,357 60.67. Muscoloskeletal 1,222 31.48. Pulmonary Tuberculosis 1,087 27.99. Other Acute Viral Illness 396 10.210. Other Infectious Diseases 307 7.9Source: <strong>City</strong> Health Office <strong>and</strong> Department of HealthTable 5.3Leading Causes Of Mortality, 5 Year Average, 1996-2000Diseases Number Rate/ 10,0001. Diseases of Heart 272 6.92. Vascular Diseases 236 6.13. Pnuemonia 230 5.94. Cancer 152 3.95. Accidents 133 3.46. TB all Forms 105 2.77. Hypertension Diseases 102 2.68. Septicemia 49 1.39. Unknown/ undetermined 42 110. Diabetes 25 0.711. Bronchial asthma 25 0.7Source: <strong>City</strong> Health Office <strong>and</strong> Department of Health<strong>City</strong> Planning <strong>and</strong> Development Office 2The Official Website of <strong>Pasay</strong> <strong>City</strong>www.pasay.gov.ph

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