Orford Catalogue - Arafura Catering Equipment

Orford Catalogue - Arafura Catering Equipment

Orford Catalogue - Arafura Catering Equipment

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ORFORD REFRIGERATION PTY LTD 24/24 WARRANTYThis warranty is in addition to and not in substitution of anycondition or warranty implied into contracts for the sale of goodsby statute.Provided that the customer strictly complies with the productmanual and/or instructions for use supplied to the customer, <strong>Orford</strong>Refrigeration Pty Ltd (‘ORFORD’) warrants that each productmanufactured by ORFORD and any other product/s suppliedby ORFORD which ORFORD publishes as being covered by thisWarranty, apart from the Excluded Products (‘the <strong>Equipment</strong>’) to befree from defects in material and workmanship under normal use andservice, for a period of two (2) years for parts and labour. For thepurposes of this warranty, the term “Excluded Products” means:a) any product (whether manufactured by ORFORD or otherwise)which ORFORD publishes is excluded from application of thiswarranty; andb) any product for which the Warranty Period published byORFORD (whether in advertising material or otherwise) differsfrom the Warranty Period provided in this warranty.The Warranty Period commences from the date of originalinstallation or the purchase from the manufacturer, whicheveris earlier.ORFORD’s obligation under this warranty is limited solely toreplacement (without charge) of any part or parts of the <strong>Equipment</strong>which are defective and any labour required to replace thosedefective parts. Whether or not any part or parts is defective isdetermined at the sole discretion of the local ORFORD distributor.ORFORD reserves the right to nominate the service repairer for workcarried out under this warranty agreement.Liability under this warranty does not extend to:-1) Any loss, damage or expense directly or indirectly arising fromthe Customer’s use or inability to use the <strong>Equipment</strong>;2) Any <strong>Equipment</strong> which has been subject to misuse (including butnot limited to the use of abrasive chemicals), neglect, alteration,incorrect installation, flood, fire or other act of God, or to any<strong>Equipment</strong> which has been altered by any person other thanORFORD or its authorised representative;3) Any special, indirect or consequential damages to any person orproperty including any economic loss whatsoever resulting fromany defective part, material or workmanship howsoever arising;4) Breakage of glass or plastic components or the replacement offluorescent tubes or starters;5) Any wear & tear consumable e.g. door seals, gaskets, castors;6) Any labour costs which exceed our standard hourly labour rate(available upon request);7) Failure of any <strong>Equipment</strong> due to any negligence or faulton the part anyone other than ORFORD or its authorisedrepresentatives;8) Traveling time in excess of 1 hours or at all where work is to beperformed on <strong>Equipment</strong> which is located off the Australianmainland;9) Costs of normal operational maintenance, adjustments orcleaning;10) <strong>Equipment</strong> supplied as spare parts or in component form only oras a deleted stock line; or11) <strong>Equipment</strong> or parts specifically excluded from this warranty byORFORD.ORFORD makes no representation that any work to be performedunder this warranty will be carried out within any particular timelimit.This warranty does not extend to <strong>Equipment</strong> supplied to commercialcustomers as determined at the sole discretion of ORFORD.Where this warranty applies to <strong>Equipment</strong> not manufactured byORFORD it is in replacement of the warranty provided by the<strong>Equipment</strong> manufacturer (if any)’s warranty. Notwithstandingthe following, where the <strong>Equipment</strong> manufacturer specifies agreater warranty period than this warranty, then this warrantyshall be extended to same period as specified by the <strong>Equipment</strong>manufacturer (if any).This warranty shall not be varied, supplemented, qualified or novatedby any prior course of dealing between the parties or by usage ofthe trade.The Customer is obliged to complete a warranty validation card(attached hereto) and return same to ORFORD. ORFORD reservesthe right to limit or waive its responsibilities or obligations hereunderto the Customer should the Customer fail to return or correctly fillout the warranty validation card.CLAIM PROCEDUREThe Customer must contact ORFORD on 1800 105 678 and advisethe cabinet model, serial number and location details within 14 daysof a claim arising under this warranty. ORFORD accepts no liabilityhereunder where notification is received outside of the 14 dayperiod. When the claim details have been received and confirmedby ORFORD, a warranty service authority will be issued to thecustomer and an authorised ORFORD repairer will be contracted byORFORD to carry out the repairs. ORFORD accepts no liability forany repairer’s fees or repair work carried out without authorisationby ORFORD prior to commencement of the service or repair.www.orford.com.au 111

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