OurResearch-tools.pdf - CRC for Irrigation Futures

OurResearch-tools.pdf - CRC for Irrigation Futures

OurResearch-tools.pdf - CRC for Irrigation Futures

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Our ResearchTools and Software2003-2010

Tools <strong>for</strong> a Better <strong>Irrigation</strong> FutureThe <strong>CRC</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Irrigation</strong> <strong>Futures</strong> has contributed to a better irrigation futureby developing smart products that will help irrigators make better irrigationdecisions.The interest in volumetric water savings brings many <strong>CRC</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Irrigation</strong><strong>Futures</strong> <strong>tools</strong> into focus. The challenge of achieving these savings viaurban and rural investment into irrigation practice requires <strong>tools</strong> that dealwith application efficiency, distribution uni<strong>for</strong>mity, irrigation scheduling,water storage efficiency and crop water use.The Toolkits <strong>for</strong> Improving <strong>Irrigation</strong> Practice Program contributes to thischallenge by delivering innovative solutions to the urban and ruralcommercial irrigation sector. Essentially the program improves production,profitability and the sustainability of irrigation enterprises.

<strong>CRC</strong> IF ToolSoluSAMPLERThe inexpensive and simple-to-use device helpsgrowers monitor the emerging problem of rootzone salinity, which particularly effects grape andcitrus under highly efficient irrigation systems.Horticulture and vegetable growers will be ableto use the device to track nitrogen movementand improve nutrient management.<strong>Irrigation</strong> IssueManaging salt and nutrients in the root zone.Salinity damage in the root zone could cost $100million a year in the $2 billion Riverland andSunraysia horticulture industries alone.Measuring nutrients in the root zone reduces thechance of flushing expensive and pollutingfertilisers from the root zone.<strong>CRC</strong> IF ToolFullStopThe FullStop provides a cost effective method ofimproving irrigation management and can beused to assess whether too much or too littleirrigation is being applied, to detect water loggingand to monitor nutrient and salt levels in the soil.

<strong>CRC</strong> IF ToolDripper Uni<strong>for</strong>mity CalculatorThis software tool allows managers anddesigners to visualise dripper uni<strong>for</strong>mity of anexisting irrigation system. A clear map of theirrigation and nutrients (if fertigating) applied ineither one irrigation or over a season, isproduced. This helps identify poorly designed ormaintained drip systems and can be used toimprove management.<strong>Irrigation</strong> IssueImproving irrigation productivity by increasingyield and reducing drainage losses. Reducingenvironmental impact by minimising nutrientleaching and deep drainage.Promoting profitable transition from surface tooverhead pressurised irrigation systems andimproving productivity from better soil watermanagement.<strong>CRC</strong> IF ToolOVERSched<strong>Irrigation</strong> managers can operate a virtual CentrePivot or Lateral Move system and see the impactof different irrigation management strategies onsoil-water conditions. This demonstrates howimportant system capacity is in meeting thewater demands of the crop.The software highlights the importance of timingthe first irrigation event at the beginning of theseason, or after rainfall. It demonstrates thechanging soil moisture levels during a typicalirrigation cycle, how these vary across thepaddock and how soil water monitoring can beused. OVERSched assists irrigation managers tochange from surface irrigation to centre pivot orlateral move systems.

<strong>Irrigation</strong> IssueMore accurate scheduling of irrigation.The key decisions <strong>for</strong> an irrigator involveshow much water to apply and when.Thesedecisions change daily and through theseason.<strong>CRC</strong> IF ToolIrriSatSMS“IrriSatSMS” suggests irrigation run timebased on a farmer’s individual irrigationsystem, crop water use and local weather.Satellite images are used to determine cropstage and cover <strong>for</strong> each farm, weather stationdata is extracted and used to estimatepotential crop water use, irrigation systemper<strong>for</strong>mance is assessed and all thiscombined to keep a ‘simple’ water balance <strong>for</strong>each irrigation block. All the detailedin<strong>for</strong>mation can also be viewed via the web,which keeps track of how much waterirrigators have applied and compares theirwater use against other irrigators at any pointin the season.<strong>CRC</strong> IF ToolIrrimate <strong>tools</strong>Irrimate <strong>tools</strong> are widely used to improve furrowirrigation. These <strong>tools</strong> are now being applied tobay irrigation systems to help irrigators manageapplication rates and times. Work has suggestedthat improvements in application efficiency from69 per cent to 90 per cent are achievable.<strong>Irrigation</strong> IssueGlobally over 70 per cent of all irrigation isapplied using gravity fed surface irrigation systems.Improving the efficiency of surface irrigationis vital.

<strong>CRC</strong> IF ToolSmart meteringSmart irrigation metering technology involvesnew approaches to the assessment of flow ratecharacteristics of pressurised irrigation systems.The water use in<strong>for</strong>mation obtained from suchassessments has the potential to improveirrigation design and practice.<strong>Irrigation</strong> Issue<strong>Irrigation</strong> systems need to be managed tooptimise water and energy use. Pressurisedirrigation systems are complex networks whichrequire good design and management to operateeffectively. Tools are required to monitor,evaluate and audit pressurised irrigation systemper<strong>for</strong>mance.<strong>CRC</strong> IF ToolPIMSA wireless monitoring system. PIMS is a versatiletool kit which is used <strong>for</strong> irrigation per<strong>for</strong>manceassessments. Continuous irrigation systemmonitoring with PIMS adds value to per<strong>for</strong>manceassessment by providing data on irrigationparameters across the complete irrigation cycle,which is essential if the pump per<strong>for</strong>ms variableduties during that cycle. PIMS remotely monitorspump suction, dam or bore water level, multiplepressure points, water quality and fuelconsumption simultaneously.

<strong>CRC</strong> IF ToolReady Reckoner and monolayersThe <strong>CRC</strong> has produced a dam evaporation ReadyReckoner that allows users to enter in<strong>for</strong>mation abouttheir farm dams and work out how much water can besaved, and at what cost.To reduce evaporation from large dams the <strong>CRC</strong> <strong>for</strong><strong>Irrigation</strong> <strong>Futures</strong> has been working with the CottonCatchment Communities <strong>CRC</strong> and Polymers <strong>CRC</strong> todesign and test new compounds to reduce evaporationfrom large dam surfaces. A thin liquid coating called amonolayer that limits the escape of water vapour fromlarge dams will result in big water savings.<strong>CRC</strong> IF ToolIPERTThe <strong>Irrigation</strong> Pump Evaluation andReporting Tool (IPERT) is designed toevaluate irrigation pumping systems. Theprogram consists of an online data entryinterface linked to a centralised database.IPERT provides a range of functionsincluding standardisation of on-farm datarecord acquisition, calculation andpresentation of irrigation pumping systemevaluation indices and automatedgeneration of grower recommendations.<strong>Irrigation</strong> IssueReducing dam evaporation and seepage.Evaporation and seepage loss from Australia’stwo million farm dams is estimated at 1,320,000megalitres every year. The <strong>CRC</strong> has beeninvolved in developing and assessing ways toreduce these losses. Even a 30 per centreduction would save 260,000 megalitres ofwater a year from being lost throughevaporation.<strong>CRC</strong> IF ToolEvapCalcEvapCalc allows consultants and designers tomeasure and make in<strong>for</strong>med managementdecisions to reduce evaporation and seepagelosses from farm dams and channels. The toolprovides a measurement system <strong>for</strong> estimatingseepage and evaporation losses from individualdams.

January 2010For more in<strong>for</strong>mationon the <strong>CRC</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Irrigation</strong> <strong>Futures</strong>’ research programs andprojects, visit the <strong>CRC</strong>’s website at www.irrigationfutures.org.au.LEGACYThe Toolkits <strong>for</strong> Improving <strong>Irrigation</strong> Practice Program has opened up powerful opportunities inwater management. The ability to build current datasets from irrigator practice on a large scale willopen new paradigms, as we have witnessed in finance, entertainment and communications. Theway in which systems such as IrriSATSMS and EvapCalc can accumulate real in<strong>for</strong>mation onphysical features and irrigator practice opens up new insights into the processes driving watermanagement. The success of the <strong>CRC</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Irrigation</strong> <strong>Futures</strong> lies in the fact these systems havemade it off the test bench and into commercial practice.Technology will continually open new opportunities <strong>for</strong> natural resource management. Howeverthese opportunities have to be exploited, and supported by a sound understanding of the systemswhich are the resource base.<strong>CRC</strong> IF Publications June 2010For a full list of our reports, please visit www.irrigationfutures.org.au/publications.asp and look under products <strong>for</strong>publication. All of reports are available <strong>for</strong> download at no charge.<strong>Irrigation</strong> Matters Report No. 04/09Planning and Managing Centre Pivot andLinear Move <strong>Irrigation</strong> in the Southern RiverinaAdrian Smith and Sam NorthNovember 2009highlights 2008Technical Report No. 01/10Investment in <strong>Irrigation</strong> Technology: Water UseChange, Public Policy and UncertaintyAnthea McClintockBETTER IRRIGATIONBETTER ENVIRONMENT BETTER FUTUREBETTER IRRIGATIONBETTER ENVIRONMENT BETTER FUTUREwww.irrigationfutures.org.au

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