Cairns Bruce Highway Upgrade and Cairns Transit ... - CAFNEC

Cairns Bruce Highway Upgrade and Cairns Transit ... - CAFNEC

Cairns Bruce Highway Upgrade and Cairns Transit ... - CAFNEC


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Coordinator’s ReportBy Sarah Hoyalcan’t believe where the time has gone. LastI time I looked it was Christmas <strong>and</strong> now Aprilis almost upon us! It has been as busy as everin the <strong>CAFNEC</strong> office – that month of quiettime in January Steve promised seemed to beremiss this year!I have continued to work over the last 3 monthswith Sustainability TNQ - the regional initiativewhich seeks to drive sustainability through abroad partnership across all sectors of thecommunity. I have been particularly involvedin organising an Energy Efficiency Summitplanned for early May <strong>and</strong> also througha Planning project group which includes theMayor working on a project to drive sustainabilityin local planning.As the Conservation Director of the NorthernGulf Resource Management Group (NGRMG)I have been involved in supporting the community’sneed for financial support to destockl<strong>and</strong> that has been affected by the Gulf Floodsof 2009. Over 1 million hectares of l<strong>and</strong> wasinundated for several weeks <strong>and</strong> is strugglingto recover (see Dec 2009 Ecotone for moredetails). On the 22-24 February I also attendedthe NGRMG general meeting in Mt Surprisewhich gave me more of an insight intothe diverse, positive <strong>and</strong> collaborative projectsgoing on in that region.<strong>CAFNEC</strong> recently received almost $10,000from the State Government to rollout their LowCarbon Diet program to the southern part of<strong>Cairns</strong>. Anna McGuire has been engaged tocoordinate this project which will run for about6 months in Mooroobool, Edmonton <strong>and</strong> Gordonvale.Through the Climate Change Appeallast year we raised over $4,000. This money isbeing used to support Anna one day a week toundertake climate change work in the region.Thank you to all those who supported this Appeal<strong>and</strong> particularly to NRA EnvironmentalConsultants for their donation of $3,000.Administratively we have been doing our strategic<strong>and</strong> annual planning - looking for innovativeways to keep the organisation healthy<strong>and</strong> focused. This includes some alternativemethods of fundraising which we plan to triallater this year.In mid-February I went to Brisbane for a weekto participate in a planning meeting for theCoral Sea campaign <strong>and</strong> a State EnvironmentRoundtable with the Minister for ClimateChange <strong>and</strong> Sustainability, Kate Jones.Kate has also visited <strong>Cairns</strong> recently as partof Community Cabinet meetings where sheattended a <strong>Cairns</strong> Environment Roundtablethat <strong>CAFNEC</strong> hosted. Reports on these twoRoundtables can be found elsewhere in Ecotone.In the last few months I have also supportedlocal community campaigns including Ella Bay<strong>and</strong> False Cape. If you want to know moreabout these developments or where the campaignsare at, please don’t hesitate to contactour office.It looks like Envirofiesta <strong>and</strong> the WildernessBike Tour will be on again this year. We arevery fortunate at <strong>CAFNEC</strong> to have volunteerswho come back year after year with the energy<strong>and</strong> enthusiasm to make theses eventspossible.As ever, the door is always open (sometimesmetaphorically!) so please contact the CAF-NEC office if you have any issues or concernsthat you think we may be able to help you with.NEW <strong>CAFNEC</strong> PRESIDENT –ELLEN WEBEREllen completed her science degree fromJames Cook University in Townsville in1994, graduating with a first class Honoursin Botany. She moved to the JCU <strong>Cairns</strong>campus in 1996, <strong>and</strong> with three other lecturers,established the School of TropicalBiology. During this time she also undertooka higher research degree studyingrainforest plants in the Daintree lowl<strong>and</strong>s.She first joined the <strong>CAFNEC</strong> MC in 1997, including a stint as Secretary.It was a busy time, <strong>and</strong> in 2000 she left the committee. Twosons later (Louis <strong>and</strong> Frank), Ellen is delighted to be back at workingfor <strong>CAFNEC</strong>. She remains in awe of the energy, commitment<strong>and</strong> productivity shown by staff, management committee, members<strong>and</strong> volunteers. The midges at Cominos Houses still drive her mad<strong>and</strong> she is a bit nervous about being elected President, given thecalibre of her predecessors.NEW <strong>CAFNEC</strong> VICE PRESIDENT –JEREMY LITTLEJeremy has always had an affiliationwith nature <strong>and</strong> conservationfor as long as he can remember.This developed into a quest for natureconservation through a careerin the environment.Jeremy completed a Science degree in ecology, with Honours infire ecology. Jeremy then worked in various jobs for NSW <strong>and</strong>QLD National Parks in wildlife <strong>and</strong> bushfire research <strong>and</strong> in Parkmanagement. Jeremy is currently at James Cook University completinga thesis on “Climate change <strong>and</strong> bushfire impacts on rainforest,eucalypt forest <strong>and</strong> woodl<strong>and</strong> distribution in the Wet Tropics.”Jeremy has lived <strong>and</strong> worked in FNQ for 12 years <strong>and</strong> has beeninvolved with <strong>CAFNEC</strong> throughout this time.Her day job is at the Wet Tropics Management Authority, in thePlanning <strong>and</strong> Conservation Program, working on vegetation mapping,threatened species, climate change, heritage conservationissues <strong>and</strong> building research partnerships with other organisations.In 2009, Ellen won first prize in the banana cake (iced) category atthe <strong>Cairns</strong> Show. She beat a number of entrants from local, state<strong>and</strong> commonwealth government agencies in this competition, <strong>and</strong>was awarded the inaugural trophy for the inter-governmental cakebaking challenge. This year she intends to enter her mango chutney.- 10 -Jeremy is a keen photographer, enjoys bushwalking, camping,exploring, music <strong>and</strong> spiritual awareness.He dislikes complacency, apathy <strong>and</strong> a lack of vision in dealingwith the difficult task of creating a sustainable existence in the21st Century.

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