Regional Permit Program - Chicago District - U.S. Army

Regional Permit Program - Chicago District - U.S. Army

Regional Permit Program - Chicago District - U.S. Army


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Agency Request for Comments (ARC) is the notice provided to Federal and State agencies which requestscomments concerning a proposed “Category II” activity.Applicant is the individual, organization or company requesting authorization under the RPP. Applicant shallbe owner of the property in question as required in the joint application form.Authorization is written verification by the <strong>District</strong> that an activity qualifies for, and may proceed under, theRPP provided the terms and conditions of the program are followed. Authorization under the RPP is valid for aperiod of three (3) years.Best Management Practices (BMPs) are policies, practices, procedures or structures implemented to mitigatethe direct and indirect degradation of surface water quality from an activity. BMPs include non-structuralelements such as the preservation of existing natural areas and drainageways, and structural elements such asvegetated swales, filter strips and infiltration trenches which are designed to remove pollutants, reduce runoffrates and velocity and protect aquatic resources.Buffer is a protective strip of land along the edge of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, that is maintained innative vegetation. Buffers protect shorelines and banks from erosion, provide wildlife habitat, filter pollutantsfrom the water, and protect environmentally sensitive areas from potential effects of development.Compensatory wetland mitigation is the creation, restoration, enhancement, or in exceptional circumstances,preservation of wetlands and/or other aquatic resources for the purpose of compensating for unavoidableimpacts which remain after all appropriate and practicable avoidance and minimization has been achieved.Complete application is all required notification materials submitted by the applicant to the <strong>District</strong>. If allmaterials are not submitted, the application is considered incomplete and cannot be processed under the RPP.Conservation area is any national park or forest, natural heritage landmark, State nature preserve orconservation area, Illinois Natural Area Inventory site (including proposed sites), county forest preserve, or landmanaged by a local government or organization for conservation purposes.Currently serviceable means that a structure or fill is useable as is, or with some maintenance, but not sodegraded as to require reconstruction.High-quality aquatic resources (HQARs) are aquatic areas considered to be regionally critical due to theiruniqueness, scarcity, and/or value, and other wetlands considered to perform functions important to the publicinterest, as defined in 33 CFR Part 320.4(b)(2). These resources include Advanced Identification (ADID) sites,bogs, ephemeral pools, fens, forested wetlands, sedge meadows, wet meadows, seeps, streams rated A or B forDiversity or Integrity or mapped as Biologically Significant as described in the Integrating Multiple Taxa in aBiological Stream Rating System published by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, wet prairies,wetlands supporting Federal or Illinois endangered or threatened species, and wetlands with a floristic qualityindex of 20 or greater or mean C value of 3.5 or greater. These areas are generally considered unsuitable fordredge or fill activities. Descriptions of high-quality aquatic resources are provided in APPENDIX A.Impact is the direct and indirect loss of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, which results fromimplementation of a proposed activity. This includes waters of the U.S. that are adversely affected by filling,flooding, dredging, excavation, or drainage as a result of the activity.Notification is the submission of materials by the applicant to the <strong>District</strong>.2

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