On values of linear and quadratic forms at integral points

On values of linear and quadratic forms at integral points

On values of linear and quadratic forms at integral points


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Let N be the subgroup <strong>of</strong> SL(n, IR) consisting <strong>of</strong> all upper triangular m<strong>at</strong>riceswith 1’s on the diagonal <strong>and</strong> for any τ > 0 let N τ denote the subset<strong>of</strong> N consisting <strong>of</strong> all those m<strong>at</strong>rices for which every <strong>of</strong>f-diagonal entryis <strong>of</strong> absolute value <strong>at</strong> most τ. Also let K denote the subgroup <strong>of</strong>SL(n, IR) consisting <strong>of</strong> orthogonal m<strong>at</strong>rices <strong>of</strong> determinant 1. A set <strong>of</strong> theform KD σ N τ = {kdu | k ∈ K, d ∈ D σ , u ∈ N τ } is called a Siegel set. Itcan be verified th<strong>at</strong> any Siegel set is <strong>of</strong> finite Haar measure in SL(n, IR). Itis a crucial fact th<strong>at</strong> for suitable <strong>values</strong> <strong>of</strong> σ <strong>and</strong> τ the corresponding Siegelset is a fundamental domain for SL(n, Z) in SL(n, IR), namely we have thefollowing.Theorem 2.1 (cf. [21], Ch. X). Let F = KD 2/√3N 1/2 . ThenSL(n, IR) = F (SL(n, Z)).Concerning l<strong>at</strong>tice <strong>points</strong> this implies th<strong>at</strong> if e 1 is the column vector inwhich the first row entry is 1 <strong>and</strong> the others are 0 then the set F e 1 = {ge 1 |g ∈ F } contains a nonzero point <strong>of</strong> any l<strong>at</strong>tice Λ ∈ L 1 ; (though the argumentcould be applied to other <strong>integral</strong> <strong>points</strong> in the place <strong>of</strong> e 1 , it does not lead toany useful inform<strong>at</strong>ion when the point is not a multiple <strong>of</strong> e 1 ). Now, F e 1 canbe seen to be the complement <strong>of</strong> {0} in the closed ball <strong>of</strong> radius (4/3) n−14 ,namely the maximum possible value for the first entry <strong>of</strong> any element <strong>of</strong>D√2/ 3. This establishes the result <strong>of</strong> Hermite mentioned earlier, th<strong>at</strong> a ballcentered <strong>at</strong> 0 contains a nonzero point <strong>of</strong> any l<strong>at</strong>tice from L 1 if its radiusexceeds (4/3) n−14 ; for a closed ball conclusion holds for radius (4/3) n−14 aswell. Since any positive definite <strong>quadr<strong>at</strong>ic</strong> form Q on IR n is equivalent tothe <strong>quadr<strong>at</strong>ic</strong> form Q 0 given by the square <strong>of</strong> the usual norm (namely thereexists a g ∈ GL(n, IR) such th<strong>at</strong> Q(v) = Q 0 (gv) for all v ∈ IR n ) this impliesthe following.Corollary 2.2. Let Q be a positive definite <strong>quadr<strong>at</strong>ic</strong> form on IR n . Thenthere exists x ∈ Z n such th<strong>at</strong> Q(x) ≤ (4/3) (n−1)/2 d(Q) 1/n , where d(Q) denotesthe discriminant <strong>of</strong> Q.3 A theorem <strong>of</strong> Howe <strong>and</strong> MooreIn this section we recall a theorem <strong>of</strong> Howe <strong>and</strong> Moore, specialised to the case<strong>of</strong> the homogeneous space SL(n, IR)/SL(n, Z), <strong>and</strong> discuss its implic<strong>at</strong>ions4

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