Advertising Guidelines.indd - NSW Strategic Communications

Advertising Guidelines.indd - NSW Strategic Communications

Advertising Guidelines.indd - NSW Strategic Communications


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Appropriate use of <strong>NSW</strong> GovernmentadvertisingThe <strong>NSW</strong> Government has demonstrated, with therelease of the State Plan (www.stateplan.nsw.gov.au),its commitment to being accountable in all activities, toresponding to community needs and expectations anddelivering improved social, economic and environmentaloutcomes for the people of <strong>NSW</strong>.Any advertising activities must demonstrate acontribution to these over-arching <strong>NSW</strong> Governmentpriorities and targets. <strong>Advertising</strong> may be used toachieve the following objectives:• Encouraging changed behaviours or attitudes thatwill lead to improved public health and safety orquality or life;• Maximising compliance with laws and regulations;• Encouraging use of government products andservices that will generate revenue and/or aneconomic benefit for the State;• Encouraging public involvement in governmentdecision making;• Raising awareness of a planned or impendinginitiative and reporting on performance in relation to<strong>NSW</strong> Government undertakings;• Assisting in the preservation of order in the event ofa crisis or emergency; and• Recruiting staff, disseminating important statutoryinformation and promoting business opportunitieswith the <strong>NSW</strong> Government.Inappropriate use of publicly fundedadvertisingAgencies must not misuse public funds. The followingare inappropriate for government advertising:• The method or medium of advertising is excessiveor extravagant in relation to the objective beingpursued;• The message could be reasonably understood asbeing on behalf of a political party;• The Government is linked to the Premier’s name(e.g. the Smith Government);• References are made to political party websites,publications or other materials;• A political party or other grouping is beingdisparaged or held up to ridicule; and• Members of <strong>NSW</strong> Government are named,depicted or otherwise promoted in a manner thata reasonable person would regard as excessive orgratuitous.Roles and ResponsibilitiesGovernment DepartmentsGovernment agencies are accountable for thedevelopment and implementation of advertisingactivity relating to their responsibilities. Agenciesshould, as appropriate, consult and work with relevantstakeholders including other <strong>NSW</strong> Governmentagencies in planning and carrying out their advertisingactivities.Agencies are required to:• Demonstrate the specific need being addressedby the proposed advertising activity and explainthe rationale for the chosen approach. <strong>Advertising</strong>with a total budget of $1 million or more requires acost benefit analysis or other appropriate economicappraisal for the chosen strategy, taking intoaccount other potential media choices and availablealternative approaches;• Allow reasonable and realistic timeframes toundertake advertising, with consideration of requiredapprovals, media deadlines and cost efficiencies;• Ensure that the content of submissions forproposed advertising is accurate and providedin the appropriate formats as advised by theDepartment of Premier and Cabinet; and• Following the completion of their advertising,provide information required by Cabinet relating tocampaign expenditure and the results of researchinto the effectiveness of the campaign.• The party in <strong>NSW</strong> Government is mentioned byname;• Party political slogans or images are used in theadvertising;<strong>NSW</strong> Government <strong>Advertising</strong> <strong>Guidelines</strong> (August 2011) Page 4

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