Tuesday Issue - October 2, 2012 - Air Traffic Control Association

Tuesday Issue - October 2, 2012 - Air Traffic Control Association

Tuesday Issue - October 2, 2012 - Air Traffic Control Association

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8 ATCA TODAY57th ATCA Annual Conference & ExpositionTUESDAY, <strong>October</strong> 2, <strong>2012</strong>ATCA Annual Presentation TheaterThe ATCA Presentation Theater is an opportunity for members to showcase their findings from throughout the year, and a platform for companyproduct demonstrations. It is located in the back of the exhibit hall at the end of aisle 800.<strong>Tuesday</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 29 – 9:30 a.m.Jason Nelsen, ITT ExelisATC Integration During ContingencyOperationsNatural disasters and militaryoperations often create a needfor rapid restoration of <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Traffic</strong>Management (ATM) services.Whether inside the US National<strong>Air</strong>space System or a military aircontrol system, terminal ATMrestoration systems should becapable of providing safe and efficienttraffic control as well assecurely integrating with othercontrol agencies. Conducting thisintegration using manual proceduralcontrol methods is no longeracceptable in today’s informationage. Mobile systems with robustand secure communications areneeded to exchange control instructionsand contribute to thegreater airspace control system.Exelis mobile ATM systems leverage70 years of radar developmentexperience and combine it with stateof the art secure data communicationsto provide civil and militaryservice providers the ability to rapidlyrespond and securely integrateanywhere, anytime.10 – 10:45 a.m.Bill Crawley, Nav CanadaGaining Efficiencies from Investmentin ATM TechnologyThis presentation will focus onlessons learned on the efficienciesthat can be gained through investmentin ATM technology. Therehave been several advancementsin safety and efficiency throughoutATC through the development anddeployment of ATM technology. Inrecent years there have been significantgains in the IFR world in theArea <strong>Control</strong> Centers and Terminal<strong>Control</strong> Units. The technology thatis available today will allow us toapply the same types of gains in our<strong>Control</strong> towers and Flight ServiceStations. Establishing an automatedplatform in existing facilities willalso be the stepping stone to remoteapplications in the future.11 – 11:45 a.m.Giora Hadar, FAAAccording to the Federal AviationAdministration’s own studies,the last of the so-called post strikecontrollers (those hired after PresidentReagan fired the striking controllersin 1981) will retire by 2014.Since 2006, the agency has hiredapproximately 7,000 replacementsand expects to hire 11,500 additionalcontrollers by 2020. The only poolavailable for recruitment are the Millennials,who have different attitudestowards life, work, and training.Between <strong>October</strong> 2011 and January<strong>2012</strong>, I surveyed faculty and studentsat the FAA Academy and three FAAapprovedaeronautical schools. I alsosurveyed controllers in all terminaloperational facilities throughout theU.S. through the end of June <strong>2012</strong>.The presentation will describethe survey and present the resultsof the data analysis.12 – 12:30 p.m.Sam Gonzalez, GeneralDynamicsVoIP for <strong>Air</strong> to Ground Communicationsin <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Traffic</strong>Management – It’s Here!Voice over Internet Protocol(VoIP) plays a key role in the FAANext Generation <strong>Air</strong> TransportationSystem (NextGen’s ) initiativeto modernize the NAS by providingthe technology to network theground segments of the air-togroundvoice communications infrastructure.This presentation willhighlight the evolution of new VoIPinternational standards in <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Traffic</strong>Management. It will also addressthe formalization and acceptance ofthe new global VoIP standards andhow the Segment 2 Radios of theContinued on page 12For everychallenge,the rightsolution.BoothCommitments Kept. Excellence Delivered. 2 2 1Proud Winners of ATCA’s <strong>2012</strong> Charles E. Varnell Memorial Award for Small Business

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