2006 MLRC/NAA/NAB LIBEL DEFENSE ... - Directrouter.com

2006 MLRC/NAA/NAB LIBEL DEFENSE ... - Directrouter.com

2006 MLRC/NAA/NAB LIBEL DEFENSE ... - Directrouter.com


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For exclusive use of <strong>MLRC</strong> members and other parties specifically authorized by <strong>MLRC</strong>. © Media Law Resource Center, Inc.rulings involved several motions in limine by Defendants which, for the most part, weredenied.9. Significant Mid-Trial Rulings:Most of the evidentiary rulings made by the judge during the course of the trial wentin favor of the Plaintiff. A substantial amount of “bad” character evidence as to John Zieglerwas admitted, and much of it concerning the claim for negligent hiring/supervision, whichhad been previously dismissed on the motions for summary judgment, was also admitted.10. Trial Management (mid-trial jury instructions, special verdict, sequentialissue determination, bifurcation):The court did give a preliminary instruction on constitutional actual malice followingthe opening statements of counsel. With respect to jury instructions, the court generallyfollowed the traditional Kentucky practice of only “bare bones” jury instructions.11. Pre-Selection Jury Work (psychological profiles, attitudes surveys, mocktrial, pre-selection questionnaires, “shadow” juries):The Defendants retained a trial/jury consultant – DecisionQuest, based in Louisville,Kentucky.12. Pretrial Evaluation:Prior to trial, we believed that many of the jurors would likely be offended by thestatements made by talk show host John Ziegler. The question ultimately would be whetherwe would be able to present the case in such a way that those jurors would not find DarcieDivita to be a sympathetic plaintiff and would put aside their personal beliefs or opinionsabout the statements made by Ziegler and follow the applicable law concerning truth,statements of opinion, and actual malice.13. Defense Juror Preference During Selection:Generally, we thought that a “preferred” defense juror would include any of thefollowing:radio;Young men – particularly those who were familiar with and had been exposed to talkProfessional women who probably would not find Darcie Divita to be a sympatheticplaintiff.26

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