Thursday, September 22, 2011 - Watertown Daily Times

Thursday, September 22, 2011 - Watertown Daily Times

Thursday, September 22, 2011 - Watertown Daily Times


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C M Y KE6 <strong>Thursday</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>WATERTOWN DAILY TIMESStopping the presses helped WDT reporter get her start...From E4the past 50 years. The composingroom of old is as vintage asthe Victrola.In <strong>September</strong> 1968 a reporter’sjob opened in The <strong>Times</strong>editorial room and I was interviewedfor the job by then newseditor Frank P. Augustine. Thiswould launch a nearly <strong>22</strong>-yearadventure as a <strong>Watertown</strong> <strong>Daily</strong><strong>Times</strong> reporter.While The <strong>Times</strong> facilitieswere only seven years old in1968, the editorial staff was asveteran as the cast of a 1930smovie. That fall Mary Lu (West)White and I were the only staffersunder the age of 30 until wewere joined by David N. Mc-Mane. By the end of 1969 therewere about 10 young newsroomstaffers as we watched the stalwartsof the editorial room beginto retire, one by one.Dave McMane would takeover the reins from Howard Lennon,Mary Lu would succeedHiltberg and I followed JohnPepp as main obit writer alongwith duties as a feature writer.In 1973 I was assigned a storyabout John and Mark Scarlett,who had both left white collarjobs in Rochester to take up organicfarming and maple sugarproduction on small farms nearRossie. The full page feature waslater picked up by the AssociatedPress and I won an honorablemention in the AP enterprisewriting category that year.About a decade later I wouldwrite more about Mark Scarlett,who was back in the “whitecollar world,” then serving onthe Development Authority ofthe North Country.SO NEAR YET SO FARAs the village of Lake Placidprepared to take on the worldat the 1980 Winter Olympics,the <strong>Times</strong> put together a fivereporterteam to cover the extravaganzafrom sports to thestreet scene. Bert Gault, LarryCole, John O’Donnell and Ijoined Adirondack correspondentEd Hale for the coverage.My beat was the streetscene, activities at the artscenter and various features.One day, parked along the villagemain street was a vehiclemade from the fuselage of anairplane and the cabin froman old Cadillac - hence Cadaplane.I compared it to a “midaircollision between the mostunlikeliest of objects” and itwas one of the most fun featuresto come from the LakePlacid streets.While I got to see EricHeiden receive his 5th goldmedal in a ceremony onLake Flower, I did not get tosee the Miracle on Ice (JohnO’Donnell did). The “<strong>Times</strong>Olympic Team” won its own“medal” - taking the NewYork State Publishers’ AssociationAward of Excellence forlocal reporting for 1980.THE CAISSONS GO ROLLING ALONGIn the early 1980s co-workerMeg Kissinger earn nationalfame when, under her bylinethe <strong>Times</strong> became the first toreport the real identity of BarryFreed -- Abby Hoffman.When she left for anotherjob, I took over Ms. Kissinger’smain beat, Fort Drum.In the summer of 1982 theM-1 Abrams tank was being introducedand a tank and crewwere brought to Fort Drum tofamiliarize the Guard and Reservewith its operation. Editorand Publisher John B. JohnsonSr. thought it would be a greatidea for me to drive that tankand write about the experience.After being outfitted witha complete battle dress uniformand given instructionsby the crew from Fort Knox,Ky., I took the driver’s seat inthe compartment beneath themain cannon of that 60- tonpiece of awesomeness and putit through its paces over dirtroads and scrub brush on theFort Drum training range.Exhilarating seems likesuch a small word to describethe experience of driving thiswicked piece of machinery thathandled with the response of asports car, but that’s how it felt!The biggest on-going story ofmy <strong>22</strong> years in the city room hasto be the selection of Fort Drumas the home of the 10th MountainDivision, bringing the largestsingle Army constructioncontract since World War II toFort Drum as well as a stellarroster of the Army’s finest officersto lead the formation ofthe new division including Maj.Rich Alcott, WDT copy editorBrian Amaral, WDT reporterElaine Avallone, Carthage Republican TribunereporterBob Beckstead, Massena <strong>Daily</strong> Courier-ObserverreporterTed Booker, Ogdensburg Journal reporterChris Brock, WDT features writerDoug Buchanan, Malone Telegram editorMatt Bultman, Massena <strong>Daily</strong> Courier-ObserverreporterCap Carey, WDT Canton, sportsLisa Carr, WDT librarianDan Cassavaugh, WDT sportsJohn Day, WDT sportsHeather Ditch, WDT copy editorCathie Egan, WDT copy editorMartha Ellen, WDT Canton reporterKen Eyseman, WDT business magazine editorBenny Fairchild, Massena <strong>Daily</strong> Courier-ObserverreporterCraig Fox, WDT reporterRichard Fyle, WDT sportsAndy Gardner, Malone Telegram reporterBert Gault, WDT executive editorGreg Gay, WDT sports editorJohn Gokey, Malone Evening Telegramsports editorJosh Gore, WDT Canton reporterBob Gorman, WDT managing editorBrian Hayden, Massena <strong>Daily</strong> Courier-ObserverreporterKyle Hayes, WDT news clerkSteve Heaton, Ogdensburg Journal sportsMarc Heller, WDT Washington bureauGen. William S. Carpenter andGeneral Jack Keane, who wouldgo on to become Chairman ofthe Joint Chiefs of Staff.My marriage to a Fort Drumofficer in 1986 would eventuallylead to my having to leave myreporting career in 1990 as weSarah Haase, WDT reporterGabrielle Hovendon, WDT Canton reporterJason Hunter, WDT photographerJudy Jacobs, WDT Currents editorRay Jarvis, WDT copy editorAmanda Johnson, WDT copy editorNorm Johnston, WDT chief photographerLaurie Jones, WDT news clerkMary Kaskan, WDT Sunday editorBrian Kelly, WDT reporterBrian Kidwell, Ogdensburg Journal reporterMelanie Kimbler Lago, WDT Canton photographerTracy Kinne, WDT state editorJerry Koepsell, WDT wire editorJimmy Lawton, Ogdensburg JournalJaegun Lee, WDT reporterKevin Leroux, Massena <strong>Daily</strong> Courier-Observernight editorDean Lichterman, Ogdensburg Journal copyeditorTricia Livernois, Malone Telegram reporterTom Lloyd, editor, Lowville Journal & Republicanand Carthage Republican TribuneBeth Lyons, Ogdensburg Journal city editorRebecca Madden, WDT reporterNancy Madsen, WDT reporterRyne Martin, Massena <strong>Daily</strong> Courier-ObservereditorMatt McAllister, Ogdensburg Journal reporterJohn McFadden, WDT editorial pageSue Mende, WDT Canton reporterPaul Mitchell, St. Lawrence County Plaindealereditorheaded to a joint assignment atYokota Air Force Base, Japan,and later a move to Centreville,Va. For the past 12 years Ihave worked as a teacher aideat Stone Middle School in Centreville.I have been a careerday speaker at our school severalyears and tell our studentsabout how my liberal arts educationat JCC and St. LawrenceUniversity prepared me for twodifferent but equally rewardingcareers -- and yes, the studentslove to hear about me drivingthat tank.Today’s WDT and NNY newspapers staffersIt’s Halloween Party Time!Centerpieces will never be the same! A beautiful array of cinnamon chocolate dipped applestopped with a special cinnamon blend, pineapple daisies, half of the strawberries dipped in gourmetchocolate, honeydew, cantaloupe, grapes and fresh orange slices presented in a keepsake metalcenterpiece container. A colorful addition to any table. Available in three sizes. Container may var y.Visit us at:Target Plaza21856 Towne Ctr. Drive<strong>Watertown</strong>, NY 13601315-788-4201EdibleArrangements.comFruit Festival ® • All stores open 7 days a week©<strong>2011</strong> Edible Arrangements, LLC. Containers may vary. Delivery not available in all areas. Available in a variety of sizes.Franchises available; call 1-888-727-4258 or visit eafranchise.com.Mike Mittelstadt, WDT copy editorJonathan Monfiletto, Malone Telegram reporterAmanda Morrison, WDT photographerDan Mount, WDT sportsJamie Munks, WDT reporterSarah Nichols, WDT news clerkFrancesca Olsen, WDT copy editorPatience O’Riley, WDT copy editorRick Pominville, WDT web site content managerFrancis Pound, WDT editorial pageMaggie Reed, WDT sportsChris Robbins, Ogdensburg Journal reporterTrudy Ross, Malone Telegram editorial assistantJeff Savitskie, St. Lawrence County editorDave Shampine, WDT reporterWendy Sharpe, WDT Canton office assistantDave Shea, Ogdensburg Journal sports editorLeslie Sheldon, WDT sportsReena Singh, Carthage Republican TribunereporterMike Smith, WDT website technicianJustin Sorensen, WDT photographerJosh St. Croix, WDT sportsAlain St. Pierre, Massena <strong>Daily</strong> Courier-Observersports editorDiana Staie, WDT copy editorSteve Virkler, WDT Lowville reporterJohn Turcotte, St. Lawrence Plaindealer,sportsTom Wehrhahn, WDT copy editorPerry White, WDT city editorDaniel Woolfolk, WDT reporterFrom our 4th generation family business to your4th generation family business:Congratulations andContinued SuccessScott & Denise Gray and staff

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