Oct 1944 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Oct 1944 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Oct 1944 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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TWO OCEAN CrfY SHstlNEC-LEDCER Friday,lira's Nose:edFaII'Rome, He Saysff Swgeirt TeIU Ki.• wani* How Littlej 5 Thing* Count*U Cleopatra's nose had been allf Inch longer, the chances are>it OeBsaf wcniki not have fallenf her. Instead, his efforts would|ve been devoted to strenttrieniiiie. If Home hadn't fullcn, thereI Save been no dark age*." 1 'jfonnan V, Biirgent, city publicityetor, thus illustrated his conter..that there is no such thin!! nstUc thing in life. In a talk to|BJB Klwanis Club Wednesday atpointed out that infinitelythinp, woven toqctlicr, direct•kiM BEAT NAPOLEONi -U riatte' tali<strong>of</strong> dust has chant*-ft tte Bourse <strong>of</strong> a nation, he said. I•Had rain not fallen the night beffcethe battle <strong>of</strong> Waterlog, Nn.pnlran could have brnuitht up hi;aJtlllcry and he, instead <strong>of</strong> Well.Iqgton. would have been victoriousplf Sir Walter Baleteli had notIfousht the potato buck tn Enfihiid,thousands <strong>of</strong> persona wmihi, ^Etir ha?e been doomed to smrva=thin In Ireland,-Had Whistler passed his rhemiefltests at West" Point he prutMhlywould have ended his carcrr as ul$iJQi* general. Instead, he flunkedoBt and the world should bp liraii 1 -ffi] that he did. Otherwise we »uul:!^t have the Whistler m:istorpiece«today,qmiOPIA, CURTAIN-RAISER. "In 1935 Mussoliiil .Tiovt'd uit.ijfthiopui. Tills did nul disturb uiJftrtleulsrly pollowints Ituly's k'iidJcpan Hdvaneed into China in 103"aid Germany absorbeu Austria the-IBUowinj! year.^The world conflict today result."ftom the apparently link' thiriEs ufJiiterday.•it is the little things, the speakerI BUNGALOW: FOR SALE'Rmdv for immediate ucupiniy,•Modern corner bungalow. Fiiir..condition, FirppIiH*. Hut water"heat, garage, large lot. Corner-Maryland av. and Shore Kd,•Open for insptitlon sun. Sept, 17A. R. McCausiandtl Bast Danes Ave.vPhsne 1071 gamers Point?€ Nflj ilr, die word for Cfiequotuuib ^m§Ef Ale ii smoothest , 5 ,fir that*i what it* mellow tang <strong>of</strong>%Vor-aged ingrvdntKa u—r*-fresh•CLICQUOT CLUB (" , GINGER ALEKBAMEB BEVERAUE CO.1» W, VirilBU Am, Ailantie <strong>City</strong>^ Phone S-lSla| declared, that makes character. It Is1 not what the man does in publicbut what he does and what hethinks when he is alone.Life seldom woiKa out as we planIt. The little things <strong>of</strong>ten take us<strong>of</strong>f the planned path.SOMETIMES IT PAYS TO FAILHe pointed out that <strong>of</strong>ten a fnilure,such as Whistler experienced,ouena the way to a greater achievementWliiit become* <strong>of</strong> OIID'S experiences,Mr. Baryeni said, dependslargely upon what he lias in hisheart. If we live our lives truly—not iillbl and not make excuses—we cull builil a satisfaction tlinlsurmounts illsappulntmcntji, fhi 1path to happini'ss caii be rim-lims,he contended. _President J, Fred Marine, wliepresidrd, and Vice Prchitieiii H.iii'Llnyd Chrittin, who preseiiicd iluspeaker, won 1 elected di'U'^-iii'?, t*attend the Klwanis district enlivenlionill Ciliiideli. Otlobel' 12 JulinE, Trout, Henry H Coiiijer ;ih(l RnyA. Mengel were naiiwd iilterniiiesMierop QuitsResort PulpitAisumes New DutiesIn Phila.Ruv. Wulhvil A Mif-vip piiMnr nltlie Otvnn Cily Baptist church. »•hc lilble Ilistliuli-' • •'Pennsylvania, ill Pliiadi'lpliin.Untior a tivnpnrarv arraiiyi'iin'ii 1the pastniatt 5 i* now in rhurue nlRrv Paul Ki!l?ler Rev Mlerupassliiti.nt iur the |iiiM ihrec yearsThe Rev. Mr Mirnip. wh'i h.i.resiyiieH the c li:irnr. expi'Ct.H tn returnheri' ;is a supply pasttir \:Stainton's to beOpen Two EveningsStarting nest week Ht.iinttin's Di -pnrtnK'nt St'ire will be tij'ti Frnl;,\ :iind Saturday evenings uiily untilfurther notice.The store has b. rn n|:en :ill wrekdayevenings duiinsj the Siitiimei.Mrs. William Chester, nf Newl'iiii',N J., spent Sunday ;it 1218 Bny nv.Delinquent TaxesAt Low PointSmall Number <strong>of</strong>Properties Listed<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> taxpayers are PayhiKtheir local tax obligations promptly.This is revealed by the advertisementol tlie tax collector's sale <strong>of</strong>properties for unpaid taxes and a*>.sessments which appears on pane5 <strong>of</strong> tins issue.<strong>On</strong>e hundred rmd nineteen itemsare listed This is the Miinliesi numberul properties listed for delinquenttils sale in iiiurierii timesTill bulls ut the item,', nre lUrjsmnM ni-iiouii!s Mild uliiny will he] p;iid <strong>of</strong>f belmv I hi' advertisementappears lies! «eekThe name* uf HelinnueiU taspnyeiswho pa> r up befutc nest Tu- 'Who iiifliidnd Mayir amj ^Tr-'.Iti=run rci Mnniuolnfiiin, pitrhinu nunim. plnyirm t'r > =quiu iturt fliirt-K. A biifTiM llilt* In usiWHS Hprvrd.Othrr mipsfs i!if!iirincl = C''«UIK'J1 =man :iml ?Ars. Orrc*n: rninirijniiUiQHnlhM'nn nnd Janirs CInrk. -J\u\u-Sflimirthrisor. nf thr inunlripiUfniiii^ u M h Mi^ Hc']i:'indhrh t -pr,.IiitlHf ChurlrK E Brown, uf ijir niuniiipiilfj.iirtK. :\iu\ ri:nm)ltiT: JuhnHrnr?, 5-pirifl] FBI Apnm in Phil '-rirlpiii;i, nnri ^fr*; SiVir*-:; SnninfiLieut Shoemaker LosesClothes In Fire In FranceRdMMihrrc. Mnvnr R^nincrs srrn--.nui HiiiTv Hfrh\:i^!in I'hi'rir wnrtiiivnnd Mrs Ri^rnbrrg; Mr :IIH':h;!> !aihnu tn hnvr isiifi. h lurk n!Mrs ,ltw-rph Burn^. ami Mrs \ht:))iiVi\ Thiirnhnruh, ^."hnsp iiii^hniK 1i^ with Thr Phiiridripli]:! TnqijjrrrMi: .-tiiti Mrs. M.iiiinn. wjiu hrwhere fhrv hired innch hetfrr.1hf-rn ^uinnirr n^irirnts ivr' 1 ni.M^vM;i\ uiHcpti'Cl thr p.sltlnn a- presU vn:irs. hitUL'iit thr iniuH 1 I \'tr\ m^mdent He Iind niiitmiii'd ills dmirnviipv iii.s! M;i\' TtiPV \u-\a"Ul:i .-- ttl.ili- H h l".\;i. -ill" prn'.ililvat the Inrnl clHirch until tlie Sum SpiTJI ;> rnhsjcli'nihli 1 nTiimini * * 1 Ml .; l.i'.cti MVi' W r , . k i ^ a V l » r ; U M n ^ner prnyram i-nned.timi' lurr clunnp thr Winter| I- ui p-iiiiui=H Oiit uf lii = hriii fhitsss14 OCEAN RD.rOTTAClK— I lirilnimits lulli.lieiniv will iiilui".«69S0liieome Av *f imvntM,iplewyif{i /iifniiurp, Innt;f»pri!iK Majir«i!iT!y on iiiairi slftt-t.You plan lo own a new home here, right now isthe time to secure a home aite. Prices are low. Investigatebefore the more desirable sites are taken.Lots in all sections <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> including <strong>Ocean</strong>,front lots with riparian rights.Prices range from SgQO t« *5Q00FOIl FULL INFORMATION SEECAREY15th and BOARDWALK§10 OUO,GILL and CARR424 Eighth Street••MOTHERI!Boy TOOT CUMHB 1 ! WWf •*ATLANTIC CITYFirst LiriUi'iinnt J. Otiii'ii Shni 1 -mnker. ni <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, who racerlwith Cifiu'i'iil Piiltiiii In his historicdrush nrrnss Francf 1 , ittiuy in 1 in Ocrninnyiiidjy—-with nn cl.iililiiJ i!Xceptilitu which He Is wearing,1Lieut. Sin,t*mnkiu', son nf c HoliierSliocniakt'r. slid in a letter re= , Division. wJiicli ruptured St. Lo, nndThi' ii'sorl man is with the 38thcelvrcl by his 9 It; Thi'lmn, this wiiii: b riH'enlly n't'i'lved CtingrnsHliiiii'lciiinmcniliiiicin Tin 1 Divisionweek, that !H S re 'nfly lost pnu-ti =I'nlly nil ul his i othliiK in ii file.Hr had had an opportunity to HrndMoss BunkerCaught at PierFair Catches <strong>of</strong>Weaks ReportedAiintlir; H!;H tliliir ilrvH'ipfnrM*ihi* \vvvk ulit'ii. lor [ho I'iiKt tini -in it*4 UNyffir hteturv. i\ lllnKs bunkr>r: wiis nfficiuHv chulked lip nn \hv[JUT iciB.Tin* l 1 iLHfftry=*iir!k'in{x r.tirh iv.i irniicir hv Eci Sniiili pii-^t prt^Ickntwliii sti'iuifnstly vv\\i£t'(\ tn say whinhr iiHini fur Ijiiit,(tirinallv^t!;iin;i'=io(tkiirknown im nit'nhiirirn, nre• mil.** th:ir ply thr«i"li... ! in 1941. ,111(1 hit I": tin-Aiili'l 1 ** nil Ihi' I'liM'*! i-.ifh SiMllIll":'IJiif ,'ilt 1 VrlfViUl ,l!l;!|i'rs d K'liin.'flI in! t nn si ! 3i'=rf\sprr; ini: nH'iihncirnv-\i'Y licinii- wim fcnowii fi> IK cnuulif!i;i SiiMik Mini lino.ALSO CATCHES WEAKSMcniuulrn nn"- r;iui>iii bi'iYiiifU 5' t h < \ ! i i j i k i U i i i i i l ft = r t i i i K i r ; i i h l * i f. 11 =•1i'< iii-nlijcif rnthrr thnn inr rrifinu.J piirpii-!^ Mr Smith n-Hiiieci thuf1 4 nice \Vv\iklLSh.I't!)! hi 'Miir', jijr wi• iiU j! i---h i i n u > \ -IT= win! I.. Di- H.ihihi 1^ Ahlviiii(iiTs six-porvn WI:\K; ])\ Anfnm hroimht li.ick 10 wt-nk.-; WIHJ iii'i;tyi' Wfjulii ni ;l pntinfLv ]I -< .i]. '.. ii p . n n u ^ T h r HVI r..!'.-i "Af• iL".hl.ii : he]: r.iir in .-, w;r- '-.i\i . i k i i - h n i M i i l n l -. "I llMlMfiH-M 'hi-- Wi'C-kI Fihhi'riirn ;it lin- pn-r fuinul tinlyi ffH- \vr;tk^ nn^iiin/, inui * vt>n f( w-iim Hfik^ In Kd Frf Mvr IJV I J' M'uplu ' iuht bv H Jliniifihrics.• -•i-vrn hv J^hn \lrF;!fliii h, ivn nt5'i'w" kum- hv Bill ShiiMir \\vo an'l1'iiir kin^ b\ W;il: Diivi.stm. and:\v() by W, riL-i^uh,--. = %Schools Open;Attendance Upf'iilliiiiiiert fruni {iiij^e 1nml,t\ h -if 1 rtuiaiirr Hluwcfi a ,Al lutill JM h,:,nl 'hr >I)ctl!]5 J ,!;)'•tl Ril mcniliiTs .,r :lic HIIIIHmid Ki Firehmi'ii- . - • - • •PiJlllis Winn: in!" vr_ i\[,,Y i|:i:T, •iiiiill!' Iti is ! h >i hoi >l> >>i) , >pi iM:3L: I(l.iv Tlu> hiL'll srllii'il iliiil ;i hrl"f jiiiKi'iiiii^ .nj-i'inbly .ii ivhirh th' 1 j>, Wi vi wiU'iintni back b;, IMrs. Rn!l;irel (jiimn. t.f ll.'il)'Spi'Iii''' Kf: West I'l:il,iri( IjJhii. hail]us rpcriii uuews In Otf.m n i v her icon nnd diiiisjiitcr-iti-li.tt.Mi .milMn< Rirlliirtl Qinnn Jr. ni Pit:"-UJiei Mr^, niuiimi Hiinifn*',"! Dii\ ic.^iiJSMl.The salt air hasteni RUST!Don't let your bent or rustyfenders deteriorate into uselessness.The eventual costwill bo less if body or fenderinjuries are repaired andpainted immediately. Remembermany types <strong>of</strong> fenderscannot be replaced atany price for the durationand sometime after.; for a chnnBo <strong>of</strong> elntlies when hnlenrni'd thiit n truck was jolug bncl:Iiiini thi' frmit lilies to u bum wlMl'rhis piuuirsiilnna Iind been stored But' the hiiiii burned, nnd hv ludt ubuut1 ifiOO wortli <strong>of</strong> uniforms and otheri is ,:iimli- U|i hirm'Iy ui Middle Wi*;-ern men.Buddies MeetIn HospitalResort' Men HaveStrange ReunionSri-i'.inl Williiiiil A Writ MHI; ,il Mi ,111(1 Mi-. AIIIITI Wells <strong>of</strong>Piiii'iiiiii. u\\ is sfiiiinueM in Kh^ =laiiti. A,is Mrn-ki'li with ni lite ilp-Ijpull ,iliivina :tl ;l jli'SlJital hi'found liis llfi-li'im b'ldiiy Rl.ii:SiT^iiiiii riuirli's Nublt' soil ui Mriind Mrs rh.irii'H Nohli'. ill.-' "i HiiiiTMiMwim was tiuTi' fur i if*! niterhis plni;u WHS siiiji dinvn !>n ,iTin- \"'ini; null iwtv 'ir.i'iu.iii'd. \ ri ^r;i|:,!iii iiiiill Iht'v mi't m iilr liuspitill.•-,- r I ii % h u d p l t - m y l.i i.il'i "vi i'l'lii'\ « i i i Iiiiill iliM'li:irm - d irrimt h r h,.«,|vi,,i i h e Kiiiiic ilnv. A i m u MMO.KRANK DAHIiV I'OMI.KTKSDASH AK.MV TRAIMNC.IH ' Flunk Darin ll.ln f.miplcii .1\\i* ii,.'i[ : ' rn ii HILL: ii! Ilif A n - n v ]iiidis a, u . ' . i i i i i l i i ' i l ,il C-.i111|• H l u - l l i v .Mi*-- ,i^ t , i i n p N i H l3Ni:]ii' jiiiil n : ~.-li'.ii:' ir.nl d r ! k P M llailiy siic'iillit (i.i-.s r ' T i i i t h « l ! l l 111?, p ; i r c n t s ,Mr and Mrs Huy F; Daihv. KIMt V l . " I. ! ,i\ . ! u | h iu illy.i 1 t ' . l ' i i p < ' r ,|' 8 C .IIORAItT! IIb,i -h tl . i i i i n i ^PKOMOTKO-...li .1! Mr and Mi| I I -I] .)• s.'iii 1 i.r M a i i i i . M . i I,, hi., iit pi ,:i:, u .Hi: " • ui pui.il a! i-'i ,i ' K i i 'X| K v M r .]>, n- "ih,. u i - c k i nil u i ' hLi i i h , . ' ! . ! Ji-Miii O i i ' i u i (.'!:•, 111:_:iii-'i ll ". Mitt, <strong>of</strong> WillowOrave, pn ^tol catch for the d«ywns 104.Floodlights Stay <strong>On</strong>For ShuffleboardFjiKHltiiilits nt thi 1 ' nhuriir'hnitrdcuiirUi nf thi' RytTiMitlfin Crnior willctintliiuc hi operation Hit night playH.I IOIIM !i^ piuypr iitti'iuUinei 5 warriilitsIt, Dltoctor Cjciirgc K. <strong>On</strong>rdliicriiiiriiiunred this weekHe jiald the cnurt.4 nre now flnsrcjbetween C p.m. and 7:4fi p.in., butthiit use <strong>of</strong> the lights prnbiihiy willruntinue until the enil uf Sepirni-*hpr The shuffle aren has nvuniRi'd111 rnurte in u§e duily iluriim tin'paM wtN'k,Mr. iiiiii Mrs H. M Wiirthliitjtniicif Lunsdiile, HN 1 hpendliig tht-lrrUhtii sna^riii hi ! rM = The> nre ;ic=runipanird by thi-lr riiiuMhter, Mi-^L'ii» B ; Wiirtiiiniiliin. iiiid their win.•Nr.rmiii P. WmthinGtoii. Warrrni;OITiiir in i.lic U 8 Aimiy. who isnn icAvf irijiti his poai iit WiindrtiwwUscin General Hnspiiiil. siulninr..Vn.TRY A ci.AHKirreD ADPick Fishing f*>m,jJudgeJudge N«l ^|ffA board <strong>of</strong>jrinnew qf m N1BU,M»y County Pimm,be scloclai next week.Direi-lor Percy H.cod yesterday.Entri,. s InliirRw titan evernnd n,-w p spthave l H...|i enlewd Wlnimiiiounced next monthMi). Fxhviii nnLieBiiullhiiiiijinn, PH.. Mtrr Hiwutlliio live dnys•»». I-. W. BCTTS * wOPTOMETRigJjROMAN STRIPEi.A M, I, |, -0V ni'Iiolnimnit *Atlanti,. AVMli,Clly, M. ,NEW FALL __il.iiiilh.Hib Illat Hijlly Sot II, p,,,,Knur' A$3-00 to $g,M(Kur, iH'; v : s, f«,|i JilI aii.iiirinc iiiU'nfign tn j thit ^yit willrilvaii ijinp. iJfawVlriiUJI fangc I,, *M[ siylii, Tblrnn.._....., *.!! nu! fxhitiirjllitn ir.is ynHr '•'! MillTHK IIMI'SK Or VALUESM u fH' SJEWELRY GIF'reA Kiff bi-iiiliiK the n.-inir "KU'TH" is f^UT jtusntifff- sf !h§ alHam b gm\ASU- nin) HAUmi lildgmrst qf valuestill T MAKT OF OCEAN tlf\826*828 Boardwalk (Opposite IVWIVT)MORTGAGEMONEYAVAILABLETHE NATIONAL BANK<strong>of</strong> OCEAN CITYMKMIILit FEUEHAL DKI'OSIT INSURANCE IORFORATIONTITLE INSURANCESEARCHESChelsea Title and Guaranty CompanyThr Nnlinill Diillh nf Otrnil l.'lly BullilinKAllumr t'lly ilfilii -Hijaf'lwilil Nallsni! B,inli BuilniniAlbert ('. AbbntiClinlon •, P*ePipslMintVlte pres '*£* lBdwin B, Siiies S(a«lry V. Handy EIwooil 1,Tillc Ultlctf Asu'l. Troinircr SollHlB<strong>Ocean</strong> lily'ii "Title t'umpany" for 34 YgariCHANGE OFSTORE HOURSEffective Next WeekStore Open Monday to Friday fr«° ^8 a. tn, until 6 p.m, J|Store Open Saturday*from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m,LA FOOD MARKET FOR THOSE WHOWANT THE BESTNeed ExtraVITAMINSPlenty <strong>of</strong> fro.h fruits and vegetable*will help supply fhe 9ntrBvitamin, and minerals JO importantto the health <strong>of</strong>growing children.F 0«y Western 4% A fmFRESH PEAS_2 l 35Nearby BroccoU ^ 2ScCalifornia Golden Carrots t^,*, 9cCalifornia Oranges "• lOc 1 f ib, 49cFresh Prune!%Tosfe fhe DifferenceYsu'il Ilk* thaHEAT FLOFlavsr sfascoCOFFEEjenethsn QFMtinlsih-U, S. No, 1 3 - IS*PEAS »*>> ", 18cSwift's PramCudchy's """•" ""•Vegt's ScrappleSterling SaltgoedStat o a f 1Princess MustardIncreased Milk ContentAl Permitted hv War F5Sd AdminittreiioiiInrithed Supreme32c14c11c4c•lit"10cVirginia LM Lay,,CAKE "rr 40cEnr Ehcd b/ oddll.on «f Vllamm. 11 and 13, Nln|« and Iran,Hobiord Fancy Grcdo "A"JUICEMods from freih vlife^Hpsjisd fomstest.Juice %,3°"rFlorida Orange JuiceGienwootf Apple •utterHoafde'Lite MayonnaisetlSCO Pancake FlourKara Table Syrup £;;, "r iwSunimne SXZ, ""'19c ! Split Peal *'""• l "«12cNiibists ^"" ""*' 19* Plain Olivsi ""•' '" M 20(Shradded VVheot " B»; 12c Stuffed Olives °" *,,*;3StCUT BEETS 12packed wiHi ell their gsrrf^^frtfh ASVSP i*sled In,Farmdale Evap. Milk "„New Pack Hitter CatsupSeedless Raisins 1^Maryland TomatoesHurlock Asparagus c ;:;; rPillsbury's Best FlourHunt Club Dog Meal(INeSOsIi SIbe!b'"-IbbsyISCIOC4*cVinegar " «j I2E I Virtery Honey "'" 29*m0 Vinegor*^,,, ^37* Whole All Spice ""« lieOyster Crockepl """ 19e \ Mwilard Seed '»«" 11 eA-5 to G 5 RED STAMPS NOW VALIDFflnty Fresh-Dressed^^DUCKLINGS 33PsyMrj-Fancy Nosrby Square Cut Shoulder .^^^HVEAL ROAST %TIroail VealNeck VonlRump Veil RoBlf *Shldr, VM( Chops JLang BolognaCooked Salami"!»£"2li• '*3tt-•• 112g(1^ Ii |9gtenjltr iaan (S ptl !fc)—Mne InCHUCK ROASTItibVsalCheplPork LiverFresh StrapplerMfimokas """'Lebanon BolognaPork Roll"3lf"Ms:'"33«"3S«ieilina •••* "•'""'• " 19t j Hamburg "** *""• " 26ePotato Salad " 17t|Hom-d»-Uto leani " IFcSMOKED BEEF TONGUES rr * J9cWhiting D «« d lki4eMackerel l F%f h * (kifeHerringFlounder FUtottCBniiHiMi Sail am ,n>Sfeik BMKirfciMn'(~FlakMKlrkmon'. Granulei "23cKirkman'i CIsanMr 3Klrltmon'i Powder "MitKlrfcman'i term* Se«p -< itLiquid VMWW * u «lfteWPM"'" 1 * 2"**13tSTARCHWlih purihoM »l t pttl «Farmdale Qualify foulfry ^Brewing MSThTlirfTas i i7nilw*taih 23«.»!.! 1laying M 0 ,h U^'Vi.ll I Wluih KM'-' «&•»•««s tfatch Groin. 100;;, *3.37 i Chltk OraJM 8^*, »1 -^HM7 ASBURY Alfe,—OCEAN ClTYRD. and HIGBEE AVE.--SOMERS FODWHigh School Is Assured <strong>of</strong>4-Game Football ScheduleAdditional Game with Middle Possible;Almost 40 Candidates Turn OutS/.LE— Cublii cnilsrr. 33' bv 10 if., rd. \uA Wiitt'r, Ociobr-r i Mrs, Seal,IlilKiii'iilly ni?w, s,31(!0 APIllv HiiiU Wi Monrlyii ti'rr. 0-23,<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> High School is assureduf ut Iwuit a four.yamt 1Orinber II. wildwaod, IHJIIH-; Bn.ii_W.jiji.s.jth_irntl_Bny. _ 9-li.footballHALE Iii tint Itiil lilruk mnic Pom. f.OST--180~ri'cl iiiiiiits from" A to P.Nolrmbpr 4, f ,ipf May, iiwny!Fctwdiilb this Fall, Coach Wilhuf Arnitiinn. a vpurs old. KI'IIIIM itcn- In s. 2 nnd 1. Mrs. Charles hri'ck-Novi-nilwr 11, Egg lim-bnr, home-; HiiruibliClurk nnnouncod this wook us fnotbullfever bejjaii to gencmtii with In iiddltion. Coach Clark sold lib inn's Puint ftaj 9-115, Mr? Jolni R. Hlitlrr and snn, nf1 . Mrs Ci' ! OrKf Rt^bpnii 323 Ipv. I E 10th st, 9-K.Novrmbvr IS, Pieusiinlvi!!?, awuy. Bhiiri" 1(1 . Rrimcrs Piiinl Phiini' Si -DIP opening <strong>of</strong> thn new schuul term. has hopes uf ulhrr Kami's. Includ- np:NT--THRF:E tatirijuiii npnru philadpljiliia, nrr sojourning lirrc,A sriuud <strong>of</strong> tandldatt's fur theIni? one with Middle Township, niirit. first flnur. nrtulii hnnti-r fortnnm rwpunded to thf first ml! toninliT Aiinlv 857 Pi Ilium nl pjvnpi'i>n nri nn.si =.s. 9-1,1. town l-;i . ,irrivi>d hfir rrrenily tiiJ -Wiiln-r Colquihoiin. <strong>of</strong> Middle-wlilfh Is biiCk into tlie rom|ietlliviipriiuiitL' on Tuesday, but dup tn fold, iiAvlim obtalni'd a m-w at hie.ruin mid wet Erminds Hip boysKAI.K 'KlTCHEli'lniilo, 1u'iv"]r'jA ^innd two works.tic conch,iiiiiltiii't do milch uiitdoor wmk mi- ALMOST 40 CANDIDATESMi mid Mrs Frank MarNrnl, nfHI Wi-diicfiday,I'HVHII'AI, CONDITION riRSTThe squad <strong>of</strong> almost 40 candidatesfur the leym lias prusjieets <strong>of</strong>i, n ,i!"(H PlynloutiiOollin;i:lnl(, pit.. are spciidliiK a vn-pi.The first few dujs WITP tri bn dniledto pliyiiical cuiKiltloninu exirciM-s,with only pun ol tin. ri-i'iiliiri-qui|»iii'iiL Issued tn Ihi: sqiiail.Conijilf'ti. uutfiLs for lnuri' bodilyi-oiuuct work will be (lislriliuli-iiliirlv nrxt wt'tk,•I'lii- lollowiiiK srliedulii lins booniilTiiliHi'tJ so Iur:Too Late To Classifylair sireriKlli, due lu a mieleiM ufseven ijliiyeis who were either firs 1 ,sinim or inemberK uf ihe I!i43 iiut-(II.'1 In Mrindbys rirnnininij (mm lastyear are Turn SWiiyhe. mil IjeHtoillpi'un.Lloyd Soulhiird, Al HoltlP.n,Dun MiiHurd. Jim '•Dlmontl am: 1Mike Cnli.Hi-.ed ur unfiirnisin.d apaitmeiit nflOltiiBe. yiailv, heiui'd. adulL'iPllulie 104:!tf,Thurston's Open AllDay, Next WeekHliirtinii next week Tlnirstoii'niiinrka-t will be OIJI-II froin H .1 inuntil 0 pin, Monday lo ruddy, in-LOST New blaik coat with Straw*lindue uliil Clothier hlliil, tlikelibv mistake In,111 MiiWjiili; Hull tluM;-cluslvf. iind from 9 am, until 7room, leiiviup a blue cunt with LamBryant label. Return to Harrii 1p.m. on Saturdays, piirini! the Yuiinii. Fiif.1 Ofllt 1 . Bill mitl bce.111Hummer, the store closed m 1 pin. iiv,O.JS.dulls ewept Katufdiiy. Ui nihke it|iu'.'il)li. to (ill telephone ordtn-s.FOlj Nil- MANS or huv s idenUli-Clilii.n briieelel, last week end 1111beach at KUIi iiuai) Ounif can re-I'oier by pasiim lm this ad Mi";:W. B KIllsoli. 1 K 10th St. _ 9-J. r ,.HAi E Fl.mnnia mra and hroiler,euulL^ whule 111e.1l new S-'iMeiWANTED -- NliW DEVELOPMBNrPHOtiHAM, Ofjtid pi'rriiunoiii 800 SI Cllulles I>l Fhiiiic SULW(uiinciciiun open IIIJW. old r'-linljlilinnwilli 11ut11111.1l slnndinu, niin. HALK UPHinilT ijiMiiu 'KninU-hO-ISkt-iinti nn ts^si'iitiul product - !K!,f nnd Bach IteiiSiilialiie. m^i Ceil.rii'iiiMit in muiiufncluriiiB BhniU tra! av firsl Iliiur. D-Tihiliiurs [iiiti iithi-rs. AllliTieun Oiluiid Piiinl Cu , Cltvi liird. OliinHAL.f. Curlier li'iuse! nicely iiiinished.eit;ht anarinients 5 IIIUIH:,, ^ ^ ti-15niti iouytiuii, coal heuler. G^ti Wi",-WAHIKij a nr 3 "bi'tirui.111 fiirnisli. lev iiv. owner on prniiLsi-s. 0«u:!JOBCOMPETITIONSmializtd tralnlnf will be nteismyto meet J^ eompetltion In theBOR-wir era that i s around tilecorner, "nie record <strong>of</strong> NJO gradii*t«s—trslnedefficiently in a lewmonths as expen st#n<strong>of</strong>raphersetcrtEariei, l»pkki#Bers, aecount.anu, ew,~«hoOT that thtir servicesare in demand,,,at geod pay inwar and pMee.'« « BnUHIll. .ylllnln, irt»nl?«• ^f'! 1 ?" otnriuBilit. cmrici1616College ^ATLANTIC 1 CITY, N. ,!,AVE,BULLETINWANTED—Wdnt ta rent a tioMe,opnrlmtiit or burmnluw, unlufiii-'hed,yonr ruund EnH W, Powell,ei_n_4;ii_gL_piiom' Hio-w, g-aa,hmtany yltUrula, Call Friday onl' 1WANTED •- .^HVICKMAN-S win- al 1411 Plcnsiirr av. ur phone 1331.J,WUIILB io buy ii wardrobe trunk,Fcnsonuble Phunv Somers Point 4.M RENT ^TmT bedroonT flrsf floiTr. _ 8-15. opartment, for winter, well huat-:md f'.ilr c-iiiiirji Sllinlv biiil 1 .Brown fll'.i.Hii. SIOOO I4M A-Sblil'V nv.o-i,:..LOST- WGODKN t[j(, bn-! riiiitilinini>.sii,'ninr>r i-rif?iiim,s nnd dih* 1 !''lie ins' nl Ciiliil SiivtiHf, on SifirBrai'li. Wc'dlipMlav Liijiinl vrwnr'l IPliunr OaliB-W0 is.WANTED JIOU8FKEKPER lo :'-.isiiii i'iil work Smnll llullhi' in S>).mils piiim :i ciiii-rlv DI-OIIIP Ou..clW^H'i^ Hrfi rpiiris rrfjuii^d Dorliind. jP. O Hi x :i8B Alliiiillf C'itv- N I^ ^ B-1S.HALF: iti/tiH, iniihiiuiiiiv bpcirrminsuite, box spring, onk dining roomlultp, 8 chairs, buffet and table;sinMle brass bed. chest <strong>of</strong> drawer 1 !,kitchen table. 2 ouk chairs, smalldavfriporl, living room table, nip-TERMINAL CAB24-Hour Servicep».O114Amazing new war vehicle tntvels in waterglidem like aArmy's latest Weasel M-29CBuilt by Studebakcrand powered by famousStudebaker Champion engineTTERI'S a brand-new example <strong>of</strong> iho teamwork <strong>of</strong> the•1~1 Office <strong>of</strong> Scientific Research and Development, theWar Department and Studebakcr engineers ,,, It's the latestmodel <strong>of</strong> ihe Army's versatile track.laying vehicle known asthe Weasel.., This new M29C is just as much at home inwater as it is on sand; mud, swamp or iolid ground,., Itnot only propels iiself in deep water, fully loaded, bai italso clambers up and down Sleep, slippery banks with amai.ing ease,,, This new Weasel is built by Studebakcr undercontract wiih ihe Ordnance Department, Army ServiceForces, It add] another unit <strong>of</strong> war equipment to a Studcbakerlist that includes aircraft engines and war trucks.Sludebakmr.., Pioneer and Pacemaker in Automotive ProgressWeek-end Bridge Route Trains BetweenSeashore Points and Philadelphiabe Restored Sunday, Sept. 17With the approach <strong>of</strong> Fall, reduced demands for train service betweenPhiladelphia and Atlantic <strong>City</strong> and other South Jersey' Seashore Resorts makeit possible to restore week-end "Bridge Route" service to and from Broad St.Station, effective Sunday, September 17,During the "summer rush" it has been possible to accommodate a muchgreater number <strong>of</strong> passengers over week-end periods by concentrating thelimited available equipment on the shorter route between Camden Terminal(Market St, Wharf) and the Seashore, The cooperation <strong>of</strong> patrons during theheavily-traveled week-end periods has been sincerely appreciated.New Falli timetables showing schedules to and from Atlantic <strong>City</strong> andother South Jersey Seashore Resorts will be available at all ticket <strong>of</strong>fices afew days before resumption <strong>of</strong> week-end "Bridge Route" trains on SepJtember 17.PENNSYLVANIA RAILROADPENNSYLVANIA-READING SEASHORE LINEiREADING RAILWAY SYSTEMBUY UNITED STATES WAR BONDS AND STAMP!CAMPUSIMltlIN TOWN ... IN THI SUiURIS, YOU'LL WIARA DOROTHY HUBBS • CLASSIC NOW, LOVEEVERYTHING ABOUT IT. Fashioned <strong>of</strong> tle«k twotoneCelanese* jeraanest with huge scroll monogram^Beautifull/cut for figure " . ^wifh T aqva7 black wfffi m»(ort,,natmYOUNG PAHH1ONB—THIRD FLOOR,

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