Lesson 6:Are You a Team Player?

Lesson 6:Are You a Team Player?

Lesson 6:Are You a Team Player?

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A Closer Look at Successful <strong>Team</strong>sDefining team success can be a bit tricky.Does a team have to win every game to be consideredsuccessful? Does how well a team works togethermake it a success? Read about two sports teamsfrom U.S. history and decide for yourself.The 1947 Brooklyn DodgersThe Brooklyn Dodgers had been nicknamed“Dem Bums.” This is because they lost so manybaseball games. They won onlyone World Series in theirlong history.In 1947, the Dodgers lostthe World Series. Yet, the 1947Dodgers might be the mostimportant team in U.S.sports history. They were thefirst Major League team withan African American player.He was Jackie Robinson.Baseball has been calledAmerica’s favorite sport.Before 1947, however, oldrules lingered.Jackie Robinson andthe Brooklyn Dodgers9

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