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MICHAEL LOPEZHONORED AT59 th ANNUAL DINNER DANCEModesty, hard working, and just plainnice are three attributes used mostoften to describe our Man of the Year,Mr. Michael Lopez, honored at our 59th annualTribute Journal Dinner on November 10, 2007.Together with his lovely wife, Shelley, anddaughters Meredith and Gayle, we gathered atthe <strong>Sephardic</strong> Temple to celebrate the stellaraccomplishments of the <strong>Sephardic</strong> <strong>Nursing</strong> andRehabilitation Center under Michael Lopez’sleadership.The gala black tie event was attended bymany family members, friends, and associatesof the <strong>Sephardic</strong> Home. Honorary PresidentReginald Matsil served as Master ofCeremonies and was joined by Mr. CliftonRusso, Chairman of the Board, Mr. Ira Rousso,Dinner Chairman and Mr. Robert A. Cohen,Journal Chairman. Flanked by the many membersof the Board of Directors, stakeholders,friends and staff of the <strong>Sephardic</strong> Home,Michael Lopez spoke eloquently about thenecessity of continued support of our Home.He described to everyone in the audience of theimportant steps needed to be taken to continueproviding the excellent care for the elderly, aswe have done for the past 60 years andwill continue to do so into the future.These sentiments were echoed by Mr.Michael New, Executive Director, whowent into detail of proposed strategicplans being discussed by the Board ofDirectors to create a “new” <strong>Sephardic</strong>Home to be comprised of an independentliving center, an assisted living component,and a skilled nursing facility.Together with the involvement of thevarious communities; <strong>Sephardic</strong>,Ashekensic, and Syrian, we must dedicateour energies to meet the changingneeds of the next generation.The world renowned Mr. MalcolmHoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman ofthe Conference of Presidents of MajorAmerican Jewish Organizations deliveredthe keynote address at the lavishdinner. Mr. Hoenlein spoke of the ideaof “Zicharon”, memory and history. Heechoed Rabbi Arnold B. Marans congregationalmessage regarding the 69thanniversary of Kristalnacht, “The Nightof Broken Glass”. Mr. Hoenlein’s messagealso noted that the weekly Torah portionof “Toldot”, Generations, was particularlyapropos for this dinner since the <strong>Sephardic</strong>Home is a central point where generations collidein a caring and compassionate environment.As we prepare ourselves for the nextgeneration we must always look back toremember from whence we came. Before theceremonial speeches concluded, Rabbi Maransadded to the festivities of the evening by deliveringa most moving and spiritually stirringinvocation.All in attendance enjoyed the deliciouslyprepared gourmet meals and danced the nightaway to the music of Erica Ashley Orchestraand the Ike Walkover Music Entertainment.The dinner was aesthetic to all of the senses,including sight with room decorations adornedby Stefan’s floral arrangements. If you would like to contribute to ourjournal campaign or any other of our projectsplease contact our development office at 718-266-6100 ext 312.Our Honoree, Michael R. Lopez.MEMORIES OFMOISH ELLISMy memories of Moish Ellis are crystalclear. Moish was the ultimate “Turk”bursting with pride from his<strong>Sephardic</strong>-Turkish heritage. Whenever Moishwalked into a room, he became the center ofattention. He was big in stature with a loudbooming voice, as he always got his opinion offhis chest.As the Executive Director of the <strong>Sephardic</strong>Home, I can say that Moish was one of ourmost cherished Board Members. He was generous,friendly and always ready to providevaluable input as the Chairman of the HouseCommittee and a member of the ConstructionCommittee before handing over the reigns toJim Caspi.Often I drove Moish to his home inManhattan Beach and he loved to tell me manystories about his WWII Navy service with hisbuddy, Leon Eskenasi, of blessed memory. Hekept himself busy visiting the <strong>Nursing</strong> Homeand running the Kastoryalis Synagogue locatedon 63 rd Street in Brooklyn for many decades.He traveled often to Italy on business,importing fine Italian wool. However healways missed Brooklyn and his wife Lee whowas a very active “LASHA Lady” working onthe annual bazaar and organizing the PinesHotel week-ends. Moish was thrilled and oftenbragged that he and Lee were <strong>Sephardic</strong>. Theyraised their son Keith in a true <strong>Sephardic</strong>home, enriched with <strong>Sephardic</strong> customs andlanguage. Eventually Keith married Ellen andthey gave Moish a precious granddaughter,Justine who was the apple of his eye.Listening to the heartfelt eulogies atMoish’s funeral brought smiles to everyone’sface. No doubt Moish will always be fondlyremembered by everybody who had the pleasureof knowing him.I for one will miss the wisdom, excellentmentoring and warm camaraderie he providedwhenever I was with him.Michael NewL to R: Lynn Lopez, Selma Lopez, Gayle, Shelley, Michael, Meredith and Adele Schaps.

Meredith Lopez and Mallory Feldman with Dr. Gary Levine and Guest.Michael & Shelley Lopez with Shelley’s brother and sister-in-law Mr. & Mrs. Steve Schaps.Robert Cohen, Journal Chairman, presenting 59th Journal to Michael Lopez.Michael, Selma and Lynn Lopez.Chairman of the Board, Clifton Russo presenting Plaque to Michael Lopez.Michael New and Malcolm Hoenlein.Vol. 61 No. 4 2007“America’s Leading <strong>Sephardic</strong> Newspaper”PUBLISHED BY:Proud Grandmother Mrs. Adele Schaps with Meredith and Gayle Lopez and Mallory Feldman.2266 Cropsey Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11214718-266-6100 • www.sephardichome.orgPresident . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Michael LopezChairman of the Board . . . . . . . . . . . . .Clifton Russo1st Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Elliott PassoExecutive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Michael NewEditor-in-Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Elliott PassoHome News Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jacqueline GreenJune and Ira Rousso, Dinner Chairman.⏐ 2 ⏐ SEPHARDIC HOME NEWS Vol. 61

Standing: Rabbi Arnold B. and Zipporah Marans, Lena Russo, Donna Hazan, Norma and Cliff Russo.Seated: Victor F. Hazan, Ed Alcosser, Estelle and Reggie Matsil, Master of CeremoniesRabbi Arnold B. and Zipporah Marans, Marion Crespi, Elyssa and Neil Crespi.Clifton and Norma Russo with Neil Crespi.Standing: Bruce and Roni Geller, Murray Benbasset, Neil and Elyssa Crespi, Marlene and Steve Baum andSheryl and Eli Blit. Seated: Marion Crespi, Melissa and Alan Matarasso and Merri Benbaset.Michael Lopez, Joel and Anne Weidman.Friends of Michael and Shelley Lopez.David and Jacqui Eskenasi with Ira Rousso.Marion and Neil Crespi and Donna and Victor Hazan.Ira Rousso and Ed Alcosser.Shelley and Michael Lopez.The Lopez Family.Bob Cohen and Clifton Russo.SEPHARDIC HOME NEWS Vol. 61 ⏐ 3 ⏐

Standing: Jay and Gina Levy, Jim Caspi with Guest, Steve and Liz Caspi, Alex Buchwald. Seated:Marc and Anne Tenzer, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kamath, Harvey Liebman.Standing: Louis I. Rousso, David and Jacqui Eskenasi, Paul Landsman with Guest, June and Ira Rousso.Seated: Bob and Bette Cohen, Marvin Rose and Guest, Phyllis and Martin Elias.Executive Director Michael New with Rabbi Avraham and Dina Amar, board member Raymond andRachelle Cohen and Albert and Sarah Maleh with friends.Marlene Baum, Murray Benbasset, Sheryl Blit, Victor and Donna Hazan.GRANDPARENTS DAYDina Amar, Marion Crespi, Lena Russo and Rabbi Amar.Aspecial Grandparents DayCelebration was once againsponsored by <strong>Sephardic</strong>Home’s Honorary President VictorP. Levy and his lovely wife Ruth.Grandparents Day began as theidea of one woman, MarianMcQuade in 1970, she inspired otherdedicated people to follow her leadand join her campaign to establish aspecial day for grandparents. Today,Grandparents Day is celebrated bymillions of people throughout theUnited States, who take the opportunityto honor their parents andgrandparents, to visit other olderfriends and relatives, and to recognizethe wisdom, strength and lastingcontributions of seniors everywhere.Here at the Home over 150Residents enjoyed a fun filled afternoonin their honor. Upbeat showtunes along with a selection of toetapping music, provided by Angelo,was indeed a treat. The staff andvolunteers joined in the cheer asthey kicked up their heels anddanced along with our residents.Thanks to the Recreation,<strong>Nursing</strong>, Housekeeping, Dietaryand Volunteer Departments formaking this year GrandparentsCelebration the fun time that it was.Special thanks to Victor andRuth Levy for once again sponsoringthis wonderful afternoon. Pleasewon’t you sponsor a party, trip, or amemorable day for our beloved residents.For further information on howyou can become a sponsor, pleasecontact Executive Director MichaelNew at 718-266-6169.Goldyne Lipson blowing out her birthday candles with her niece Marion Noble.102 YEARSYOUNGFriends of Shelley and Michael Lopez.Congratulations to Resident Goldyne Lipson who recently celebratedher 102nd birthday, a milestone. She is a centenarian,a person who has reached the age of 100 years or more. Theterm is associated with longevity because the average life expectanciesacross the world are far from 100.When Goldyne was asked if President Bush sent her a letter congratulatingher on her 102nd birthday she replied - “No, maybe he’sbeen out of the country, he better not forget my 103rd”.Mazal Tov Goldyne, we love you and look forward to celebratingwhen you become a supercentenarian (a person who lives to 110 yearsor more). Our Grandparents Day Celebration⏐ 4 ⏐ SEPHARDIC HOME NEWS Vol. 61

ALZHEIMER’SMEMORY WALKDear <strong>Sephardic</strong>Home’s CasaWalking Team,On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff of the Alzheimer'sAssociation, New York City Chapter .... thank you, thank you, thankyou! ... for all the hard work, dedication, and commitment that helpsus believe that we will, one day, live in a world without Alzheimer's.We are humbled by your accomplishments, and deeply grateful. Itwas a remarkable experience and you made a difference! Despitethe need to get up early on a Sunday morning - which turned out tobe an incredibly beautiful summerlike day - you came and helpedMOVE our cause forward!I am so proud to report that Memory Walk 2007 was a record-breakingyear in attendance and money raised - over $900,000 to date - withdonations still arriving.Once again, thank you for helping to MOVE our cause forward on behalfof the more than 200,000 individuals in our five boroughs who haveAlzheimer's, as well as their family members and caregivers. You shouldbe very proud, because we are proud to have you as part of our team.I look forward to seeing you at Memory Walk 2008!Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive,degenerative diseaseof the brain attacks thememory and the ability to think, reason,and judge. People with this diseasegradually forget who they are,where they live and how to function.Over 5 million people are living withAlzheimer’s - 200,000 living in the fiveboroughs of New York City – fromevery race, gender and culture.Seventy eight million baby boomersare approaching the age of the greatestrisk for the disease.The New York City Chapter of theAlzheimer’s Association recently sponsoredtheir annual Memory Walk andthe <strong>Sephardic</strong> Home was proud oftheir staff and family members whoparticipated. The “team” walkedproudly carrying a banner bearing theTHE TEAMHome’s logo.The <strong>Sephardic</strong> <strong>Nursing</strong> andRehabilitation Center recognizes theunique needs of persons withAlzheimer’s disease by offering specializedprograms. Our purpose is toassist in areas of impairment whileencouraging remaining abilities,always treating the individual withdignity and respect.Specially trained and selected staffaccepts an increased responsibility tobe sensitive to the resident’s needs andto respond with compassionate, lifeenrichingprograms.Plan on joining the “team” nextyear, the proceeds from the MemoryWalk are used to underwriteAlzheimer’s research, education andsupport services. Chanuka—Festival of LightsChanuka means dedications.Chanuka calls on us torededicate ourselves to theJewish faith and the Jewish people.Judaism is precious because it bringsmeaning and goodness into our livesand motivates us to strive for a worldof justice.Each holiday has its special wayof celebration. We celebrate Chanukaby kindling the lights of the menorah.On Chanuka, we celebrate and thankG-d for two great miracles: 1) the victoryon the battlefield- in which thesmall army of the Chashmonaimdefeated the much larger forces oftheir Greek-Asyrian enemies. This isexpressed in the "Al Hanisim" prayer,which is recited on Chanuka;" Youdelivered the strong into the hands ofthe weak, the many into the hands ofthe few…" 2) the miracle of oil- inwhich a small amount of oil, enoughto last only one day, sufficed for eightdays.The festival of a great act of faith,the festival of strength and dedicationto the liberation of the people. Thefew against the many, the weakagainst the strong. A handful of faithfuland brave men who risked theirlives, shook off the yoke and calledupon the people to revolt againsttheir cruel taskmasters, against theconquerors who tramped upon allthat was holy, against cowardly sons,who polluted the national culture andplotted to uproot it. No law and orderwere there, no organization and summons—butpeasants from mountainvillages, faithful to their country, loyalto their people, eager for freedom,guarding the faith in their hearts.Mattathias, the venerable priest,revered and well advanced in years,Judas the bold hero, the Hasmoneanbrothers, Hannah the mother with herseven sons—from generation to generation,and from year to year theywill return and whisper to the massesof Israel, scattered and lost, the hopeof redemption.This year, Chanuka started onTuesday December 4, 2007, throughWednesday December 12, 2007.Throughout these eight days, we celebrateat the <strong>Sephardic</strong> Home, a specialceremony and special service oflighting candles on each floor in thedining rooms with music and songs.Throughout these eight days, our residentswill enjoy the holiday with variousactivities of fun. My warmest good wishes to youfor a happy and inspiring Chanuka.Sincerely,Rabbi A. AmarChaplainMany good wishes for a happy, healthy & peaceful holiday season.We recently introduced aprogram for our growingSyrian population. Ournew “SY” Program, as it is known, isgeared to our residents ofSyrian/<strong>Sephardic</strong> descent.Over forty residents, familymembers and staff, either conversedin their native tongue or Englishtelling “their story”, getting to knowone another.While listening to music, playingtambourines, and castanets everyonewas busy rekindling relationshipsand making new ones. Next on theagenda was dancing followed bydelicious authentic Middle Easternfoods; kebbe, Moroccan cigars, samboosa,lahma ba’jene and burekas,just to name a few.Sincerely,Susan SugarmanVice PresidentDirector of Marketing &CommunicationsOUR NEW SYRIAN PROGRAMThe “SY” Program will continueto meet monthly and we look forwardto welcoming all our newSyrian Residents. Renee Haber with sister Rose and Doris DweckEnjoying ethnic Middle Eastern foodMary Tawil with her familySEPHARDIC HOME NEWS Vol. 61 ⏐ 5 ⏐

We thank you for yourgenerous contributions to theForget-Me-Not FundForget-Me-Not FundAttn: Eleanor Borrellic/o The <strong>Sephardic</strong> Home2266 Cropsey AvenueBrooklyn, NY 11214(718) 266-2965IN MEMORY OF:ISRAEL ABRAMOVSHCKIK -from Irina & Gario Elentukh….JACK ADLER – from Sheryl & EliBlit, Liz & Greg Waldman, MicheleWaldman, Marion Crespi, Roni &Bruce Geller & Family, Neil & ElissaCrespi & Family, Marlene & SteveBaum & Family, Jerry Goldberg….NATHAN ADWAR - from BellaCassuto, Meyer & Renee Levy, Tica& Max Negrin, Gail & Elliott Passo,Jean Einhorn & Family, Sheila &Jerry Assael, Stanley & Terry Elias,Tina & Morris Erbesh, Anita &Martin Elias, Charlotte Elias, Mr. &Mrs. Mickey Calderon, Rhea &David NegrinNATHAN ADWAR - We regret theloss of our friend-We loved himdearly-from Betty & Lou Cassorla….JACK ALBAHARI- from SarahAlvo…JACOB J. ALBAHARI - fromCongregation Peace & Brotherhoodof Monastir…CELIA ALBALA- Beloved Mother,Grandmother & Best Friend-Died onSeptember 8th, 2007-“We Miss HerEvery Minute of Every Day”-Lovefrom Jay Albala & MarleneDutton…..CELIA ALBALA - from Jack &Helen Albala….SIMON & ESTHER ALBALA –MORRIS & JULIA ALBALA –SAM & MARY ALBALA –JOHNNY ALBALA –RECULA & POLITZ HAZAN –ALBERT S. ALBALA –BERNIE M. ALBALA –ALBERT M. ALBALA –SOPHIE SUTERA -SOL & LENA HAZAN –VIOLET HAZAN –LILLIAN ROUSSO - Miss you allfrom Mimi & Ronnie Elias….DAVID PERES BAKER - ThankYou Grandpa for all you were, andall you are in me. AlvinANNA (DAVID) BAKER - You’vepassed your Gifts of Love (and passingout candy)to your daughterJenny, and then to me. Thank Youfor your Love. Alvin….SOLOMON ABRAHAM COHEN -Dad, It took the last month of yourLife, and my learning about Lifethereon, to understand you. RestEasy. Your eldest, Alvin….JENNY (SOLOMON) COHEN -The Bond of parent/child will alwaysbe strengthened, even in death. Youwere a true “Morenica”. Your sonAlvin…SIDNEY DANIEL COHEN -Brotherly Love Forever. You’ve beensorely missed. Your Brother Alvin…NELSON BAKER-SLEEPY “SAM” COHEN-ROBERT & JANET WEISBACH –JACK CANDIOTTI –IZZY CASSUTO –REST IN PEACEMY GOOD FRIENDS - THANKYOU FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIP,LOVE & FUN – G-D BLESS - fromBen Pesso……PAULINE BASNER - BelovedMother from Norman Basner…SYDNEY BECKERMAN - fromRhea & David Negrin…VICTOR BEJA - from Stanley &Terry Elias…VICTOR BEJA - from IkeCordovi, Marlene & Stephen Baum,Lisa & Neil Crespi, Sheryl & Eli Blit,Roni & Bruce Geller, Marion Crespi,Jerry Goldberg, Sol Elias, SarahMevorah, Mr. & Mrs. RogerNewman, Mr. & Mrs. StevenMevorah, Roselle & Paul Gross &Family, Reggie & Joe Camhi, Simon& Anita PensoBELOVED SISTER JOAN OFSHERRY BERKIN - from Sheryl &Eli Blit, Marion Crespi & Roni &Bruce Geller….SOLOMON BERRIBI - from BeaZagha…BELOVED DAUGHTER & SISTEROF MR. & MRS. SOL BINDEROFF– We wish to express our deepestsympathy & sincere condolences toyou & your family-May You HaveNo More Sorrows-from Bea &Norman Kanowitz.POLLY BLOOM – Our LovingCousin- A Very Active Member ofthe <strong>Sephardic</strong> Home-from The EstherIrving Cohen Family…..POLLY BLOOM - from Sheila &Jerry Assael, Eleanore Borrelli,Judith Elias, LASHA Board ofDirectors, Michael & Florence New,Norman & Gwenn Cohen, ElisabethMitchell, Jackie Green,MOLLIE BREITSTEIN - fromCongregation Peace & Brotherhoodof Monastir…BELOVED UNCLE OF MARIEBROGNA - from LaurieFreshman…ESTHER CAMHI - from Barbara &Marvin I. Katz, Ann A. Glick, Mickey& Esther Calderon, CongregationPeace & Brotherhood of Monastir,Jackie Green, Leslie & Scott Gerson,The Goldberg Family, Joe & SteveCamhi, Patti & Fred Myers, Howard& Joan OrlickSOLOMON & ROSE CASPI - OurBeloved Parents from Robert Caspi& Mollie Gross….STEVEN J. CASPI - My BelovedSon –from Robert J. Caspi….LOUIS A. CASSORLA - from Gail& Elliott Passo & Family….LOUIS A. CASSORLA – fromYoshihiro Matsumoto….LOUIS A. CASSORLA – fromPeggy & Fred Whelan, The Fried-Petersen Family(Amy, Tom, Hannah,Daniel & Jesse) & Stanley Fried….LOUIS A. CASSORLA - To MyDarling Husband of 63 years-NoMore Pain Sweetheart-May YouHave Peace-My Love Forever fromBetty ……..LOUIS A. CASSORLA - OurBeloved Uncle from Barbara, Evan &Matthew Steinlauf, Meryl & BobAnnibale, Jennifer, Tom & ConnorMannix, The Angel Family-Albert &Carole,LOUIS A. CASSORLA - fromMollie Pesso Cohen, CongregationPeace & Brotherhood of Monastir,Dr. Cindy & Mark Baum-Baicker,Sheila & Jerry Assael, Reggie & JoeCamhi, Belle Camhi, Abe & EttieMevorah, Michael S. Bomstein, HessFamily-Bob & Ellen-Ben & Zach,Mildred & Jack Russo, Roberta &Charles Mohr, Sarah Mevorah, Mr.& Mrs. Paul Gross, Mr. & Mrs. RogerNewman, Mr. & Mrs. StevenMevorah, Caryn Stapler, SolMevorah, Roberta (Sam) Russo,Betty & Jack Elie, Pearl Esformes &Family, Ray & Hy Halio & Family,AVRAHAM MOSHE & MAZELTOV COHEN - BelovedGrandparents from NormanBasner…BELOVED FATHER OF DR.HOWARD COHEN - from Rhea &David Negrin….KAY COHEN - from CongregationPeace & Brotherhood of Monastir,Ike Cordovi & Family, David Valansi& Family, The Rothfield Family-Sophie-Linda, Rick & Jenni, Laura &Al Chiprut,BELLA (PESSO) COLEMAN -Beloved Sister- 08/19/22-10/03/07-“The Last of My Wonderful FourSisters-Molly, Sally & Essy-“ Rest InPeace-G-D BLESS-from Ben Pesso &Bill Coleman…..ESTELLE COOPER - from RitaElias, Rosalie & Todd Miller….SOL CRESPIN - Our Dear Cousin- from Madeline & David Falk…HARRIET D’AMBROSIO - fromMorris & Bea Acunis….MANUEL DA SILVA - from SarahAlvo…BILLY DINKUS - from Sheryl &Eli Blit…MOISH ELLIS- Board Member ofthe <strong>Sephardic</strong> <strong>Nursing</strong> &Rehabilitation Center-Dear Husbandof the late Lee Ellis, Dear Father ofKeith, Father-in-Law of Ellen,Grandfather of Justine, BelovedBrother of Vivian Schwartz-He Willbe Missed-from The Board ofDirector’s of the <strong>Sephardic</strong> <strong>Nursing</strong>& Rehabilitation Center, Michael &Florence New, Norman & GwennCohen, Neil & Elissa Crespi, MarionCrespi, Roni & Bruce Geller, Sheryl& Eli Blit, Marlene & Stephen Baum,Jerry Goldberg, Ruth & Victor P.Levy, Rhea & David Negrin, Dr. Joe& Adrienne Halio, Marion & LarryCharleston, Jackie Green, EleanoreBorrelli, Judith Elias, Ann Martin,Arlene & Chris Kakoulas, CongregationPeace & Brotherhood of Monastir, Sheila& Jerry Assael, Anita & Martin Elias& Family, Barry & Billie Elias, Mimi& Ronnie Elias, Sarah & Dave Miller,Michael PalermoMOISH ELLIS - from Elliott &Gail Passo & Family…..HELEN ENDE - from CelesteValle….HELEN ENDE - from Janet &Frank Buono, Kathleen & JosephPulgiano, Albert & Joanne Pedone….DAVID ERRERA - from DavidCamhi….SAM ESKENASI - from Betty &Lou Cassorla…ALLEN EWIG - from IsaacCohen…ALAN EWIG - from Abe & EttieMevorah…ROBERTA FIEBERT - from Tica &Max Negrin…LESTER FIELDS – from David &Sarah Miller….SALLY FURMAN - from Marlene,Stevie, Remy & Dylan Baum, JerryGoldberg….BELOVED SISTER DIANA OFJESSE GANIS - from Shelley &Bruce Goldman…KATIE GAVIOS – from DaisyGoldenberg…..MARK GOLDBERG - fromCharlotte Elias…VICTORIA GOODMAN - fromShirley Maxon & Family…RUTH GRAFF - from Anita &Martin Elias…YSHAYA GRAMA from RachelMessinger…WILLIAM GRIER - BelovedFather from Daniel Geier & BrendaGross….MILTON GUSOSS - from Mr. &Mrs. David Negrin…IRMA GUTMANN - from Arnold& Joyce Honig…ALBERT & CLARA HAZAN - MyBeloved Parents –VIOLET HAZAN - My BelovedWife-Always In My Heart fromLouis Hazan….DAVID HAZAN - from Susan &Peter Cannold…DAVID HAZAN - from Anita &Martin Elias….MORRIS (PETE) HERMAN - fromManny Levy, Roberta & NaniellRusso….JOSEPH HIMMELFARB- OurBeloved Brother-In-Law –Joe was adecorated Soldier in the Army &received a Bronze Star. He was verydear to our Family-May He Rest InPeace-from Ceil Honen Hymson,Isabelle Honen Richman, ClaraHonen Koch, Nathan Honen & Mr. &Mrs. Irving Honen Hymson…..LEON IMMERMAN - from LaurieFreshman….⏐ 6 ⏐ SEPHARDIC HOME NEWS Vol. 61

We thank you for yourgenerous contributions to theForget-Me-Not FundForget-Me-Not FundAttn: Eleanor Borrellic/o The <strong>Sephardic</strong> Home2266 Cropsey AvenueBrooklyn, NY 11214(718) 266-2965SOLOMON KARTEN - fromEsther Levitz….CARL KAUFMAN - from BeaZagha…ALVIN KESSLER - from Betty &Jack Elie…GARY KORENMAN – from Cecilia& Nat Rosenblatt….EILEEN KYRANAKIS - MyBeloved Daughter-MICHAEL IRVING PAPARO -My Beloved Son-You are bothmissed & will always be in myHeart-Love from your Mother BellaPaparo…..JULES LANG - from Rhea &David Negrin….FRITZIE LEVINE - from Joyce &Arnold Honig…ARTHUR LEVY - from LillieReader…SAMUEL LIPPMAN - from Neil &Lisa Crespi…LAURA MANGAWANG - fromJudith Elias, Jackie Green, EleanoreBorrelli, Mr. & Mrs. Michael New,Mr. & Mrs. Norman CohenANNA & ISAAC MASSA – OurBeloved Parents, Grandparents &Great-Grandparents-“We Miss YouBoth So Much” - Love from yourDevoted Children, Grandchildren &Great-Grandchildren…..ANNA MASSA - from MarionCrespi, Jerry Goldberg, MarilynSaypolHYMAN MENDELSOHN - fromBea Zagha…ROSE MESHULAM - from Ruth& Stan Marcus…ROSE MESHULAM - from Steve& Debra Mayo….ROSE MESHULAM - BelovedAunt from Arlene & Hy Elias,Lillian Gerstman, Judith & (LJ)Elias, Phyllis Elias Levy, CousinsPeter & Vicki & Families,ROSE MESHULAM - from ErikWildstein….ROSE MESHULAM - from Sylvia& Marvin Sheinker & Family, Sheila& Jerry Assael, Sherman & SandraRothberg, Jo & Dennis Newnham,Joan & Jerry Kranz, MichaelPalermo, Anita & Martin Elias,Arlene & Joel Barnett, Louis & JoanCohen, Phyllis & David Foodim,Sybil & Marvin Goodman, Ellen &Gerald Rodis, Phyllis & MiltonSosinsky…BELOVED MOTHER OF CAR-MEN MIQUIABAS- from AnneSugarman….DIANA MOSS - from EleanorGilman & Stella Moses…DIANA MOSS - from RodneyGanis & Family….DIANA MOSS –Our Dear Cousin& Friend-from Diana (Ganis) Negrin,Samuel Negrin, Joel & Linda Negrin& Serena & Allen Michelson….NATHAN NEGRIN - from JeanEinhorn & Family, Rhea & DavidNegrin & Family, Michael & HelenDaniel, Effie Escapa, Mr. & Mrs.Mickey Calderon,ROBERT NEGRIN - from Rhea &David Negrin…SAM NEGRIN - from Nissim &Marie Levy, Manny Levy, Rhea &David Negrin,SAM NEGRIN - from MelMatsil…HENRY NOEL – from Rhea &David Negrin, Judith EliasARON RUSSO - Beloved Son ofthe Late Sol & Lillie Russo-fromAunt Shirley & Uncle Victor Braha,Aunt Bella Cassuto, Cousins Sheryl& Richard Bluestine, Randi & LarryGelb.……ARON RUSSO - from MollyPesso Cohen…EDDIE RUTKOWSKI - With deep& sincere sympathy-Be WellSweetheart from Betty Cassorla &Family….JACK SADIS - Dear Husband,Father & Grandfather of Joyce Sadis,Children & Grandchildren from TheAloisio Family….JACK SADIS - from AnnBalasiano & Family, Frances A.Schmitt, Lisa & Walter Hentze,Jr.,Ruth & Ed Secaul, Audrey &Lawrence Gross, Doris & RayGallagher, Betty & Hy Myones &Jean Einhorn , Joseph & FrancineGeshgoren, Shirley F. Tenner, Irving& Carole Shatz, Adrienne & MichaelCitrin, Alan & Gail Lewis, Dr.Samuel & Ruth Alhadeff,BELOVED BROTHER OF LAURIESADIS - from Marlene & SteveBaum, Jerry Goldberg, Sheryl & EliBlit, Roni & Bruce Geller, Neil &Elissa Crespi, Marion Crespi….HERBERT SAMANOWITZ - fromAnn & Ben Tober…JACK SAPOFF - from BelleCamhi….THELMA SCOTT - from AnneSugarman, Clara & RobbieSherman…ESTHER SEDACCA - from Ralph& Alice Sedacca & Pam & FredGreenberg…MARSHALL SHUTZER - fromBarbara & Jack Green…BELOVED DAUGHTER & SISTERLAURIE OF LYNDA & EDWARDSILVERSTEIN & FAMILY – fromEsther Levitz…VICTORIA SOKOLOFF - fromIke Cordovi, David Valansi &Family, Myrna & Albert Camhi,Bunny & Ralph Confino, Mollie &Ed Bookchin, Edie & Roy Cohen,RALPH STEIN - from BellaCassuto, Sheryl & RichardBluestine…RUTH TENZER – Dear Mother ofBoard Member Marc Tenzer-fromGail & Elliott Passo…..RUTH TENZER – from Michael &Florence New, Norman & GwennCohen, Rhea & David Negrin, VictorP. & Ruth Levy, Marion & LarryCharleston, Barbara Kaplan-Creo,Jackie Green, Michael Palermo,Jeanne Gallagher, Judith Elias,Eleanore Borrelli, Elaine Tagliaferro,Maryann Meunier, Estelle Casutto &Family, Jeannette & YehoshuaKunkel, Pearl Esformas, DorothyZimmerman, Leslie & Bob Fischler,Edward & Arlene Alcosser, AnnaAlcosser, Rose Mayo,MARNA TESTA – Dear Daughterof Stella Testa- from Marion Crespi,Sheryl & Eli Blit, Roni & BruceGeller, Rachel Messinger & Family,Reggie & Joe Camhi, EstelleAufrichtig, Bella Cassuto, Shirley &Louis Aroyo, Sheila & Jerry Assael,Congregation Peace & Brotherhoodof Monastir, Lewis & Pearl Camhi,ARTHUR ULAN -Gottlieb…from ClaireCHICKEE WOHL - from Sherry &Martin Cherlin & Family….MITCHELL YOHAI – Our Hearts &Thoughts are with you-All Our Lovefrom Stanley & Terry Elias…..MITCHELL YOHAI - fromCharlotte Elias-Shari,Gayle & Sam,Reggie & Joe Camhi…MARVIN ZACHARIA - fromEthel Wasserman…YISKOR:BERNARD NATHANSON –SALLY NATHANSON –DORA SADI-LUNA SADICARIO –SHABTY SADICARIO - fromLoretta & David Sadicario…JOSEPH SHAPIRO - BelovedHusband from Yetta Shapiro…YISKOR FOR MY LOVED ONES -from Anne Sugarman….YAHRZEITS:IN LOVINGMEMORY OF:YACOF ( JACOB) ADES - BelovedFather from Shalom Ades….BENJAMIN ALBALA - BelovedFather from Daughter Ruth Roth….BENJAMIN ALBALA - fromRenee Desnick…JOSEPH ALBALA - Beloved Fatherfrom Jack Albala…MOLLIE ALBALA - from JackAlbala…SARAH ALBENDA - from VictorCalderon…LEON A. ALCOSSER – BelovedFather from Arlene & EdwardAlcosser….LEON A. ALCOSSER – MyBeloved Husband from AnnaAlcosser….LEON ALCOSSER - You arealways in our Hearts –from Ruth &Walter Harke & Family….MURRAY ALCOSSER - fromDorothy Chalek….IDA ANGEL – Our Loving Wife,Mother & Grandmother from David,Cindy, Gary, Greg, Michael, Jill, Joel& Linda Angel…SALLY ANGEL – We Miss You SoVery Much-Rest In Peace Darling-WeWill Always Love You – from Betty& Lou Cassorla…MIRIAM ANGIEL -Our BelovedMother from Zelda Angiel…MIRIAM ANGIEL - from RevaFriedman…FORTUNA MAZAL BAT SARI-NA ANTAR – Beloved Mother fromDavid & Esther Tourgeman…RACHEL ASKINAZI - from Mr.& Mrs. Leo Askinazi…SOPHIE AZERRAD - from EstelleAufrichtig…JACOB AZUZ - from SoniaAdatto…IRVING BABITSKY - from Mr. &Mrs. Abe Babitsky….SALLY BAKER - from HowardBaker….SALLY BAKER - from DeanBaker…LOUIS BARDAVID - from Albert& Leon Bardavid & Families….MATHILDE BARLIA - from SuzieNahmias…LENA BAUMANDOR - fromRalph Benson….HARRY & MOLLIE BECKER –My Beloved Parents –HYMAN GOODMAN - MyBeloved Husband from LeahGoodman….BETTY BEHAR – We Love You &Miss You Very Much- Love fromyour Sister Susan Hazan & SonMartin & His Family….CLARA & ISAAC BEHAR –Beloved Parents of Jack Behar &Family….EMILIE BEHAR - from AlbertBehar…JACOB NISSIM BEHAR -Beloved Father from your DaughterSusan Hazan & her Son Martin &His Family….SABETAI BEHAR - from CarolBehar…SAMUEL & FORTUNA BEHAR -from David & Patty Behar…MARK & MATHILDA BENFORA-DO - from Marianne Benforado…SEPHARDIC HOME NEWS Vol. 61⏐ 7 ⏐

We thank you for yourgenerous contributions to theForget-Me-Not FundForget-Me-Not FundAttn: Eleanor Borrellic/o The <strong>Sephardic</strong> Home2266 Cropsey AvenueBrooklyn, NY 11214(718) 266-2965LILY BERAHA - Beloved Motherfrom Sue Lubeck….LOUIS BERGMAN – BelovedGrandfather -HERBERT BERGMAN - BelovedFather from Joel Bergman…ALBERT BERREBBI – from EdgardBerrebbi…RAYMOND J. BEYDA - fromMarian & Martin Golan…ABE BIESKY- My beloved Dad –from Stanley Biesky…ABE BIESKY - from Judith Fine…LILLIAN BORSKY – from MarilynGersten…MARGORIE BREINBERG - fromJoseph Breinberg…ESTHER (RABENO) BREITMAN–from Betty Rosenblum…ANNA CALDERON – BelovedMother from Claire Gottlieb…CHARLIE CALDERON – fromVictor Calderon…ISIDORE CALDERON - fromBenjamin Calderon ….IZZY CALDERON - BelovedBrother from Lillie & HarryCohen….MORRIS CALDERON & LOUISCALDERON & BETTY ENCISO -from Victor Calderon…MORRIS M. CALDERON –Beloved Husband, Father &Grandfather Love from Betty, Mark,Debbie & Michael Calderon…MORRIS M. CALDERON - MyBeloved Brother from MollieOvadia…MORRIS M. CALDERON - DearBrother from Lillie & HarryCohen….EDITH (GERRI) CALEF - BelovedWife & Mother-Always In OurHearts and Mind-from Irving, Sheila& Marc Calef….ABSALOM CASSUTO - fromElizabeth Goldstein….SAMUEL CATALAN - from Mr. &Mrs. Reuben Heisler…FORTUNATA CODRON - BelovedMother from Rebecca Felder…ABRAHAM I. COHEN - fromEleanore Reznik…ESTHER COHEN - from Mr. &Mrs. Louis Azus…ESTHER COHEN - from RachelFriedberg….JACK (BKLYN) COHEN - fromMeyer & Renee Levy…LILLIAN COHEN - BelovedMother from Anna Tober…PEPO COHEN - Dear Papa, Youare Always Missed Love BellaRosenthal…RECULA & PEPO COHEN- MyBeloved Parents –“Till We MeetAgain” Love from Jennie Gilman…RECULA COHEN – MOM- I MissYou More Each Day Love BellaRosenthal…..SARAH COHEN – Devoted Mom& Grandma Love from Michael,Michele & Mitch Cohen….SHIRLEY “SARIKA” COHEN –Dear Mother Love from RochelleCohen Mendelow, Doris CohenMendelow & Deanna CohenMendelow….VICTOR COHEN - from RachelFriedberg…SAMUEL COMERCHERO -Dearest Father, Grandfather &Great-Grandfather from Heshy &Esther Gissinger & Family….MICHAEL CONFINO - BelovedFather & Grandfather from Vivian &Jack Richman & Family…RAPHAEL CONFINO - BelovedGrandfather from Isaac & FriedaNahama…SARAH CONFINO - BelovedGrandmother from Isaac & FriedaNahama…SARAH CRESPI - from Hyman &Rachel Yomtov…MORRIS DEMAYO –ABE ASSAEL –GABBY ASSAEL –AUNT BECKY & UNCLE GABRIEL–from Betty De Mayo…SOPHIE DUSHEY - from JosephDushey….RACHEL PAPPARO EHRLICH -Beloved Mother from Linda E.Morrow…BEN ELIAS - Papoo – We MissYou Love from Anita & Martin Elias,Joyce Elias, your Grandchildren &Great-Grandchildren….CLARA ELIAS - My Dearest AuntfromShirley Maxon….JACK ELIAS - from Joyce &Arnold Honig…ROSE ELIAS - from Agnes Elias…TILLIE EMMER - from George &Sherry Glatter…REBECCA & ALBERT ERGAS –from Evelyn & Robert StarrBETTY & HARRY FARHI – BelovedSister & Brother-In-Law from JackBehar & Family….REBECCA FARHI - from StanleyPollak….REBECCA & HARRY FARHI -from Stan Pollak…ROCHELLE FOEHL - fromStemma Askinazi…ROCHELLE FOEHL - from Ellen& Bob Maraldo….SONIA FORTGANG – BelovedMother & Grandmother from Zack,Sophie, Elliot & Roger Fortgang…YVETTE FORTI - from MatthewForti…ESTHER FRANCES - BelovedMother from Zino & MaeGabrielides…ISAAC & REGINA FRANCO –DAVID & ROSA SAFFAN – OurBeloved Parents - from Mr. & Mrs.Aaron Saffan…SYLVIA FRIEDMAN - fromMarvin Friedman & FredFriedman…MARY FROMHARTZ - from DianeFromhartz…RITA GART - from your lovingFamily – Cecille Heinberg…ALAGRA GATANIO – from LisaWeiss…ROSE GERSTEIN – BelovedMother from David & SheilaGerstein, Helen Zeichner….GUSTAVE GLASSEL - fromNorman J. Glassel…REGGIE GOLDBERG – MyBeloved Wife – Love from JerryGoldberg…REGGIE GOLDBERG – BelovedMother & Grandmother Love fromMarlene & Stephen Baum &Family….CHARNEY GOLDFARB-Anita Colman….fromARTHUR GOODMAN – BelovedHusband from Natalie Goodman…CHALOM GORMEZANO - fromEdgard Berrebbi….SAMUEL GOTTLIEB - BelovedHusband from Claire Gottlieb….BETTY GRANOFF – My BelovedMother from Arlene Granoff….BETTY GRANOFF - from RosePerveslin…SOPHIE GREEN - from IdaHarrison…SOPHIE GREEN - from Mr. &Mrs. Al Tilchen…DORA HABIB – Beloved Motherfrom Dr. David O. Habib….ISAAC HAIME - from Claire &Morris Haime..ISAAC HAIME – Beloved Father &Grandfather from Shirley & GeraldRinkle & Laurie & Karen…RAHAMIN HASSON - fromMurray & Rhoda Hasson….GENTIL HAZAN - from SallyChimino…STELLA HAZAN - from HarryHazan…ALLAN HOFFMAN - My BelovedHusband –EVELYN SUTTA – My BelovedMother from Harriet Hoffman…,HELEN HUTT - from AlfredHutt….ISAAC & MOLLY ISRAEL & SAMZACHARIA - from Herman &Loretta Joseph…VICTOR & STELLA JAFFE & BEN& BELLA LEVY - from Robert &Muriel Jaffe…GAIL GILMAN KANE – MyPrecious Daughter-“If Tears couldbuild a staircase and memories alane, I’d find my way to Heaven &bring you Home again”. Love fromMom-Jennie Gilman & Family…LENA KASMAN – from SylviaShapero….RUTH & MORREY KAYE – fromDiane Feldman…ANNA KESLOWICZ - from SallySchatsky…BEN KOHN – Beloved Father fromAnita Levy…ROSE KOHN - from Anita Levy…HERMAN KRAINMAN - fromRhoda Hasson…HILDA KRATZER - from DonaldKratzer…IRVING LAGARY – BelovedFather, Grandfather & Great-Grandfather. You are always in ourHearts & Minds. We will alwaysremember you and love you. FromDolores Kufeld & Family…MICHAEL LAZAR - from SusanLazar…MURIEL LEIBOWITZ - from JulesLeibowitz…SADIE LEVINE – from Seymour &Sandra Levine…ABRAHAM LEVY – Dearest Papa-Itseems impossible that you left us 49years ago. We miss you every day.Especially Holidays. They are notthe same without you and Mama.We will always Love & Miss You.Your Children Stella & MeyerSamarel…ABRAHAM LEVY - from Murray& Beverly Levy…JINTIL LEVY - from Sydell &Enrique Levy..LENA LEVY - from JosephLevy…..LILY LEVY - Beloved Mother –PAULA SMOLAR - Beloved Sisterfrom Morris & Renee Levy…LILY LEVY - from Ceil & LeonMenahem & Family…MAZLIAH R. LEVY - from Meyer& Renee Levy…..RALPH LEVY - from JosephLevy…LENA & RALPH LEVY - fromEsther Levine…SOPHIE LEVY – “You Are AlwaysWith Us”-from Bob & BarbaraLevy…FANNIE LIEBERMAN - fromMurray & Rhoda Hasson….ROSA MARASH - Our BelovedNona – from Lee & Irving Trelin….ROSE MASLIACH – LovingMother & Grandmother from BettyWhite….⏐ 8 ⏐ SEPHARDIC HOME NEWS Vol. 61

We thank you for yourgenerous contributions to theForget-Me-Not FundForget-Me-Not FundAttn: Eleanor Borrellic/o The <strong>Sephardic</strong> Home2266 Cropsey AvenueBrooklyn, NY 11214(718) 266-2965RAE MATALON - My Beloved Wifefrom your Loving Husband LouisMatalon….LEAH & ABRAHAM MATHIOS –Their Memory is a Blessing- fromIrene & Byron Dresner…PAULINE MATSIL - from MiltonMatsil…PAULINE MATSIL - from Reginald& Estelle Matsil…PAULINE M ATSIL - BelovedMother & Grandmother fromRosaline Gershuny, Howard &Lee….EVA SOLOMON MATZA- MyBeloved Mother-In-Law fromAudrey Solomon…HYMAN MATZA - BelovedHusband, Greatest Father &Grandfather – Always In Our Hearts-Love from Sarah, Marvin & MichaelMatza…MIKE MATZA - Beloved & BestFather & Grandfather – Never To BeForgotten-Love from Sarah Matza &Family….SAMUEL JACOB NEHAMA –Beloved Husband & Father Lovefrom Matilda Nehama, Alan & JosephNehama & Sydell Longo ….REBECCA NESSIM - from Peter &Evelyn Regan…BETTY PAMPALONI - fromAnnette Cahill…JOSEPH PAPPARO - Beloved Unclefrom Linda E. Morrow…ALBERT PARDO – My DearBeloved Brother from Harry & SophieGreenberg….ABRAHAM & HYMAN PASSO -Dear Brothers from Lee Mazur….RAE PASSO – Our Beloved Mother,Grandmother & Great Grandmother -You Will Always Remain In OurHearts-Love; Elliott & Gail Passo,Danny, Randi & Lindsey, Alyssa &Jeff, Alec, Sophia, Raina & Jerri….MOLLY PESSO – Our BelovedNona-You Will Always Remain InOur Hearts-Love from Elliott & GailPasso, Randi, Alyssa, Danny &Raina….LOTTIE & HARRY ROSENBLATT- Our Beloved Grandparents fromShira, Jeff, Max & Noah Korenman…MATILDA SAM - Beloved Motherfrom Bella Sam Rudnick…MATILDA SAM - from MorrisSam…LOUIS SANDLER - from DorisGellman…SAMUEL SARFATY - from JosephSarfati…SAMUEL SARFATY - from Leo &Mollie Askinazi….BETTY SARETTA - BelovedMother –ELI COHEN - Beloved Husband &Father –DEBRA COHEN - BelovedDaughter & Sister –from SunnyCohen & Family….LUCY SAYAS – from Dalia Sias…SOLOMON SAYAS - from DaliaSias…ARTHUR SCHECTER- BelovedFather from Thelma & IrvingSpector….GOLDIE SULMY - Beloved Auntfrom Rhea & David Negrin…SARAH TERENO - from Larry &Millie Sidel…CLAIRE & IRVING WASHOR -from Barry & Debbie Washor…WILLIAM WEISSBARD - fromMollie Weissbard….FRANCES WIENER - Our BelovedMother, Grandmother & Great-Grandmother Love Always fromGloria & Albert Taras, Alisa &Michael, Marc, Alice, Matthew &Brooke Frances…JUDD WINICK - from Michael O.Elias….GEORGE WOLFF - from Barbara &Norman A. Kantor….SALLY WOLFSON - from Sheila &Mel Wolfson…MENDEL ZACHARIA - fromEstelle Aufrichtig…MOLLIE ZAFFOS - My BelovedMother from Anita & LarryGordon…SOL M. MATZA - from Anita &Jack L. Zaffos…LUISA ISAAC PEREZ - fromArnold & Fanny Mendlowitz…LENA SCHNEIDER - fromNorman Schneider….REBECCA ZAFFOS - from JackZaffos…SOLOMON M. MATZA – BelovedFather from Stella Myones…JOSEPH PESSERILLO - BelovedUncle from Zelda & Daniel Breier…KATE SCHONHAUT - from Dr.Charles I. Schonhaut….REBECCA ZAFFOS - from Micki &Marty Marlow…SPERANZA MATZA - BelovedMother & Grandmother- Always InOur Hearts-Never Forgotten fromSarah Matza & Family…SARAH & GARSON MAYO - fromArthur Barkin…DAVID MEVORACH -Dad/Poppy-We Think Of You andMiss You-Love Arlene Feinberg &Family…LENA MEYER - My Dear Motherfrom Raymond Meyer…IRVING MICHAELSON - My DearFather from Sylvia & Joseph Russo….RALPH MITRANI – Dear Father,Grandfather & Great-Grandfather –from Judy & Aaron Mitrani, Gayle,Daniel, David, Raphael, Sarah &Hannah Lewis and Liz & AlanMitrani…ESTHER MIZRAHI - from Agnes& Sol Elias…SIDNEY MOLLENGARDEN – fromEsther Mollengarden…CALIE MORHAIM – from Joseph B.Kamhi…ESTHER & MORRIS E. MORRIS -Beloved Grandparents-MIRIAM MOSS - Beloved Motherfrom Joel Moss…BILL MOSTEL - Beloved Fatherfrom Barbara Bodner & Jay Mostel….CLARA NARDER – from MichaelM. Levy….ALL OUR BELOVED LOVEDONES - from Tica & Max Negrin…BENJAMIN NEHAMA - BelovedFather from Isaac & FriedaNehama…REBECCA PESSERILLO - fromDonna & Joel Pessirilo & Family….SOPHIE PILOSSOPH - fromHarry, Connie & Benny Pilossoph….ESMERALDA PINTO – My BelovedMother from Sarah Mandragona…VICTORIA ZACHARIA PITSON -from Estelle Pitson Dunn….ANNIE POLITIS - BelovedGrandmother from Annette Binder…ISACK POLITIS - BelovedGrandmother from AnnetteBinder…MOLLIE RABINOWITZ – We MissYou – With Love from ThePikitch/Rabinowitz Families…LILLIE RAPHAEL - BelovedMother from Esther Mollengarden…LILLIE RAPHAEL - from Alvin &Renee Raphael…LILLIE, ASSER, TOBY & RALPHRAPHAEL- from Arlene Andris….ETTA RIFKIN - from MildredGottfried…ALICE ROMANO - from Albert &Linda Roberts…VICTOR ROMANO – BelovedFather from Albert & SharonRomano…ELAINA ANN ROSEN - OurBeloved Daughter- from Roberta &Shelly Rosen…DAVID ROSENBERG - fromSteven & Barbara Nappen…DAVID ROSENBERG - fromMarilyn Kaufman…LOTTIE & HARRY ROSENBLATT- Beloved Parents from Nat & CeciliaRosenblatt..BETTY SCHWARTZ - Beloved Wife& Mother –ESTHER & MORRIS E. MORRIS -Beloved Grandparents – from theSchwartz & Goldberg Families….BETTY SCHWARTZ - BelovedMother – from Audrey & MarkGoldberg…FLORENCE SCHWARTZ - fromThelma Kasdan…ISAAC SCHWARTZ - My BelovedHusband from Vivian Schwartz….JENNIE SEFEKAR - from Abraham& Edna Sefekar…RACHEL EHRLICH SHULMAN -from Roberta & Sheldon Rosen…SUSAN ELIAKIM SIMAN - fromGabrielle Siman…HYMAN SIMON - from Rhea &David Negrin & Family…FANNY & IRVING SISKEL &FAYE & LOUIS LEVENSON - fromRuby Nachwalter…ABRAHAM SKOLSKY – BelovedFather & Grandfather from Marilyn& Eli Crespi…ROSE SKOLSKY - Beloved Mother& Grandmother – from Marilyn &Eli Crespi…PAULA L. SMOLAR - from Ceil &Leon Menahem & Family…JERRY SOLOMON - My BelovedHusband from Audrey Solomon…LEE SPIELBERG – Beloved Sister ofJack Behar & Family….YAKOV SPIVAK - from LevSpivak…CELIA SPRING, BECKY (REBEC-CA) SCHNEIDER & MURRAYWASSERSPRING- from SusanSpring….AARON ZAID - from Eli Zaid…CADEN ZALMA - from BernardZalma…IN HONOR OF:RABBI AVRAHAM & REBBITZINDINA AMAR – In Honor of youboth –Best Wishes from Harry &Shoshana Greenberg…REGGIE & JOE CAMHI - WishingYou Good Health Wishes –Love fromSheila & Jerry Assael…ROBERT COHEN – In honor of youbeing The Best of The Best-fromLouis Hazan…ESTELLE & ROBERT DUNN -Congratulations on the forthcomingMarriage of their Son Solomon toDina Ferreira - Best Wishes fromEstelle Aufrichtig…ESTELLE & ROBERT DUNN –Congratulations on the birth of theirnew Grandson Zachary – Son ofCousins Miriam & Richard - BestWishes from Estelle Aufrichtig….ANITA & MARTIN ELIAS –Congratulations on the Bar Mitzvahof their Grandson Ethan-Best Wishesfrom Charlotte Elias, Gale, Shari &Sambo,SUSAN & LARRY HAZAN -Congratulations on the birth ofGranddaughter Sabrina Dylan Leber– Best Wishes from Judith & (LJ)Elias…SOL & KOULA KOFINAS -Congratulations on their Happy 50thWedding Anniversary-Best Wishesfrom Daisy & Jack Tevah…SEPHARDIC HOME NEWS Vol. 61 ⏐ 9 ⏐

We thank you for yourgenerous contributions to theForget-Me-Not FundForget-Me-Not FundAttn: Eleanor Borrellic/o The <strong>Sephardic</strong> Home2266 Cropsey AvenueBrooklyn, NY 11214(718) 266-2965MICHAEL R. LOPEZ -Congratulations on being honored as“Man of the Year” by The <strong>Sephardic</strong><strong>Nursing</strong> & Rehabilitation Center–Best Wishes from Sue, Ken & EstelleKanrich….MICHAEL R. LOPEZ -Congratulations on being honored as“Man of the Year” by The <strong>Sephardic</strong><strong>Nursing</strong> & Rehabilitation Center-BestWishes from Amy R. Sperling, Lise &Allen MayerRHEA & DAVID NEGRIN -Wishing a Happy 60th WeddingAnniversary – Mazel Tov from Lita& Joe Robinson, Herman Lipkowitz,Shelley & Bob Brodsky,FLORENCE & MICHAEL NEW –Congratulations on the birth of theirGranddaughter Samantha – MazelTov – from Rhea & David Negrin,Norman & Gwenn Cohen, Marion &Larry Charleston, Barbara Kaplan-Creo, Jackie Green, Eleanore & DomBorrelli, Judith Elias,LEE & RUBUEN SAMI – Wishing aHappy 60th Wedding AnniversarywithBest Wishes for Many MoreYears from Sophie Abolofia &Family….DR. & MRS. MAX SCHEER - MazelTov-on the marriage of their son–Best Wishes from Bea & NormanKanowitz….ALBERT & CLAIRE SIMHA –Congratulations on their Happy 50thWedding Anniversary-Best Wishesfrom Daisy & Jack Tevah….DANIELLE TELSON - Dear Neice-Congratulations on your Bat Mitzvah& Also wishing you a HappyBirthday-With Much Love from AuntMimi & Ronnie Elias……RON WOOD - Congratulations onthe marriage of Son Matthew toElizabeth Campbell on August 18,2007. Best Wishes from Bernice &Max Cohen…HAPPY BIRTH-DAY & GOODWISHES:ED & KATHLEEN BEEDENBEN-DER – Wishing a Happy 80thBirthday to you both-Best WishesBernice & Max Cohen…..JOSEPH CAMHI – Wishing aHappy Birthday & Good HealthWishes- Best Wishes from SarahAlvo…MAX H. COHEN - My DearHusband, Wishing a very Happy 70thBirthday Love & Best Wishes BerniceCohen…..MAX COHEN - Wishing a Happy70th Birthday-Best Wishes fromNaomi & Wally Reed…BYRON DRESNER - Sending GoodWishes on your Happy 80thBirthday- from Ruth A. Karten…SANDY LOPARO - Wishing aHappy Birthday – Best Wishes fromFran & David Shantel…ANDREW MONNESS - Wishing avery Happy 70th Birthday to my dearfriend-Best Wishes Jerry Goldberg….ANNETTE TEVAH -Congratulations on yourGranddaughter Jacqueline DayWeisberg’s First Birthday –BestWishes from Daisy & Jack Tevah…SPEEDY RECOV-ERY & GOODHEALTH WISHES:MOISH ELLIS – Wishing GoodHealth to my dear Brother Love fromVivian Schwartz…MAE ESKENAZI – (Resident) –Forthe recovery of my Mom from herrecent illness and especially to thankall the second floor staff for the excellentcare she received during thattime. Gratefully, Ronnie Slatcher…DOROTHY GOLDSMITH –Wishing a complete Speedy Recovery& Good Health Wishes from Sheila &Jerry Assael, Bella Cassuto, Sheryl& Richard Bluestine..JOEL SLATCHER – For continuedgood health of my Husband and ourDad and Grandpa. With Much Lovefrom Ronnie Slatcher & Family….TERRI SULLIVAN - Wishing acomplete Speedy Recovery & GoodHealth Wishes Best Wishes fromAnne SugarmanCELLA YANNI - Wishing aComplete Speedy Recovery & GoodHealth Wishes –Best Wishes fromSheila & Jerry Assael…HIGH HOLIDAYS:IN MEMORY OF:JULIA ABOULAFIA - from NatAboulafia….DORIS ABRAMOFF - from Susan& Elliot Sims…REGINA & DAVID ACRICHE-VICTORIA ACRICHE-ESTHER ACRICHE-VICTORIA CARACO –JACK & DAVID TANI – from Dotty& Murray Steiner….ALEGRA & BENJAMIN ALBALA& RITA & PHILIP DESNICK- fromRenee Desnick…RACHEL & ISAAC ALCOSSER –from Lillian Schnitzer…STELLA ALEXANDROWITZ -from Stewart & Susan Alexander…MR. & MRS. ELI ALFASSA - fromSue Esko & Family…HAIM AMATO - from Sol &Sylvia Amato…HAIM & ROSE AZAR - fromMathilde & Walter Greenfield…JACK AZUS - from Kate Azus…JAMILA BAROCAS - from JackBarocas…REBECCA AZAR BAROCAS -Beloved Mother from Mildred &Ralph Rosa…REBECCA BAROCAS - fromHarvey & Jennie Litke…ESTHER & NATHAN BAROUCH –Beloved Parents-BERNARD BAROUCH – BelovedBrother from Dorothy Barouch…ANNA & JACK BEHAR –SOPHIE & JOSEPH NIERENBERG– JAY NIERENBERG - “Forever InOur Hearts”- from BettyNierenberg…JACOB, JENNIE & BETTY BEHAR- from your Sister & Daughter SusanHazan & Son Martin & Family….RABBI SOLOMON BEHAR – fromAlan Behar….VICTOR & ZELDA BEHAR - fromNorman Behar…ALBERT & VIDA BEHMOIRAS –from Sarah Budd…ISIDORE BENDITCHA - My DearFather from Karen Edelman..ESTHER & ALBERT BENJAMIN-HARRIET, DAVID & ORIEL BEN-JAMIN-KATIE & SAM REINAH –ALLEGRA SAMUELS –RACHEL REINAH - from Esther& Morris Benjamin….LUNA H. BERAHA – My BelovedMother from Zelda B. Berman…HOWARD BERLIN-BENJAMIN & AARON VARON -from Alice Berlin…RAE BODENSTEIN - fromHarriette Cohen…LEO BUGATZ - from YettaBugatz…ABRAHAM CANDIOTTE - fromJoseph & Janice Cane…DAVID CANDIOTTI - from AlanCandiotti…ABE CASSUTO - Beloved Husbandfrom Bella Cassuto…ABRAHAM & ESTHER COHEN -from Stema Levy…BETTY & EMANUEL COHEN -from The Zimans & Dorfman’sFamilies….DAVID & ANNA COHEN - fromSam & Sylvia Cohen…DORA COHEN - from Joel &Sheila Rosenberg…ISSAK & EFTIHIA COHEN -Beloved Parents –ELLE ZETTE - Beloved Sister –from Fani Frizes ….MAX L. COHEN - We Miss You &Love You from Lucy Cohen &Children…MORRIS C. COHEN – My BelovedHusband Love from Molly P.Cohen….SAMUEL C. COHEN - from ElliotC. Cohen…..SARAH & MORRISCOLCHAMIRO -from Jesse D.Colchamiro…VICTORIA COMERCHERO - fromBarbara & Barry Comerchero…ESTHER & SABY CORITO - fromDavid & Louise Corito…ALBERT & BECKIE DABAH -from Adele Maleh…EDWARD DANON - from HowardDanonCLARA DICK - from Joel Dick….STANLEY EINHORN - from JeanEinhorn…JACK EISNER, PEARL ANGEL,JOSEPH ANGEL & ISIDOREANGEL- Love Always from LucilleEisner & Barbara Major & SandyDalsas….ROSA ELBAZ - from Henry &Sally Elbaz…TILLIE EMMER – from George &Sherry Glatter…REBECCA & ALBERT ERGAS -from Jack Ergas…LEON ESKENASI - My BelovedHusband Love from EvelynEskenasi…ELIYAHU FELDER – My BelovedHusband- from Rebecca FelderETHEL (ETTIE) FEREZY - fromLee Ferezy…SARAH FIUME - from MicheleEhrman & Family…LILLIE & DAVE FRIEDMAN -from Diana Susseles…RACHEL & NISSIM GABAY -Beloved Parents from Bertha &Bennett Silberstein…SAM & RACHEL GAFAH -Beloved Parents from MarilynKanter…HY GATTEGNO -BelovedHusband – PEARL & MEYERMACHALOW - Beloved Parentsfrom Gladys Gattegno…..FAY & MAX GLASSMAN - fromRobin & Ed Glassman…LARRY GOLDBERG - BelovedBrother –REGGIE GOLDBERG - BelovedMother – from Marlene & StephenBaum…PAULINE GOLDSMITH – from IdaSolomon…MARY BELIL GOLDSTEIN -Beloved Wife from Saul Goldstein…SYLVIA GOLDSTEIN - from SamGoldstein…LUNA & ISAAC HAIME - fromMorris & Claire Haime…MOLLIE & IRVING HABIB -from Sylvia & Lenny Magaril…KATIE, JOE & MAX HANDEL -from Ethel Handel…ETHEL HARRIS - from PaulHarris…VICTORIA HAZEN - from JulesBurstein, PH.D.⏐ 10 ⏐ SEPHARDIC HOME NEWS Vol. 61

We thank you for yourgenerous contributions to theForget-Me-Not FundForget-Me-Not FundAttn: Eleanor Borrellic/o The <strong>Sephardic</strong> Home2266 Cropsey AvenueBrooklyn, NY 11214(718) 266-2965IRVING & ESTHER HESSMAN &ANN & WILLIAM DIMENSTEIN -from Richard Hessman….MARY HOCHHAUSER - fromSylvia Greene….HAYA HONIKMAN – fromNikolay & Minadora Liberman…ABRAHAM & BEHIA HUSNEY –My Beloved Parents from RachelHusney…GIDOH, STATA, UNCLESSAMMY, CHARLIE & IZZY HUS-NEY - from Grace (Bracha) Smith…BABE KARO - from Albert Karo…SULTANA KESSLER - fromJoseph Bahar…ARNOLD KIRSCHNER - BelovedHusband –BESSIE GOLDBERG - BelovedMother from Lillian Kirschner….LOUIS & LILLIAN LEVINE -from Sandy & Mel Fried…DONNA LEVINSON - from Lee &Mark J. Robinson….BENNY & KATIE LEVY - fromNathan Levy…JOSEPH & PEARL LEVY &ALBERT LEVY – from Nissim &Marie Levy…LEON LEVY - Beloved Husbandfrom Elsi Levy….STAMOULA LEVY & ESTHERLIASCOS- from Oriel Jacob….STELLA LINIADO – from AlbertLiniado…ORO MALLAH –SALAMO MALLAH – from LeoMallah…..VINCENT MANDRAGONA - MyBeloved Husband Love from SarahMandragona….ANNETTE MATSIL - Beloved Wifefrom Milton Matsil…MOLLIE MATZA –SALLY & ABE GENEE –ALBERT YAMALI – They areMissed especially on Holidays –fromRae Yamali…EZRA & STELLA MAYO - fromEileen & Joseph Ciaccio….ISIDORE MAZLIAH - from RaeMazliah…ROSE MESHULAM - Dear Aunt -from Al & Lenore Elias…LENA MEVORAH-LORA ELIAS –STELLA ELIAS – from Michael &Gina Elias…LOUIS & RACHEL MIZRAHI -from Jack Mizrahi….MATILDA & JACOB MIZRAHI –Beloved Parents –PEARL JACOBS - Beloved Sisterfrom Jennie Feistman….STELLA MIZRAHI - from AbeMizrahi….JACK & SARAH MODECK - fromMr. & Mrs. Morris Barocas…SOL & MOLLIE MOSES - fromStephen & Sherry Seward….ALAN M. NACHMIAS - from Mr.& Mrs. Max Nachmias….SOLOMON NADAF - BelovedFather from Dr. Albert Nadaf…SHULAMET & JOSEPH NADJAR –from Paula Nadjar…NAVON & WEINTRAUB FAMI-LIES – from Florence Weintraub….SHIRLEY NEGRIN –ROBERT NEGRIN – Beloved Sonfrom Sol & Elizabeth Negrin….DORA NISSIM - from Albert &Dorothy Nissim…JACK & DORA NISSIM - fromPaula Schwefel….RHONDA OZIEL - from Jack &Bella Oziel…ABE & RAE PASSO – Our BelovedParents, Grandparents & Great-Grandparents-You Are Always InOur Hearts-Love from Elliott & GailPasso, Raina & Jerri, Randi &Lindsey, Danny, Alyssa & Jeff & Alex& Sophia….MELVYN PENKOWER - fromLinda Penkower…(Family of EstellePenkower)…SAMUEL & ESMERALDA PINTO -My Loving Parents Love from SarahMandragona…EDWARD PRAFDER - from StellaPrafder…SADIE PROPPER - from PhyllisLeidner…SIMA RAISEL RABINOWITZ -from Rabbi Aaron Rabinowitz…RAPHAEL RAPHAEL - from PerlaRaphael….JEAN RESNICK - BelovedGrandmother from Janet & StevenKaminsky…SOPHIE ROTHBLATT - fromFonda Rothblatt…..ALISON & ALAN RUBIN –Wishing a Happy & Healthy NewYear Best Wishes from Sarah Alvo…MORRIS & RACHEL RUSSO –IRVING & MARGARETEMICHAELSON – Our BelovedParents from Joseph & SylviaMichaelson Russo…SAMUEL & GERTRUDESADOCK - from William &Jacquelyn Sadock…ADA SALZMAN - Beloved Motherfrom Susan & Jerry Sokol…JOSEPH & MARGUERITESANANES - from Clarice & GinoNahum…SAM SCHATZMAN - from SidneySchatzman…ROSE & ARTHUR SCHECTER -Loving Parents from Thelma &Irving Spector….MARY & HARRY SHERMAN -Beloved Parents from AnneSugarman…JULIUS STAUBER - from PaulineStauber…MR. & MRS. SAM TARABOLUS -from Mr. & Mrs. Albert Taras…REBECCA, SABETAY, RICHARD,MARK TOLEDANO – from JackToledano…GRACIA VARON - My BelovedMother from Leon Ben-Ezra…HARRY WOLK - from Nurit &Mort Zachter…MORRIS YOUSHA - BelovedHusband & Father from your wifeSadie Yousha & daughter ArleneYousha…MOLLIE & JOSEPH ZAFFOS -from Jacki & Kenneth Harrison…IVAN ZAKEN - Our Beloved Sonfrom Sarah & Ralph Zaken….MR. & MRS. BOHOR ZARCO -from Sol Zarco…HARRY & REBECCA ZEICHNER– Beloved Father & Mother fromGloria & David Silberman…HIGH HOLIDAYS:IN HONOR OF:RABBI & MRS. AVRAHAM AMAR- Wishing a Healthy & Happy NewYear Best Wishes from Rabbi & Mrs.Joseph Leiner….SALLY BAROCAS - Wishing aHappy & Healthy New Year Lovefrom Morris Barocas…MICHAEL BARSKY & JANINEARCERI – In Honor of you have AHappy & Healthy New Year –BestWishes from Beverly Barsky…FRIEDA BLACKMAN - Wishing aHappy & Healthy New Year –BestWishes from Ellen Blackman…YAAKOV, MAZALTOV, MIRIAM& YEHUDA CODRON- fromRebecca Felder….MOLLIE P. COHEN – Wishing aHappy & Healthy New Year Lovefrom Elliot C. Cohen…WISHING A HAPPY & HEALTHYNEW YEAR TO ALL- from TheCongregation Light of IsraelSisterhood….PAULINE ELIAS - “Happy andHealthy New Year…We Love You.Barbara, Stig, Ashley & OliverAlbinus.”ANITA MEYERS-FERACO -Wishing a Happy & Healthy NewYear Love from Stephen A. Meyers…JACKIE GREEN - Wishing aHappy & Healthy New Year –BestWishes from Robert & VernaKasofsky….WISHING MY FAMILY A HAPPY &HEALTHY NEW YEAR - from SaritaHaddad…WISHING GOOD HEALTH FORALL THE STAFF & RESIDENTS OFTHE SEPHARDIC NURSING &REHABILITATION CENTER – WithAll My Love Manny Haimowitz…RABBI HAYYIM & DR. YAELKASSORLA – from ShirleyKassorla…THANKING THE ADMINISTRA-TION & STAFF OF THESEPHARDIC NURSING & REHA-BILITATION CENTER FOR ALLTHE CARE THAT WAS GIVEN TOME-WISHING EVERY ONE &THEIR LOVED ONES A HAPPY &HEALTHY NEW YEAR-BESTWISHES –from Esther Mostel….WISHING ALL A HAPPY &HEALTHY NEW YEAR-AMENfromFlorence Negrin….MICHAEL NEW - Wishing you andyour Family a Happy & Healthy NewYear Best Wishes from Rabbi & Mrs.Joseph Leiner….NOVICK FAMILY & MARDERFAMILY A HAPPY & HEALTHYNEW YEAR-from Mr. & Mrs. MurrayNovick & Family….SENDING HAPPY HOLIDAYSWISHES TO ALL - from TinaPardo…FLORA PERAHIA – Wishing Happy& Healthy Holidays from LauraGordon…IRA ROUSSO & FAMILY –Wishing them a very Healthy &Happy Rosh Hashanah Best Wishesfrom The Sardy & Litwak Families…..WISHING A HAPPY & HEALTHYNEW YEAR TO ALL – Best Wishesfrom Abe Salem…REBECCA SANSONE - Wishingour Mother a Happy & Healthy NewYear from Joel & Barbara Sansone…IN HONOR OF THE BIRTH OFOUR GRANDSON JOSHUA ISAAC- from Sherry & Richard Schwartz…WISHING A HAPPY & HEALTHYNEW YEAR TO ALL THE RESI-DENTS- from Vivian Schwartz…MR. & MRS. DENNIS SHORE &FAMILY – Wishing you & yourFamily a Happy & Healthy NewYear-Best Wishes from BernardBlass…HIGH HOLIDAYS:HAPPY BIRTHDAYWISHES:SELMA HILLMAN – Wishing aHappy 90th Birthday –Best Wishesfrom Milton Matsil…ABE MEVORAH - Dear Dad,Wishing you a Happy Birthday andMany More-With Lots of Love fromYour Children-HIGH HOLIDAYS:SPEEDY RECOV-ERY: GOODHEALTH WISHES:GEORGE FINKEL - Dear Brother –Wishing a Complete SpeedyRecovery & Good Health Wishesfrom Elsie & Max Gabay….SEPHARDIC HOME NEWS Vol. 61 ⏐ 11 ⏐

Visit Us on The Web ! www.sephardichome.orgGive us your ideas, we’d like to hear from you. We’ll email you a photo of your loved one...Contact Jackie Green at jgreen@sephardichome.orgMichael NewExecutive DirectorTo Michael New and the staff of The <strong>Sephardic</strong> Home:It is with deep appreciation that we thank you all for the care and concern that youshowed our father, Abie Szterenfeld and his wife, Bella. When we first brought him to The<strong>Sephardic</strong> Home last year, we were not sure how long he had left to live. But he underwenta revival that many would have thought unlikely, thanks to the quality care and service hereceived. Moreover, he found a new home and had a happy life during the months he livedwith you. We will always be grateful for that.We would especially like to acknowledge all those working in administration, socialwork, rehabilitation, entertainment, and food services who took such interest in our dadand his needs. In particular, we are grateful to the physicians, nursing staff, aides andcompanions, who helped to take care of Abie’s health needs and contributed to making hislife so full and rewarding during the time that remained for him. In addition, we wouldlike to thank the residents who also helped Abie by surrounding him with love and caring.Finally, the relationship that our father forged with Rabbi Amar was special anddeeply significant to the family. Besides providing spiritual support, Rabbi Amar offeredAbie friendship and gave him a purpose during the last months of his life.We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your dedication to our father and yourcontinued care of his wife, Bella, and all your residents.With sincerest regards,Helen and Anna Szterenfeld, and their families2266 Cropsey Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11214November 10, 2007Dear Friends:I am delighted to send greetings to everyone who has gathered in celebration ofthe 59 th Anniversary of the <strong>Sephardic</strong> <strong>Nursing</strong> and Rehabilitation Center.The Empire State is fortunate to be home to outstanding organizations that provideessential services to our older citizens, thereby allowing them to live their goldenyears with dignity and independence. Since 1951, the <strong>Sephardic</strong> <strong>Nursing</strong> andRehabilitation Center has demonstrated a longstanding commitment to the seniors ofmetropolitan New York, addressing their physical, social, psychological, and emotionalneeds.As the trend for substantial growth among the elderly population continues, sotoo will the demand for critical support. Continually expanding and enhancing itscomprehensive network of programs and services, the <strong>Sephardic</strong> Home is an invaluableresource and affords seniors the opportunity to remain where they feel secure andcomfortable — with excellent Alzheimer’s programs and a community-based adulthealth day care center provided. I commend all affiliated who have proven to be capableof meeting this challenge with compassionate dedication.On this special occasion, you pay tribute to a remarkable individual, and I joinin congratulating tonight’s distinguished honoree, your 2007 Man of the Year —Michael R. Lopez, President of the Board of Directors of the <strong>Sephardic</strong> <strong>Nursing</strong> andRehabilitation Center. The significant and lasting impact of his dedicated involvementand meaningful contributions extends beyond a most grateful community —our treasured seniors and their families, and reminds us of what can be accomplishedwhen we give of ourselves for the benefit of others.With warmest regards, and best wishes for an enjoyable evening.Sincerely,ELIOT SPITZERThe <strong>Sephardic</strong> Home is nationally known and recognizedas one of the finest nursing and rehabilitation centersNON-PROFIT ORG.U.S. POSTAGEPAIDBROOKLYN, NYPermit No. 1235in the country. We have been asked by the New York StateDepartment of Health to share our knowledge and programswith other long term health care facilities. The <strong>Sephardic</strong> Homeconsistently provides superlative care to our residents fromboth the <strong>Sephardic</strong> and Ashkenasi communities.The <strong>Sephardic</strong> Home was established in 1948, under nonprofitauspices, to provide the highest caliber of care for theelderly. The Board of Directors and the staff are committed tomeeting the challenges of today's ever-increasing demands tocare for people who are living longer. We provide skilled medical,nursing and rehabilitation services in a pleasant atmospherewhere the total personal needs of each resident is ourmain concern. All contributions are deductible to the full extentof the law.

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