Newsletter Feb + March - German-American Women's Club

Newsletter Feb + March - German-American Women's Club

Newsletter Feb + March - German-American Women's Club


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GAWC NEWS<strong>Feb</strong>ruary - <strong>March</strong> 2013<strong>German</strong> - <strong>American</strong> Women`s <strong>Club</strong>Stuttgart e.V.Presidents PenDear Members,Happy New Year, everyone! 2013 isgoing to be a wonderful year for theStuttgart <strong>German</strong> <strong>American</strong> Women’s<strong>Club</strong>!We hope you “slid” safely into this NewYear; a year where while we are facingsome challenges, we will find many newsolutions!For 44 years the <strong>Club</strong> has conductedfundraising for the Stuttgart community,mainly through the Pfennigbasar.BUT the situation has changed… Didyou know that since October the <strong>Club</strong>no longer has a <strong>German</strong> sorting room?And did you know that starting April 1st,the <strong>Club</strong> will not be able to use the storageroom in Schwarenbergstrasse either,because the City of Stuttgart hassold the building? So, you can see wemust make some decisions, which iswhy we have set a Special GeneralMembership Meeting on Thursday,<strong>Feb</strong>ruary 21 st during which we willdiscuss this situation and make importantdecisions.This will be YOUR meeting – whereyou can voice your concerns, shareyour opinions and shape the future ofthe Pfennigbasar and the <strong>Club</strong>. Sodon’t miss this opportunity – and bepart of it! Be sure to mark it on yourcalendar NOW! We want to hear yourthoughts and to make decisions together.In the coming month, we have severalmeetings and events, which will allowus to learn about our different culturesand to deepen the friendships amongour members. Together we will facethe challenging decisions, which mustbe made for the future of our club. Weknow we can master this with the diversityand strength of our members!Thank you for volunteering your valuabletime and again, we wish you andour club a very happy, healthy andjoyful 2013!Ellen and CorinneMark your calender<strong>Feb</strong> 21st<strong>Feb</strong> 23rdInside this issue:GAWC HolidayMeetingSoup KitchenCocktail and TheaterEventThank you, Helen-Pfennigbasar SortingRoom OpeningHoursSpecial GeneralMembership Meeting2013-2014 BoardElection PositionPreview 2012/2013<strong>Club</strong> Info 2012/2013Special InterestGroups<strong>March</strong> 14thMembership MeetingCocktails andTheater Event23456International Event

<strong>Newsletter</strong> <strong>Feb</strong>ruary - <strong>March</strong> 2013GAWC Night at the TheaterPlease join us for the classic Harper Leetale „To Kill a Mockingbird“ honoringBlack History Month. “Bigotry ends whenpeople are brave enough to step up andbe a lantern in the darkest of times. Thisclassic by Harper Lee is just such a lantern.Hate is as old as love, as old asfear, and as ancient as any deep rootedfeeling in the human psyche, so in responsewe, as a human collective, muststep forward to defend the rights of thosethat may be mistreated or abused by thatancient, vile emotion.” ~ JamesGuenthner, 12th grade Essay winner CleburneTexas.When: <strong>Feb</strong>ruary 23rd at 6:45 pm arrival,7pm meeting and 7:30pm showWhere: Stuttgart Theater Center onKelly BarracksRSVP: Sigrid Hell, sigridhell@t-online.de,0711/514802Non-Military ID holders must RSVP by<strong>Feb</strong>ruary 13th at 3pm with passport ID#,Nationality, Date of Birth, Vehicle andplate number.COST: 16 USD – Price includes a drinkand the show ~ Euros accepted basedon the MWR monthly exchange rate.Thank you, Helen!Congratulations to Helen Werum on hernew job position. Unfortunately, thismeans that she has resigned from hervolunteer position as RSVP liaison on the<strong>American</strong> side, after years of doing agreat job! A large "THANK YOU!! to you,Helen, for managing the RSVP's. Youand Sigrid Hell managed to solve all thedifferent questions and problems concerningthe large variety of events. Solutionswere found for all different situations andeven the latest answers were taken inconsideration! Thank you very much forall your pations!!!So we are welcoming Gloria Inlow toour RSVP Team. She will be joiningSigrid Hell. Welcome, Gloria and thankyou for volunteering!Gloria Inlow gloria.inlow@comcast.netandSigrid Hell sigridhell@t-online.de0711/514802Pfennigbasar Sorting Room Opening HoursPlease mark your calendar: the Patchsorting room will be open EVERY TUES-DAY, starting January 8, from 9 am tonoon.Also, the Kelly Sorting Room will openthe SECOND WEDNESDAY of eachmonth from 9:30 am to noon.However, JUST for January, it willopen the third Wednesday, January 16,2013. Thank you for volunteering andlet’s have another successful PfennigBazaar year!Patch Sorting Room: Building 2332 &Kelly Sorting Room, Bay #2, behind theTheater“Happy Sorting“Mary Walsh Nickle, Pfennig Bazaar Co-Chair nickle5@msn.com3

<strong>Newsletter</strong> <strong>Feb</strong>ruary - <strong>March</strong> 2013Special General Membership MeetingA Special General Membership Meetingwill be held to clarify the recent membershipdues increase and to discuss thefuture of Pfennig Bazaar. This meeting isopen to all <strong>Club</strong> Members. If during themeeting, the members present decide tovote to change the Pfennig Bazaar, onlythose in attendance will be able to vote.This is legal according to our Constitution.However, prior to the meeting, if youare unable to attend, you are encouragedto submit by email or in writing any opinionsor suggestions to Laurie Menzel,lmenzel@att.net or Bussardweg 8,70839 Gerlingen by 20 <strong>Feb</strong>ruary.These will be read aloud during the discussionto ensure all interested membersopinions are heard. Only Active Members,in attendance, will be permitted tovote, there will not be any absentee voting,following our Constitution. Absenteeballoting only occurs in the case of elections.Associate Members are cordiallyinvited to attend this meeting.Zur Klärung der kürzlich erfolgten Erhöhungder Mitgliedsbeiträge und um überdie Zukunft des Pfennigbasaars zu diskutieren,wird eine spezielle Mitgliederversammlungeinberufen. An der Versammlungkönnen alle Klubmitglieder teilnehmen.Wenn während der Versammlungdie anwesenden Mitglieder entscheiden,über Veränderungen beim Pfennigbasarabzustimmen, können nur die anwesendenMitglieder abstimmen. Nach unsererVerfassung ist dies gesetzmässig.Wenn Sie an der Versammlung nicht teilnehmenkönnen, empfehlen wir, IhreMeinung oder Ratschläge schriftlich oderper email bis zum 20.<strong>Feb</strong>ruar an LaurieMenzel zu schicken. Diese werden währendder Diskussion laut verlesen, umsicher zu stellen, dass die Meinungenaller Mitglieder gehört werden. Nur aktive,anwesende Mitglieder können abstimmen.Unserer Verfassung zufolgegibt es keine Briefwahl. Briefwahl findetnur bei einem Vorstandswahl statt. AssociateMitglieder sind herzlich eingeladen,an der Versammlung teilzunehmen.When: Thursday, <strong>Feb</strong>ruary 21st, 2013,10 amWhere: Schlossgarten Hotel, Schillerstraße23, 70173 StuttgartRSVP: <strong>Feb</strong>ruary 8, 2013Please contactSigrid Hell, sigridhell@t-online.de0711514802 orGloria Inlow, gloria.inlow@comcast.netAgenda:Welcome / WillkommenMembership Dues Clarification / Klaerungder MitgliedsbeitraegePfennig Bazaar Future Discussion / Dikussionueber die Zukunft des PfennigbasarPotential Vote / eventuelle WahlAnnouncements / BekanntmachungenAdjournment / abschliessende KommentareRespectfully,Laurie MenzelParliamentarian,GAWC Stuttgart e.V.2013-2014 GAWC Board Election PositionsWould you like to get more involvedwith GAWC? This is a wonderful way toget to know more club members and toensure the future of GAWC.The nominating committee has begunworking on the next GAWC ElectedBoard. If you are interested in serving onthe GAWC Board in one of the electedpositions, we would love to hear fromyou!For more detailed information on all thepositions available, please contact LaurieMenzel at 071561799656 or lmenzel@att.net4

<strong>Newsletter</strong> <strong>Feb</strong>ruary - <strong>March</strong> 2013Looking Ahead 2012/2013<strong>Feb</strong>ruary 21st 10:00 am Membership meeting<strong>Feb</strong>ruary 23rd 6:30pm Cocktails and Theater EventHarper Lee’s Classic – ”To Kill a Mockingbird“<strong>March</strong> 14th 10:30am International Event by our members!October 2013 TBD 44th Pfennig BazarThese dates are subjects to changeDeadlines for <strong>Newsletter</strong>s 2013Deadline NL<strong>Newsletter</strong><strong>March</strong> 1st April/May 2013May 1st June 2013Please be so kind and mark your calendar according to thedeadlines, so the <strong>Newsletter</strong> can reach you on time.The <strong>Newsletter</strong> TeamMembership InformationFacebook informations:Are you on Facebook? Are you friends with StuttgartGAWC? Join the "Stuttgart GAWC" Facebook page whereyou can find the latest information on events and happeningsin the club and interact with other members in theclub! "Like" us today!https://www.facebook.com/groups/StuttgartGAWC/The new „Reservation Ladies team“:Gloria Inlow gloria.inlow@comcast.net andSigrid Hell sigridhell@t-online.de0711/514802<strong>Newsletter</strong> Deadline:For our next <strong>Newsletter</strong> April/May 2013 please submit allarticles by <strong>March</strong> 1 st , 2013.Your <strong>Newsletter</strong> TeamJuanita Harvin & Katharina Svendsenharvinj@gmail.comsvendsen@arcor.denewsletter@gawc-stuttgart.orgwww.gawc-stuttgart.orgChanges of address or membershipplease contact:<strong>German</strong>: Gabi Weber,Weberfamily.de@gmail.com<strong>American</strong>: Moira Kearney,moira1962@aol.comInternational: Mariann Szava-Nagel,mariann@szava-nagel.deThese are subjects to change5

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