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Cedar-Strip Boat Construction:Techniques & Fundamentalswith Ken Koscik4/27/13-5/2/13With more than just aesthetic appeal, cedar-strip boatsare known for being lightweight, strong and quick tobuild. You will gain the know-how to complete a boatproject in your own backyard through six days ofhands-on instruction building a tandem canoe with otherstudents. Techniques involve planking, fiberglassing andfitting out the canoe, as well as other boatbuilding skills.Just like the title says, a solid foundation of the ‘techniquesand fundamentals’ gives you the skills to completeyour desired cedar-strip boat building project.Students are also invited for informal evening slideshowsthat introduce the techniques of birch bark canoe constructionand steam bending. Separate tuition paymentand cancellation policies apply to this course. At the closeof the course, the student-built canoe project will be forsale at a defined price to interested students. If multiplestudents are interested, a raffle will decide who will gohome with the tandem canoe. An easy project to cartopback to your waterway and start your paddling adventure!length (days) 6 hours 9am-5pmtuition $480 early bird tuition (6+ wks in advance) $450materials includedage with adult 14+Cedar-Strip Boatbuilding:Build Your Own Canoe or Kayakwith Ken Koscik6/24/13-7/4/13Enjoy the contrast of light and dark wooden strips, thequiet lapping of water on wood and the pride of craftsmanshipthat stems from building your own cedar-stripboat. From start to finish, you cut thin cedar planks andlearn to assemble an appealing pattern for your canoe orkayak. Students may choose from three cedar-strip boatprojects: an 18 1/2’ tandem cruiser canoe, a 16’ trippingcanoe or a 17’ kayak. Students must bring a partner,family member or friend (or two!) to help…this can bea great project that will result in a lifetime of memories.Due to the nature of this course and intensity of instruction,this class is limited to two boat projects per session.length (days) 11 hours 9am-5pmtuition $1865 $3,500 per boatearly bird tuition (6+ weeks in advance) $1865materials $1635 age with adult 14+Coracle Boat:Build Your Ownwith Lindsay Lee8/12/13-8/14/13A coracle is an ancient boat of Irish and Welsh originwhich was used in the rivers there to net salmon. Originallycovered with a single cow hide, these “modern”(built in the last 300 years) coracles will have a canvascover stretched over a woven willow frame. These aresimple, super lightweight (under 30 lbs) boats that canbe built in short order so you can get on the water. Herein the shop, there’s a saying that goes ‘let’s not get fancy,let’s get fishin.’ A coracle is NOT a white water craft, noris it for big water. It is too small to license, and too roundto paddle (a scull stroke is used). However, it fits insidemany cars, can be carried some distance and can get younewfar enough from shore to make some nice, discrete casts.length (days) 3 hours 9am-5pmtuition $255 early bird tuition (6+ wks in advance) $225materials $175888-387-9762Greenlandic Inuit Kayak: Build Your OwnFundamentals ofTraditional Wooden Boat Buildingwith John Beltman10/11/13-10/16/13Explore the grace and craft of wooden boatbuilding andunlock the secrets of hand-crafting your own woodenwatercraft in this six-day hands-on course. Combineclassroom sessions with shop time to become familiarwith the entire wooden boat-building process, fromtransferring boat plans into real size through lofting tosteam-bending and proper caulking techniques. By theend of this course you’ll feel more comfortable pursuingyour own project knowing you learned from an experiencedboatbuilder. The class project for the course is thecherished Susan Skiff, a classic wooden rowboat with acarvel-planked bottom and lapstrake sides.length (days) 6 hours 9am-5pmtuition $510 early bird tuition (6+ wks in advance) $480materials includedGreenlandic Inuit Kayak:Build Your Ownwith Mark Hansen3/18/13-3/29/13This course is for individuals with a strong interest increating a seaworthy craft with their own hands. TheInuit kayak from Greenland is a fast and responsivecraft for hunting, and you design your own craft to fityour body size. You’ll lay out mortise and tenon joints,steam bend ribs and cockpit coaming, lash nylon cordInuit-style and sew the nylon frame covering. Kayakswill be constructed of Sitka spruce, white cedar, whiteoak, white ash and covered with 14 oz. urethane-coatednylon for a bomb-proof skin. The course starts with anon-water paddling session as a way to test various sizesand shapes of kayaks and assist in the students’ choicesof their own kayak design. Kayak length may vary from14’ to 18’ depending on your preference. Students are encouragedto bring a partner to assist them as this coursecan be a great family project.length (days) 12 hours 9am-5pmtuition $1250 per kayakearly bird tuition (6+ weeks in advance) $1200materials varies ($550+)13Hand Crafting A <strong>North</strong>woods Paddlewith Mike Schelmeske8/10/13-8/11/13Create the traditional paddle used by <strong>North</strong>woods travelersfor hundreds of years. In this course, a <strong>North</strong> <strong>House</strong>classic, you learn about wood selection and wood grainconsiderations as well as paddle sizing and the theory ofshape as applied to handles, shafts and blades. You maychoose from a variety of different classic paddle designsand you leave the course with a custom-designed paddleconstructed with simple hand tools, including a traditionalspokeshave and blockplane. Many students haveshared this experience with a child or grandchild, creatingtwo paddles and memories that will last a lifetime: children12+ welcome with an adult, a 25% tuition discountfor the child applies.length (days) 2 hours 9am-5pmtuition $150 early bird tuition (6+ wks in advance) $130materials $40age with adult 12+Inuit Kayak Paddle: Make Your Ownwith Mark Hansen3/30/13This course leads participants through the design andconstruction of a traditional Inuit kayak paddle. Thesepaddles feature narrow blades that are well-balanced,lightweight and efficient. You learn about wood selection,wood grain considerations, paddle sizing and the theoryof shape as applied to shafts and blades. Participants mayexperiment with paddles on the water to ensure propersizing and shape. You leave the course with a paddle constructedwith simple hand tools that is tailored to yourbody size and made to suit the shape and characteristicsof your kayak.length (days) 1 hours 9am-5pmtuition $95 early bird tuition (6+ wks in advance) $90materials varies (approx. $55)age with adult 12+Oar Construction:Make Your Own Setwith John Beltman4/6/13-4/7/13Give your boat a taste of traditional nautical life byhandcrafting a classic set of wooden oars. This two-dayworkshop provides a thorough, hands-on introductionto the craft of oar making. You’ll use traditional handtools including a spokeshave, drawknife and block planeto shape a custom set of oars from basswood and learnabout finishing the oars using traditional leatherwork forhandles. Create a set of oars from a variety of patternsand styles, or you can design your own to fit your boat.There’s nothing like an early morning or sunset row - getequipped and out on the water. Under the instructor’s supervision,participants may experiment with a variety ofhandcrafted wooden oars and wooden boats on campusto determine their preferred sizes.length (days) 2 hours 9am-5pmtuition $180 early bird tuition (6+ wks in advance) $170materials varies, approx $110more details, more photos: www.northhouse.org

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