Do We Have A Reverence And Fear Of God?

Do We Have A Reverence And Fear Of God?

Do We Have A Reverence And Fear Of God?


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the importance of this passage saying that it fully deserves to be accepted, Shaul is talkingabout the necessity of reverence toward <strong>God</strong>. <strong>God</strong>liness here is the Greek word sebeia,meaning well devout, <strong>God</strong>ly and pious. It is referring to our total attitude toward <strong>God</strong>.<strong>God</strong>liness is important as it sits among other virtues. 1 st Timothy 6:11 reads; “ But you, asa man of <strong>God</strong>, flee from these things; and pursue righteousness, godliness, faithfulness, love,steadfastness, gentleness.” Kefa Bet (2 nd Peter) 1:5-7 reads; “for this very reason, try yourhardest to furnish your faith with goodness, goodness with knowledge, knowledge with selfcontrol,self-control with perseverance, perseverance with godliness, godliness with brotherlyaffection and brotherly affection with love.” The word godliness in the epistles seems tomean a right attitude toward <strong>God</strong>, that is reverence and respect. It is all about the fear of<strong>God</strong>, humility before <strong>God</strong> and submission before <strong>God</strong>. In His Kehillah, is there a collapseof such reverence and respect? Many want a thrilling sense of <strong>God</strong> and glory, anoverflowing of His joy and Ruach, but this can only come with reverence. Our <strong>God</strong> mustalways be the only <strong>God</strong> we come to with reverence and submission. If we dislike reverence,we will only achieve a sham, a false counterfeit, a shallow emotional substitute. <strong>We</strong> do notneed to have sensationalism we need reverence, fear and awe of the one and only true <strong>God</strong>.The 5 th commandment in Shemot (Exodus) 20:12 reads; “Honor your father and mother,so that you may live long in the land which Adonai your <strong>God</strong> is giving you.” The Hebrewword for honor is Kabad, it suggest heaviness, weightiness, glorify. It implies long lasting, ora continuing sense and significant lifelong responsibility. In English, honor means to givehigh regard, respect, and esteem; to give special recognition to; to give respect, an outwardtoken, sign or act that manifests high regard for. Though this commandment is primarilyaimed at the function of parenting, but it is not limited to it. Why does <strong>God</strong> want us tohonor our parents? First the family is the basic building block of society, the stability of thefamily is essential to the building stability in the community. The more respectful we are ofour parents, the greater degree of respect will be carried beyond the immediate family andinto strengthening the community. The family is also the main building block ofgovernment. The lessons and principles learned from honoring, respecting and submitting to<strong>God</strong> results in a society stable enough to promote the development of the whole person.Parents are <strong>God</strong>’s representatives, His agents, to begin preparations for <strong>God</strong>’s Kingdom.<strong>God</strong> is honored and revered in the parents when children obey them. When we keep thefifth commandment properly, it leads us to revere and obey <strong>God</strong>. Yeshua says worshippersworship Him in vain when their hearts are far from Him. Mattityahu 15:8-9 reads; “Thesepeople honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me. Their worship of meis useless.” It seems like we can say worship means having a bowed-down head and heart aswe revere our Maker. It is having an attitude of total and unconditional surrendering to theone we call Master, our Lord, our <strong>God</strong>, our Savior. Worshipping thus becomes a relationshipwith a holy <strong>God</strong> characterized by a bowed down heart in total surrender. It reflects one whois poor in Spirit, and one who mourns as he recognizes his spiritual bankruptcy. As we bowdown our hearts and heads to <strong>God</strong> in worship, crying out for mercy and to be filled with<strong>God</strong>’s attitudes, we are comforted and filled. Tehillim (Psalm) 95:6 reads; “Come, lets bowdown and worship; let’s kneel before Adonai who made us.” when Iyov heard the horrificnews of the total loss of everything he once had; including his children, he did what manywould consider unusual. Job 1:20 reads; “Iyov got up, tore his coat, shaved his head, felldown on the ground and worshipped.” Here is a great reference to reverence and worship.<strong>Do</strong> some of the churches of today teach the fear of <strong>God</strong>, or has their teaching truned Him

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