Do We Have A Reverence And Fear Of God?

Do We Have A Reverence And Fear Of God?

Do We Have A Reverence And Fear Of God?


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Our all consuming <strong>God</strong> needs to be feared, maybe this might shake some of us up.Yesha’yahu (Isaiah) 8:12-13 reads; “<strong>Do</strong>n’t regard as alliance what this people calls alliance,and don’t fear what they fear or be awestruck by it, but Adonai-Tzva’ot consecrate Him! LetHim be the object of your fear and awe!” <strong>We</strong> must sanctify our <strong>God</strong>, give Him the glory dueHis name and behave towards Him as those that believe Him to be a holy <strong>God</strong>, we mustmake Him our fear, the object of our fear. <strong>We</strong> must stand in awe of His sovereignty, beafraid of displeasing Him. Nechemyah (Nehemiah) 4:8 reads; “After inspecting them, Istood up and addressed the nobles, leaders and the rest of the people: “<strong>Do</strong>n’t be afraid ofthem! Remember Adonai who is great and fearful; and fight for your brothers, sons,daughters, wives and homes.” Those that are afraid of the reproach of men forget the Lordtheir Maker. Yesha’yahu (Isaiah) 51:12-13 reads; “I, yes I, am the one who comforts you!Why are you afraid of a man who must die; of a human being, who will wither like grass?You have forgotten Adonai, your Maker, who stretched out the heavens and laid thefoundations of the earth, instead your in constant fear all day because of the oppressor’srage, as he prepares to destroy! But where is the oppressor’s rage?Iyov (Job) 23:13-16 reads; “But He has no equal, so who can change Him? What He desiresHe does. He will accomplish what is decreed for me, and He has many plans like this. This iswhy I am terrified of Him; the more I think about it, the more afraid I am--<strong>God</strong> hasundermined my courage; Shaddai frightens me.” Iyov did not fear that <strong>God</strong> would let himdown, or that He is not faithful or just, or forgiving; in fact he has an intense determinationto make us holy (so we can be with Him forever) is cause for the right kind of <strong>God</strong>ly fear:<strong>God</strong> is the above all perfectionist, He will get what He wants, and if that is us, it is fearful torealize just how far He will go. He is the potter and intends vessels of holiness. <strong>We</strong> need notfear that <strong>God</strong> might fail us or give up on us, but rather He is indeed faithful to finish whatHe has started.I pray that this synagogue would become a place where our relationship with Him becomesa burning presence in our lives. I pray that He shatters our pride into little grains of sand,that He burns our sins into ashes and that He reveals to us, stripping us naked, showing uswho we are in Him. <strong>We</strong> need to become a place where nothing but us is safe in Hispresence. Nothing including our plans, our money, our possessions, and our needs. Thisworld is desiring to see people whose <strong>God</strong> is holy, frightening, gentle, tender, and merciful.A <strong>God</strong> who wants to espouse to each and every person, I LOVE YOU!To read more messages like this visit: www.synagoguechm.com

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